Currently Prometheus supports configuring static HTTP targets, as well as
Currently Prometheus supports configuring static HTTP targets, as well as
discovering targets dynamically via [DNS SRV
discovering targets dynamically via [DNS SRV
records]( We plan to support more
records]( and [Consul]( There is also a file-based interface that allows you to connect your own discovery mechanisms. We plan to support more
types of service discovery (e.g. Consul or Zookeeper) in the future. Some will
types of service discovery (e.g. Zookeeper) in the future. Some will
be implemented natively, but we may also add a plugin system for arbitrary
be implemented natively, but we may also add a plugin system for arbitrary
discovery mechanisms.
discovery mechanisms.
### Restartless configuration changes
Currently Prometheus requires a restart after any configuration or rule file
change. This can mean monitoring interruptions for short periods of time. In
the future, we want to support reloading configuration changes without having