build.js 7.3 KB
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// npm build command

// everything about the installation after the creation of
// the .npm/{name}/{version}/package folder.
// linking the modules into the npm.root,
// resolving dependencies, etc.

// This runs AFTER install or link are completed.

var npm = require("./npm.js")
  , log = require("npmlog")
  , chain = require("slide").chain
  , fs = require("graceful-fs")
  , path = require("path")
  , lifecycle = require("./utils/lifecycle.js")
  , readJson = require("read-package-json")
  , link = require("./utils/link.js")
  , linkIfExists = link.ifExists
  , cmdShim = require("cmd-shim")
  , cmdShimIfExists = cmdShim.ifExists
  , asyncMap = require("slide").asyncMap

module.exports = build
build.usage = "npm build <folder>\n(this is plumbing)"

build._didBuild = {}
build._noLC = {}
function build (args, global, didPre, didRB, cb) {
  if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = didRB, didRB = false
  if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = didPre, didPre = false
  if (typeof cb !== "function") {
    cb = global, global = npm.config.get("global")
  // it'd be nice to asyncMap these, but actually, doing them
  // in parallel generally munges up the output from node-waf
  var builder = build_(global, didPre, didRB)
  chain( (arg) { return function (cb) {
    builder(arg, cb)
  }}), cb)

function build_ (global, didPre, didRB) { return function (folder, cb) {
  folder = path.resolve(folder)
  if (build._didBuild[folder]) log.error("build", "already built", folder)
  build._didBuild[folder] = true"build", folder)
  readJson(path.resolve(folder, "package.json"), function (er, pkg) {
    if (er) return cb(er)
      ( [ !didPre && [lifecycle, pkg, "preinstall", folder]
        , [linkStuff, pkg, folder, global, didRB]
        , === "npm" && [writeBuiltinConf, folder]
        , didPre !== build._noLC && [lifecycle, pkg, "install", folder]
        , didPre !== build._noLC && [lifecycle, pkg, "postinstall", folder]
        , didPre !== build._noLC
          && npm.config.get("npat")
          && [lifecycle, pkg, "test", folder] ]
      , cb )

function writeBuiltinConf (folder, cb) {
  // the builtin config is "sticky". Any time npm installs itself,
  // it puts its builtin config file there, as well.
  if (!npm.config.usingBuiltin
      || folder !== path.dirname(__dirname)) {
    return cb()
  }"builtin", cb)

function linkStuff (pkg, folder, global, didRB, cb) {
  // allow to opt out of linking binaries.
  if (npm.config.get("bin-links") === false) return cb()

  // if it's global, and folder is in {prefix}/node_modules,
  // then bins are in {prefix}/bin
  // otherwise, then bins are in folder/../.bin
  var parent =[0] === "@" ? path.dirname(path.dirname(folder)) : path.dirname(folder)
    , gnm = global && npm.globalDir
    , gtop = parent === gnm

  log.verbose("linkStuff", [global, gnm, gtop, parent])"linkStuff", pkg._id)

  shouldWarn(pkg, folder, global, function() {
    asyncMap( [linkBins, linkMans, !didRB && rebuildBundles]
            , function (fn, cb) {
      if (!fn) return cb()
      log.verbose(, pkg._id)
      fn(pkg, folder, parent, gtop, cb)
    }, cb)

function shouldWarn(pkg, folder, global, cb) {
  var parent = path.dirname(folder)
    , top = parent === npm.dir
    , cwd = npm.localPrefix

  readJson(path.resolve(cwd, "package.json"), function(er, topPkg) {
    if (er) return cb(er)

    var linkedPkg = path.basename(cwd)
      , currentPkg = path.basename(folder)

    // current searched package is the linked package on first call
    if (linkedPkg !== currentPkg) {

      if (!topPkg.dependencies) return cb()

      // don't generate a warning if it's listed in dependencies
      if (Object.keys(topPkg.dependencies).indexOf(currentPkg) === -1) {

        if (top && pkg.preferGlobal && !global) {
          log.warn("prefer global", pkg._id + " should be installed with -g")


function rebuildBundles (pkg, folder, parent, gtop, cb) {
  if (!npm.config.get("rebuild-bundle")) return cb()

  var deps = Object.keys(pkg.dependencies || {})
             .concat(Object.keys(pkg.devDependencies || {}))
    , bundles = pkg.bundleDependencies || pkg.bundledDependencies || []

  fs.readdir(path.resolve(folder, "node_modules"), function (er, files) {
    // error means no bundles
    if (er) return cb()

    log.verbose("rebuildBundles", files)
    // don't asyncMap these, because otherwise build script output
    // gets interleaved and is impossible to read
    chain(files.filter(function (file) {
      // rebuild if:
      // not a .folder, like .bin or .hooks
      return !file.match(/^[\._-]/)
          // not some old 0.x style bundle
          && file.indexOf("@") === -1
          // either not a dep, or explicitly bundled
          && (deps.indexOf(file) === -1 || bundles.indexOf(file) !== -1)
    }).map(function (file) {
      file = path.resolve(folder, "node_modules", file)
      return function (cb) {
        if (build._didBuild[file]) return cb()
        log.verbose("rebuild bundle", file)
        // if file is not a package dir, then don't do it.
        fs.lstat(path.resolve(file, "package.json"), function (er) {
          if (er) return cb()
          build_(false)(file, cb)
    }}), cb)

function linkBins (pkg, folder, parent, gtop, cb) {
  if (!pkg.bin || !gtop && path.basename(parent) !== "node_modules") {
    return cb()
  var binRoot = gtop ? npm.globalBin
                     : path.resolve(parent, ".bin")
  log.verbose("link bins", [pkg.bin, binRoot, gtop])

  asyncMap(Object.keys(pkg.bin), function (b, cb) {
    linkBin( path.resolve(folder, pkg.bin[b])
           , path.resolve(binRoot, b)
           , gtop && folder
           , function (er) {
      if (er) return cb(er)
      // bins should always be executable.
      // XXX skip chmod on windows?
      var src = path.resolve(folder, pkg.bin[b])
      fs.chmod(src, npm.modes.exec, function (er) {
        if (er && er.code === "ENOENT" && npm.config.get("ignore-scripts")) {
          return cb()
        if (er || !gtop) return cb(er)
        var dest = path.resolve(binRoot, b)
          , out = npm.config.get("parseable")
                ? dest + "::" + src + ":BINFILE"
                : dest + " -> " + src
  }, cb)

function linkBin (from, to, gently, cb) {
  if (process.platform !== "win32") {
    return linkIfExists(from, to, gently, cb)
  } else {
    return cmdShimIfExists(from, to, cb)

function linkMans (pkg, folder, parent, gtop, cb) {
  if (! || !gtop || process.platform === "win32") return cb()

  var manRoot = path.resolve(npm.config.get("prefix"), "share", "man")

  // make sure that the mans are unique.
  // otherwise, if there are dupes, it'll fail with EEXIST
  var set = (acc, man) {
    acc[path.basename(man)] = man
    return acc
  }, {}) = (man) {
    return set[path.basename(man)] === man

  asyncMap(, function (man, cb) {
    if (typeof man !== "string") return cb()
    var parseMan = man.match(/(.*\.([0-9]+)(\.gz)?)$/)
      , stem = parseMan[1]
      , sxn = parseMan[2]
      , bn = path.basename(stem)
      , manDest = path.join(manRoot, "man" + sxn, bn)

    linkIfExists(man, manDest, gtop && folder, cb)
  }, cb)