Commit d2243b24 authored by Simon Morlat's avatar Simon Morlat

update submodules

parent 296391da
bctoolbox @ a7eead40
Subproject commit 7ee306d96daaf5ec6082bec1d6fb25e9eb0df271
Subproject commit a7eead409521583203b82a827adead9954c1a1d6
belle-sip @ 681d6a7c
Subproject commit 5d0e3edadf237fb4489b050c061dab2285f71b59
Subproject commit 681d6a7c024dc4a7b42368493b49541d9e8f3d75
linphone @ 062abe3c
Subproject commit d6424def2a28eb3276aeb97ced780edeb8a3b390
Subproject commit 062abe3cf1899dd7d90bfa0957df3953086e8385
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