// Negotiate for the user locale using the Accept-Language header if it's not defined in the URL?
// If false, system will take app.php locale attribute
// Should application use the locale stored in a session
// if the locale is not defined in the url?
// If false and locale not defined in the url, the system will
// take the default locale (defined in config/app.php) or
// the browser preferred language (if useAcceptLanguageHeader is true) or
// the cookie locale (if useCookieLocale is true)
// Should application use and store the locale stored in a cookie
// if the locale is not defined in the url or the session?
// If true and locale not defined in the url or the session,
// system will take the default locale (defined in config/app.php)
// or the browser preferred locale (if useAcceptLanguageHeader is true)
// If LaravelLocalizationRedirectFilter is active and hideDefaultLocaleInURL
// is true, the url would not have the default application language
// IMPORTANT - When hideDefaultLocaleInURL is set to true, the unlocalized root is treated as the applications default locale "app.locale". Because of this language negotiation using the Accept-Language header will NEVER occur when hideDefaultLocaleInURL is true.