//Contains All variables //----------------------- //Layout //Side bar and logo width @left-side-width: 220px; //Colors @light-blue: #3c8dbc; //Primary @red: #f56954; //Danger @green: #00a65a; //Success @aqua: #00c0ef; //Info @yellow: #f39c12; //Warning @blue: #0073b7; @navy: #001F3F; @teal: #39CCCC; @olive: #3D9970; @lime: #01FF70; @orange: #FF851B; @fuchsia: #F012BE; @purple: #932ab6; @maroon: #85144B; @black: #222; @gray: #eaeaec; //Link colors (Aka: <a> tags) @link-color: @light-blue; @link-hover-color: lighten(@link-color, 15%); //Body background (Affects main content background only) @body-bg: #f9f9f9; //Table striped color @table-striped-color: #f3f4f5; //Sidebar skins //skin blue (light) sidebar vars @sidebar-light-bg: #f4f4f4; @sidebar-light-hover-bg: #f9f9f9; @sidebar-light-font: #555; @sidebar-light-border: #dbdbdb; //Screen widths - Same as bootstrap default settings @screen-xs: 480px; @screen-sm: 767px; @screen-md: 992px; @screen-lg: 1200px; //When the logo should go to the top of the screen @screen-header-collapse: 560px; //BOXES @box-border-color: #f4f4f4; @box-border-radius: 3px; @box-footer-bg: #fff; //FORMS @input-radius: 0px; //BUTTONS //Border radius for non flat buttons @btn-border-radius: 3px; //CHAT widget @attachment-border-radius: 3px;