<p>There are many other places where you can get a free or cheap certificate. If you don't want to use our automatic Let's Encrypt integration, you can give <ahref="https://www.namecheap.com/security/ssl-certificates/domain-validation.aspx">Namecheap’s $9 certificate</a>, <ahref="https://www.startssl.com/">StartSSL’s free express lane</a>, <ahref="https://buy.wosign.com/free/">WoSign’s free TLS</a></a> or any other certificate reseller a try.</p>
<p>There are many other places where you can get a free or cheap certificate. If you don't want to use our automatic Let's Encrypt integration, you can give <ahref="https://www.namecheap.com/security/ssl-certificates/domain-validation.aspx">Namecheap’s $9 certificate</a>, <ahref="https://www.startssl.com/">StartSSL’s free express lane</a>, <ahref="https://buy.wosign.com/free/">WoSign’s free TLS</a></a> or any other certificate provider a try.</p>
<p>Which domain are you getting a certificate for?</p>
<p>Which domain are you getting a certificate for?</p>