# $RCSfile$ # $Revision$ # $Date$ # This resource bundle file is the default resource bundle that will be # used by Jive if a resource bundle for a specific Locale cannot be found. # # Additional locales can be specified by creating a new resource file in this # directory using the following conventions: # # jive_i18n "_" language "_" country ".properties" # jive_i18n "_" language ".properties" # # e.g. # jive_i18n_en.propertis <- English resources # jive_i18n_en_US.properties <- American US resources # jive_i18n_de.properties <- German resources # jive_i18n_ja.properties <- Japanese resources # # Please note that the two digit language code should be lower case, and the # two digit country code should be in uppercase. Often, it is not necessary to # specify the country code. # # A full list of language codes can be found at # http://www-old.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/related/iso639.txt # and a full list of country codes can be found at # http://www.chemie.fu-berlin.de/diverse/doc/ISO_3166.html # # In property strings that are parameterized, single quotes can be used to # quote the "{" (curly brace) if necessary. A real single quote is represented by ''. # # REVISION HISTORY (by Jive Messenger version): # # 2.1.2 # * Initial version # # Sidebar, tabs: tab.server=Server tab.server.descr=Click to manage server settings sidebar.server-manager=Server Manager sidebar.server-settings=Server Settings sidebar.server-settings.descr=Click to manage system settings sidebar.system-props=System Properties sidebar.system-props.descr=Click to manage server properties sidebar.server-locale=System Locale sidebar.server-locale.descr=Click to set the locale used by the system sidebar.server-db=Database sidebar.server-db.descr=Database sidebar.server-logs=Logs sidebar.server-logs.descr=Click to view server logs sidebar.sidebar-server-settings=Server Settings sidebar.server-reg-and-login=Registration & Login sidebar.server-reg-and-login.descr=Click to edit registration & login policies sidebar.server-session-conflict=Resource Policy sidebar.server-session-conflict.descr= sidebar.server-offline-messages=Offline Messages sidebar.server-offline-messages.descr= sidebar.server-audit-policy=Message Audit Policy sidebar.server-audit-policy.descr= sidebar.server-data-settings=Private Data Storage sidebar.server-data-settings.descr= sidebar.server-ssl=SSL Settings sidebar.server-ssl.descr= tab.tab-users=Users/Groups tab.tab-users.descr=Click to manage users and groups sidebar.sidebar-users=Users sidebar.user-summary=User Summary sidebar.user-summary.descr=Click to see a list of users in the system sidebar.sidebar-users-options=User Options sidebar.user-properties=User Properties sidebar.user-properties.descr=Click to edit the user's properties sidebar.user-password=Password sidebar.user-password.descr=Click to change the user's password sidebar.user-delete=Delete User sidebar.user-delete.descr=Click to delete the user sidebar.user-create=Create New User sidebar.user-create.descr=Click to add a new user to the system sidebar.user-search=User Search sidebar.user-search.descr=Click to search for a particular user sidebar.sidebar-groups=Groups sidebar.group-summary=Group Summary sidebar.group-summary.descr=Click to see a list of groups in the system sidebar.sidebar-group-options=Group Options sidebar.group-edit=Edit Group sidebar.group-edit.descr=Click to edit the group sidebar.group-delete=Delete Group sidebar.group-delete.descr=Click to delete the group sidebar.group-create=Create New Group sidebar.group-create.descr=Click to add a new group to the system tab.tab-session=Sessions tab.tab-session.descr=Click to manage connected sessions sidebar.session-summary=View Current Sessions sidebar.session-summary.descr=Click to manage XMPP sessions sidebar.user-message=Send Message sidebar.user-message.descr=Click to send a message tab.tab-groupchat=Group Chat tab.tab-groupchat.descr=Click to manage group chat setting sidebar.muc-server-props=Service Properties sidebar.muc-server-props.descr= sidebar.muc-history=History Settings sidebar.muc-history.descr= sidebar.muc-sysadmin=Administrators sidebar.muc-sysadmin.descr= sidebar.muc-perms=Room Creation Permissions sidebar.muc-perms.descr= sidebar.muc-tasks=Other Settings sidebar.muc-tasks.descr= sidebar.muc-room-summary=Room Summary sidebar.muc-room-summary.descr=Click to see a list of rooms in the service sidebar.muc-room-create=Create New Room sidebar.muc-room-create.descr=Click to add a new room to the service # Server startup messages startup.name=Jive Messenger {0} Started [{1}] startup.starting=Messenger domain: {0} startup.starting.chat=Chat domain: {0} startup.starting.muc=Multi User Chat domain: {0} startup.caches=Initializing caches startup.channels=Initializing channels startup.plain=Started plain (unencrypted) socket on port: {0} startup.ssl=Started SSL (encrypted) socket on port: {0} startup.error=Error starting the server. Please check the log files for more information. startup.error.jivehome=Could not locate messengerHome. Set the messengerHome property or edit your messenger_init.xml file for app server deployments. startup.missing-plugins=Could not locate the plugins directory. Possibly corrupt installation. No plugins will be loaded. # Standard server error messages (for server admin) admin.error=Internal server error admin.error.accept=Trouble accepting connection admin.error.bad-stream=Bad opening tag (not stream) admin.error.bad-namespace=Stream not in correct namespace admin.error.channel-notfound=Channel {0} could not be found admin.error.close=Could not close socket admin.error.connection=Connection closed before session established admin.error.deliver=Could not deliver packet admin.error.min-thread=Cannot set min thread count with invalid value. admin.error.max-thread=Cannot set max thread count with invalid value. admin.error.packet=Malformed packet received admin.error.packet.text=Unexpected raw text in the stream admin.error.packet.tag=Unexpected packet tag (not message,iq,presence) admin.error.routing=Could not route packet admin.error.socket-setup=Could not setup a server socket admin.error.ssl=Could not setup SSL socket admin.error.stream=Stream error detected admin.drop-packet=Dropping unrecognized packet admin.disconnect=Stream cut short (could be normal disconnect) # Server messages (for server admin) admin.password.update={0} updated password from session {1} admin.authenticated={0} authenticated on connection {1} admin.warn.license=License limit exceeded, refusing user connection admin.error.license=Could not license plugin {0} # Server messages (too users) user.license=Try logging in later or contact your system administrator user.license.title=Too many users logged in admin.shutdown.now=The server is shutting down immediately # XMPP error codes xmpp.error.302=Redirect xmpp.error.400=Bad Request xmpp.error.401=Unauthorized xmpp.error.402=Payment Required xmpp.error.403=Forbidden xmpp.error.404=Not Found xmpp.error.405=Not Allowed xmpp.error.406=Not Acceptable xmpp.error.407=Registration Required xmpp.error.408=Request Timeout xmpp.error.409=Conflict xmpp.error.500=Internal Server Error xmpp.error.501=Not Implemented xmpp.error.502=Remote Server Error xmpp.error.503=Service Unavailable xmpp.error.504=Remote Server Timeout xmpp.error.unknown=Unknown error code # Chat server messages chat.join={0} has joined the room chat.leave={0} has left the room chat.error.not-supported=Chat client attempted to access unimplemented feature # Multi User Chat server messages muc.error.not-supported=Chat client attempted to access unimplemented feature muc.new=This room is locked from entry until configuration is confirmed. muc.locked=This room is now locked. muc.unlocked=This room is now unlocked. muc.warnnonanonymous=This room is not anonymous. muc.roomIsNowMembersOnly=This room is now members-only. # Labels for extended info (dataform) returned for disco#info requests muc.extended.info.desc=Description muc.extended.info.subject=Subject muc.extended.info.occupants=Number of occupants muc.extended.info.creationdate=Creation date # Labels for room registration data form muc.form.reg.title=Registration with the room muc.form.reg.instruction=Please provide the following information to register with this room. muc.form.reg.first-name=First Name muc.form.reg.last-name=Last Name muc.form.reg.nickname=Desired Nickname muc.form.reg.url=Your URL muc.form.reg.email=Email Address muc.form.reg.faqentry=FAQ Entry # Labels for room configuration data form muc.form.conf.title=Room configuration muc.form.conf.instruction=The room "{0}" has been created. To accept the default configuration, \ click the "OK" button. Or, modify the settings by completing the following form: muc.form.conf.owner_roomname=Room Name muc.form.conf.owner_roomdesc=Description muc.form.conf.owner_changesubject=Allow Occupants to Change Subject muc.form.conf.owner_maxusers=Maximum Room Occupants muc.form.conf.none=None muc.form.conf.owner_presencebroadcast=Roles for Which Presence is Broadcast muc.form.conf.moderator=Moderator muc.form.conf.participant=Participant muc.form.conf.visitor=Visitor muc.form.conf.owner_publicroom=List Room in Directory muc.form.conf.owner_persistentroom=Room is Persistent muc.form.conf.owner_moderatedroom=Room is Moderated muc.form.conf.owner_membersonly=Room is Members-only muc.form.conf.allowinvitesfixed=Note: by default, only admins can send invitations in an invitation-only room. muc.form.conf.owner_allowinvites=Allow Occupants to Invite Others muc.form.conf.owner_passwordprotectedroom=Password Required to Enter Room muc.form.conf.roomsecretfixed=If a password is required to enter this room, you must specify the \ password below. muc.form.conf.owner_roomsecret=Password muc.form.conf.owner_whois=Role that May Discover Real JIDs of Occupants muc.form.conf.anyone=Anyone muc.form.conf.owner_enablelogging=Log Room Conversations muc.form.conf.roomadminsfixed=You may specify administrators of this room. \ Please provide one JID per line. muc.form.conf.owner_roomadmins=Room Admins muc.form.conf.roomownersfixed=You may specify additional owners for this room. Please provide \ one JID per line. muc.form.conf.owner_roomowners=Room Owners # Messenger short.title = Jive Messenger title = Jive Messenger # Admin Console Pages below global.restart=restart global.server_status=Server Status # Group Chat Service Properties Page groupchat.service.properties.title=Group Chat Service Properties groupchat.service.properties.introduction=Use the form below to edit group chat service settings. Note, any changes will require a server restart. groupchat.service.properties.saved_successfully=Service properties edited successfully. You must groupchat.service.properties.saved_successfully2=the server in order for the changes to take effect (see groupchat.service.properties.error_service_name=Error setting the service name. groupchat.service.properties.legend=Service Name groupchat.service.properties.label_service_name=Group chat service name: groupchat.service.properties.error_service_name=Please enter a valid name. groupchat.service.properties.save=Save Properties # Group Chat History Settings Page groupchat.history.settings.title=Group Chat History Settings groupchat.history.settings.introduction=Group chat rooms can replay conversation histories to provide context to new members joining a room. There are several options for controlling how much history to store for each room. groupchat.history.settings.saved_successfully=Settings updated successfully. groupchat.history.settings.legend=History Settings groupchat.history.settings.label1_no_history=Don't Show History groupchat.history.settings.label2_no_history=- Do not show a chat history to users joining a room. groupchat.history.settings.label1_entire_history=Show Entire Chat History groupchat.history.settings.label2_entire_history=- Show the entire chat history to users joining a room. groupchat.history.settings.label1_number_messages=Show a Specific Number of Messages groupchat.history.settings.label2_number_messages=- Show a specific number of the most recent messages in the chat. Use the box below to specify that number. groupchat.history.settings.messages=messages groupchat.history.settings.save=Save Settings # Group Chat Administrators Page groupchat.admins.title=Group Chat Administrators groupchat.admins.introduction=Below is the list of system administrators of the group chat service. System administrators can enter any group chat room and their permissions are the same as the room owner. groupchat.admins.user_added=User added to the list successfully. groupchat.admins.error_adding=Error adding the user. Please verify the JID is correct. groupchat.admins.user_removed=User removed from the list successfully. groupchat.admins.legend=Administrators groupchat.admins.label_add_admin=Add Administrator (JID): groupchat.admins.column_user=User groupchat.admins.column_remove=Remove groupchat.admins.add=Add groupchat.admins.no_admins=No administrators specified, use the form above to add one. groupchat.admins.dialog.title=Click to delete... groupchat.admins.dialog.text=Are you sure you want to remove this user from the list? #audit policy Page audit.policy.title=Audit Policy audit.policy.settings.saved_successfully=Settings updated successfully. audit.policy.title_info=can audit XMPP traffic on the server and save the data to XML data files. The amount of data sent via an XMPP server can be substantial. Messenger provides several settings to control whether to audit packets, how audit files are created, and the types of packets to save. In most cases, logging Message packets will provide all of the data an enterprise requires. Presence and IQ packets are primarily useful for tracing and troubleshooting XMPP deployments. audit.policy.policytitle=Set Message Audit Policy audit.policy.label_disable_auditing=Disable Message Auditing audit.policy.label_disable_auditing_info=-- packets are not logged. audit.policy.label_enable_auditing=Enable Message Auditing audit.policy.label_enable_auditing_info=-- packets are logged with the following options: audit.policy.maxfile_size=Maximum file size (MB): audit.policy.validnumber=Please enter a valid number. audit.policy.maxfile_number=Maximum number of files: audit.policy.flush_interval=Flush Interval (seconds): audit.policy.packet_audit=Packets to audit: audit.policy.label_audit_messenge_packets=Audit Message Packets audit.policy.label_audit_presence_packets=Audit Presence Packets audit.policy.label_audit_iq_packets=Audit IQ Packets audit.policy.queued_packets=Queued packets: #chatroom history settings Page chatroom.history.settings.title=Chat Room History Settings chatroom.history.settings.saved_successfully=Settings updated successfully. chatroom.history.settings.info_response1=Chatrooms can replay conversation histories to provide context to new members joining a room. chatroom.history.settings.info_response2=provides several options for controlling how much history to store for each room. chatroom.history.settings.policy=Set Chatroom History Policy chatroom.history.settings.label_show_title=Don't Show History chatroom.history.settings.label_show_content=- Do not show the entire chat history. chatroom.history.settings.label_show_Entire_title=Show Entire Chat History chatroom.history.settings.label_show_Entire_content=- Show the entire chat history to the user. chatroom.history.settings.label_show_message_number_title=Show a Specific Number of Messages chatroom.history.settings.label_show_message_number_content=Show a specific number of the most recent messages in the chat. Use the box below to specify that number. #error Page error.admin_privileges=You don't have admin privileges to perform this operation. error.requested_user=The requested user error.username=(username: error.not_found=was not found. error.not_found_group=The requested group was not found. error.exception=Exception: #error serverdown Page error.serverdown.title=Server Down error.serverdown.admin_console=Admin Console error.serverdown.is_down=is currently down. To continue: error.serverdown.start=Start the server. error.serverdown.login=Login to the admin console #group create Page group.create.title=Create Group group.create.error=Error creating the group. Please check your error logs. group.create.form=Use the form below to create a group. group.create.new_group_title=Create New Group group.create.group_name=Group Name: group.create.invalid_group_name=Invalid group name. group.create.invalid_group_info=Group already exists - please choose a different name. group.create.label_description=Description: group.create.invalid_description=Invalid description. group.create.label_initial_member=Initial Member(s): group.create.share_groups_title=Shared Roster Groups group.create.share_groups_info=You can use the form below to show this group in users' rosters. Select from one of three options for who should see this group in their rosters. group.create.disable_share_group=Disable sharing group in rosters group.create.enable_share_group=Enable sharing group in rosters group.create.group_display_name=Group Display Name group.create.enter_a_group_name=Enter a Group Display Name. group.create.show_group_in_all_users=Show group in all users' rosters. group.create.show_group_in_group_members=Show group in group members' rosters group.create.show_group_in_roster_group=Show group to members' rosters of these groups: group.create.required_fields=Required fields #group delete Page group.delete.title=Delete Group group.delete.hint_info=Are you sure you want to delete the group group.delete.hint_info1=from the system? #group edit Page group.edit.title=Edit Group group.edit.form_info=Edit group settings and add or remove group members and administrators using the forms below. group.edit.update=Group information updated successfully. group.edit.update_add_user=User(s) added successfully. group.edit.update_del_user=User(s) deleted successfully. group.edit.update_user=User(s) updated successfully. group.edit.update_success=Group created successfully. group.edit.not_update=User(s) not added successfully. group.edit.group_summary=Group Summary group.edit.group_name=Name: group.edit.group_description=Description: group.edit.group_not_description=No Description group.edit.group_share_title=Shared Roster Groups group.edit.group_share_content=You can use the form below to show this group in users' rosters. Select from one of three options for who should see this group in their rosters. group.edit.group_share_not_in_rosters=Disable sharing group in rosters group.edit.group_share_in_rosters=Enable sharing group in rosters group.edit.group_display_name=Group Display Name group.edit.show_groups_in_all_user=Show group in all users' rosters. group.edit.show_groups_in_groups_members=Show group in group members' rosters group.edit.show_group_in_roster_group=Show group to members' rosters of these groups: group.edit.add_user=Add User(s): group.edit.username=Username group.edit.admin=Admin group.edit.remove=Remove group.edit.user_hint=No members in this group. Use the form above to add some. #group summary Page group.summary.title=Group Summary group.summary.list_group=Below is a list of the groups in the system. group.summary.delete_group=Group deleted successfully. group.summary.total_group=Total Groups: group.summary.showing=Showing group.summary.page=Pages: group.summary.page_name=Name group.summary.page_member=Members group.summary.page_admin=Admins group.summary.page_edit=Edit group.summary.page_delete=Delete group.summary.no_groups=No groups in the system. group.summary.click_edit="Click to edit..." group.summary.click_delete="Click to delete..." #header Page header.admin=Admin #index Page index.title=Server Settings index.title.info=Below are properties for this server. Click the "Edit Properties" button below to change some of the server settings. Some settings can not be changed. index.properties=Server Properties index.uptime=Server Uptime: index.version=Version: index.home=Messenger Home: index.server_name=Server Name: index.server_port=Server Ports index.server_ip=IP:Port, Security: index.port_type=NORMAL index.port_type1=TLS (SSL) index.domain_name=Domain Name(s): index.environment=Environment index.jvm=JVM Version and Vendor: index.app=Appserver: index.os=OS / Hardware: index.local=Locale / Timezone: # Locale Page locale.title=Server Locale locale.title.info=Use the form below to set the system locale. By default, the locale is the system default locale and the language is English. locale.system.set=Set System Locale #license details Page license.details.info=The following is a summary of your license.details.info1=license. license.details.details=License Details license.details.type=License Type: license.details.max_session=Maximum Allowable Sessions: license.details.unlimited=Unlimited license.details.expiration_date=Expiration Date: license.details.expiration_date_never=Never #log Page log.line=line #login Page login.title=Admin Console login.hint=Admin Console Login login.error=Error: You don't have JavaScript enabled. This tool uses JavaScript and much of it will not work correctly without it enabled. Please turn JavaScript back on and reload this page. login.failed=Login failed: make sure your username and password are correct and that you're an admin or moderator. login.username=username login.password=password login.version=Version #logviewer Page logviewer.title=Log Viewer logviewer.error=Error logviewer.warn=Warn logviewer.info=Info logviewer.debug=Debug logviewer.log=Log File: logviewer.order=Order: logviewer.normal=logviewer. logviewer.reverse=Reverse logviewer.modified=Last Modified: logviewer.line=Lines: logviewer.all=All logviewer.confirm=Are you sure you want to clear this log file? logviewer.clear=Are you sure you want to clear this log file? logviewer.alt_clear=Clear Log logviewer.clear=Clear logviewer.alt_mark=Mark Log logviewer.mark=Mark logviewer.refresh=Refresh: logviewer.seconds=seconds logviewer.debug_log=Debug Log logviewer.enabled=Enabled #muc create permission Page muc.create.permission.title=Room Creation Permissions muc.create.permission.info=Use the form below to configure the policy for who can create group chat rooms. muc.create.permission.error=Error adding the user. Please verify the JID is correct. muc.create.permission.update=Settings updated successfully. muc.create.permission.add_user=User added successfully. muc.create.permission.user_removed=User removed successfully. muc.create.permission.policy=Permission Policy muc.create.permission.anyone_created=Anyone can create a chat room. muc.create.permission.specific_created=Only specific users can create a chat room. muc.create.permission.allowed_users=Allowed Users muc.create.permission.add_jid=Add User (JID): muc.create.permission.no_allowed_users=No allowed users, use the form above to add one. muc.create.permission.click_title=Click to delete... muc.create.permission.confirm_remove=Are you sure you want to remove this user from the list? #muc room affiliations Page muc.room.affiliations.title=User Permissions muc.room.affiliations.info=Below is the list of room owners, administrators, members and outcasts of the the room muc.room.affiliations.info_detail=Room owners can alter the room configuration, grant ownership and administrative privileges to users and destroy the room. Room administrators can ban, grant membership and moderator privileges to users. Room members are the only allowed users to join the room when it is configured as members-only. Whilst room outcasts are users who have been banned from the room. muc.room.affiliations.error_removing_user=Error removing the user. The room must have at least one owner. muc.room.affiliations.error_banning_user=Error banning the user. Owners or Administratos cannot be banned. muc.room.affiliations.error_adding_user=Error adding the user. Please verify the JID is correct. muc.room.affiliations.user_added=User added successfully. muc.room.affiliations.user_removed=User removed successfully. muc.room.affiliations.permission=User Permissions muc.room.affiliations.add_jid=Add User (JID): muc.room.affiliations.owner=Owner muc.room.affiliations.admin=Admin muc.room.affiliations.member=Member muc.room.affiliations.outcast=Outcast muc.room.affiliations.user=User muc.room.affiliations.delete=Delete muc.room.affiliations.room_owner=Room Owners muc.room.affiliations.no_users=No Users muc.room.affiliations.click_delete=Click to delete... muc.room.affiliations.confirm_removed=Are you sure you want to remove this user from the list? muc.room.affiliations.room_admin=Room Admins muc.room.affiliations.room_member=Room Members muc.room.affiliations.room_outcast=Room Outcasts #muc room delete Page muc.room.delete.title=Destroy Room muc.room.delete.info=Are you sure you want to destroy the room muc.room.delete.detail=from the system? You may specify a reason for the room destruction and an alternative room address that will replace this room. This information will be sent to room occupants. muc.room.delete.destructon_title=Destruction Details muc.room.delete.room_id=Room ID: muc.room.delete.reason=Reason: muc.room.delete.alternate_address=Alternate Room Address: #muc room edit form Page muc.room.edit.form.title=Room Administration muc.room.edit.form.edited=Room settings edited successfully. muc.room.edit.form.created=Room creation was successfully. muc.room.edit.form.info=Use the form below to edit the room settings. muc.room.edit.form.room_id=Room ID muc.room.edit.form.users=Users muc.room.edit.form.on=Created On muc.room.edit.form.modified=Last Modified muc.room.edit.form.change_room=Change the room settings of this room using the form below muc.room.edit.form.persistent_room=Use the form below to create a new persistent room. The new room will be immediately available. muc.room.edit.form.error_created_id=Error creating the room. A room with the request ID already exists. muc.room.edit.form.error_created_privileges=Error creating the room. You do not have enough privileges to create rooms. muc.room.edit.form.valid_hint=Please enter a valid ID. Do not include the service name in the ID. muc.room.edit.form.room_name=Room Name muc.room.edit.form.valid_hint_name=Please enter a valid name. muc.room.edit.form.description=Description muc.room.edit.form.valid_hint_description=Please enter a valid description. muc.room.edit.form.topic=Topic muc.room.edit.form.valid_hint_subject=Please enter a valid subject. muc.room.edit.form.max_room=Maximun Room Occupants muc.room.edit.form.none=None muc.room.edit.form.valid_hint_max_room=Please select the maximun room occupants. muc.room.edit.form.broadcast=Roles for Which Presence is Broadcast muc.room.edit.form.moderator=Moderator muc.room.edit.form.participant=Participant muc.room.edit.form.visitor=Visitor muc.room.edit.form.required_password=Password required to enter muc.room.edit.form.confirm_password=Confirm password muc.room.edit.form.new_password=Please make sure to enter the same new password. muc.room.edit.form.discover_jid=Role that May Discover Real JIDs of Occupants muc.room.edit.form.anyone=Anyone muc.room.edit.form.role=Please select a role. muc.room.edit.form.room_options=Room Options muc.room.edit.form.list_room=List Room in Directory muc.room.edit.form.room_moderated=Make Room Moderated muc.room.edit.form.moderated_member_only=Make Room Members-only muc.room.edit.form.invite_other=Allow Occupants to invite Others muc.room.edit.form.change_subject=Allow Occupants to change Subject muc.room.edit.form.log=Log Room Conversations #muc room summary Page muc.room.summary.title=Group Chat Rooms muc.room.summary.info=Below is an overview of the Group Chat Rooms in the system. From here you can view the rooms, edit their properties, and create new rooms. muc.room.summary.destroyed=Room destroyed successfully. muc.room.summary.total_room=Total Rooms muc.room.summary.showing=Showing muc.room.summary.sorted_id=Sorted by Room ID muc.room.summary.page=Pages muc.room.summary.room=Room muc.room.summary.description=Description muc.room.summary.persistent=Persistent muc.room.summary.users=Users muc.room.summary.edit=Edit muc.room.summary.destroy=Destroy muc.room.summary.no_room_in_group=No rooms in the Group Chat service. muc.room.summary.alt_persistent=Room is persistent muc.room.summary.alt_temporary=Room is temporary muc.room.summary.click_edit=Click to edit... muc.room.summary.click_delete=Click to delete... #muc tasks Page muc.tasks.title=Other Settings muc.tasks.info=Use the forms below to configure settings for kicking idle users from group chat rooms and to configure the task that logs room conversations to the database. muc.tasks.update=Idle user settings updated successfully. muc.tasks.log=Conversation logging settings updated successfully. muc.tasks.valid_idel_minutes=Please enter a valid number for max idle minutes. muc.tasks.valid_frequency=Please enter a valid number for the frequency. muc.tasks.valid_batch=Please enter a valid number for the batch size. muc.tasks.user_setting=Idle User Settings muc.tasks.never_kick=Never kick idle users. muc.tasks.kick_user=Kick users after they have been idle for muc.tasks.minutes=minutes. muc.tasks.conversation.logging=Conversation Logging muc.tasks.flush=Flush interval (seconds): muc.tasks.batch=Batch size: #offline messages Page offline.messages.title=Offline Messages offline.messages.update=Settings updated successfully. offline.messages.info=XMPP provides the option for servers to store-and-forward IM messages when they are sent to a user that is not logged in. Supporting store-and-forward of 'offline messages' can be a very convenient feature of an XMPP deployment. However, offline messages, like email, can take up a significant amount of space on a server. There are several options for handling offline messages; select the policy that best suites your needs. offline.messages.size=Current size of all offline message: offline.messages.policy=Offline Message Policy offline.messages.never_back=Never store offline messages and bounce messages back to the sender. offline.messages.never_store=Never store offline messages and drop messages so the sender is not notified. offline.messages.storage_messenger=Store offline messages for later retrieval. Messages will be delivered the next time the recipient logs in. Choose a storage policy and storage store max size below. offline.messages.always_store=Always Store offline.messages.always_store_info=Always store messages,even if the max storage size has been exceeded. offline.messages.bounce=Store or Bounce offline.messages.bounce_info=Store messages up to the max storage size. After the max size has been exceeded, bounce the message back to the sender. offline.messages.drop=Store or Drop offline.messages.drop_info=Store messages for a user up to the max storage size. After the max size has been exceeded, silently drop messages. offline.messages.storage_limit=Per-user offline message storage limit: #private data settings Page private.data.settings.title=Private Data private.data.settings.update=Settings updated successfully. private.data.settings.info=Private data storage allows XMPP clients to store settings, bookmarks, etc. on the server. Users can log into their account and their settings will follow them around (as opposed to having the clients store the settings on the local computer where their settings will not follow them). You may enable or disable this feature. private.data.settings.policy=Set Private Data Policy private.data.settings.enable_storage=Enable Private Data Storage private.data.settings.enable_storage_info=allow clients to store information on the server. private.data.settings.disable_storage=Disable Private Data Storage private.data.settings.disable_storage_info=do not allow server-side storage. #reg settings Page reg.settings.title=Registration Settings reg.settings.info=Use the forms below to change various aspects of user registration and login. reg.settings.update=Settings updated successfully. reg.settings.inband_account=Inband Account Registration reg.settings.inband_account_info=Inband account registration allows users to create accounts on the server automatically using most clients. It does not affect the ability to create new accounts through this web administration interface. Administrators may want to disable this option so users are required to register by other means (e.g. sending requests to the server administrator or through your own custom web interface). reg.settings.enable=Enabled reg.settings.auto_create_user=Users can automatically create new accounts. reg.settings.disable=Disabled reg.settings.not_auto_create=Users can not automatically create new accounts. reg.settings.anonymous_login=Anonymous Login reg.settings.anonymous_login_info=You can choose to enable or disable anonymous user login. If it is enabled, anyone can connect to the server and create a new session. If it is disabled only users who have accounts will be able to connect. reg.settings.anyone_login=Anyone may login to the server. reg.settings.only_registered_login=Only registered users may login. #server db Page server.db.title=Database Properties server.db.info=Below is a list of properties for your database and the JDBC driver. server.db.connect_info=Database Connection Info server.db.version=Database and Version: server.db.jdbc=JDBC Driver: server.db.jdbc_driver=JDBC Driver Version: server.db.connect_url=DB Connection URL: server.db.user=DB User: server.db.transaction=Transaction Support: server.db.transaction_level=Transaction Isolation Level: server.db.multiple_connect=Supports multiple connections server.db.multiple_connect2=open at once: server.db.read_only_mode=In read-only mode: #server properties Page server.properties.title=System Properties server.properties.info=Below is a list of the system properties. Values for password sensitive fields are hidden. Long property names and values are clipped. Hold your mouse over the property name to see the full value or to see both the full name and value, click the edit icon next to the property. server.properties.system=System Properties server.properties.error=Error -- creating the property failed, see below. server.properties.saved=Property saved successfully. server.properties.deleted=Property deleted successfully. server.properties.edit_property=Use the form below this table to edit the property value. server.properties.error_deleting=Error deleting the property. server.properties.no_property=No properties set. server.properties.name=Property Name server.properties.value=Property Value server.properties.edit=Edit server.properties.delete=Delete server.properties.alt_edit=Click to edit this property server.properties.alt_delete=Click to delete this property server.properties.edit_property_title=Edit property server.properties.new_property=Add new property server.properties.enter_property_name=Please enter a property name. server.properties.enter_property_value=Please enter a property value. server.properties.max_character=1000 character max. #server props Page server.props.title=Edit Server Properties server.props.info=Use the form below to edit server properties. server.props.update=Server properties updated successfully. You'll need to server.props.update2=the server to have the changes take effect (see server.props.property=Server Properties server.props.name=Server Name: server.props.valid_hostname=Please enter a valid server host name or server.props.valid_hostname1=restore the default server.props.port=Port: server.props.valid_port=Please enter a valid port number or server.props.valid_port1=restore the default server.props.error_port=Error -- this port and the SSL port can not be equal. server.props.ssl=SSL Enabled: server.props.enable=Enabled server.props.disable=Disabled server.props.ssl_valid=Please enter a valid SSL port number or server.props.ssl_valid1=restore the default server.props.admin_port= Admin Console Port: #server stopped Page server.stopped.title_restarting=Restarting Server server.stopped.title_stopped=Server stopped server.stopped.admin_console=Admin Console server.stopped.restarted=The server is being restarted.To continue: server.stopped.wait_time=Wait a few seconds until the server has been restarted. server.stopped.login_console=Login to the admin console server.stopped.stop=The server is being stopped.To continue: server.stopped.wait_restarted=Wait a few seconds and then server.stopped.wait_restarted2=the server. #session conflict Page session.conflict.title=Conflict Policy session.conflict.update=Settings updated successfully. session.conflict.info=XMPP allows multiple logins to the same user account by assigning a unique "resource name" to each connection. If a connection requests a resource name that is already in use, the server must decide how to handle the conflict. The options on this page allow you to determine if the server always kicks off existing connections, never kicks off existing connections, or sets the number of login attempts that should be rejected before kicking off an existing connection. The last option allows users to receive an error when logging in that allows them to request a different resource name. session.conflict.policy=Set Conflict Policy session.conflict.always_kick=Always kick session.conflict.always_kick_info=If there is a resource conflict,immediately kick the other resource. session.conflict.never_kick=Never kick session.conflict.never_kick_info=If there is a resource conflict, don't allow the new resource to log in. session.conflict.allow_one=Allow one login attempt session.conflict.resource_conflict=If there is a resource conflict,report an error one time but don't kick the existing connection. session.conflict.kick_value=Assign kick value session.conflict.kick_value_info=Specify the number of login attempts allowed before conflicting resources are kicked. You must specify a number greater than one. session.conflict.enter_value=Please enter a value greater than 1. #session details Page session.details.title=Session Details session.details.info=Below are session details for the session session.details.info1=If the user session.details.info2=has multiple sessions open, they will appear below. session.details.session_id=Session ID: session.details.username=User Name & Resource: session.details.anonymous=Anonymous session.details.status=Status session.details.close=Closed session.details.connect=Connected session.details.streaming=Streaming session.details.authenticated=Authenticated session.details.unknown=Unknown session.details.presence=Presence session.details.away=Away session.details.chat_available=Available to Chat session.details.not_disturb=Do Not Disturb session.details.online=Online session.details.extended=Extended Away session.details.unknown=Unknown/Not Recognized session.details.session_created=Session Created: session.details.last_active=Session Last Active: session.details.statistics=Session Statistics: session.details.received=Packets Received/Sent: session.details.hostname=Client IP / Hostname: session.details.multiple_session=Multiple User Sessions session.details.name=Name session.details.resource=Resource session.details.if_presence=Presence (if authenticated) session.details.clientip=Client IP session.details.close_connect=Close Connection session.details.session_detail=Current session details above. #session filter Page session.filter.title=Filter Session Summary by User session.filter.info=To filter the list of sessions by user, select the user from the list below or enter their username in the box below. session.filter.enter_username=Please enter a valid username or choose a username from the list. session.filter.specify_username=Specify username: session.filter.choose_user=Choose user: #session row Page session.row.cliked=Click for more info... session.row.cliked_ssl=User is connected via SSL session.row.cliked_kill_session=Click to kill session... session.row.confirm_close=Are you sure you want to close this connection? #session summary Page session.summary.title=Session Summary session.summary.close=Session closed successfully. session.summary.active=Active Sessions session.summary.showing=Showing session.summary.page=Pages session.summary.info=Below is a list of sessions on this server. session.summary.not_session=No Sessions session.summary.last_update=List last updated #setup admin settings Page setup.admin.settings.account=Administrator Account setup.admin.settings.info=Enter settings for the system administrator account (username of "admin") below. It is important to choose a password for the account that cannot be easily guessed -- for example, at least six characters long and containing a mix of letters and numbers. You can skip this step if you have already setup your admin account (not for first time users). setup.admin.settings.error=There were errors when updating the admin account. Please see below. setup.admin.settings.current_password=Current Password: setup.admin.settings.current_password_description=If this is a new installation, the current password will be 'admin'. setup.admin.settings.current_password_error=Please enter the correct current password. setup.admin.settings.email=Admin Email Address: setup.admin.settings.email_description=A valid email address for the admin account. setup.admin.settings.email_error=Please enter a valid email address. setup.admin.settings.new_password=New Password: setup.admin.settings.valid_new_password=Please enter a valid new password. setup.admin.settings.not_new_password=The new passwords do not match. setup.admin.settings.confirm_password=Confirm Password: setup.admin.settings.valid_confirm=Please enter a valid new confirmation password. #setup completed Page setup.completed.setup=Setup setup.completed.jive=Jive Software setup.completed.run=Setup Already Run setup.completed.run_info=It appears setup has already been run. To administer your community, please use the setup.completed.run_info1=Admin Tool setup.completed.run_info2=To re-run setup, you need to stop your appserver, delete the "setup" property from the jive-messenger.xml file, restart Messenger then reload the setup tool. #setup datasource jndi Page setup.datasource.jndi.setting=Datasource Settings - JNDI Connection setup.datasource.jndi.setting_info=Choose a JNDI datasource below to connect to the setup.datasource.jndi.setting_info1=database. The name varies between application servers, but it is generally of the form: setup.datasource.jndi.setting_info2=Please consult your application server's documentation for more information. setup.datasource.jndi.name=JNDI Datasource Name: setup.datasource.jndi.custom=Custom: setup.datasource.jndi.valid_name=Please enter a valid JNDI name. setup.datasource.jndi.note=Note, it might take between 30-60 seconds to connect to your database. #setup datasource settings Page setup.datasource.settings.title=Datasource Settings setup.datasource.settings.info=Choose how you would like to connect to the setup.datasource.settings.info1=database. setup.datasource.settings.connect=Standard Database Connection setup.datasource.settings.connect_info=Use an external database with the built-in connection pool. setup.datasource.settings.jndi=JNDI Datasource setup.datasource.settings.jndi_info=Use a datasource defined by your application server via JNDI. setup.datasource.settings.embedded=Embedded Database setup.datasource.settings.embedded_info=Use an embedded database, powered by HSQLDB. This option requires no external database configuration and is an easy way to get running quickly. However, this is not recommended for large installations. #setup datasource standard Page setup.datasource.standard.title=Datasource Settings - Standard Connection setup.datasource.standard.info=Specify a JDBC driver and connection properties to connect to your database. If you need more information about this process please see the database documentation distributed with setup.datasource.standard.note= setup.datasource.standard.info2=Note: setup.datasource.standard.info3=Database scripts for most popular databases are included in the Jive Messenger distribution at setup.datasource.standard.failed_connect=Failed to establish a database connection - please see specific errors listed below. setup.datasource.standard.pick_database=Pick Database... setup.datasource.standard.jdbc=JDBC Driver Class: setup.datasource.standard.jdbc_info=The valid classname of your JDBC driver, ie: com.mydatabase.driver.MyDriver. setup.datasource.standard.url=Database URL: setup.datasource.standard.valid_url=The valid URL used to connect to your database, ie: jdbc:mysql://host:port/database setup.datasource.standard.username=Username: setup.datasource.standard.username_info=The user used to connect to your database - note, this may not be required and can be left blank. setup.datasource.standard.password=Password: setup.datasource.standard.password_info=The password for the user account used for this database - note, this may not be required and can be left blank. setup.datasource.standard.connect=Connections: setup.datasource.standard.min=Minimum: setup.datasource.standard.max=Maximum: setup.datasource.standard.pool=The minimum and maximum number of database connections the connection pool should maintain. setup.datasource.standard.timeout=Connection Timeout: setup.datasource.standard.timeout_info=The time (in days) before connections in the connection pool are recycled. setup.datasource.standard.note=Note, it might take between 30-60 seconds to connect to your database. #setup env check Page setup.env.check.setup=Setup setup.env.check.error=Error: Can not proceed with setup.env.check.error_info=Your current installation fails to meet minimum setup.env.check.error_info1=requirements - please see the checklist below: setup.env.check.jdk=At least JDK 1.5 setup.env.check.servlet=Servlet 2.2 Support setup.env.check.jsp=JSP 1.1 Support setup.env.check.class=Classes setup.env.check.jive=Jive Home Directory setup.env.check.not_home=Messenger Home Directory - Not Set setup.env.check.doc=Please read the installation documentation and try setting up your environment again. After making changes, restart your appserver and load this page again. #setup finished Page setup.finished.title=Setup Complete! setup.finished.info=This installation of setup.finished.info1=is now complete.To continue: setup.finished.restart=Please setup.finished.restart2=the server. setup.finished.login=Login to the admin console #setup host settings Page setup.host.settings.title=Server Settings setup.host.settings.info=Below are host settings for this server. Note: the suggested value for the domain is based on the network settings of this machine. setup.host.settings.domain=Domain: setup.host.settings.invalid_domain=Invalid domain. setup.host.settings.hostname=Hostname or IP address of this server. setup.host.settings.port=Admin Console Port: setup.host.settings.secure_port=Secure Admin Console Port: setup.host.settings.invalid_port=Invalid port number. setup.host.settings.port_number=Port number for the web-based admin console (default is 9090). setup.host.settings.secure_port_number=Port number for the web-based admin console through SSL (default is 9091). setup.host.settings.ssl=SSL Connections Enabled: setup.host.settings.yes=Yes setup.host.settings.no=No setup.host.settings.secure=Enables or disables secure XMPP connections. #setup index Page setup.index.title=Setup Checklist setup.index.info=Welcome to setup.index.info1=Setup. This tool will lead you through the initial setup or upgrade process. Before continuing, verify that your environment meets all the requirements below. setup.index.success=Success setup.index.error=Error setup.index.vm=Java VM Support setup.index.jdk=At least JDK 1.5 setup.index.found=Found: JVM setup.index.class=Classes setup.index.con_file=Configuration Files setup.index.dir=conf Directory setup.index.valid_conf=Valid conf directory. setup.index.unable_locate_dir=Unable to locate valid conf directory. Please refer to the installation documentation for the correct way to set the conf directory. setup.index.not_permission=Setup was able to find your conf directory but does not have read permission on it. Please alter the directory permissions. setup.index.not_write_permission=Setup was able to find your conf directory but does not have write permission on it. Please alter the directory permissions. #setup pause Page setup.pause.title=Please restart your server and close this window. Launch the admin using either the launcher or start as a service to enter the admin tool. setup.pause.close=Close Window #setup sidebar Page setup.sidebar.title=Setup Progress #ssl-settings Page ssl.settings.title=SSL Security Settings ssl.settings.update=Settings updated successfully. ssl.settings.uninstalled=Certificate uninstalled successfully. ssl.settings.error=Error uninstalling the certificate. ssl.settings.error_messenge=Error message ssl.settings.error_certificate=Error installing the certificate, please see the form below. ssl.settings.info=SSL/TLS allows secure connections to be made between the server and clients. This page displays installed certificates. Use the form at the bottom of the page to install a new certificate. ssl.settings.certificate=Installed Certificates ssl.settings.alias=Alias (host) ssl.settings.type=Certificate Type ssl.settings.uninstall=Uninstall ssl.settings.click_uninstall=Click to uninstall... ssl.settings.confirm_uninstall=Are you sure you want to uninstall this certificate? ssl.settings.key=Public Key: ssl.settings.no_installed=No certificates installed. Use the form below to install one. ssl.settings.install_certificate=Install Certificate ssl.settings.install_certificate_info=New X.509 certificates can be added to the system by pasting in the certificate data sent to you by a Certificate Authority (e.g. Verisign) or you can generate your own self-signed certificates. ssl.settings.enter_alias=Please enter a valid alias. ssl.settings.enter_certificate=Please enter a valid certificate. ssl.settings.error_installing=Error installing the certificate. ssl.settings.error_reported=Error reported ssl.settings.server=Server Certificate ssl.settings.client=Client Certificate ssl.settings.a_certificate=Certificate ssl.settings.paste_certificate=Paste in the certificate sent to you by the CA or the self-signed certificate generated via the keytool. #user create Page user.create.title=Create User user.create.info=Use the form below to create a new user. user.create.error_creating_account=Error creating the user account. Please check your error logs. user.create.invalid_username=Invalid username. user.create.user_exist=Username already exists - please choose a different one. user.create.invalid_name=Invalid name. user.create.invalid_email=Invalid email. user.create.invalid_password=Invalid password. user.create.invalid_match_password=Passwords don't match. user.create.invalid_password_confirm=Invalid password confirmation. user.create.created_success=New user created successfully. user.create.new_user=Create New User user.create.username=Username user.create.name=Name user.create.email=Email user.create.pwd=Password user.create.confirm_pwd=Confirm Password user.create.requied=Required fields #user delete Page user.delete.title=Delete User user.delete.info=Are you sure you want to delete the user user.delete.info1=from the system? user.delete.warning=Warning! You are about to delete your user.delete.warning2=own user.delete.warning3=user account. Are you sure you want to do this? Doing so will log you out of the system immediately. #user edit form Page user.edit.form.title=Edit User user.edit.form.update=User edited successfully. user.edit.form.info=Use the form below to edit user properties. user.edit.form.property=User Properties user.edit.form.enter_name=Please enter a valid name. user.edit.form.enter_mail=Please enter a valid email address. #user message Page user.message.title=Send Administrative Message user.message.send=Message sent successfully. user.message.send_admin_msg=Send Administrative Message user.message.info=Use the form below to send an administrative message to all users. user.message.specified_user_info=User the form below to send an administrative message to the specified user. If the user is connected from multiple sessions you will need to choose which session to message. user.message.to=To user.message.all_online_user=All Online Users user.message.send_session=Send to all user sessions user.message.valid_address=Please choose a valid address. user.message.message=Message user.message.valid_message=Please enter a valid message. #user password Page user.password.title=Change Password user.password.error_set_pwd=Error setting the password. Please make sure the password you enter is valid and matches the confirmation password. user.password.update=Password updated successfully. user.password.info=Use the form below to change the user's password. user.password.change=Change Password user.password.new_pwd=New Password user.password.confirm_new_pwd=Confirm New Password #user properties Page user.properties.title=User Properties user.properties.info=Below is a summary of user properties. To edit properties, click the "Edit" button below. user.properties.created=New user created successfully. user.properties.update=User properties updated successfully. user.properties.available=Available user.properties.offline=Offline user.properties.not_set=Not set. user.properties.registered=Registered #user search Page user.search.title=User Search user.search.not_found=User not found. Please try a different search. user.search.search_user=Search For User #User Summary Page User.Summary.title=User Summary User.Summary.info=Below is a list of users in the system. User.Summary.deleted=User deleted successfully. User.Summary.total_user=Total Users User.Summary.showing=Showing User.Summary.sorted=Sorted by Username User.Summary.pages=Pages User.Summary.created=Created User.Summary.edit=Edit User.Summary.delete=Delete User.Summary.not_user=No users in the system. User.Summary.click_edit=Click to edit... User.Summary.click_delete=Click to delete... #user tabs Page user.tabs.properties=User Properties user.tabs.edit=Edit User user.tabs.send=Send Message user.tabs.change_pwd=Change Password user.tabs.delete_user=Delete User