import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2

import Common.Styles 1.0

// ===================================================================

Item {
  signal dropped (var files)

  property alias placeholderText: textArea.placeholderText

  function _emitFiles (files) {
    // Filtering files, other urls are forbidden.
    files = files.reduce(function (files, file) {
      var result = file.match(/^file:\/\/(.*)/)

      if (result) {

      return files
    }, [])

    if (files.length > 0) {

  // Text area.
  Flickable {
    ScrollBar.vertical: ForceScrollBar {
      id: scrollBar
    TextArea.flickable: TextArea {
      id: textArea

      background: Rectangle {
        color: DroppableTextAreaStyle.backgroundColor

      rightPadding: fileChooserButton.width +
        fileChooserButton.anchors.rightMargin +
      wrapMode: TextArea.Wrap
    anchors.fill: parent

    // Necessary, else `placeHolderText` can get out of the component.
    clip: true

  // Handle click to select files.
  ActionButton {
    id: fileChooserButton

    anchors {
      right: parent.right
      rightMargin: scrollBar.width +
      verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
    icon: 'attachment'
    iconSize: DroppableTextAreaStyle.fileChooserButton.size


    FileDialog {
      id: fileDialog

      folder: shortcuts.home
      title: qsTr('fileChooserTitle')

      onAccepted: _emitFiles(fileDialog.fileUrls)

    TooltipArea {
      text: qsTr('attachmentTooltip')

  // Hover style.
  Rectangle {
    id: hoverContent

    anchors.fill: parent
    color: DroppableTextAreaStyle.hoverContent.backgroundColor
    visible: false

    Text {
      anchors.centerIn: parent
      color: DroppableTextAreaStyle.hoverContent.text.color
      font.pointSize: DroppableTextAreaStyle.hoverContent.text.fontSize
      text: qsTr('dropYourAttachment')

  DropArea {
    anchors.fill: parent
    keys: [ 'text/uri-list' ]

    onDropped: {
      state = ''
      if (drop.hasUrls) {
    onEntered: state = 'hover'
    onExited: state = ''

    states: State {
      name: 'hover'
      PropertyChanges { target: hoverContent; visible: true }