Commit f9bca648 authored by Tobias Schmidt's avatar Tobias Schmidt

Create links to placeholder definitions in config

This will create local links of all placeholders in config blocks to
their respective definitions.
parent 731426bb
......@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ compile '*' do
filter :bootstrappify
filter :admonition
filter :colorize_syntax, :default_colorizer => :pygmentsrb
filter :config_linker if item[:title] == 'Configuration'
filter :toc, style: item[:toc]
if item[:kind] == 'article'
layout 'blog'
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ inhibit_rules:
## Route `<route>`
## `<route>`
A route block defines a node in a routing tree and its children. Its optional
configuration parameters are inherited from its parent node if not set.
......@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ route:
## Inhibit rule `<inhibit_rule>`
## `<inhibit_rule>`
An inhibition rule is a rule that mutes an alert matching a set of matchers
under the condition that an alert exists that matches another set of matchers.
......@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ source_match_re:
## Receiver `<receiver>`
## `<receiver>`
Receiver is a named configuration of one or more notification integrations.
......@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ webhook_configs:
## Email receiver `<email_config>`
## `<email_config>`
# Whether or not to notify about resolved alerts.
......@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ to: <tmpl_string>
[ headers: { <string>: <tmpl_string>, ... } ]
## HipChat receiver `<hipchat_config>`
## `<hipchat_config>`
HipChat notifications use a [Build Your Own]( integration.
......@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ room_id: <tmpl_string>
[ color: <tmpl_string> | default = '{{ if eq .Status "firing" }}red{{ else }}green{{ end }}' ]
## PagerDuty receiver `<pagerduty_config>`
## `<pagerduty_config>`
PagerDuty notifications are sent via the [PagerDuty API](
......@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ service_key: <tmpl_string>
} ]
## Pushover receiver `<pushover_config>`
## `<pushover_config>`
Pushover notifications are sent via the [Pushover API](
......@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ token: <string>
[ expire: <duration> | default = 1h ]
## Slack receiver `<slack_config>`
## `<slack_config>`
Slack notifications are sent via [Slack webhooks](
......@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ channel: <tmpl_string>
## OpsGenie receiver `<opsgenie_config>`
## `<opsgenie_config>`
OpsGenie notifications are sent via the [OpsGenie API](
......@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ api_key: <string>
## Webhook receiver `<webhook_config>`
## `<webhook_config>`
The webhook receiver allows configuring a generic receiver.
......@@ -446,4 +446,3 @@ endpoint:
......@@ -33,11 +33,15 @@ value is set to the specified default.
Generic placeholders are defined as follows:
* `<boolean>`: a boolean that can take the values `true` or `false`
* `<duration>`: a duration matching the regular expression `[0-9]+(ms|[smhdwy])`
* `<labelname>`: a string matching the regular expression `[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*`
* `<labelvalue>`: a string of unicode characters
* `<filename>`: a valid path in the current working directory
* `<boolean>`: a boolean that can take the values `true` or `false`
* `<host>`: a valid string consisting of a hostname or IP followed by an optional port number
* `<path>`: a valid URL path
* `<scheme>`: a string that can take the values `http` or `https`
* `<string>`: a regular string
The other placeholders are specified separately.
......@@ -77,7 +81,7 @@ alerting:
[ - <relabel_config> ... ]
[- <alertmanager_config> ... ]
[ - <alertmanager_config> ... ]
# Settings related to the experimental remote write feature.
......@@ -107,7 +111,7 @@ target and its labels before scraping.
# The job name assigned to scraped metrics by default.
job_name: <name>
job_name: <job_name>
# How frequently to scrape targets from this job.
[ scrape_interval: <duration> | default = <global_config.scrape_interval> ]
......@@ -227,9 +231,7 @@ metric_relabel_configs:
[ sample_limit: <int> | default = 0 ]
Where `<scheme>` may be `http` or `https` and `<path>` is a valid URL path.
`<job_name>` must be unique across all scrape configurations and adhere to the
regex `[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]`.
Where `<job_name>` must be unique across all scrape configurations.
### `<tls_config>`
......@@ -726,6 +728,7 @@ paths:
Serverset data must be in the JSON format, the Thrift format is not currently supported.
### `<triton_sd_config>`
CAUTION: Triton SD is in beta: breaking changes to configuration are still
likely in future releases.
......@@ -783,10 +786,6 @@ labels:
[ <labelname>: <labelvalue> ... ]
Where `<host>` is a valid string consisting of a hostname or IP followed by a port
### `<relabel_config>`
Relabeling is a powerful tool to dynamically rewrite the label set of a target before
......@@ -981,9 +980,8 @@ relabel_configs:
[ - <relabel_config> ... ]
Where `<scheme>` may be `http` or `https` and `<path>` is a valid URL path.
### `<remote_write>`
CAUTION: Remote write is experimental: breaking changes to configuration are
likely in future releases.
# encoding: utf-8
require 'nokogiri'
class ConfigLinker < ::Nanoc::Filter
identifier :config_linker
def run(content, _params = {})
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(content)
definitions = types(doc.xpath('//code'))
configs = doc.xpath('//pre//code')
configs.each do |config|
definitions.each do |text, html|
config.inner_html = config.inner_html.gsub(html, %(<a href="##{text}">#{html}</a>))
# types returns a dictionary of all type definitions and their HTML representation.
def types(codes)
# Select all placeholders.
elements = do |code|
code.children.size == 1 && code.text =~ /\A<[^>]+>\Z/
# Initialize dictionary with placeholders which are headers, as these are already linked.
dict = elements.each_with_object({}) do |e, memo|
if e.parent.attr('id') == e.text
memo[e.text] = e.inner_html
# Create anchors for the remaining placeholders.
elements.each_with_object(dict) do |e, memo|
unless memo.include?(e.text)
e['id'] = e.text
memo[e.text] = e.inner_html
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