Commit 1c84e0ae authored by Rinze's avatar Rinze

Added received mail count to hourly activity overview in mail log management script

parent ae1b56d2
......@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ def scan_mail_log(logger, env):
"imap-logins": defaultdict(int),
"pop3-logins": defaultdict(int),
"smtp-sends": defaultdict(int),
"smtp-receives": defaultdict(int),
"real_mail_addresses": (
set(mailconfig.get_mail_users(env)) | set(alias[0] for alias in mailconfig.get_mail_aliases(env))
......@@ -79,15 +80,16 @@ def scan_mail_log(logger, env):
logger.print_line(k + "\t" + str(date) + "\t" + sender + "\t" + message)
logger.add_heading("Activity by Hour")
logger.print_block("Logins and sent mail per hour.")
logger.print_block("Dovecot logins and Postfix mail traffic per hour.")
for h in range(24):
"%d\t%d\t\t%d\t\t%d" % (
"%d\t%d\t\t%d\t\t%d\t\t%d" % (
......@@ -113,6 +115,8 @@ def scan_mail_log_line(line, collector):
scan_postgrey_line(date, log, collector)
elif service == "postfix/smtpd":
scan_postfix_smtpd_line(date, log, collector)
elif service == "postfix/cleanup":
scan_postfix_cleanup_line(date, log, collector)
elif service == "postfix/submission/smtpd":
scan_postfix_submission_line(date, log, collector)
elif service in ("postfix/qmgr", "postfix/pickup", "postfix/cleanup", "postfix/scache", "spampd", "postfix/anvil",
......@@ -155,6 +159,8 @@ def scan_postgrey_line(date, log, collector):
def scan_postfix_smtpd_line(date, log, collector):
""" Scan a postfix smtpd log line and extract interesting data """
# Check if the incomming mail was rejected
m = re.match("NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from .*?: (.*?); from=<(.*?)> to=<(.*?)>", log)
if m:
......@@ -162,7 +168,7 @@ def scan_postfix_smtpd_line(date, log, collector):
if recipient in collector["real_mail_addresses"]:
# only log mail to real recipients
# skip this, is reported in the greylisting report
# skip this, if reported in the greylisting report
if "Recipient address rejected: Greylisted" in message:
......@@ -179,6 +185,15 @@ def scan_postfix_smtpd_line(date, log, collector):
collector["rejected-mail"].setdefault(recipient, []).append((date, sender, message))
def scan_postfix_cleanup_line(date, _, collector):
""" Scan a postfix cleanup log line and extract interesting data
It is assumed that every log of postfix/cleanup indicates an email that was successfulfy received by Postfix.
collector["activity-by-hour"]["smtp-receives"][date.hour] += 1
def scan_postfix_submission_line(date, log, collector):
""" Scan a postfix submission log line and extract interesting data """
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