  -	$RCSfile$
  -	$Revision$
  -	$Date$
  - Copyright (C) 2004 Jive Software. All rights reserved.
  - This software is published under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL),
  - a copy of which is included in this distribution.

<%@ page import="org.jivesoftware.util.*,

<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core_rt" prefix="c" %>

<jsp:useBean id="webManager" class="org.jivesoftware.util.WebManager" />

<%  // Get parameters
    String jid = ParamUtils.getParameter(request, "jid");

    // Handle a "go back" click:
    if (request.getParameter("back") != null) {

    // Get the session & address objects
    SessionManager sessionManager = webManager.getSessionManager();
    XMPPAddress address = XMPPAddress.parseJID(jid);
    Session currentSess = sessionManager.getSession(address);
    boolean isAnonymous = address.getName() == null || "".equals(address.getName());

    // Get a presence manager
    PresenceManager presenceManager = webManager.getPresenceManager();

    // Get user object
    User user = null;
    if (!isAnonymous) {
        user = webManager.getUserManager().getUser(address.getName());

    // Handle a "message" click:
    if (request.getParameter("message") != null) {
        response.sendRedirect("user-message.jsp?username=" + user.getUsername());

    // See if there are multiple sessions for this user:
    Collection<Session> sessions = null;
    int sessionCount = sessionManager.getSessionCount(address.getName());
    if (!isAnonymous && sessionCount > 1) {
        sessions = sessionManager.getSessions(address.getName());

    // Date dateFormatter for all dates on this page:
    DateFormat dateFormatter = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM,DateFormat.SHORT);

    // Number dateFormatter for all numbers on this page:
    NumberFormat numFormatter = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();

<jsp:useBean id="pageinfo" scope="request" class="org.jivesoftware.admin.AdminPageBean" />
<%  // Title of this page and breadcrumbs
    String title = "Session Details";
    pageinfo.getBreadcrumbs().add(new AdminPageBean.Breadcrumb("Main", "index.jsp"));
    pageinfo.getBreadcrumbs().add(new AdminPageBean.Breadcrumb(title, "session-details.jsp"));
<jsp:include page="top.jsp" flush="true" />
<jsp:include page="title.jsp" flush="true" />

Below are session details for the session <b><%= address.toString() %></b>. If the
user <b><%= address.getName() %></b> has multiple sessions open, they will appear below.

<div class="jive-table">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
        <th colspan="2">
            Session Details
        <td class="c1">
            Session ID:
            <%= address.toString() %>
        <td class="c1">
            User Name &amp; Resource:
            <%  String n = address.getName(); %>
            <%  if (n == null || "".equals(n)) { %>

                <i>Anonymous</i> - <%= address.getResource() %>

            <%  } else { %>

                <a href="user-properties.jsp?username=<%= n %>"><%= n %></a>
                - <%= address.getResource() %>

            <%  } %>
        <td class="c1">
                int status = currentSess.getStatus();
                if (status == Session.STATUS_CLOSED) {

                } else if (status == Session.STATUS_CONNECTED) {


                } else if (status == Session.STATUS_STREAMING) {


                } else if (status == Session.STATUS_AUTHENTICATED) {


                } else {


        <td class="c1">
                int show = currentSess.getPresence().getShow();
                String statusTxt = currentSess.getPresence().getStatus();
                if (statusTxt != null) {
                    statusTxt = " -- " + statusTxt;
                else {
                    statusTxt = "";
                if (show == Presence.SHOW_AWAY) {

                <img src="images/bullet-yellow-14x14.gif" width="14" height="14" border="0" title="Away">
                Away <%= statusTxt %>

                } else if (show == Presence.SHOW_CHAT) {
                <img src="images/bullet-green-14x14.gif" width="14" height="14" border="0" title="Available to Chat">
                Available to Chat <%= statusTxt %>
                } else if (show == Presence.SHOW_DND) {

                <img src="images/bullet-red-14x14.gif" width="14" height="14" border="0" title="Do not Disturb">
                Do Not Disturb <%= statusTxt %>

                } else if (show == Presence.SHOW_NONE) {

                <img src="images/bullet-green-14x14.gif" width="14" height="14" border="0" title="Online">
                Online <%= statusTxt %>

                } else if (show == Presence.SHOW_XA) {

                <img src="images/bullet-red-14x14.gif" width="14" height="14" border="0" title="Extended Away">
                Extended Away <%= statusTxt %>

                } else {

                Unknown/Not Recognized

        <td class="c1">
            Session Created:
            <%= dateFormatter.format(currentSess.getCreationDate()) %>
        <td class="c1">
            Session Last Active:
            <%= dateFormatter.format(currentSess.getLastActiveDate()) %>
        <td class="c1">
            Session Statistics:
            Packets Received/Sent:
            <%= numFormatter.format(currentSess.getNumClientPackets()) %>/<%= numFormatter.format(currentSess.getNumServerPackets()) %>
        <td class="c1">
            Client IP / Hostname:
            <%= currentSess.getConnection().getInetAddress().getHostAddress() %>
            <%= currentSess.getConnection().getInetAddress().getHostName() %>

<%  // Show a list of multiple user sessions if there is more than 1 session:
    if (sessionCount > 1) {
    <b>Multiple User Sessions</b>

    <div class="jive-table">
    <table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%">
        <th nowrap colspan="2">Presence (if authenticated)</th>
        <th nowrap>Client IP</th>
        <th nowrap>Close Connection</th>

    <%  int count = 0;
        String linkURL = "session-details.jsp";
        for (Session sess : sessions) {
            boolean current = sess.getAddress().equals(address);
        <%@ include file="session-row.jspf" %>

    <%  } %>



    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
        <td width="1%" nowrap>

            <div class="jive-table">
            <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
            <tr class="jive-current"><td><img src="images/blank.gif" width="12" height="12" border="0"></td></tr>

        <td width="99%">

            &nbsp; = Current session details above.


<%  } %>


<form action="session-details.jsp">
<input type="hidden" name="jid" value="<%= jid %>">
<%--<%  if (!isAnonymous && presenceManager.isAvailable(user)) { %>--%>
<%--    <input type="submit" name="message" value="Message this Session">--%>
<%--<%  } %>--%>
<input type="submit" name="back" value="Back to Summary">

<jsp:include page="bottom.jsp" flush="true" />