The `head` template loads the required Javascript and CSS.
Parameters to the graph library:
| Name | Description
| ------------- | -------------
| expr | Required. Expression to graph.
| node | Required. DOM node to render into.
| duration | Optional. Duration of the graph. Defaults to 1 hour.
| endTime | Optional. Unixtime the graph ends at. Defaults to now.
| width | Optional. Width of the graph, excluding titles. Defaults to auto-detection.
| height | Optional. Height of the graph, excluding titles and legends. Defaults to 200 pixels.
| min | Optional. Minimum x-axis value. Defaults to lowest data value.
| max | Optional. Maximum y-axis value. Defaults to highest data value.
| renderer | Optional. Type of graph. Options are `line` and `area` (stacked graph). Defaults to `line`.
| name | Optional. Title of plots in legend and hover detail. If passed a string, `[[ label ]]` will be substituted with the label value. If passed a function, it will be passed a map of labels and should return the name as a string.
| xTitle | Optional. Title of the x-axis. Defaults to `Time`.
| yUnits | Optional. Units of the y-axis. Defaults to empty.
| yTitle | Optional. Title of the y-axis. Defaults to empty.
| yAxisFormatter | Optional. Number formatter for the y-axis. Defaults to `PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize`.
| yHoverFormatter | Optional. Number formatter for the hover detail. Defaults to `PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanizeExact`.
Valid options for the `yAxisFormatter` and `yHoverFormatter`:
*`PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize`: Format using [metric prefixes](
*`PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanizeNoSmallPrefix`: For absolute values
greater than 1, format using using [metric prefixes](
For absolute values less than 1, format with 3 significant digits. This is
useful to avoid units such as milliqueries per second that can be produced by
*`PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize1024`: Format the humanized result using a base of 1024 rather than 1000.