Commit 63664fd6 authored by Nicolas Widart's avatar Nicolas Widart

Add language

parent d8e00c75
return [
| Application Locales
| Contains an array with the applications available locales.
'locales' => ['en', 'fr'],
| Use fallback
| Determine if fallback locales are returned by default or not. To add
| more flexibility and configure this option per "translatable"
| instance, this value will be overridden by the property
| $useTranslationFallback when defined
'use_fallback' => false,
| Fallback Locale
| A fallback locale is the locale being used to return a translation
| when the requested translation is not existing. To disable it
| set it to false.
'fallback_locale' => 'en',
| Translation Suffix
| Defines the default 'Translation' class suffix. For example, if
| you want to use CountryTrans instead of CountryTranslation
| application, set this to 'Trans'.
'translation_suffix' => 'Translation',
| Locale key
| Defines the 'locale' field name, which is used by the
| translation model.
'locale_key' => 'locale',
| Make translated attributes always fillable
| If true, translatable automatically sets
| translated attributes as fillable.
| Set this to true only if you understand the security risks.
'always_fillable' => false,
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