Commit 2f18fc37 authored by Julius Volz's avatar Julius Volz

Merge pull request #57 from prometheus/legend-format-filters

Add format filter documentation.
parents b1e2425e ca0cd04d
......@@ -129,6 +129,9 @@ interpolated version of the given format string. To reference specific label
values in the format string, use double curly braces: `{{label-name}}`. For
example: `{{host}} - cluster {{cluster}}`.
Format strings support filters. See the Filters section below for a list of
currently available filters, expected inputs, and outputs.
### Link to graph
The "Link to this graph" menu tab allows you to generate a link to a specific
graph. This link will show the graph in a single-widget fullscreen view as it
......@@ -189,6 +192,24 @@ In the example of the host dashboard, the URL could look like this:!?
Template variables support filters. See the Filters section below for a list of
currently available filters, expected inputs, and outputs.
### Filters
Filters can be used in all places where variable interpolation is supported,
e.g. in legend format strings or template variables. The format is `{{variable
| filter}}` and the following filters are currently available:
- `toPercent`: Input: `0.5`; Output: `50%`
- `toPercentile`: Input: `0.5`; Output: `50th`
- `hostnameFqdn`: Input: ``; Output: ``
- `hostname`: Input: ``; Output: `your-prometheus-endpoint`
- `regex`: If `job` == `prometheus`, `{{job | regex:"pro":"faux"}}` => `fauxmetheus`
Filters are chainable, so `{{label | filter1 | filter2}}` will apply `filter1`
to `label`, and then apply `filter2` to that result.
## Annotations
PromDash allows you to load timestamped annotations from an external service
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