Commit dab13cf3 authored by Viral Solani's avatar Viral Solani Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #10 from bvipul/vs_module_manager

Refactored the Module Manager Controller
parents 1d1e002b 42febb2d
......@@ -22,3 +22,5 @@ Todo.rtf
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class DummyRepoName extends BaseRepository
public function create(array $input)
$dummy_small_model_name = self::MODEL;
if ($dummy_small_model_name->save()) {
if ($dummy_small_model_name->save($input)) {
return true;
throw new GeneralException(trans('exceptions.backend.dummy_small_plural_model_name.create_error'));
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class DummyRepoName extends BaseRepository
public function update(dummy_model_name $dummy_small_model_name, array $input)
if ($dummy_small_model_name->update())
if ($dummy_small_model_name->update($input))
return true;
throw new GeneralException(trans('exceptions.backend.dummy_small_plural_model_name.update_error'));
......@@ -2,46 +2,36 @@
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Backend\Module;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Models\Module\Module;
use App\Http\Utilities\Generator;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Http\Requests\Backend\Modules\CreateModuleRequest;
use App\Http\Requests\Backend\Modules\ManageModuleRequest;
use App\Http\Requests\Backend\Modules\StoreModuleRequest;
use App\Models\Access\Permission\Permission;
use App\Models\Module\Module;
use App\Repositories\Backend\Module\ModuleRepository;
use Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Artisan;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
use App\Http\Requests\Backend\Modules\StoreModuleRequest;
use App\Http\Requests\Backend\Modules\CreateModuleRequest;
use App\Http\Requests\Backend\Modules\ManageModuleRequest;
* Class ModuleController
* @author Vipul Basapati < |>
class ModuleController extends Controller
public $files;
public $model;
public $table;
public $repository;
public $directory;
public $attribute = 'Attribute';
public $trait_directory = 'Traits';
public $relationship = 'Relationship';
public $route_path = 'routes\\Backend\\';
public $generator;
public $event_namespace = 'app\\Events\\Backend\\';
public $model_namespace = 'app\\Models\\';
public $view_path = 'resources\\views\\backend\\';
public $repo_namespace = 'app\\Repositories\\Backend\\';
public $request_namespace = 'app\\Http\\Requests\\Backend\\';
public $controller_namespace = 'app\\Http\\Controllers\\Backend\\';
* Constructor.
* @param Filesystem $files
* @param ModuleRepository $repository
public function __construct(Filesystem $files, ModuleRepository $repository)
public function __construct(ModuleRepository $repository)
$this->files = $files;
$this->repository = $repository;
$this->generator = new Generator();
......@@ -62,13 +52,13 @@ class ModuleController extends Controller
public function create(CreateModuleRequest $request)
return view('backend.modules.create')
->with('model_namespace', $this->model_namespace)
->with('request_namespace', $this->request_namespace)
->with('controller_namespace', $this->controller_namespace)
->with('model_namespace', $this->generator->getModelNamespace())
->with('request_namespace', $this->generator->getRequestNamespace())
->with('controller_namespace', $this->generator->getControllerNamespace())
->with('event_namespace', $this->event_namespace)
->with('repo_namespace', $this->repo_namespace)
->with('route_path', $this->route_path)
->with('view_path', $this->view_path);
->with('repo_namespace', $this->generator->getRepoNamespace())
->with('route_path', $this->generator->getRoutePath())
->with('view_path', $this->generator->getViewPath());
......@@ -80,738 +70,23 @@ class ModuleController extends Controller
public function store(StoreModuleRequest $request)
//If Directory Name is available
if (!empty($request->directory_name)) {
$this->directory = $request->directory_name;
$this->model_namespace .= $this->directory;
$this->controller_namespace .= $this->directory;
$this->event_namespace .= $this->directory;
$this->view_path .= $this->directory;
$this->repo_namespace .= $this->directory;
$this->request_namespace .= $this->directory;
//If Model name is given
if (!empty($request->model_name)) {
$this->model = ucfirst($request->model_name);
$input = $request->all();
//If table name is given
if (!empty($request->table_name)) {
$this->table = $request->table_name;
//Creating Migration
} else {
$this->table = strtolower(str_plural($this->model));
//Creating Model
$model = $this->createModel($input);
//Creating Controller
$this->createController($input, $model);
// //Creating Event And Listeners
//Creating the Module
$this->repository->create( $request->all(), $this->generator->getPermissions() );
return redirect()->route('admin.modules.index')->withFlashSuccess('Module Generated Successfully!');
* Creating Event Files.
* @param array $input
public function createEvents($input)
$events = array_filter($input['event']);
if (!empty($events)) {
$base_path = 'Backend\\';
if (!empty($input['directory_name'])) {
$base_path .= $this->directory;
$base_path = escapeSlashes($base_path);
foreach ($events as $event) {
$path = escapeSlashes($base_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$event);
$model = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '\\', $path);
Artisan::call('make:event', [
'name' => $model,
Artisan::call('make:listener', [
'name' => $model.'Listener',
'--event' => $model,
return 'Events and Listerners generated successfully';
* Creating Repository File.
* @param array $input
public function createRepoFile($input)
$directory = $this->directory;
//Model Namespace
$model_namespace = ucfirst(trim(str_replace('//', '\\', $this->model_namespace), '\\'));
$model = $this->model;
//Model lowercase plural
$model_small_plural = strtolower(str_plural($model));
//Standardizing Slashes
$base_path = escapeSlashes($this->repo_namespace);
$namespace = ucfirst($this->repo_namespace);
//Repository Name
$repository = str_plural($model).'Repository';
//Creating Directory for Repository
//Appending Repository name to base_path
$base_path = escapeSlashes($base_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$repository);
//Getting stub file content
$file_contents = $this->files->get($this->getStubPath().'Repository.stub');
//If Model Create is checked
if (!isset($input['model_create'])) {
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@startCreate', '@endCreate', $file_contents);
} else {//If it isn't
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@startCreate', '@startCreate', $file_contents);
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@endCreate', '@endCreate', $file_contents);
//If Model Edit is Checked
if (!isset($input['model_edit'])) {
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@startEdit', '@endEdit', $file_contents);
} else {//If it isn't
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@startEdit', '@startEdit', $file_contents);
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@endEdit', '@endEdit', $file_contents);
//If Model Delete is Checked
if (!isset($input['model_delete'])) {
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@startDelete', '@endDelete', $file_contents);
} else {//If it isn't
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@startDelete', '@startDelete', $file_contents);
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@endDelete', '@endDelete', $file_contents);
//Replacements to be done in repository stub file
$replacements = [
'DummyNamespace' => $namespace,
'DummyModelNamespace' => $model_namespace.'\\'.$model,
'DummyRepoName' => $repository,
'dummy_model_name' => $model,
'dummy_small_model_name' => strtolower($model),
'model_small_plural' => $model_small_plural,
'dummy_small_plural_model_name' => str_plural(strtolower($model)),
//Generating the repo file
$this->generateFile(false, $replacements, $base_path, $file_contents);
return $base_path;
* Creating View Files.
* @param array $input
public function createViewFiles($input)
//Getiing model
$model = $this->model;
//lowercase version of model
$model_lower = strtolower($model);
//lowercase and plural version of model
$model_lower_plural = str_plural($model_lower);
//View folder name
$view_folder_name = $model_lower_plural;
//View path
$path = escapeSlashes(strtolower(str_plural($this->view_path)));
//Header buttons folder
$header_button_path = $path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'partials';
//This would create both the directory name as well as partials inside of that directory
//Header button full path
$header_button_file_path = $header_button_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."$model_lower_plural-header-buttons.blade";
//Getting stub file content
$header_button_contents = $this->files->get($this->getStubPath().'header-buttons.stub');
if (empty($input['model_create'])) {
$header_button_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@create', '@endCreate', $header_button_contents);
} else {
$header_button_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@create', '@create', $header_button_contents);
$header_button_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@endCreate', '@endCreate', $header_button_contents);
//Generate Header buttons file
$this->generateFile(false, ['dummy_small_plural_model' => $model_lower_plural, 'dummy_small_model' => $model_lower], $header_button_file_path, $header_button_contents);
//Index blade
$index_path = $path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'index.blade';
//Generate the Index blade file
$this->generateFile('index_view', ['dummy_small_plural_model' => $model_lower_plural], $index_path);
//Create Blade
if (isset($input['model_create'])) {
//Create Blade
$create_path = $path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'create.blade';
//Generate Create Blade
$this->generateFile('create_view', ['dummy_small_plural_model' => $model_lower_plural, 'dummy_small_model' => $model_lower], $create_path);
//Edit Blade
if (isset($input['model_edit'])) {
//Edit Blade
$edit_path = $path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'edit.blade';
//Generate Edit Blade
$this->generateFile('edit_view', ['dummy_small_plural_model' => $model_lower_plural, 'dummy_small_model' => $model_lower], $edit_path);
//Form Blade
if (isset($input['model_create']) || isset($input['model_edit'])) {
//Form Blade
$form_path = $path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'form.blade';
//Generate Form Blade
$this->generateFile('form_view', [], $form_path);
//BreadCrumbs Folder Path
$breadcrumbs_path = escapeSlashes('app\\Http\\Breadcrumbs\\Backend');
//Breadcrumb File path
$breadcrumb_file_path = $breadcrumbs_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->model;
//Generate BreadCrumb File
$this->generateFile('Breadcrumbs', ['dummy_small_plural_model' => $model_lower_plural], $breadcrumb_file_path);
//Backend File of Breadcrumb
$breadcrumb_backend_file = $breadcrumbs_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'Backend.php';
//file_contents of Backend.php
$file_contents = file_get_contents(base_path($breadcrumb_backend_file));
//If this is already not there, then only append
if (!strpos($file_contents, "require __DIR__.'/$this->model.php';")) {
//Appending into BreadCrumb backend file
file_put_contents(base_path($breadcrumb_backend_file), "\nrequire __DIR__.'/$this->model.php';", FILE_APPEND);
* Creating Route File.
* @param array $input
public function createRouteFiles($controller_path, $table_controller_name, $input)
//Model Name
$model = $this->model;
//Base Path for the routes
$base_path = $this->route_path;
//Creating Directory for the Route if not already present
//Route name to use
$route_name = strtolower(str_plural($model));
//Controller Full Path
$full_path = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '\\', $controller_path);
//Model name lower case
$argument = strtolower($model);
//Controller Name
$controller = class_basename($full_path);
//Full Path after removing Controller name
$full_path = trim(str_replace($controller, '', $full_path), '\\');
//Directory in which the controller is made
$controller_directory = $this->directory;
//full path with file name of the route file to be generated
$base_path .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$model;
//If all the checkboxes of operations are selected
if (isset($input['model_create']) && isset($input['model_edit']) && isset($input['model_delete'])) {//Then get the resourceRoute stub
//Getting stub file content
$file_contents = $this->files->get($this->getStubPath().'resourceRoute.stub');
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@startNamespace', '@startNamespace', $file_contents);
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@endNamespace', '@endNamespace', $file_contents);
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@startWithoutNamespace', '@endWithoutNamespace', $file_contents);
} else {//Get the basic route stub
//Getting stub file content
$file_contents = $this->files->get($this->getStubPath().'route.stub');
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@startNamespace', '@startNamespace', $file_contents);
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@endNamespace', '@endNamespace', $file_contents);
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@startWithoutNamespace', '@endWithoutNamespace', $file_contents);
//If create is checked
if (isset($input['model_create'])) {
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@startCreate', '@startCreate', $file_contents);
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@endCreate', '@endCreate', $file_contents);
} else {//If it isn't
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@startCreate', '@endCreate', $file_contents);
//If Edit is checked
if (isset($input['model_edit'])) {
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@startEdit', '@startEdit', $file_contents);
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@endEdit', '@endEdit', $file_contents);
} else {//if it isn't
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@startEdit', '@endEdit', $file_contents);
//If delete is checked
if (isset($input['model_delete'])) {
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@startDelete', '@startDelete', $file_contents);
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@endDelete', '@endDelete', $file_contents);
} else {//If it isn't
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@startDelete', '@endDelete', $file_contents);
//Generate the Route file
$this->generateFile(false, [
'DummyModuleName' => $input['name'],
'DummyModel' => $controller_directory,
'dummy_name' => $route_name,
'DummyController' => $controller,
'DummyTableController' => $table_controller_name,
'dummy_argument_name' => $argument,
], $base_path, $file_contents);
* Creating Table File.
* @param array $input
public function createMigration($input)
$table = $this->table;
if (Schema::hasTable($table)) {
return 'Table Already Exists!';
} else {
//Calling Artisan command to create table
Artisan::call('make:migration', [
'name' => 'create_'.$table.'_table',
'--create' => $table,
return Artisan::output();
* Creating Model File.
* @param array $input
public function createModel($input)
$base_path = $this->model_namespace;
//Standardizing the slashes
$base_path = escapeSlashes($base_path);
$namespace = trim(str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '\\', $base_path), '\\');
//trait path
$trait_path = escapeSlashes($namespace.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->trait_directory);
//Creating Directory if isn't already
//Making app to App in namespace and trait_path
$namespace = ucfirst($namespace);
$trait_path = ucfirst($trait_path);
//model name
$model = $this->model;
//base path of the file to be generated
$base_path = escapeSlashes($base_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$model);
//If files are already present and override checkbox was checked
if ((!empty($input['override'])) && file_exists(base_path($base_path.'.php'))) {
//Attribute File Name
$attribute_name = str_plural($model).$this->attribute;
//Relationship File Name
$relationship_name = str_plural($model).$this->relationship;
//Namespace of the Traits Directory
$trait_namespace = ucfirst(trim(str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '\\', $trait_path), '\\'));
//App to app
$trait_path = lcfirst($trait_path);
//Get the Directory
$attribute = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '\\', $trait_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$attribute_name);
$relationship = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '\\', $trait_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$relationship_name);
//Generate Attribute File
$this->generateFile('Attribute', [
'AttributeNamespace' => $trait_namespace,
'AttributeClass' => $attribute_name,
], $attribute);
//Generate Relationship File
$this->generateFile('Relationship', [
'RelationshipNamespace' => $trait_namespace,
'RelationshipClass' => $relationship_name,
], $relationship);
//Generate Model File
$this->generateFile('Model', [
'DummyNamespace' => $namespace,
'DummyAttribute' => ucfirst($attribute),
'DummyRelationship' => ucfirst($relationship),
'AttributeName' => $attribute_name,
'RelationshipName' => $relationship_name,
'DummyModel' => $model,
'table_name' => $this->table,
], $base_path);
return $base_path;
* Generating the file by
* replacing placeholders in stub file.
* @param $stub_name Name of the Stub File
* @param $replacements [array] Array of the replacement to be done in stub file
* @param $file [string] full path of the file
* @param $contents [string][optional] file contents
public function generateFile($stub_name, $replacements, $file, $contents = null)
if ($stub_name) {
//Getting the Stub Files Content
$file_contents = $this->files->get($this->getStubPath().$stub_name.'.stub');
} else {
//Getting the Stub Files Content
$file_contents = $contents;
//Replacing the stub
$file_contents = str_replace(
$this->files->put(base_path(escapeSlashes($file)).'.php', $file_contents);
* getting the stub folder path.
* @return string
public function getStubPath()
* Creating Controller.
* @param array $input
public function createController($input, $model_path)
$base_path = $this->controller_namespace;
//Standardizing the slashes
$base_path = escapeSlashes($base_path);
$namespace = trim(str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '\\', $base_path), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
//Creating Directory if isn't already
//Making app to App in namespace and trait_path
$namespace = ucfirst($namespace);
$controller = str_plural($this->model).'Controller';
//base path of the file to be generated
$contents = $this->modifyControllerContents($input, $base_path, $model_path);
//contents of controller stub
$file_contents = $contents['contents'];
//Manage Request base path
$manage_request_base_path = $contents['manage_request'];
//Appending Controller Name to Base path
$base_path = escapeSlashes($base_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$controller);
//Create the Repository
$repo_base_path = $this->createRepoFile($input);
$repo_namespace = ucfirst(trim(str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '\\', $repo_base_path)));
//Generating Controller File
$this->generateFile(false, [
'DummyController' => $controller,
'DummyNamespace' => $namespace,
'DummyRepositoryNamespace' => $repo_namespace,
'dummy_repository' => class_basename($repo_base_path),
'dummy_small_plural_model' => strtolower(str_plural($this->model)),
], $base_path, $file_contents);
//Create Table Controller
$table_controller_name = $this->createTableController($input, $repo_base_path, $manage_request_base_path);
//Create the route file
$this->createRouteFiles($base_path, $table_controller_name, $input);
//Insert To Language Files
//Create View Files
* This would enter the necessary language file contents to respective language files.
* @param [array] $input
public function insertToLanguageFiles($input)
//Getting Model Name
$model = $this->model;
//Model singular version
$model_singular = ucfirst(str_singular($model));
//Model Plural version
$model_plural = strtolower(str_plural($model));
//Model plural with capitalize
$model_plural_capital = ucfirst($model_plural);
//Findind which locale is being used
$locale = config('app.locale');
//Path to that language files
$path = resource_path('lang'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$locale);
//config folder path
$config_path = config_path('module.php');
//Creating directory if it isn't
$path = $this->checkAndCreateDir($path);
//Labels file
$labels = [
'create' => "Create $model_singular",
'edit' => "Edit $model_singular",
'management' => "$model_singular Management",
'title' => "$model_plural_capital",
'table' => [
'id' => 'Id',
'createdat' => 'Created At',
//Pushing values to labels
add_key_value_in_file($path.'/labels.php', [$model_plural => $labels], 'backend');
//Menus file
$menus = [
'all' => "All $model_plural_capital",
'create' => "Create $model_singular",
'edit' => "Edit $model_singular",
'management' => "$model_singular Management",
'main' => "$model_plural_capital",
//Pushing to menus file
add_key_value_in_file($path.'/menus.php', [$model_plural => $menus], 'backend');
//Exceptions file
$exceptions = [
'already_exists' => "That $model_singular already exists. Please choose a different name.",
'create_error' => "There was a problem creating this $model_singular. Please try again.",
'delete_error' => "There was a problem deleting this $model_singular. Please try again.",
'not_found' => "That $model_singular does not exist.",
'update_error' => "There was a problem updating this $model_singular. Please try again.",
//Alerts File
$alerts = [
'created' => "The $model_singular was successfully created.",
'deleted' => "The $model_singular was successfully deleted.",
'updated' => "The $model_singular was successfully updated.",
//Pushing to menus file
add_key_value_in_file($path.'/alerts.php', [$model_plural => $alerts], 'backend');
//Pushing to exceptions file
add_key_value_in_file($path.'/exceptions.php', [$model_plural => $exceptions], 'backend');
//config file "module.php"
$config = [
$model_plural => [
'table' => $this->table,
//Pushing to config file
add_key_value_in_file($config_path, $config);
* For Creating Table Controller.
* @param array $input
* @param string $repo_base_path
* @param string $manage_request_base_path
public function createTableController($input, $repo_base_path, $manage_request_base_path)
//Repository namespace
$repo_namespace = ucfirst($this->repo_namespace);
//Request namespace
$request_namespace = ucfirst($this->request_namespace);
//base path
$base_path = $this->controller_namespace;
//Standardizing the slashes
$base_path = escapeSlashes($base_path);
$namespace = trim(str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '\\', $base_path), '\\');
//Creating Directory if isn't already
//Making app to App in namespace and trait_path
$namespace = ucfirst($namespace);
//Model Name
$model = $this->model;
$controller = str_plural($model).'TableController';
//Adding Controller name to base path
$base_path .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$controller;
//replacements to be done in table controller stub
$replacements = [
'DummyNamespace' => $namespace,
'DummyRepositoryNamespace' => $repo_namespace.'\\'.class_basename($repo_base_path),
'DummyManageRequestNamespace' => $request_namespace.'\\'.class_basename($manage_request_base_path),
'DummyTableController' => $controller,
'dummy_repository' => class_basename($repo_base_path),
'dummy_small_repo_name' => strtolower($model),
'dummy_manage_request_name' => class_basename($manage_request_base_path),
//generating the file
$this->generateFile('TableController', $replacements, $base_path);
return $controller;
* For Modifying controller stub content.
* @param array $input
* @param string $controller_path
* @return [type]
public function modifyControllerContents($input, $controller_path, $model_path)
//Getting stub file content
$file_contents = $this->files->get($this->getStubPath().'Controller.stub');
//Getting Model name
$model = $this->model;
//Making namespace by removing model from last of $model_path
$model_namespace = $this->model_namespace;
//requests file path
$request_path = $this->request_namespace;
//Creating Directory (if not exists, already)
//request files namespaces
$request_namespace = ucfirst($request_path);
//manage request file name
$manage_request_name = 'Manage'.str_plural($model).'Request';
//base path of the manage request file
$manage_request_base_path = $request_path.'\\'.$manage_request_name;
//Replacements to be done in controller stub
$replacements = [
'DummyModelNamespace' => $model_namespace,
'DummyModel' => $model,
'DummyArgumentName' => strtolower($model),
'DummyManageRequestNamespace' => $request_namespace.'\\'.$manage_request_name,
'DummyManageRequest' => $manage_request_name,
//Generate Manage Request File
$this->generateFile('Request', ['DummyNamespace' => $request_namespace, 'DummyClass' => $manage_request_name, 'permission' => strtolower('view-'.$model)], $manage_request_base_path);
$namespaces = '';
//If create option is not checked in form
if (!isset($input['model_create'])) {
//Delete everything between delimeters @startCreate and @endCreate
// $file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@startCreateNamespace', '@endCreateNamespace', $file_contents);
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@startCreate', '@endCreate', $file_contents);
} else {//If it is checked
//Remove the delimiters(@startCreate and @endCreate) above methods
// $file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@startCreateNamespace', '@startCreateNamespace', $file_contents);
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@endCreateNamespace', '@endCreateNamespace', $file_contents);
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@startCreate', '@startCreate', $file_contents);
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@endCreate', '@endCreate', $file_contents);
//Create Request Name
$create_request_name = 'Create'.str_plural($model).'Request';
//Create Request Base Path
$create_request_base_path = $request_path.'\\'.$create_request_name;
//Store Request Name
$store_request_name = 'Store'.str_plural($model).'Request';
//Store Request Base Path
$store_request_base_path = $request_path.'\\'.$store_request_name;
//Generate CreateRequest File
$this->generateFile('Request', ['DummyNamespace' => $request_namespace, 'DummyClass' => $create_request_name, 'permission' => strtolower('create-'.$model)], $create_request_base_path);
//Generate Store Request File
$this->generateFile('Request', ['DummyNamespace' => $request_namespace, 'DummyClass' => $store_request_name, 'permission' => strtolower('store-'.$model)], $store_request_base_path);
$namespaces .= 'use '.$request_namespace.'\\'.$create_request_name.";\n";
$namespaces .= 'use '.$request_namespace.'\\'.$store_request_name.";\n";
$replacements['DummyCreateRequest'] = $create_request_name;
$replacements['DummyStoreRequest'] = $store_request_name;
//If edit option is not checked in model form
if (!isset($input['model_edit'])) {
//Delete everything between delimeters @startEdit and @endEdit
// $file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@startEditNamespace', '@endEditNamespace', $file_contents);
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@startEdit', '@endEdit', $file_contents);
} else {//If it is checked
//Remove the delimiters(@startEdit and @endEdit) above methods
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@startEditNamespace', '@startEditNamespace', $file_contents);
// $file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@endEditNamespace', '@endEditNamespace', $file_contents);
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@startEdit', '@startEdit', $file_contents);
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@endEdit', '@endEdit', $file_contents);
//Edit Request Name
$edit_request_name = 'Edit'.str_plural($model).'Request';
//Edit Request Base Path
$edit_request_base_path = $request_path.'\\'.$edit_request_name;
//Update Request Name
$update_request_name = 'Update'.str_plural($model).'Request';
//Update Request Base Path
$update_request_base_path = $request_path.'\\'.$update_request_name;
//Generate Edit Request File
$this->generateFile('Request', ['DummyNamespace' => $request_namespace, 'DummyClass' => $edit_request_name, 'permission' => strtolower('edit-'.$model)], $edit_request_base_path);
//Generate Update Request File
$this->generateFile('Request', ['DummyNamespace' => $request_namespace, 'DummyClass' => $update_request_name, 'permission' => strtolower('update-'.$model)], $update_request_base_path);
$namespaces .= 'use '.$request_namespace.'\\'.$edit_request_name.";\n";
$namespaces .= 'use '.$request_namespace.'\\'.$update_request_name.";\n";
$replacements['DummyEditRequest'] = $edit_request_name;
$replacements['DummyUpdateRequest'] = $update_request_name;
//If delete option is not checked in model form
if (!isset($input['model_delete'])) {
//Delete everything between delimeters @startDelete and @endDelete
// $file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@startDeleteNamespace', '@endDeleteNamespace', $file_contents);
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@startDelete', '@endDelete', $file_contents);
} else {//If it is checked
//Remove the delimiters(@startDelete and @endDelete) above methods
// $file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@startDeleteNamespace', '@startDeleteNamespace', $file_contents);
// $file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@endDeleteNamespace', '@endDeleteNamespace', $file_contents);
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@startDelete', '@startDelete', $file_contents);
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@endDelete', '@endDelete', $file_contents);
//Delete Request Name
$delete_request_name = 'Delete'.str_plural($model).'Request';
//Delete Request Base Path
$delete_request_base_path = $request_path.'\\'.$delete_request_name;
//Generate Delete Request File
$this->generateFile('Request', ['DummyNamespace' => $request_namespace, 'DummyClass' => $delete_request_name, 'permission' => strtolower('update-'.$model)], $delete_request_base_path);
$namespaces .= 'use '.$request_namespace.'\\'.$delete_request_name.";\n";
$replacements['DummyDeleteRequest'] = $delete_request_name;
//replacing placeholders with actual values from $file_contents
$file_contents = str_replace(
//Putting Namespaces in Controller
$file_contents = str_replace('@Namespaces', $namespaces, $file_contents);
return ['contents' => $file_contents, 'manage_request' => $manage_request_base_path];
* Modify strings by removing content between $beginning and $end.
* @param string $beginning
* @param string $end
* @param string $string
* @return string
public function delete_all_between($beginning, $end, $string)
$beginningPos = strpos($string, $beginning);
$endPos = strpos($string, $end);
if ($beginningPos === false || $endPos === false) {
return $string;
$textToDelete = substr($string, $beginningPos, ($endPos + strlen($end)) - $beginningPos);
return str_replace($textToDelete, '', $string);
* Checking the path for a file if exists.
......@@ -896,23 +171,6 @@ class ModuleController extends Controller
* Creating Directory.
* @param string $model
* @return string
public function checkAndCreateDir($path)
if (is_dir($path)) {
return $path;
mkdir($path, 0777, true);
return $path;
* Get the fully-qualified model class name.
namespace App\Http\Utilities;
use Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Artisan;
* Class Generator
* @author Vipul Basapati < |>
class Generator
* Module Name
protected $module;
* Files Object
protected $files;
* Directory Name
protected $directory;
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Model Related Files
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 1. Model Name
* 2. Attribute Name
* 3. Relationship Name
* 4. Attribute Namespace
* 5. Relationship Namespace
* 6. Traits directory
* 7. Model Namespace
protected $model;
protected $attribute;
protected $relationship;
protected $attribute_namespace;
protected $relationship_namespace;
protected $trait_directory = 'Traits';
protected $model_namespace = 'App\\Models\\';
* Controllers
* 1. Controlller Name
* 2. Table Controller Name
* 3. Controller Namespace
* 4. Table Controller Namespace
protected $controller;
protected $table_controller;
protected $controller_namespace = 'App\\Http\\Controllers\\Backend\\';
protected $table_controller_namespace = 'App\\Http\\Controllers\\Backend\\';
* Requests
* 1. Edit Request Name
* 2. Store Request Name
* 3. Create Request Name
* 4. Update Request Name
* 5. Delete Request Name
* 6. Manage Request Name
* 7. Edit Request Namespace
* 8. Store Request Namespace
* 9. Manage Request Namespace
* 10. Create Request Namespace
* 11. Update Request Namespace
* 12. Delete Request Namespace
* 13. Request Namespace
protected $edit_request;
protected $store_request;
protected $create_request;
protected $update_request;
protected $delete_request;
protected $manage_request;
protected $edit_request_namespace;
protected $store_request_namespace;
protected $manage_request_namespace;
protected $create_request_namespace;
protected $update_request_namespace;
protected $delete_request_namespace;
protected $request_namespace = 'App\\Http\\Requests\\Backend\\';
* Permissions
* 1. Edit Permission
* 2. Store Permission
* 3. Manage Permission
* 4. Create Permission
* 5. Update Permission
* 6. Delete Permission
protected $edit_permission;
protected $store_permission;
protected $manage_permission;
protected $create_permission;
protected $update_permission;
protected $delete_permission;
* Repository
* 1. Repository Name
* 2. Repository Namespace
protected $repository;
protected $repo_namespace = 'App\\Repositories\\Backend\\';
* Table Name
protected $table;
* Events
* @var array
protected $events = [];
* Route Path
protected $route_path = 'routes\\Backend\\';
* View Path
protected $view_path = 'resources\\views\\backend\\';
* Event Namespace
protected $event_namespace = 'Backend\\';
* Constructor.
public function __construct()
$this->files = new Filesystem;
* Initialization
* @param array $input
public function initialize( $input )
$this->module = title_case( $input['name'] );
$this->directory = str_singular( title_case( $input['directory_name'] ) );
$this->model = str_singular( title_case( $input['model_name'] ) );
$this->table = str_plural( strtolower( $input['table_name'] ) );
$this->controller = str_plural( $this->model ) . "Controller";
//Table Controller
$this->table_controller = str_plural( $this->model ) . "TableController";
$this->attribute = $this->model . "Attribute";
$this->attribute_namespace = $this->model_namespace;
$this->relationship = $this->model . "Relationship";
$this->relationship_namespace = $this->model_namespace;
$this->repository = $this->model . "Repository";
$this->edit_request = "Edit" . $this->model . "Request";
$this->store_request = "Store" . $this->model . "Request";
$this->create_request = "Create" . $this->model . "Request";
$this->update_request = "Update" . $this->model . "Request";
$this->delete_request = "Delete" . $this->model . "Request";
$this->manage_request = "Manage" . $this->model . "Request";
//CRUD Options
$this->edit = !empty( $input['model_edit'] ) ? true : false;
$this->create = !empty( $input['model_create'] ) ? true : false;
$this->delete = !empty( $input['model_delete'] ) ? true : false;
$this->edit_permission = "edit-" . strtolower( str_singular( $this->model ) );
$this->store_permission = "store-" . strtolower( str_singular( $this->model ) );
$this->manage_permission = "manage-" . strtolower( str_singular( $this->model ) );
$this->create_permission = "create-" . strtolower( str_singular( $this->model ) );
$this->update_permission = "update-" . strtolower( str_singular( $this->model ) );
$this->delete_permission = "delete-" . strtolower( str_singular( $this->model ) );
$this->events = array_filter( $input['event'] );
//Generate Namespaces
* @return void
private function createNamespacesAndValues()
//Model Namespace
$this->model_namespace .= $this->getFullNamespace( $this->model );
//Controller Namespace
$this->controller_namespace .= $this->getFullNamespace( $this->controller );
//Table Controller Namespace
$this->table_controller_namespace .= $this->getFullNamespace( $this->table_controller );
//Attribute Namespace
$this->attribute_namespace .= $this->getFullNamespace( $this->attribute, $this->trait_directory );
//Relationship Namespace
$this->relationship_namespace .= $this->getFullNamespace( $this->relationship, $this->trait_directory );
//View Path
$this->view_path .= $this->getFullNamespace('');
$this->edit_request_namespace = $this->request_namespace . $this->getFullNamespace( $this->edit_request );
$this->store_request_namespace = $this->request_namespace . $this->getFullNamespace( $this->store_request );
$this->manage_request_namespace = $this->request_namespace . $this->getFullNamespace( $this->manage_request );
$this->create_request_namespace = $this->request_namespace . $this->getFullNamespace( $this->create_request );
$this->update_request_namespace = $this->request_namespace . $this->getFullNamespace( $this->update_request );
$this->delete_request_namespace = $this->request_namespace . $this->getFullNamespace( $this->delete_request );
//Repository Namespace
$this->repo_namespace .= $this->getFullNamespace( $this->repository );
//Events Namespace
$this->event_namespace .= $this->getFullNamespace('');
* @return string
public function getModelNamespace()
return $this->model_namespace;
* @return string
public function getRequestNamespace()
return $this->request_namespace;
* @return string
public function getControllerNamespace()
return $this->controller_namespace;
* @return string
public function getRepoNamespace()
return $this->repo_namespace;
* @return string
public function getRoutePath()
return $this->route_path;
* @return string
public function getViewPath()
return $this->view_path;
* Return the permissions used in the module
* @return array
public function getPermissions()
$permissions = [];
if( $this->create ) {
$permissions[] = $this->create_permission;
$permissions[] = $this->store_permission;
if( $this->edit ) {
$permissions[] = $this->edit_permission;
$permissions[] = $this->update_permission;
if( $this->delete ) {
$permissions[] = $this->delete_permission;
return $permissions;
* @return string
public function getFullNamespace( $name, $inside_directory = null )
if( empty( $name ) )
return $this->directory;
else if( $inside_directory )
return $this->directory . '\\' . $inside_directory . '\\'. $name;
return $this->directory . '\\' . $name;
* @return void
public function createModel()
$this->createDirectory( $this->getBasePath( $this->attribute_namespace ) );
//Generate Attribute File
$this->generateFile( 'Attribute', [
'AttributeNamespace' => ucfirst( $this->removeFileNameFromEndOfNamespace( $this->attribute_namespace ) ),
'AttributeClass' => $this->attribute,
], lcfirst( $this->attribute_namespace ) );
//Generate Relationship File
$this->generateFile( 'Relationship', [
'RelationshipNamespace' => ucfirst( $this->removeFileNameFromEndOfNamespace( $this->relationship_namespace ) ),
'RelationshipClass' => $this->relationship,
], lcfirst( $this->relationship_namespace ) );
//Generate Model File
$this->generateFile( 'Model', [
'DummyNamespace' => ucfirst( $this->removeFileNameFromEndOfNamespace( $this->model_namespace ) ),
'DummyAttribute' => $this->attribute_namespace,
'DummyRelationship' => $this->relationship_namespace,
'AttributeName' => $this->attribute,
'RelationshipName' => $this->relationship,
'DummyModel' => $this->model,
'table_name' => $this->table,
], lcfirst( $this->model_namespace ) );
* @return void
public function createDirectory( $path )
$this->files->makeDirectory( $path, 0777, true, true );
* @return void
public function createRequests()
$this->request_namespace .= $this->getFullNamespace('');
$this->createDirectory( $this->getBasePath( $this->request_namespace ) );
// dd('here');
//Generate Manage Request File
$this->generateFile('Request', [
'DummyNamespace' => ucfirst( $this->removeFileNameFromEndOfNamespace( $this->manage_request_namespace ) ),
'DummyClass' => $this->manage_request,
'permission' => $this->manage_permission
], lcfirst( $this->manage_request_namespace ) );
if( $this->create ) {
//Generate Create Request File
$this->generateFile('Request', [
'DummyNamespace' => ucfirst( $this->removeFileNameFromEndOfNamespace( $this->create_request_namespace ) ),
'DummyClass' => $this->create_request,
'permission' => $this->create_permission
], lcfirst( $this->create_request_namespace ) );
//Generate Store Request File
$this->generateFile('Request', [
'DummyNamespace' => ucfirst( $this->removeFileNameFromEndOfNamespace( $this->store_request_namespace ) ),
'DummyClass' => $this->store_request,
'permission' => $this->store_permission
], lcfirst( $this->store_request_namespace ) );
if( $this->edit ) {
//Generate Edit Request File
$this->generateFile('Request', [
'DummyNamespace' => ucfirst( $this->removeFileNameFromEndOfNamespace( $this->edit_request_namespace ) ),
'DummyClass' => $this->edit_request,
'permission' => $this->edit_permission
], lcfirst( $this->edit_request_namespace ) );
//Generate Update Request File
$this->generateFile('Request', [
'DummyNamespace' => ucfirst( $this->removeFileNameFromEndOfNamespace( $this->update_request_namespace ) ),
'DummyClass' => $this->update_request,
'permission' => $this->update_permission
], lcfirst( $this->update_request_namespace ) );
if( $this->delete ) {
//Generate Delete Request File
$this->generateFile('Request', [
'DummyNamespace' => ucfirst( $this->removeFileNameFromEndOfNamespace( $this->delete_request_namespace ) ),
'DummyClass' => $this->delete_request,
'permission' => $this->delete_permission
], lcfirst( $this->delete_request_namespace ) );
* @return void
public function createRepository()
$this->createDirectory( $this->getBasePath( $this->repo_namespace ) );
//Getting stub file content
$file_contents = $this->files->get( $this->getStubPath() . 'Repository.stub' );
//If Model Create is checked
if (! $this->create ) {
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between( '@startCreate', '@endCreate', $file_contents );
} else {//If it isn't
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between( '@startCreate', '@startCreate', $file_contents );
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between( '@endCreate', '@endCreate', $file_contents );
//If Model Edit is Checked
if (! $this->edit ) {
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between( '@startEdit', '@endEdit', $file_contents );
} else {//If it isn't
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between( '@startEdit', '@startEdit', $file_contents );
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between( '@endEdit', '@endEdit', $file_contents );
//If Model Delete is Checked
if (! $this->delete ) {
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between( '@startDelete', '@endDelete', $file_contents );
} else {//If it isn't
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between( '@startDelete', '@startDelete', $file_contents );
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between( '@endDelete', '@endDelete', $file_contents );
//Replacements to be done in repository stub file
$replacements = [
'DummyNamespace' => ucfirst( $this->removeFileNameFromEndOfNamespace( $this->repo_namespace ) ),
'DummyModelNamespace' => $this->model_namespace,
'DummyRepoName' => $this->repository,
'dummy_model_name' => $this->model,
'dummy_small_model_name' => strtolower( $this->model ),
'model_small_plural' => strtolower( str_plural( $this->model ) ),
'dummy_small_plural_model_name' => strtolower( str_plural( $this->model ) ),
//Generating the repo file
$this->generateFile(false, $replacements, lcfirst( $this->repo_namespace ), $file_contents);
* @return void
public function createController()
// dd($this->controller_namespace);
$this->createDirectory( $this->getBasePath( $this->controller_namespace, true ) );
//Getting stub file content
$file_contents = $this->files->get( $this->getStubPath() . 'Controller.stub' );
//Replacements to be done in controller stub
$replacements = [
'DummyModelNamespace' => $this->model_namespace,
'DummyModel' => $this->model,
'DummyArgumentName' => strtolower( $this->model ),
'DummyManageRequestNamespace' => $this->manage_request_namespace,
'DummyManageRequest' => $this->manage_request,
'DummyController' => $this->controller,
'DummyNamespace' => ucfirst( $this->removeFileNameFromEndOfNamespace( $this->controller_namespace ) ),
'DummyRepositoryNamespace' => $this->repo_namespace,
'dummy_repository' => $this->repository,
'dummy_small_plural_model' => strtolower( str_plural( $this->model ) ),
$namespaces = '';
if(! $this->create ) {
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@startCreate', '@endCreate', $file_contents);
} else {
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@startCreate', '@startCreate', $file_contents);
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@endCreate', '@endCreate', $file_contents);
$namespaces .= "use " . $this->create_request_namespace . ";\n";
$namespaces .= "use " . $this->store_request_namespace . ";\n";
$replacements['DummyCreateRequest'] = $this->create_request;
$replacements['DummyStoreRequest'] = $this->store_request;
if(! $this->edit ) {
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@startEdit', '@endEdit', $file_contents);
} else {
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@startEdit', '@startEdit', $file_contents);
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@endEdit', '@endEdit', $file_contents);
$namespaces .= "use " . $this->edit_request_namespace . ";\n";
$namespaces .= "use " . $this->update_request_namespace . ";\n";
$replacements['DummyEditRequest'] = $this->edit_request;
$replacements['DummyUpdateRequest'] = $this->update_request;
if(! $this->delete ) {
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@startDelete', '@endDelete', $file_contents);
} else {
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@startDelete', '@startDelete', $file_contents);
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@endDelete', '@endDelete', $file_contents);
$namespaces .= "use " . $this->delete_request_namespace . ";\n";
$replacements['DummyDeleteRequest'] = $this->delete_request;
//Putting Namespaces in Controller
$file_contents = str_replace('@Namespaces', $namespaces, $file_contents);
$this->generateFile(false, $replacements, lcfirst( $this->controller_namespace ), $file_contents);
* @return void
public function createTableController()
$this->createDirectory( $this->getBasePath( $this->table_controller_namespace, true ) );
//replacements to be done in table controller stub
$replacements = [
'DummyNamespace' => ucfirst( $this->removeFileNameFromEndOfNamespace( $this->table_controller_namespace ) ),
'DummyRepositoryNamespace' => $this->repo_namespace,
'DummyManageRequestNamespace' => $this->manage_request_namespace,
'DummyTableController' => $this->table_controller,
'dummy_repository' => $this->repository,
'dummy_small_repo_name' => strtolower( $this->model ),
'dummy_manage_request_name' => $this->manage_request,
//generating the file
$this->generateFile( 'TableController', $replacements, lcfirst( $this->table_controller_namespace ) );
* @return void
public function createRouteFiles()
$this->createDirectory( $this->getBasePath( $this->route_path ) );
if ( $this->create && $this->edit && $this->delete ) {//Then get the resourceRoute stub
//Getting stub file content
$file_contents = $this->files->get( $this->getStubPath() . 'resourceRoute.stub' );
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between( '@startNamespace', '@startNamespace', $file_contents );
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between( '@endNamespace', '@endNamespace', $file_contents );
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between( '@startWithoutNamespace', '@endWithoutNamespace', $file_contents );
} else {//Get the basic route stub
//Getting stub file content
$file_contents = $this->files->get( $this->getStubPath() . 'route.stub' );
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between( '@startNamespace', '@startNamespace', $file_contents );
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between( '@endNamespace', '@endNamespace', $file_contents );
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between( '@startWithoutNamespace', '@endWithoutNamespace', $file_contents );
//If create is checked
if ($this->create) {
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between( '@startCreate', '@startCreate', $file_contents );
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between( '@endCreate', '@endCreate', $file_contents );
} else {//If it isn't
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between( '@startCreate', '@endCreate', $file_contents );
//If Edit is checked
if ($this->edit) {
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between( '@startEdit', '@startEdit', $file_contents );
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between( '@endEdit', '@endEdit', $file_contents );
} else {//if it isn't
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between( '@startEdit', '@endEdit', $file_contents );
//If delete is checked
if ($this->delete) {
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between( '@startDelete', '@startDelete', $file_contents );
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between( '@endDelete', '@endDelete', $file_contents );
} else {//If it isn't
$file_contents = $this->delete_all_between( '@startDelete', '@endDelete', $file_contents );
//Generate the Route file
$this->generateFile( false, [
'DummyModuleName' => $this->module,
'DummyModel' => $this->directory,
'dummy_name' => strtolower( str_plural( $this->model ) ),
'DummyController' => $this->controller,
'DummyTableController' => $this->table_controller,
'dummy_argument_name' => strtolower( $this->model ),
], $this->route_path . $this->model, $file_contents );
* This would enter the necessary language file contents to respective language files.
* @param [array] $input
public function insertToLanguageFiles()
//Model singular version
$model_singular = ucfirst( str_singular( $this->model ) );
//Model Plural version
$model_plural = strtolower( str_plural( $this->model ) );
//Model plural with capitalize
$model_plural_capital = ucfirst( $model_plural );
//Findind which locale is being used
$locale = config( 'app.locale' );
//Path to that language files
$path = resource_path( 'lang' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $locale );
//config folder path
$config_path = config_path( 'module.php' );
//Creating directory if it isn't
$this->createDirectory( $path );
//Labels file
$labels = [
'create' => "Create $model_singular",
'edit' => "Edit $model_singular",
'management' => "$model_singular Management",
'title' => "$model_plural_capital",
'table' => [
'id' => 'Id',
'createdat' => 'Created At',
//Pushing values to labels
add_key_value_in_file( $path.'/labels.php', array( $model_plural => $labels ), 'backend' );
//Menus file
$menus = [
'all' => "All $model_plural_capital",
'create' => "Create $model_singular",
'edit' => "Edit $model_singular",
'management' => "$model_singular Management",
'main' => "$model_plural_capital",
//Pushing to menus file
add_key_value_in_file( $path.'/menus.php', array( $model_plural => $menus ), 'backend' );
//Exceptions file
$exceptions = [
'already_exists' => "That $model_singular already exists. Please choose a different name.",
'create_error' => "There was a problem creating this $model_singular. Please try again.",
'delete_error' => "There was a problem deleting this $model_singular. Please try again.",
'not_found' => "That $model_singular does not exist.",
'update_error' => "There was a problem updating this $model_singular. Please try again.",
//Alerts File
$alerts = [
'created' => "The $model_singular was successfully created.",
'deleted' => "The $model_singular was successfully deleted.",
'updated' => "The $model_singular was successfully updated.",
//Pushing to menus file
add_key_value_in_file( $path.'/alerts.php', array( $model_plural => $alerts ), 'backend' );
//Pushing to exceptions file
add_key_value_in_file( $path.'/exceptions.php', array( $model_plural => $exceptions ), 'backend' );
//config file "module.php"
$config = [
$model_plural => [
'table' => $this->table,
//Pushing to config file
add_key_value_in_file( $config_path, $config );
* Creating View Files.
* @param array $input
public function createViewFiles()
//Getiing model
$model = $this->model;
//lowercase version of model
$model_lower = strtolower($model);
//lowercase and plural version of model
$model_lower_plural = str_plural($model_lower);
//View folder name
$view_folder_name = $model_lower_plural;
//View path
$path = escapeSlashes( strtolower( str_plural( $this->view_path ) ) );
//Header buttons folder
$header_button_path = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'partials';
//This would create both the directory name as well as partials inside of that directory
$this->createDirectory( base_path( $header_button_path ) );
//Header button full path
$header_button_file_path = $header_button_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."$model_lower_plural-header-buttons.blade";
//Getting stub file content
$header_button_contents = $this->files->get( $this->getStubPath() . 'header-buttons.stub' );
if (! $this->create ) {
$header_button_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@create', '@endCreate', $header_button_contents);
} else {
$header_button_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@create', '@create', $header_button_contents);
$header_button_contents = $this->delete_all_between('@endCreate', '@endCreate', $header_button_contents);
//Generate Header buttons file
$this->generateFile(false, ['dummy_small_plural_model' => $model_lower_plural, 'dummy_small_model' => $model_lower], $header_button_file_path, $header_button_contents);
//Index blade
$index_path = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'index.blade';
//Generate the Index blade file
$this->generateFile('index_view', ['dummy_small_plural_model' => $model_lower_plural], $index_path);
//Create Blade
if ( $this->create ) {
//Create Blade
$create_path = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'create.blade';
//Generate Create Blade
$this->generateFile('create_view', ['dummy_small_plural_model' => $model_lower_plural, 'dummy_small_model' => $model_lower], $create_path);
//Edit Blade
if ( $this->edit ) {
//Edit Blade
$edit_path = $path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'edit.blade';
//Generate Edit Blade
$this->generateFile('edit_view', ['dummy_small_plural_model' => $model_lower_plural, 'dummy_small_model' => $model_lower], $edit_path);
//Form Blade
if ( $this->create || $this->edit ) {
//Form Blade
$form_path = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'form.blade';
//Generate Form Blade
$this->generateFile('form_view', [], $form_path);
//BreadCrumbs Folder Path
$breadcrumbs_path = escapeSlashes('app\\Http\\Breadcrumbs\\Backend');
//Breadcrumb File path
$breadcrumb_file_path = $breadcrumbs_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->model;
//Generate BreadCrumb File
$this->generateFile('Breadcrumbs', ['dummy_small_plural_model' => $model_lower_plural], $breadcrumb_file_path);
//Backend File of Breadcrumb
$breadcrumb_backend_file = $breadcrumbs_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Backend.php';
//file_contents of Backend.php
$file_contents = file_get_contents( base_path( $breadcrumb_backend_file ) );
//If this is already not there, then only append
if ( !strpos($file_contents, "require __DIR__.'/$this->model.php';") ) {
//Appending into BreadCrumb backend file
file_put_contents( base_path( $breadcrumb_backend_file ), "\nrequire __DIR__.'/$this->model.php';", FILE_APPEND );
* Creating Table File.
* @param array $input
public function createMigration()
$table = $this->table;
if ( Schema::hasTable( $table ) ) {
return 'Table Already Exists!';
} else {
//Calling Artisan command to create table
Artisan::call( 'make:migration', [
'name' => 'create_'.$table.'_table',
'--create' => $table,
return Artisan::output();
* Creating Event Files.
* @param array $input
public function createEvents()
if (!empty($this->events)) {
$base_path = $this->event_namespace;
foreach ($this->events as $event) {
$path = escapeSlashes($base_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$event);
$model = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '\\', $path);
Artisan::call('make:event', [
'name' => $model,
Artisan::call('make:listener', [
'name' => $model.'Listener',
'--event' => $model,
* Generating the file by
* replacing placeholders in stub file.
* @param $stub_name Name of the Stub File
* @param $replacements [array] Array of the replacement to be done in stub file
* @param $file [string] full path of the file
* @param $contents [string][optional] file contents
public function generateFile( $stub_name, $replacements, $file, $contents = null )
if ( $stub_name ) {
//Getting the Stub Files Content
$file_contents = $this->files->get( $this->getStubPath() . $stub_name .'.stub' );
} else {
//Getting the Stub Files Content
$file_contents = $contents;
//Replacing the stub
$file_contents = str_replace(
array_keys( $replacements ),
array_values( $replacements ),
$this->files->put( base_path( escapeSlashes( $file ) ) . '.php', $file_contents );
* getting the stub folder path.
* @return string
public function getStubPath()
return app_path( 'Console' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Commands' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Stubs' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR );
public function getBasePath( $namespace, $status = false)
if( $status ) {
return base_path( escapeSlashes( $this->removeFileNameFromEndOfNamespace( $namespace, $status ) ) );
return base_path( lcfirst( escapeSlashes( $namespace ) ) );
public function removeFileNameFromEndOfNamespace( $namespace )
$namespace = explode( "\\", $namespace );
unset( $namespace[count( $namespace ) - 1] );
return lcfirst( implode( "\\", $namespace ) );
public function appendFileNameToEndOfNamespace( $namespace , $file )
return escapeSlashes( $namespace . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file );
* Modify strings by removing content between $beginning and $end.
* @param string $beginning
* @param string $end
* @param string $string
* @return string
public function delete_all_between($beginning, $end, $string)
$beginningPos = strpos($string, $beginning);
$endPos = strpos($string, $end);
if ($beginningPos === false || $endPos === false) {
return $string;
$textToDelete = substr($string, $beginningPos, ($endPos + strlen($end)) - $beginningPos);
return str_replace($textToDelete, '', $string);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -42,29 +42,33 @@ class ModuleRepository extends BaseRepository
* @return bool
public function create(array $input)
public function create(array $input, array $permissions)
$module = Module::where('name', $input['name'])->first();
if (!$module) {
$name = $input['model_name'];
$model = strtolower($name);
$permissions =
['name' => "view-$model-permission", 'display_name' => 'View '.ucwords($model).' Permission'],
['name' => "create-$model-permission", 'display_name' => 'Create '.ucwords($model).' Permission'],
['name' => "edit-$model-permission", 'display_name' => 'Edit '.ucwords($model).' Permission'],
['name' => "delete-$model-permission", 'display_name' => 'Delete '.ucwords($model).' Permission'],
// $permissions =
// [
// ['name' => "view-$model-permission", 'display_name' => 'View '.ucwords($model).' Permission'],
// ['name' => "create-$model-permission", 'display_name' => 'Create '.ucwords($model).' Permission'],
// ['name' => "edit-$model-permission", 'display_name' => 'Edit '.ucwords($model).' Permission'],
// ['name' => "delete-$model-permission", 'display_name' => 'Delete '.ucwords($model).' Permission'],
// ];
foreach ($permissions as $permission) {
$perm = [
'name' => $permission,
'display_name' => title_case( str_replace( '-', ' ', $permission ) ) . " Permission"
//Creating Permission
$per = Permission::firstOrCreate($permission);
$per = Permission::firstOrCreate($perm);
$mod = [
'view_permission_id' => "view-$model-permission",
'name' => $input['name'],
'url' => 'admin.'.str_plural($model).'.index',
'url' => 'admin.' . str_plural( $model ) . '.index',
'created_by' => access()->user()->id,
......@@ -81,11 +81,11 @@
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......@@ -178,6 +178,10 @@
$(document).on('blur', "input[name=table_name]", function(e){
//Events Change Event
$(document).on('change', "input[name='event[]']", function(e){
function checkModelExists(model) {
@extends ('')
@section ('title', '')
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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