package org.jivesoftware.util; import org.dom4j.*; import; import org.dom4j.tree.NamespaceStack; import org.xml.sax.*; import org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler; import org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLFilterImpl; import*; import java.util.*; /** * Replacement class of the original (version: 1.77) since the original is still * using StringBuffer which is not fast. */ public class XMLWriter extends XMLFilterImpl implements LexicalHandler { private static final String PAD_TEXT = " "; protected static final String[] LEXICAL_HANDLER_NAMES = { "", "" }; protected static final OutputFormat DEFAULT_FORMAT = new OutputFormat(); /** Should entityRefs by resolved when writing ? */ private boolean resolveEntityRefs = true; /** Stores the last type of node written so algorithms can refer to the * previous node type */ protected int lastOutputNodeType; /** Stores the xml:space attribute value of preserve for whitespace flag */ protected boolean preserve=false; /** The Writer used to output to */ protected Writer writer; /** The Stack of namespaceStack written so far */ private NamespaceStack namespaceStack = new NamespaceStack(); /** The format used by this writer */ private OutputFormat format; /** whether we should escape text */ private boolean escapeText = true; /** The initial number of indentations (so you can print a whole document indented, if you like) **/ private int indentLevel = 0; /** buffer used when escaping strings */ private StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); /** whether we have added characters before from the same chunk of characters */ private boolean charactersAdded = false; private char lastChar; /** Whether a flush should occur after writing a document */ private boolean autoFlush; /** Lexical handler we should delegate to */ private LexicalHandler lexicalHandler; /** Whether comments should appear inside DTD declarations - defaults to false */ private boolean showCommentsInDTDs; /** Is the writer curerntly inside a DTD definition? */ private boolean inDTD; /** The namespaces used for the current element when consuming SAX events */ private Map namespacesMap; /** * what is the maximum allowed character code * such as 127 in US-ASCII (7 bit) or 255 in ISO-* (8 bit) * or -1 to not escape any characters (other than the special XML characters like < > &) */ private int maximumAllowedCharacter; public XMLWriter(Writer writer) { this( writer, DEFAULT_FORMAT ); } public XMLWriter(Writer writer, OutputFormat format) { this.writer = writer; this.format = format; namespaceStack.push(Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE); } public XMLWriter() throws UnsupportedEncodingException { this.format = DEFAULT_FORMAT; this.writer = new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter( System.out, "UTF-8" ) ); this.autoFlush = true; namespaceStack.push(Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE); } public XMLWriter(OutputStream out) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { this.format = DEFAULT_FORMAT; this.writer = createWriter(out, format.getEncoding()); this.autoFlush = true; namespaceStack.push(Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE); } public XMLWriter(OutputStream out, OutputFormat format) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { this.format = format; this.writer = createWriter(out, format.getEncoding()); this.autoFlush = true; namespaceStack.push(Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE); } public XMLWriter(OutputFormat format) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { this.format = format; this.writer = createWriter( System.out, format.getEncoding() ); this.autoFlush = true; namespaceStack.push(Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE); } public void setWriter(Writer writer) { this.writer = writer; this.autoFlush = false; } public void setOutputStream(OutputStream out) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { this.writer = createWriter(out, format.getEncoding()); this.autoFlush = true; } /** * @return true if text thats output should be escaped. * This is enabled by default. It could be disabled if * the output format is textual, like in XSLT where we can have * xml, html or text output. */ public boolean isEscapeText() { return escapeText; } /** * Sets whether text output should be escaped or not. * This is enabled by default. It could be disabled if * the output format is textual, like in XSLT where we can have * xml, html or text output. */ public void setEscapeText(boolean escapeText) { this.escapeText = escapeText; } /** Set the initial indentation level. This can be used to output * a document (or, more likely, an element) starting at a given * indent level, so it's not always flush against the left margin. * Default: 0 * * @param indentLevel the number of indents to start with */ public void setIndentLevel(int indentLevel) { this.indentLevel = indentLevel; } /** * Returns the maximum allowed character code that should be allowed * unescaped which defaults to 127 in US-ASCII (7 bit) or * 255 in ISO-* (8 bit). */ public int getMaximumAllowedCharacter() { if (maximumAllowedCharacter == 0) { maximumAllowedCharacter = defaultMaximumAllowedCharacter(); } return maximumAllowedCharacter; } /** * Sets the maximum allowed character code that should be allowed * unescaped * such as 127 in US-ASCII (7 bit) or 255 in ISO-* (8 bit) * or -1 to not escape any characters (other than the special XML characters like < > &) * * If this is not explicitly set then it is defaulted from the encoding. * * @param maximumAllowedCharacter The maximumAllowedCharacter to set */ public void setMaximumAllowedCharacter(int maximumAllowedCharacter) { this.maximumAllowedCharacter = maximumAllowedCharacter; } /** Flushes the underlying Writer */ public void flush() throws IOException { writer.flush(); } /** Closes the underlying Writer */ public void close() throws IOException { writer.close(); } /** Writes the new line text to the underlying Writer */ public void println() throws IOException { writer.write( format.getLineSeparator() ); } /** Writes the given {@link org.dom4j.Attribute}. * * @param attribute <code>Attribute</code> to output. */ public void write(Attribute attribute) throws IOException { writeAttribute(attribute); if ( autoFlush ) { flush(); } } /** <p>This will print the <code>Document</code> to the current Writer.</p> * * <p> Warning: using your own Writer may cause the writer's * preferred character encoding to be ignored. If you use * encodings other than UTF8, we recommend using the method that * takes an OutputStream instead. </p> * * <p>Note: as with all Writers, you may need to flush() yours * after this method returns.</p> * * @param doc <code>Document</code> to format. * @throws IOException - if there's any problem writing. **/ public void write(Document doc) throws IOException { writeDeclaration(); if (doc.getDocType() != null) { indent(); writeDocType(doc.getDocType()); } for ( int i = 0, size = doc.nodeCount(); i < size; i++ ) { Node node = doc.node(i); writeNode( node ); } writePrintln(); if ( autoFlush ) { flush(); } } /** <p>Writes the <code>{@link org.dom4j.Element}</code>, including * its <code>{@link Attribute}</code>s, and its value, and all * its content (child nodes) to the current Writer.</p> * * @param element <code>Element</code> to output. */ public void write(Element element) throws IOException { writeElement(element); if ( autoFlush ) { flush(); } } /** Writes the given {@link CDATA}. * * @param cdata <code>CDATA</code> to output. */ public void write(CDATA cdata) throws IOException { writeCDATA( cdata.getText() ); if ( autoFlush ) { flush(); } } /** Writes the given {@link Comment}. * * @param comment <code>Comment</code> to output. */ public void write(Comment comment) throws IOException { writeComment( comment.getText() ); if ( autoFlush ) { flush(); } } /** Writes the given {@link DocumentType}. * * @param docType <code>DocumentType</code> to output. */ public void write(DocumentType docType) throws IOException { writeDocType(docType); if ( autoFlush ) { flush(); } } /** Writes the given {@link Entity}. * * @param entity <code>Entity</code> to output. */ public void write(Entity entity) throws IOException { writeEntity( entity ); if ( autoFlush ) { flush(); } } /** Writes the given {@link Namespace}. * * @param namespace <code>Namespace</code> to output. */ public void write(Namespace namespace) throws IOException { writeNamespace(namespace); if ( autoFlush ) { flush(); } } /** Writes the given {@link ProcessingInstruction}. * * @param processingInstruction <code>ProcessingInstruction</code> to output. */ public void write(ProcessingInstruction processingInstruction) throws IOException { writeProcessingInstruction(processingInstruction); if ( autoFlush ) { flush(); } } /** <p>Print out a {@link String}, Perfoms * the necessary entity escaping and whitespace stripping.</p> * * @param text is the text to output */ public void write(String text) throws IOException { writeString(text); if ( autoFlush ) { flush(); } } /** Writes the given {@link Text}. * * @param text <code>Text</code> to output. */ public void write(Text text) throws IOException { writeString(text.getText()); if ( autoFlush ) { flush(); } } /** Writes the given {@link Node}. * * @param node <code>Node</code> to output. */ public void write(Node node) throws IOException { writeNode(node); if ( autoFlush ) { flush(); } } /** Writes the given object which should be a String, a Node or a List * of Nodes. * * @param object is the object to output. */ public void write(Object object) throws IOException { if (object instanceof Node) { write((Node) object); } else if (object instanceof String) { write((String) object); } else if (object instanceof List) { List list = (List) object; for ( int i = 0, size = list.size(); i < size; i++ ) { write( list.get(i) ); } } else if (object != null) { throw new IOException( "Invalid object: " + object ); } } /** <p>Writes the opening tag of an {@link Element}, * including its {@link Attribute}s * but without its content.</p> * * @param element <code>Element</code> to output. */ public void writeOpen(Element element) throws IOException { writer.write("<"); writer.write( element.getQualifiedName() ); writeAttributes(element); writer.write(">"); } /** <p>Writes the closing tag of an {@link Element}</p> * * @param element <code>Element</code> to output. */ public void writeClose(Element element) throws IOException { writeClose( element.getQualifiedName() ); } // XMLFilterImpl methods //------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void parse(InputSource source) throws IOException, SAXException { installLexicalHandler(); super.parse(source); } public void setProperty(String name, Object value) throws SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException { for (int i = 0; i < LEXICAL_HANDLER_NAMES.length; i++) { if (LEXICAL_HANDLER_NAMES[i].equals(name)) { setLexicalHandler((LexicalHandler) value); return; } } super.setProperty(name, value); } public Object getProperty(String name) throws SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException { for (int i = 0; i < LEXICAL_HANDLER_NAMES.length; i++) { if (LEXICAL_HANDLER_NAMES[i].equals(name)) { return getLexicalHandler(); } } return super.getProperty(name); } public void setLexicalHandler (LexicalHandler handler) { if (handler == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Null lexical handler"); } else { this.lexicalHandler = handler; } } public LexicalHandler getLexicalHandler(){ return lexicalHandler; } // ContentHandler interface //------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void setDocumentLocator(Locator locator) { super.setDocumentLocator(locator); } public void startDocument() throws SAXException { try { writeDeclaration(); super.startDocument(); } catch (IOException e) { handleException(e); } } public void endDocument() throws SAXException { super.endDocument(); if ( autoFlush ) { try { flush(); } catch ( IOException e) {} } } public void startPrefixMapping(String prefix, String uri) throws SAXException { if ( namespacesMap == null ) { namespacesMap = new HashMap(); } namespacesMap.put(prefix, uri); super.startPrefixMapping(prefix, uri); } public void endPrefixMapping(String prefix) throws SAXException { super.endPrefixMapping(prefix); } public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { try { charactersAdded = false; writePrintln(); indent(); writer.write("<"); writer.write(qName); writeNamespaces(); writeAttributes( attributes ); writer.write(">"); ++indentLevel; lastOutputNodeType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE; super.startElement( namespaceURI, localName, qName, attributes ); } catch (IOException e) { handleException(e); } } public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { try { charactersAdded = false; --indentLevel; if ( lastOutputNodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE ) { writePrintln(); indent(); } // XXXX: need to determine this using a stack and checking for // content / children boolean hadContent = true; if ( hadContent ) { writeClose(qName); } else { writeEmptyElementClose(qName); } lastOutputNodeType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE; super.endElement( namespaceURI, localName, qName ); } catch (IOException e) { handleException(e); } } public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException { if (ch == null || ch.length == 0 || length <= 0) { return; } try { /* * we can't use the writeString method here because it's possible * we don't receive all characters at once and calling writeString * would cause unwanted spaces to be added in between these chunks * of character arrays. */ String string = new String(ch, start, length); if (escapeText) { string = escapeElementEntities(string); } if (format.isTrimText()) { if ((lastOutputNodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) && !charactersAdded) { writer.write(" "); } else if (charactersAdded && Character.isWhitespace(lastChar)) { writer.write(lastChar); } String delim = ""; StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(string); while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { writer.write(delim); writer.write(tokens.nextToken()); delim = " "; } } else { writer.write(string); } charactersAdded = true; lastChar = ch[start + length - 1]; lastOutputNodeType = Node.TEXT_NODE; super.characters(ch, start, length); } catch (IOException e) { handleException(e); } } public void ignorableWhitespace(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException { super.ignorableWhitespace(ch, start, length); } public void processingInstruction(String target, String data) throws SAXException { try { indent(); writer.write("<?"); writer.write(target); writer.write(" "); writer.write(data); writer.write("?>"); writePrintln(); lastOutputNodeType = Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE; super.processingInstruction(target, data); } catch (IOException e) { handleException(e); } } // DTDHandler interface //------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void notationDecl(String name, String publicID, String systemID) throws SAXException { super.notationDecl(name, publicID, systemID); } public void unparsedEntityDecl(String name, String publicID, String systemID, String notationName) throws SAXException { super.unparsedEntityDecl(name, publicID, systemID, notationName); } // LexicalHandler interface //------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void startDTD(String name, String publicID, String systemID) throws SAXException { inDTD = true; try { writeDocType(name, publicID, systemID); } catch (IOException e) { handleException(e); } if (lexicalHandler != null) { lexicalHandler.startDTD(name, publicID, systemID); } } public void endDTD() throws SAXException { inDTD = false; if (lexicalHandler != null) { lexicalHandler.endDTD(); } } public void startCDATA() throws SAXException { try { writer.write( "<![CDATA[" ); } catch (IOException e) { handleException(e); } if (lexicalHandler != null) { lexicalHandler.startCDATA(); } } public void endCDATA() throws SAXException { try { writer.write( "]]>" ); } catch (IOException e) { handleException(e); } if (lexicalHandler != null) { lexicalHandler.endCDATA(); } } public void startEntity(String name) throws SAXException { try { writeEntityRef(name); } catch (IOException e) { handleException(e); } if (lexicalHandler != null) { lexicalHandler.startEntity(name); } } public void endEntity(String name) throws SAXException { if (lexicalHandler != null) { lexicalHandler.endEntity(name); } } public void comment(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException { if ( showCommentsInDTDs || ! inDTD ) { try { charactersAdded = false; writeComment( new String(ch, start, length) ); } catch (IOException e) { handleException(e); } } if (lexicalHandler != null) { lexicalHandler.comment(ch, start, length); } } // Implementation methods //------------------------------------------------------------------------- protected void writeElement(Element element) throws IOException { int size = element.nodeCount(); String qualifiedName = element.getQualifiedName(); writePrintln(); indent(); writer.write("<"); writer.write(qualifiedName); int previouslyDeclaredNamespaces = namespaceStack.size(); Namespace ns = element.getNamespace(); if (isNamespaceDeclaration( ns ) ) { namespaceStack.push(ns); writeNamespace(ns); } // Print out additional namespace declarations boolean textOnly = true; for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { Node node = element.node(i); if ( node instanceof Namespace ) { Namespace additional = (Namespace) node; if (isNamespaceDeclaration( additional ) ) { namespaceStack.push(additional); writeNamespace(additional); } } else if ( node instanceof Element) { textOnly = false; } else if ( node instanceof Comment) { textOnly = false; } } writeAttributes(element); lastOutputNodeType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE; if ( size <= 0 ) { writeEmptyElementClose(qualifiedName); } else { writer.write(">"); if ( textOnly ) { // we have at least one text node so lets assume // that its non-empty writeElementContent(element); } else { // we know it's not null or empty from above ++indentLevel; writeElementContent(element); --indentLevel; writePrintln(); indent(); } writer.write("</"); writer.write(qualifiedName); writer.write(">"); } // remove declared namespaceStack from stack while (namespaceStack.size() > previouslyDeclaredNamespaces) { namespaceStack.pop(); } lastOutputNodeType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE; } /** * Determines if element is a special case of XML elements * where it contains an xml:space attribute of "preserve". * If it does, then retain whitespace. */ protected final boolean isElementSpacePreserved(Element element) { final Attribute attr = (Attribute)element.attribute("space"); boolean preserveFound=preserve; //default to global state if (attr!=null) { if ("xml".equals(attr.getNamespacePrefix()) && "preserve".equals(attr.getText())) { preserveFound = true; } else { preserveFound = false; } } return preserveFound; } /** Outputs the content of the given element. If whitespace trimming is * enabled then all adjacent text nodes are appended together before * the whitespace trimming occurs to avoid problems with multiple * text nodes being created due to text content that spans parser buffers * in a SAX parser. */ protected void writeElementContent(Element element) throws IOException { boolean trim = format.isTrimText(); boolean oldPreserve=preserve; if (trim) { //verify we have to before more expensive test preserve=isElementSpacePreserved(element); trim = !preserve; } if (trim) { // concatenate adjacent text nodes together // so that whitespace trimming works properly Text lastTextNode = null; StringBuilder buffer = null; boolean textOnly = true; for ( int i = 0, size = element.nodeCount(); i < size; i++ ) { Node node = element.node(i); if ( node instanceof Text ) { if ( lastTextNode == null ) { lastTextNode = (Text) node; } else { if (buffer == null) { buffer = new StringBuilder( lastTextNode.getText() ); } buffer.append( ((Text) node).getText() ); } } else { if (!textOnly && format.isPadText()) { writer.write(PAD_TEXT); } textOnly = false; if ( lastTextNode != null ) { if ( buffer != null ) { writeString( buffer.toString() ); buffer = null; } else { writeString( lastTextNode.getText() ); } lastTextNode = null; if (format.isPadText()) { writer.write(PAD_TEXT); } } writeNode(node); } } if ( lastTextNode != null ) { if (!textOnly && format.isPadText()) { writer.write(PAD_TEXT); } if ( buffer != null ) { writeString( buffer.toString() ); buffer = null; } else { writeString( lastTextNode.getText() ); } lastTextNode = null; } } else { Node lastTextNode = null; for ( int i = 0, size = element.nodeCount(); i < size; i++ ) { Node node = element.node(i); if (node instanceof Text) { writeNode(node); lastTextNode = node; } else { if ((lastTextNode != null) && format.isPadText()) { writer.write(PAD_TEXT); } writeNode(node); if ((lastTextNode != null) && format.isPadText()) { writer.write(PAD_TEXT); } lastTextNode = null; } } } preserve=oldPreserve; } protected void writeCDATA(String text) throws IOException { writer.write( "<![CDATA[" ); if (text != null) { writer.write( text ); } writer.write( "]]>" ); lastOutputNodeType = Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE; } protected void writeDocType(DocumentType docType) throws IOException { if (docType != null) { docType.write( writer ); //writeDocType( docType.getElementName(), docType.getPublicID(), docType.getSystemID() ); writePrintln(); } } protected void writeNamespace(Namespace namespace) throws IOException { if ( namespace != null ) { writeNamespace(namespace.getPrefix(), namespace.getURI()); } } /** * Writes the SAX namepsaces */ protected void writeNamespaces() throws IOException { if ( namespacesMap != null ) { for ( Iterator iter = namespacesMap.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); String prefix = (String) entry.getKey(); String uri = (String) entry.getValue(); writeNamespace(prefix, uri); } namespacesMap = null; } } /** * Writes the SAX namepsaces */ protected void writeNamespace(String prefix, String uri) throws IOException { if ( prefix != null && prefix.length() > 0 ) { writer.write(" xmlns:"); writer.write(prefix); writer.write("=\""); } else { writer.write(" xmlns=\""); } writer.write(uri); writer.write("\""); } protected void writeProcessingInstruction(ProcessingInstruction processingInstruction) throws IOException { //indent(); writer.write( "<?" ); writer.write( processingInstruction.getName() ); writer.write( " " ); writer.write( processingInstruction.getText() ); writer.write( "?>" ); writePrintln(); lastOutputNodeType = Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE; } protected void writeString(String text) throws IOException { if ( text != null && text.length() > 0 ) { if ( escapeText ) { text = escapeElementEntities(text); } // if (format.isPadText()) { // if (lastOutputNodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { // writer.write(PAD_TEXT); // } // } if (format.isTrimText()) { boolean first = true; StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(text); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = tokenizer.nextToken(); if ( first ) { first = false; if ( lastOutputNodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE ) { writer.write(" "); } } else { writer.write(" "); } writer.write(token); lastOutputNodeType = Node.TEXT_NODE; } } else { lastOutputNodeType = Node.TEXT_NODE; writer.write(text); } } } /** * This method is used to write out Nodes that contain text * and still allow for xml:space to be handled properly. * */ protected void writeNodeText(Node node) throws IOException { String text = node.getText(); if (text != null && text.length() > 0) { if (escapeText) { text = escapeElementEntities(text); } lastOutputNodeType = Node.TEXT_NODE; writer.write(text); } } protected void writeNode(Node node) throws IOException { int nodeType = node.getNodeType(); switch (nodeType) { case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: writeElement((Element) node); break; case Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE: writeAttribute((Attribute) node); break; case Node.TEXT_NODE: writeNodeText(node); //write((Text) node); break; case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE: writeCDATA(node.getText()); break; case Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: writeEntity((Entity) node); break; case Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: writeProcessingInstruction((ProcessingInstruction) node); break; case Node.COMMENT_NODE: writeComment(node.getText()); break; case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE: write((Document) node); break; case Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: writeDocType((DocumentType) node); break; case Node.NAMESPACE_NODE: // Will be output with attributes //write((Namespace) node); break; default: throw new IOException( "Invalid node type: " + node ); } } protected void installLexicalHandler() { XMLReader parent = getParent(); if (parent == null) { throw new NullPointerException("No parent for filter"); } // try to register for lexical events for (int i = 0; i < LEXICAL_HANDLER_NAMES.length; i++) { try { parent.setProperty(LEXICAL_HANDLER_NAMES[i], this); break; } catch (SAXNotRecognizedException ex) { // ignore } catch (SAXNotSupportedException ex) { // ignore } } } protected void writeDocType(String name, String publicID, String systemID) throws IOException { boolean hasPublic = false; writer.write("<!DOCTYPE "); writer.write(name); if ((publicID != null) && (!publicID.equals(""))) { writer.write(" PUBLIC \""); writer.write(publicID); writer.write("\""); hasPublic = true; } if ((systemID != null) && (!systemID.equals(""))) { if (!hasPublic) { writer.write(" SYSTEM"); } writer.write(" \""); writer.write(systemID); writer.write("\""); } writer.write(">"); writePrintln(); } protected void writeEntity(Entity entity) throws IOException { if (!resolveEntityRefs()) { writeEntityRef( entity.getName() ); } else { writer.write(entity.getText()); } } protected void writeEntityRef(String name) throws IOException { writer.write( "&" ); writer.write( name ); writer.write( ";" ); lastOutputNodeType = Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE; } protected void writeComment(String text) throws IOException { if (format.isNewlines()) { println(); indent(); } writer.write( "<!--" ); writer.write( text ); writer.write( "-->" ); lastOutputNodeType = Node.COMMENT_NODE; } /** Writes the attributes of the given element * */ protected void writeAttributes( Element element ) throws IOException { // I do not yet handle the case where the same prefix maps to // two different URIs. For attributes on the same element // this is illegal; but as yet we don't throw an exception // if someone tries to do this for ( int i = 0, size = element.attributeCount(); i < size; i++ ) { Attribute attribute = element.attribute(i); Namespace ns = attribute.getNamespace(); if (ns != null && ns != Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE && ns != Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE) { String prefix = ns.getPrefix(); String uri = namespaceStack.getURI(prefix); if (!ns.getURI().equals(uri)) { // output a new namespace declaration writeNamespace(ns); namespaceStack.push(ns); } } // If the attribute is a namespace declaration, check if we have already // written that declaration elsewhere (if that's the case, it must be // in the namespace stack String attName = attribute.getName(); if (attName.startsWith("xmlns:")) { String prefix = attName.substring(6); if (namespaceStack.getNamespaceForPrefix(prefix) == null) { String uri = attribute.getValue(); namespaceStack.push(prefix, uri); writeNamespace(prefix, uri); } } else if (attName.equals("xmlns")) { if (namespaceStack.getDefaultNamespace() == null) { String uri = attribute.getValue(); namespaceStack.push(null, uri); writeNamespace(null, uri); } } else { char quote = format.getAttributeQuoteCharacter(); writer.write(" "); writer.write(attribute.getQualifiedName()); writer.write("="); writer.write(quote); writeEscapeAttributeEntities(attribute.getValue()); writer.write(quote); } } } protected void writeAttribute(Attribute attribute) throws IOException { writer.write(" "); writer.write(attribute.getQualifiedName()); writer.write("="); char quote = format.getAttributeQuoteCharacter(); writer.write(quote); writeEscapeAttributeEntities(attribute.getValue()); writer.write(quote); lastOutputNodeType = Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE; } protected void writeAttributes(Attributes attributes) throws IOException { for (int i = 0, size = attributes.getLength(); i < size; i++) { writeAttribute( attributes, i ); } } protected void writeAttribute(Attributes attributes, int index) throws IOException { char quote = format.getAttributeQuoteCharacter(); writer.write(" "); writer.write(attributes.getQName(index)); writer.write("="); writer.write(quote); writeEscapeAttributeEntities(attributes.getValue(index)); writer.write(quote); } protected void indent() throws IOException { String indent = format.getIndent(); if ( indent != null && indent.length() > 0 ) { for ( int i = 0; i < indentLevel; i++ ) { writer.write(indent); } } } /** * <p> * This will print a new line only if the newlines flag was set to true * </p> */ protected void writePrintln() throws IOException { if (format.isNewlines()) { writer.write( format.getLineSeparator() ); } } /** * Get an OutputStreamWriter, use preferred encoding. */ protected Writer createWriter(OutputStream outStream, String encoding) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { return new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter( outStream, encoding ) ); } /** * <p> * This will write the declaration to the given Writer. * Assumes XML version 1.0 since we don't directly know. * </p> */ protected void writeDeclaration() throws IOException { String encoding = format.getEncoding(); // Only print of declaration is not suppressed if (! format.isSuppressDeclaration()) { // Assume 1.0 version if (encoding.equals("UTF8")) { writer.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\""); if (!format.isOmitEncoding()) { writer.write(" encoding=\"UTF-8\""); } writer.write("?>"); } else { writer.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\""); if (! format.isOmitEncoding()) { writer.write(" encoding=\"" + encoding + "\""); } writer.write("?>"); } if (format.isNewLineAfterDeclaration()) { println(); } } } protected void writeClose(String qualifiedName) throws IOException { writer.write("</"); writer.write(qualifiedName); writer.write(">"); } protected void writeEmptyElementClose(String qualifiedName) throws IOException { // Simply close up if (! format.isExpandEmptyElements()) { writer.write("/>"); } else { writer.write("></"); writer.write(qualifiedName); writer.write(">"); } } protected boolean isExpandEmptyElements() { return format.isExpandEmptyElements(); } /** This will take the pre-defined entities in XML 1.0 and * convert their character representation to the appropriate * entity reference, suitable for XML attributes. */ protected String escapeElementEntities(String text) { char[] block = null; int i, last = 0, size = text.length(); for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { String entity = null; char c = text.charAt(i); switch( c ) { case '<' : entity = "<"; break; case '>' : entity = ">"; break; case '&' : entity = "&"; break; case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': // don't encode standard whitespace characters if (preserve) { entity=String.valueOf(c); } break; default: if (c < 32 || shouldEncodeChar(c)) { entity = "&#" + (int) c + ";"; } break; } if (entity != null) { if ( block == null ) { block = text.toCharArray(); } buffer.append(block, last, i - last); buffer.append(entity); last = i + 1; } } if ( last == 0 ) { return text; } if ( last < size ) { if ( block == null ) { block = text.toCharArray(); } buffer.append(block, last, i - last); } String answer = buffer.toString(); buffer.setLength(0); return answer; } protected void writeEscapeAttributeEntities(String text) throws IOException { if ( text != null ) { String escapedText = escapeAttributeEntities( text ); writer.write( escapedText ); } } /** This will take the pre-defined entities in XML 1.0 and * convert their character representation to the appropriate * entity reference, suitable for XML attributes. */ protected String escapeAttributeEntities(String text) { char quote = format.getAttributeQuoteCharacter(); char[] block = null; int i, last = 0, size = text.length(); for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { String entity = null; char c = text.charAt(i); switch( c ) { case '<' : entity = "<"; break; case '>' : entity = ">"; break; case '\'' : if (quote == '\'') { entity = "'"; } break; case '\"' : if (quote == '\"') { entity = """; } break; case '&' : entity = "&"; break; case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': // don't encode standard whitespace characters break; default: if (c < 32 || shouldEncodeChar(c)) { entity = "&#" + (int) c + ";"; } break; } if (entity != null) { if ( block == null ) { block = text.toCharArray(); } buffer.append(block, last, i - last); buffer.append(entity); last = i + 1; } } if ( last == 0 ) { return text; } if ( last < size ) { if ( block == null ) { block = text.toCharArray(); } buffer.append(block, last, i - last); } String answer = buffer.toString(); buffer.setLength(0); return answer; } /** * Should the given character be escaped. This depends on the * encoding of the document. * * @return boolean */ protected boolean shouldEncodeChar(char c) { int max = getMaximumAllowedCharacter(); return max > 0 && c > max; } /** * Returns the maximum allowed character code that should be allowed * unescaped which defaults to 127 in US-ASCII (7 bit) or * 255 in ISO-* (8 bit). */ protected int defaultMaximumAllowedCharacter() { String encoding = format.getEncoding(); if (encoding != null) { if (encoding.equals("US-ASCII")) { return 127; } } // no encoding for things like ISO-*, UTF-8 or UTF-16 return -1; } protected boolean isNamespaceDeclaration( Namespace ns ) { if (ns != null && ns != Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE) { String uri = ns.getURI(); if ( uri != null ) { if ( ! namespaceStack.contains( ns ) ) { return true; } } } return false; } protected void handleException(IOException e) throws SAXException { throw new SAXException(e); } //Laramie Crocker 4/8/2002 10:38AM /** Lets subclasses get at the current format object, so they can call setTrimText, setNewLines, etc. * Put in to support the HTMLWriter, in the way * that it pushes the current newline/trim state onto a stack and overrides * the state within preformatted tags. */ protected OutputFormat getOutputFormat() { return format; } public boolean resolveEntityRefs() { return resolveEntityRefs; } public void setResolveEntityRefs(boolean resolve) { this.resolveEntityRefs = resolve; } }