import QtQuick 2.7 import QtQuick.Controls 2.1 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2 import Common 1.0 import Common.Styles 1.0 import Utils 1.0 // ============================================================================= Item { id: droppableTextArea property alias placeholderText: textArea.placeholderText property alias text: textArea.text property bool dropEnabled: true property string dropDisabledReason // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal dropped (var files) signal validText (string text) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function _emitFiles (files) { // Filtering files, other urls are forbidden. files = files.reduce(function (files, file) { if (file.startsWith('file:')) { files.push(Utils.getSystemPathFromUri(file)) } return files }, []) if (files.length > 0) { dropped(files) } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Text area. Flickable { anchors.fill: parent boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds ScrollBar.vertical: ForceScrollBar { id: scrollBar } TextArea.flickable: TextArea { id: textArea function handleValidation () { if (text.length !== 0) { validText(text) } } background: Rectangle { color: DroppableTextAreaStyle.backgroundColor } color: DroppableTextAreaStyle.text.color font.pointSize: DroppableTextAreaStyle.text.pointSize rightPadding: fileChooserButton.width + fileChooserButton.anchors.rightMargin + DroppableTextAreaStyle.fileChooserButton.margins selectByMouse: true wrapMode: TextArea.Wrap // Workaround. Without this line, the scrollbar is not linked correctly // to the text area. width: parent.width Component.onCompleted: forceActiveFocus() Keys.onPressed: { if (event.matches(StandardKey.InsertLineSeparator)) { insert(cursorPosition, '') } else if (event.key === Qt.Key_Return || event.key === Qt.Key_Enter) { handleValidation() event.accepted = true } } } } // Handle click to select files. ActionButton { id: fileChooserButton anchors { right: parent.right rightMargin: scrollBar.width + DroppableTextAreaStyle.fileChooserButton.margins verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } enabled: droppableTextArea.dropEnabled icon: 'attachment' iconSize: DroppableTextAreaStyle.fileChooserButton.size onClicked: FileDialog { id: fileDialog folder: shortcuts.home title: qsTr('fileChooserTitle') onAccepted: _emitFiles(fileDialog.fileUrls) } TooltipArea { text: droppableTextArea.dropEnabled ? qsTr('attachmentTooltip') : droppableTextArea.dropDisabledReason } } // Hovered style. Rectangle { id: hoverContent anchors.fill: parent color: DroppableTextAreaStyle.hoverContent.backgroundColor visible: false Text { anchors.centerIn: parent color: DroppableTextAreaStyle.hoverContent.text.color font.pointSize: DroppableTextAreaStyle.hoverContent.text.pointSize text: qsTr('dropYourAttachment') } } DropArea { anchors.fill: parent keys: [ 'text/uri-list' ] visible: droppableTextArea.dropEnabled onDropped: { state = '' if (drop.hasUrls) { _emitFiles(drop.urls) } } onEntered: state = 'hover' onExited: state = '' states: State { name: 'hover' PropertyChanges { target: hoverContent; visible: true } } } }