/** * $RCSfile$ * $Revision: 2698 $ * $Date: 2005-08-19 15:28:16 -0300 (Fri, 19 Aug 2005) $ * * Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Jive Software. All rights reserved. * * This software is published under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL), * a copy of which is included in this distribution, or a commercial license * agreement with Jive. */ package org.jivesoftware.openfire.ldap; import org.jivesoftware.util.JiveGlobals; import org.jivesoftware.util.Log; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserNotFoundException; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.group.GroupNotFoundException; import javax.naming.Context; import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.naming.directory.DirContext; import javax.naming.directory.InitialDirContext; import javax.naming.directory.SearchControls; import javax.naming.directory.SearchResult; import javax.naming.ldap.*; import java.net.URLEncoder; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.text.MessageFormat; /** * Centralized administration of LDAP connections. The {@link #getInstance()} method * should be used to get an instace. The following properties configure this manager: * * <ul> * <li>ldap.host</li> * <li>ldap.port</li> * <li>ldap.baseDN</li> * <li>ldap.alternateBaseDN</li> * <li>ldap.adminDN</li> * <li>ldap.adminPassword</li> * <li>ldap.encloseDNs</li> * <li>ldap.usernameField -- default value is "uid".</li> * <li>ldap.usernameSuffix -- default value is "".</li> * <li>ldap.nameField -- default value is "cn".</li> * <li>ldap.emailField -- default value is "mail".</li> * <li>ldap.searchFilter -- the filter used to load the list of users. When defined, it * will be used with the default filter, which is "([usernameField]={0})" where * [usernameField] is the value of ldap.usernameField. * <li>ldap.groupNameField</li> * <li>ldap.groupMemberField</li> * <li>ldap.groupDescriptionField</li> * <li>ldap.posixMode</li> * <li>ldap.groupSearchFilter</li> * <li>ldap.debugEnabled</li> * <li>ldap.sslEnabled</li> * <li>ldap.autoFollowReferrals</li> * <li>ldap.autoFollowAliasReferrals</li> * <li>ldap.initialContextFactory -- if this value is not specified, * "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory" will be used.</li> * <li>ldap.connectionPoolEnabled -- true if an LDAP connection pool should be used. * False if not set.</li> * </ul> * * @author Matt Tucker */ public class LdapManager { private static LdapManager instance; static { // Create a special Map implementation to wrap XMLProperties. We only implement // the get, put, and remove operations, since those are the only ones used. Using a Map // makes it easier to perform LdapManager testing. Map<String, String> properties = new Map<String, String>() { public String get(Object key) { return JiveGlobals.getProperty((String)key); } public String put(String key, String value) { JiveGlobals.setProperty(key, value); // Always return null since XMLProperties doesn't support the normal semantics. return null; } public String remove(Object key) { JiveGlobals.deleteProperty((String)key); // Always return null since XMLProperties doesn't support the normal semantics. return null; } public int size() { return 0; } public boolean isEmpty() { return false; } public boolean containsKey(Object key) { return false; } public boolean containsValue(Object value) { return false; } public void putAll(Map<? extends String, ? extends String> t) { } public void clear() { } public Set<String> keySet() { return null; } public Collection<String> values() { return null; } public Set<Entry<String, String>> entrySet() { return null; } }; instance = new LdapManager(properties); } private Collection<String> hosts = new ArrayList<String>(); private int port; private int readTimeout = -1; private String usernameField; private String usernameSuffix; private String nameField; private String emailField; private String baseDN; private String alternateBaseDN = null; private String adminDN = null; private String adminPassword; private boolean encloseDNs; private boolean ldapDebugEnabled = false; private boolean sslEnabled = false; private String initialContextFactory; private boolean followReferrals = false; private boolean followAliasReferrals = true; private boolean connectionPoolEnabled = true; private String searchFilter = null; private boolean subTreeSearch; private boolean encloseUserDN; private boolean encloseGroupDN; private String groupNameField; private String groupMemberField; private String groupDescriptionField; private boolean posixMode = false; private String groupSearchFilter = null; private Pattern dnPattern; private Map<String, String> properties; /** * Provides singleton access to an instance of the LdapManager class. * * @return an LdapManager instance. */ public static LdapManager getInstance() { return instance; } /** * Constructs a new LdapManager instance. Typically, {@link #getInstance()} should be * called instead of this method. LdapManager instances should only be created directly * for testing purposes. * * @param properties the Map that contains properties used by the LDAP manager, such as * LDAP host and base DN. */ public LdapManager(Map<String, String> properties) { this.properties = properties; // Convert XML based provider setup to Database based JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("ldap.host"); JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("ldap.port"); JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("ldap.readTimeout"); JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("ldap.usernameField"); JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("ldap.usernameSuffix"); JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("ldap.baseDN"); JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("ldap.alternateBaseDN"); JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("ldap.nameField"); JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("ldap.emailField"); JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("ldap.connectionPoolEnabled"); JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("ldap.searchFilter"); JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("ldap.subTreeSearch"); JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("ldap.groupNameField"); JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("ldap.groupMemberField"); JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("ldap.groupDescriptionField"); JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("ldap.posixMode"); JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("ldap.groupSearchFilter"); JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("ldap.adminDN"); JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("ldap.adminPassword"); JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("ldap.debugEnabled"); JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("ldap.sslEnabled"); JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("ldap.autoFollowReferrals"); JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("ldap.autoFollowAliasReferrals"); JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("ldap.encloseUserDN"); JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("ldap.encloseGroupDN"); JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("ldap.encloseDNs"); JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("ldap.initialContextFactory"); JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("ldap.pagedResultsSize"); JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("ldap.clientSideSorting"); JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("ldap.ldapDebugEnabled"); String host = properties.get("ldap.host"); if (host != null) { // Parse the property and check if many hosts were defined. Hosts can be separated // by commas or white spaces StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(host, " ,\t\n\r\f"); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { hosts.add(st.nextToken()); } } String portStr = properties.get("ldap.port"); port = 389; if (portStr != null) { try { this.port = Integer.parseInt(portStr); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { Log.error(nfe); } } String timeout = properties.get("ldap.readTimeout"); if (timeout != null) { try { this.readTimeout = Integer.parseInt(timeout); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { Log.error(nfe); } } usernameField = properties.get("ldap.usernameField"); if (usernameField == null) { usernameField = "uid"; } usernameSuffix = properties.get("ldap.usernameSuffix"); if (usernameSuffix == null) { usernameSuffix = ""; } // Set the pattern to use to wrap DN values with " dnPattern = Pattern.compile("([^\\\\]=)([^\"].*?[^\\\\])(,|$)"); // are we going to enclose DN values with quotes? (needed when DNs contain non-delimiting commas) encloseDNs = true; String encloseStr = properties.get("ldap.encloseDNs"); if (encloseStr != null) { encloseDNs = Boolean.valueOf(encloseStr); } baseDN = properties.get("ldap.baseDN"); if (baseDN == null) { baseDN = ""; } if (encloseDNs) { baseDN = getEnclosedDN(baseDN); } alternateBaseDN = properties.get("ldap.alternateBaseDN"); if (encloseDNs && alternateBaseDN != null) { alternateBaseDN = getEnclosedDN(alternateBaseDN); } nameField = properties.get("ldap.nameField"); if (nameField == null) { nameField = "cn"; } emailField = properties.get("ldap.emailField"); if (emailField == null) { emailField = "mail"; } connectionPoolEnabled = true; String connectionPoolStr = properties.get("ldap.connectionPoolEnabled"); if (connectionPoolStr != null) { connectionPoolEnabled = Boolean.valueOf(connectionPoolStr); } searchFilter = properties.get("ldap.searchFilter"); subTreeSearch = true; String subTreeStr = properties.get("ldap.subTreeSearch"); if (subTreeStr != null) { subTreeSearch = Boolean.valueOf(subTreeStr); } groupNameField = properties.get("ldap.groupNameField"); if (groupNameField == null) { groupNameField = "cn"; } groupMemberField = properties.get("ldap.groupMemberField"); if (groupMemberField ==null) { groupMemberField = "member"; } groupDescriptionField = properties.get("ldap.groupDescriptionField"); if (groupDescriptionField == null) { groupDescriptionField = "description"; } posixMode = false; String posixStr = properties.get("ldap.posixMode"); if (posixStr != null) { posixMode = Boolean.valueOf(posixStr); } groupSearchFilter = properties.get("ldap.groupSearchFilter"); adminDN = properties.get("ldap.adminDN"); if (adminDN != null && adminDN.trim().equals("")) { adminDN = null; } if (encloseDNs && adminDN != null) { adminDN = getEnclosedDN(adminDN); } adminPassword = properties.get("ldap.adminPassword"); ldapDebugEnabled = false; String ldapDebugStr = properties.get("ldap.debugEnabled"); if (ldapDebugStr != null) { ldapDebugEnabled = Boolean.valueOf(ldapDebugStr); } sslEnabled = false; String sslEnabledStr = properties.get("ldap.sslEnabled"); if (sslEnabledStr != null) { sslEnabled = Boolean.valueOf(sslEnabledStr); } followReferrals = false; String followReferralsStr = properties.get("ldap.autoFollowReferrals"); if (followReferralsStr != null) { followReferrals = Boolean.valueOf(followReferralsStr); } followAliasReferrals = true; String followAliasReferralsStr = properties.get("ldap.autoFollowAliasReferrals"); if (followAliasReferralsStr != null) { followAliasReferrals = Boolean.valueOf(followAliasReferralsStr); } // the following two properties have been deprecated by ldap.encloseDNs. keeping around for backwards compatibility encloseUserDN = true; String encloseUserStr = properties.get("ldap.encloseUserDN"); if (encloseUserStr != null) { encloseUserDN = Boolean.valueOf(encloseUserStr) || encloseDNs; } encloseGroupDN = true; String encloseGroupStr = properties.get("ldap.encloseGroupDN"); if (encloseGroupStr != null) { encloseGroupDN = Boolean.valueOf(encloseGroupStr) || encloseDNs; } this.initialContextFactory = properties.get("ldap.initialContextFactory"); if (initialContextFactory != null) { try { Class.forName(initialContextFactory); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { Log.error("Initial context factory class failed to load: " + initialContextFactory + ". Using default initial context factory class instead."); initialContextFactory = "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"; } } // Use default value if none was set. else { initialContextFactory = "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"; } StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("Created new LdapManager() instance, fields:\n"); buf.append("\t host: ").append(hosts).append("\n"); buf.append("\t port: ").append(port).append("\n"); buf.append("\t usernamefield: ").append(usernameField).append("\n"); buf.append("\t usernameSuffix: ").append(usernameSuffix).append("\n"); buf.append("\t baseDN: ").append(baseDN).append("\n"); buf.append("\t alternateBaseDN: ").append(alternateBaseDN).append("\n"); buf.append("\t nameField: ").append(nameField).append("\n"); buf.append("\t emailField: ").append(emailField).append("\n"); buf.append("\t adminDN: ").append(adminDN).append("\n"); buf.append("\t adminPassword: ").append(adminPassword).append("\n"); buf.append("\t searchFilter: ").append(searchFilter).append("\n"); buf.append("\t subTreeSearch:").append(subTreeSearch).append("\n"); buf.append("\t ldapDebugEnabled: ").append(ldapDebugEnabled).append("\n"); buf.append("\t sslEnabled: ").append(sslEnabled).append("\n"); buf.append("\t initialContextFactory: ").append(initialContextFactory).append("\n"); buf.append("\t connectionPoolEnabled: ").append(connectionPoolEnabled).append("\n"); buf.append("\t autoFollowReferrals: ").append(followReferrals).append("\n"); buf.append("\t autoFollowAliasReferrals: ").append(followAliasReferrals).append("\n"); buf.append("\t groupNameField: ").append(groupNameField).append("\n"); buf.append("\t groupMemberField: ").append(groupMemberField).append("\n"); buf.append("\t groupDescriptionField: ").append(groupDescriptionField).append("\n"); buf.append("\t posixMode: ").append(posixMode).append("\n"); buf.append("\t groupSearchFilter: ").append(groupSearchFilter).append("\n"); if (Log.isDebugEnabled()) { Log.debug("LdapManager: "+buf.toString()); } if (ldapDebugEnabled) { System.err.println(buf.toString()); } } /** * Returns a DirContext for the LDAP server that can be used to perform * lookups and searches using the default base DN. The alternate DN will be used * in case there is a {@link NamingException} using base DN. The context uses the * admin login that is defined by <tt>adminDN</tt> and <tt>adminPassword</tt>. * * @return a connection to the LDAP server. * @throws NamingException if there is an error making the LDAP connection. */ public LdapContext getContext() throws NamingException { try { return getContext(baseDN); } catch (NamingException e) { if (alternateBaseDN != null) { return getContext(alternateBaseDN); } else { throw(e); } } } /** * Returns a DirContext for the LDAP server that can be used to perform * lookups and searches using the specified base DN. The context uses the * admin login that is defined by <tt>adminDN</tt> and <tt>adminPassword</tt>. * * @param baseDN the base DN to use for the context. * @return a connection to the LDAP server. * @throws NamingException if there is an error making the LDAP connection. */ public LdapContext getContext(String baseDN) throws NamingException { boolean debug = Log.isDebugEnabled(); if (debug) { Log.debug("LdapManager: Creating a DirContext in LdapManager.getContext()..."); } // Set up the environment for creating the initial context Hashtable<String, Object> env = new Hashtable<String, Object>(); env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, initialContextFactory); env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, getProviderURL(baseDN)); if (sslEnabled) { env.put("java.naming.ldap.factory.socket", "org.jivesoftware.util.SimpleSSLSocketFactory"); env.put(Context.SECURITY_PROTOCOL, "ssl"); } // Use simple authentication to connect as the admin. if (adminDN != null) { env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple"); env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, adminDN); if (adminPassword != null) { env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, adminPassword); } } // No login information so attempt to use anonymous login. else { env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "none"); } if (ldapDebugEnabled) { env.put("com.sun.jndi.ldap.trace.ber", System.err); } if (connectionPoolEnabled) { env.put("com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.pool", "true"); } if (followReferrals) { env.put(Context.REFERRAL, "follow"); } if (!followAliasReferrals) { env.put("java.naming.ldap.derefAliases", "never"); } if (debug) { Log.debug("LdapManager: Created hashtable with context values, attempting to create context..."); } // Create new initial context LdapContext context = new InitialLdapContext(env, null); if (debug) { Log.debug("LdapManager: ... context created successfully, returning."); } return context; } /** * Returns true if the user is able to successfully authenticate against * the LDAP server. The "simple" authentication protocol is used. * * @param userDN the user's dn to authenticate (relative to <tt>baseDN</tt>). * @param password the user's password. * @return true if the user successfully authenticates. */ public boolean checkAuthentication(String userDN, String password) { boolean debug = Log.isDebugEnabled(); if (debug) { Log.debug("LdapManager: In LdapManager.checkAuthentication(userDN, password), userDN is: " + userDN + "..."); } DirContext ctx = null; try { // See if the user authenticates. Hashtable<String, Object> env = new Hashtable<String, Object>(); env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, initialContextFactory); env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, getProviderURL(baseDN)); if (sslEnabled) { env.put("java.naming.ldap.factory.socket", "org.jivesoftware.util.SimpleSSLSocketFactory"); env.put(Context.SECURITY_PROTOCOL, "ssl"); } env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple"); env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, userDN + "," + baseDN); env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password); // Specify timeout to be 10 seconds, only on non SSL since SSL connections // break with a timemout. if (!sslEnabled) { env.put("com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.timeout", "10000"); } if (readTimeout > 0) { env.put("com.sun.jndi.ldap.read.timeout", String.valueOf(readTimeout)); } if (ldapDebugEnabled) { env.put("com.sun.jndi.ldap.trace.ber", System.err); } if (followReferrals) { env.put(Context.REFERRAL, "follow"); } if (!followAliasReferrals) { env.put("java.naming.ldap.derefAliases", "never"); } if (debug) { Log.debug("LdapManager: Created context values, attempting to create context..."); } ctx = new InitialDirContext(env); if (debug) { Log.debug("LdapManager: ... context created successfully, returning."); } } catch (NamingException ne) { // If an alt baseDN is defined, attempt a lookup there. if (alternateBaseDN != null) { try { if (ctx != null) { ctx.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(e); } try { // See if the user authenticates. Hashtable<String, Object> env = new Hashtable<String, Object>(); // Use a custom initial context factory if specified. Otherwise, use the default. env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, initialContextFactory); env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, getProviderURL(alternateBaseDN)); if (sslEnabled) { env.put("java.naming.ldap.factory.socket", "org.jivesoftware.util.SimpleSSLSocketFactory"); env.put(Context.SECURITY_PROTOCOL, "ssl"); } env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple"); env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, userDN + "," + alternateBaseDN); env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password); // Specify timeout to be 10 seconds, only on non SSL since SSL connections // break with a timemout. if (!sslEnabled) { env.put("com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.timeout", "10000"); } if (ldapDebugEnabled) { env.put("com.sun.jndi.ldap.trace.ber", System.err); } if (followReferrals) { env.put(Context.REFERRAL, "follow"); } if (!followAliasReferrals) { env.put("java.naming.ldap.derefAliases", "never"); } if (debug) { Log.debug("LdapManager: Created context values, attempting to create context..."); } ctx = new InitialDirContext(env); } catch (NamingException e) { if (debug) { Log.debug("LdapManager: Caught a naming exception when creating InitialContext", ne); } return false; } } else { if (debug) { Log.debug("LdapManager: Caught a naming exception when creating InitialContext", ne); } return false; } } finally { try { if (ctx != null) { ctx.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(e); } } return true; } /** * Finds a user's dn using their username. Normally, this search will * be performed using the field "uid", but this can be changed by setting * the <tt>usernameField</tt> property.<p> * * Searches are performed over all subtrees relative to the <tt>baseDN</tt>. * If the search fails in the <tt>baseDN</tt> then another search will be * performed in the <tt>alternateBaseDN</tt>. For example, if the <tt>baseDN</tt> * is "o=jivesoftware, o=com" and we do a search for "mtucker", then we might * find a userDN of "uid=mtucker,ou=People". This kind of searching is a good * thing since it doesn't make the assumption that all user records are stored * in a flat structure. However, it does add the requirement that "uid" field * (or the other field specified) must be unique over the entire subtree from * the <tt>baseDN</tt>. For example, it's entirely possible to create two dn's * in your LDAP directory with the same uid: "uid=mtucker,ou=People" and * "uid=mtucker,ou=Administrators". In such a case, it's not possible to * uniquely identify a user, so this method will throw an error.<p> * * The dn that's returned is relative to the default <tt>baseDN</tt>. * * @param username the username to lookup the dn for. * @return the dn associated with <tt>username</tt>. * @throws Exception if the search for the dn fails. */ public String findUserDN(String username) throws Exception { try { return findUserDN(username, baseDN); } catch (Exception e) { if (alternateBaseDN != null) { return findUserDN(username, alternateBaseDN); } else { throw e; } } } /** * Finds a user's dn using their username in the specified baseDN. Normally, this search * will be performed using the field "uid", but this can be changed by setting * the <tt>usernameField</tt> property.<p> * * Searches are performed over all sub-trees relative to the <tt>baseDN</tt> unless * sub-tree searching has been disabled. For example, if the <tt>baseDN</tt> is * "o=jivesoftware, o=com" and we do a search for "mtucker", then we might find a userDN of * "uid=mtucker,ou=People". This kind of searching is a good thing since * it doesn't make the assumption that all user records are stored in a flat * structure. However, it does add the requirement that "uid" field (or the * other field specified) must be unique over the entire subtree from the * <tt>baseDN</tt>. For example, it's entirely possible to create two dn's * in your LDAP directory with the same uid: "uid=mtucker,ou=People" and * "uid=mtucker,ou=Administrators". In such a case, it's not possible to * uniquely identify a user, so this method will throw an error.<p> * * The DN that's returned is relative to the <tt>baseDN</tt>. * * @param username the username to lookup the dn for. * @param baseDN the base DN to use for this search. * @return the dn associated with <tt>username</tt>. * @throws Exception if the search for the dn fails. * @see #findUserDN(String) to search using the default baseDN and alternateBaseDN. */ public String findUserDN(String username, String baseDN) throws Exception { boolean debug = Log.isDebugEnabled(); //Support for usernameSuffix username = username + usernameSuffix; if (debug) { Log.debug("LdapManager: Trying to find a user's DN based on their username. " + usernameField + ": " + username + ", Base DN: " + baseDN + "..."); } DirContext ctx = null; try { ctx = getContext(baseDN); if (debug) { Log.debug("LdapManager: Starting LDAP search..."); } // Search for the dn based on the username. SearchControls constraints = new SearchControls(); // If sub-tree searching is enabled (default is true) then search the entire tree. if (subTreeSearch) { constraints.setSearchScope(SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE); } // Otherwise, only search a single level. else { constraints.setSearchScope(SearchControls.ONELEVEL_SCOPE); } constraints.setReturningAttributes(new String[] { usernameField }); NamingEnumeration answer = ctx.search("", getSearchFilter(), new String[] {username}, constraints); if (debug) { Log.debug("LdapManager: ... search finished"); } if (answer == null || !answer.hasMoreElements()) { if (debug) { Log.debug("LdapManager: User DN based on username '" + username + "' not found."); } throw new UserNotFoundException("Username " + username + " not found"); } String userDN = ((SearchResult)answer.next()).getName(); // Make sure there are no more search results. If there are, then // the username isn't unique on the LDAP server (a perfectly possible // scenario since only fully qualified dn's need to be unqiue). // There really isn't a way to handle this, so throw an exception. // The baseDN must be set correctly so that this doesn't happen. if (answer.hasMoreElements()) { if (debug) { Log.debug("LdapManager: Search for userDN based on username '" + username + "' found multiple " + "responses, throwing exception."); } throw new UserNotFoundException("LDAP username lookup for " + username + " matched multiple entries."); } // Close the enumeration. answer.close(); // All other methods assume that userDN is not a full LDAP string. // However if a referal was followed this is not the case. The // following code converts a referral back to a "partial" LDAP string. if (userDN.startsWith("ldap://")) { userDN = userDN.replace("," + baseDN, ""); userDN = userDN.substring(userDN.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); userDN = java.net.URLDecoder.decode(userDN, "UTF-8"); } if (encloseUserDN) { userDN = getEnclosedDN(userDN); } return userDN; } catch (Exception e) { if (debug) { Log.debug("LdapManager: Exception thrown when searching for userDN based on username '" + username + "'", e); } throw e; } finally { try { ctx.close(); } catch (Exception ignored) { // Ignore. } } } /** * Finds a groups's dn using it's group name. Normally, this search will * be performed using the field "cn", but this can be changed by setting * the <tt>groupNameField</tt> property.<p> * * Searches are performed over all subtrees relative to the <tt>baseDN</tt>. * If the search fails in the <tt>baseDN</tt> then another search will be * performed in the <tt>alternateBaseDN</tt>. For example, if the <tt>baseDN</tt> * is "o=jivesoftware, o=com" and we do a search for "managers", then we might * find a groupDN of "uid=managers,ou=Groups". This kind of searching is a good * thing since it doesn't make the assumption that all user records are stored * in a flat structure. However, it does add the requirement that "cn" field * (or the other field specified) must be unique over the entire subtree from * the <tt>baseDN</tt>. For example, it's entirely possible to create two dn's * in your LDAP directory with the same cn: "cn=managers,ou=Financial" and * "cn=managers,ou=Engineers". In such a case, it's not possible to * uniquely identify a group, so this method will throw an error.<p> * * The dn that's returned is relative to the default <tt>baseDN</tt>. * * @param groupname the groupname to lookup the dn for. * @return the dn associated with <tt>groupname</tt>. * @throws Exception if the search for the dn fails. */ public String findGroupDN(String groupname) throws Exception { try { return findGroupDN(groupname, baseDN); } catch (Exception e) { if (alternateBaseDN != null) { return findGroupDN(groupname, alternateBaseDN); } else { throw e; } } } /** * Finds a groups's dn using it's group name. Normally, this search will * be performed using the field "cn", but this can be changed by setting * the <tt>groupNameField</tt> property.<p> * * Searches are performed over all subtrees relative to the <tt>baseDN</tt>. * If the search fails in the <tt>baseDN</tt> then another search will be * performed in the <tt>alternateBaseDN</tt>. For example, if the <tt>baseDN</tt> * is "o=jivesoftware, o=com" and we do a search for "managers", then we might * find a groupDN of "uid=managers,ou=Groups". This kind of searching is a good * thing since it doesn't make the assumption that all user records are stored * in a flat structure. However, it does add the requirement that "cn" field * (or the other field specified) must be unique over the entire subtree from * the <tt>baseDN</tt>. For example, it's entirely possible to create two dn's * in your LDAP directory with the same cn: "cn=managers,ou=Financial" and * "cn=managers,ou=Engineers". In such a case, it's not possible to * uniquely identify a group, so this method will throw an error.<p> * * The dn that's returned is relative to the default <tt>baseDN</tt>. * * @param groupname the groupname to lookup the dn for. * @param baseDN the base DN to use for this search. * @return the dn associated with <tt>groupname</tt>. * @throws Exception if the search for the dn fails. * @see #findGroupDN(String) to search using the default baseDN and alternateBaseDN. */ public String findGroupDN(String groupname, String baseDN) throws Exception { boolean debug = Log.isDebugEnabled(); if (debug) { Log.debug("LdapManager: Trying to find a groups's DN based on it's groupname. " + groupNameField + ": " + groupname + ", Base DN: " + baseDN + "..."); } DirContext ctx = null; try { ctx = getContext(baseDN); if (debug) { Log.debug("LdapManager: Starting LDAP search..."); } // Search for the dn based on the groupname. SearchControls constraints = new SearchControls(); // If sub-tree searching is enabled (default is true) then search the entire tree. if (subTreeSearch) { constraints.setSearchScope(SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE); } // Otherwise, only search a single level. else { constraints.setSearchScope(SearchControls.ONELEVEL_SCOPE); } constraints.setReturningAttributes(new String[] { groupNameField }); String filter = MessageFormat.format(getGroupSearchFilter(), groupname); NamingEnumeration answer = ctx.search("", filter, constraints); if (debug) { Log.debug("LdapManager: ... search finished"); } if (answer == null || !answer.hasMoreElements()) { if (debug) { Log.debug("LdapManager: Group DN based on groupname '" + groupname + "' not found."); } throw new GroupNotFoundException("Groupname " + groupname + " not found"); } String groupDN = ((SearchResult)answer.next()).getName(); // Make sure there are no more search results. If there are, then // the groupname isn't unique on the LDAP server (a perfectly possible // scenario since only fully qualified dn's need to be unqiue). // There really isn't a way to handle this, so throw an exception. // The baseDN must be set correctly so that this doesn't happen. if (answer.hasMoreElements()) { if (debug) { Log.debug("LdapManager: Search for groupDN based on groupname '" + groupname + "' found multiple " + "responses, throwing exception."); } throw new GroupNotFoundException("LDAP groupname lookup for " + groupname + " matched multiple entries."); } // Close the enumeration. answer.close(); // All other methods assume that groupDN is not a full LDAP string. // However if a referal was followed this is not the case. The // following code converts a referral back to a "partial" LDAP string. if (groupDN.startsWith("ldap://")) { groupDN = groupDN.replace("," + baseDN, ""); groupDN = groupDN.substring(groupDN.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); groupDN = java.net.URLDecoder.decode(groupDN, "UTF-8"); } if (encloseGroupDN) { groupDN = getEnclosedDN(groupDN); } return groupDN; } catch (Exception e) { if (debug) { Log.debug("LdapManager: Exception thrown when searching for groupDN based on groupname '" + groupname + "'", e); } throw e; } finally { try { ctx.close(); } catch (Exception ignored) { // Ignore. } } } /** * Returns a properly encoded URL for use as the PROVIDER_URL. * If the encoding fails then the URL will contain the raw base dn. * * @param baseDN the base dn to use in the URL. * @return the properly encoded URL for use in as PROVIDER_URL. */ private String getProviderURL(String baseDN) { StringBuffer ldapURL = new StringBuffer(); try { baseDN = URLEncoder.encode(baseDN, "UTF-8"); // The java.net.URLEncoder class encodes spaces as +, but they need to be %20 baseDN = baseDN.replaceAll("\\+", "%20"); } catch (java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // UTF-8 is not supported, fall back to using raw baseDN } for (String host : hosts) { // Create a correctly-encoded ldap URL for the PROVIDER_URL ldapURL.append("ldap://"); ldapURL.append(host); ldapURL.append(":"); ldapURL.append(port); ldapURL.append("/"); ldapURL.append(baseDN); ldapURL.append(" "); } return ldapURL.toString(); } /** * Returns the LDAP servers hosts; e.g. <tt>localhost</tt> or * <tt>machine.example.com</tt>, etc. This value is stored as the Jive * Property <tt>ldap.host</tt>. * * @return the LDAP server host name. */ public Collection<String> getHosts() { return hosts; } /** * Sets the list of LDAP servers host; e.g., <tt>localhost</tt> or * <tt>machine.example.com</tt>, etc. This value is store as the Jive * Property <tt>ldap.host</tt> using a comma as a delimiter for each host.<p> * * Note that all LDAP servers have to share the same configuration. * * @param hosts the LDAP servers host names. */ public void setHosts(Collection<String> hosts) { this.hosts = hosts; StringBuilder hostProperty = new StringBuilder(); for (String host : hosts) { hostProperty.append(host).append(","); } if (!hosts.isEmpty()) { // Remove the last comma hostProperty.setLength(hostProperty.length()-1); } properties.put("ldap.host", hostProperty.toString()); } /** * Returns the LDAP server port number. The default is 389. This value is * stored as the Jive Property <tt>ldap.port</tt>. * * @return the LDAP server port number. */ public int getPort() { return port; } /** * Sets the LDAP server port number. The default is 389. This value is * stored as the Jive property <tt>ldap.port</tt>. * * @param port the LDAP server port number. */ public void setPort(int port) { this.port = port; properties.put("ldap.port", Integer.toString(port)); } /** * Returns true if LDAP connection debugging is turned on. When on, trace * information about BER buffers sent and received by the LDAP provider is * written to System.out. Debugging is turned off by default. * * @return true if LDAP debugging is turned on. */ public boolean isDebugEnabled() { return ldapDebugEnabled; } /** * Sets whether LDAP connection debugging is turned on. When on, trace * information about BER buffers sent and received by the LDAP provider is * written to System.out. Debugging is turned off by default. * * @param debugEnabled true if debugging should be turned on. */ public void setDebugEnabled(boolean debugEnabled) { this.ldapDebugEnabled = debugEnabled; properties.put("ldap.ldapDebugEnabled", Boolean.toString(debugEnabled)); } /** * Returns true if LDAP connection is via SSL or not. SSL is turned off by default. * * @return true if SSL connections are enabled or not. */ public boolean isSslEnabled() { return sslEnabled; } /** * Sets whether the connection to the LDAP server should be made via ssl or not. * * @param sslEnabled true if ssl should be enabled, false otherwise. */ public void setSslEnabled(boolean sslEnabled) { this.sslEnabled = sslEnabled; properties.put("ldap.sslEnabled", Boolean.toString(sslEnabled)); } /** * Returns the LDAP field name that the username lookup will be performed * on. By default this is "uid". * * @return the LDAP field that the username lookup will be performed on. */ public String getUsernameField() { return usernameField; } /** * Returns the suffix appended to the username when LDAP lookups are performed. * By default this is "". * * @return the suffix appened to usernames when LDAP lookups are performed. */ public String getUsernameSuffix() { return usernameSuffix; } /** * Sets the LDAP field name that the username lookup will be performed on. * By default this is "uid". * * @param usernameField the LDAP field that the username lookup will be * performed on. */ public void setUsernameField(String usernameField) { this.usernameField = usernameField; if (usernameField == null) { properties.remove("ldap.usernameField"); this.usernameField = "uid"; } else { properties.put("ldap.usernameField", usernameField); } } /** * Set the suffix appended to the username whenever LDAP lookups are performed. * * @param usernameSuffix the String to append to usernames for lookups */ public void setUsernameSuffix(String usernameSuffix) { this.usernameSuffix = usernameSuffix; if (usernameSuffix == null) { properties.remove("ldap.usernameSuffix"); this.usernameSuffix = ""; } else { properties.put("ldap.usernameSuffix", usernameSuffix); } } /** * Returns the LDAP field name that the user's name is stored in. By default * this is "cn". Another common value is "displayName". * * @return the LDAP field that that corresponds to the user's name. */ public String getNameField() { return nameField; } /** * Sets the LDAP field name that the user's name is stored in. By default * this is "cn". Another common value is "displayName". * * @param nameField the LDAP field that that corresponds to the user's name. */ public void setNameField(String nameField) { this.nameField = nameField; if (nameField == null) { properties.remove("ldap.nameField"); } else { properties.put("ldap.nameField", nameField); } } /** * Returns the LDAP field name that the user's email address is stored in. * By default this is "mail". * * @return the LDAP field that that corresponds to the user's email * address. */ public String getEmailField() { return emailField; } /** * Sets the LDAP field name that the user's email address is stored in. * By default this is "mail". * * @param emailField the LDAP field that that corresponds to the user's * email address. */ public void setEmailField(String emailField) { this.emailField = emailField; if (emailField == null) { properties.remove("ldap.emailField"); } else { properties.put("ldap.emailField", emailField); } } /** * Returns the starting DN that searches for users will performed with. * Searches will performed on the entire sub-tree under the base DN. * * @return the starting DN used for performing searches. */ public String getBaseDN() { if (encloseDNs) return getEnclosedDN(baseDN); else return baseDN; } /** * Sets the starting DN that searches for users will performed with. * Searches will performed on the entire sub-tree under the base DN. * * @param baseDN the starting DN used for performing searches. */ public void setBaseDN(String baseDN) { this.baseDN = baseDN; properties.put("ldap.baseDN", baseDN); } /** * Returns the alternate starting DN that searches for users will performed with. * Searches will performed on the entire sub-tree under the alternate base DN after * they are performed on the main base DN. * * @return the alternate starting DN used for performing searches. If no alternate * DN is set, this method will return <tt>null</tt>. */ public String getAlternateBaseDN() { return getEnclosedDN(alternateBaseDN); } /** * Sets the alternate starting DN that searches for users will performed with. * Searches will performed on the entire sub-tree under the alternate base DN after * they are performed on the main base dn. * * @param alternateBaseDN the alternate starting DN used for performing searches. */ public void setAlternateBaseDN(String alternateBaseDN) { this.alternateBaseDN = alternateBaseDN; if (alternateBaseDN == null) { properties.remove("ldap.alternateBaseDN"); } else { properties.put("ldap.alternateBaseDN", alternateBaseDN); } } /** * Returns the BaseDN for the given username. * * @param username username to return its base DN. * @return the BaseDN for the given username. If no baseDN is found, * this method will return <tt>null</tt>. */ public String getUsersBaseDN(String username) { try { findUserDN(username, baseDN); return baseDN; } catch (Exception e) { try { if (alternateBaseDN != null) { findUserDN(username, alternateBaseDN); return alternateBaseDN; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.debug(ex); } } return null; } /** * Returns the BaseDN for the given groupname. * * @param groupname groupname to return its base DN. * @return the BaseDN for the given groupname. If no baseDN is found, * this method will return <tt>null</tt>. */ public String getGroupsBaseDN(String groupname) { try { findGroupDN(groupname, baseDN); return baseDN; } catch (Exception e) { try { if (alternateBaseDN != null) { findGroupDN(groupname, alternateBaseDN); return alternateBaseDN; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.debug(ex); } } return null; } /** * Returns the starting admin DN that searches for admins will performed with. * Searches will performed on the entire sub-tree under the admin DN. * * @return the starting DN used for performing searches. */ public String getAdminDN() { if (encloseDNs) return getEnclosedDN(adminDN); else return adminDN; } /** * Sets the starting admin DN that searches for admins will performed with. * Searches will performed on the entire sub-tree under the admins DN. * * @param adminDN the starting DN used for performing admin searches. */ public void setAdminDN(String adminDN) { this.adminDN = adminDN; properties.put("ldap.adminDN", adminDN); } /** * Returns the starting admin DN that searches for admins will performed with. * Searches will performed on the entire sub-tree under the admin DN. * * @return the starting DN used for performing searches. */ public String getAdminPassword() { return adminPassword; } /** * Sets the admin password for the LDAP server we're connecting to. * * @param adminPassword the admin password for the LDAP server we're * connecting to. */ public void setAdminPassword(String adminPassword) { this.adminPassword = adminPassword; properties.put("ldap.adminPassword", adminPassword); } /** * Sets whether an LDAP connection pool should be used or not. * * @param connectionPoolEnabled true if an LDAP connection pool should be used. */ public void setConnectionPoolEnabled(boolean connectionPoolEnabled) { this.connectionPoolEnabled = connectionPoolEnabled; properties.put("ldap.connectionPoolEnabled", Boolean.toString(connectionPoolEnabled)); } /** * Returns whether an LDAP connection pool should be used or not. * * @return true if an LDAP connection pool should be used. */ public boolean isConnectionPoolEnabled() { return connectionPoolEnabled; } /** * Returns the filter used for searching the directory for users, which includes * the default filter (username field search) plus any custom-defined search filter. * * @return the search filter. */ public String getSearchFilter() { StringBuilder filter = new StringBuilder(); if (searchFilter == null) { filter.append("(").append(usernameField).append("={0})"); } else { filter.append("(&(").append(usernameField).append("={0})"); filter.append(searchFilter).append(")"); } return filter.toString(); } /** * Sets the search filter appended to the default filter when searching for users. * * @param searchFilter the search filter appended to the default filter * when searching for users. */ public void setSearchFilter(String searchFilter) { this.searchFilter = searchFilter; properties.put("ldap.searchFilter", searchFilter); } /** * Returns true if the entire tree under the base DN will be searched (recursive search) * when doing LDAP queries (finding users, groups, etc). When false, only a single level * under the base DN will be searched. The default is <tt>true</tt> which is the best * option for most LDAP setups. In only a few cases will the directory be setup in such * a way that it's better to do single level searching. * * @return true if the entire tree under the base DN will be searched. */ public boolean isSubTreeSearch() { return subTreeSearch; } /** * Sets whether the entire tree under the base DN will be searched (recursive search) * when doing LDAP queries (finding users, groups, etc). When false, only a single level * under the base DN will be searched. The default is <tt>true</tt> which is the best * option for most LDAP setups. In only a few cases will the directory be setup in such * a way that it's better to do single level searching. * * @param subTreeSearch true if the entire tree under the base DN will be searched. */ public void setSubTreeSearch(boolean subTreeSearch) { this.subTreeSearch = subTreeSearch; properties.put("ldap.subTreeSearch", String.valueOf(subTreeSearch)); } /** * Returns true if LDAP referrals will automatically be followed when found. * * @return true if LDAP referrals are automatically followed. */ public boolean isFollowReferralsEnabled() { return followReferrals; } /** * Sets whether LDAP referrals should be automatically followed. * * @param followReferrals true if LDAP referrals should be automatically followed. */ public void setFollowReferralsEnabled(boolean followReferrals) { this.followReferrals = followReferrals; properties.put("ldap.autoFollowReferrals", String.valueOf(followReferrals)); } /** * Returns true if LDAP alias referrals will automatically be followed when found. * * @return true if LDAP alias referrals are automatically followed. */ public boolean isFollowAliasReferralsEnabled() { return followAliasReferrals; } /** * Sets whether LDAP alias referrals should be automatically followed. * * @param followAliasReferrals true if LDAP alias referrals should be automatically followed. */ public void setFollowAliasReferralsEnabled(boolean followAliasReferrals) { this.followAliasReferrals = followAliasReferrals; properties.put("ldap.autoFollowAliasReferrals", String.valueOf(followAliasReferrals)); } /** * Returns the field name used for groups. * Value of groupNameField defaults to "cn". * * @return the field used for groups. */ public String getGroupNameField() { return groupNameField; } /** * Sets the field name used for groups. * * @param groupNameField the field used for groups. */ public void setGroupNameField(String groupNameField) { this.groupNameField = groupNameField; properties.put("ldap.groupNameField", groupNameField); } /** * Return the field used to list members within a group. * Value of groupMemberField defaults to "member". * * @return the field used to list members within a group. */ public String getGroupMemberField() { return groupMemberField; } /** * Sets the field used to list members within a group. * Value of groupMemberField defaults to "member". * * @param groupMemberField the field used to list members within a group. */ public void setGroupMemberField(String groupMemberField) { this.groupMemberField = groupMemberField; properties.put("ldap.groupMemberField", groupMemberField); } /** * Return the field used to describe a group. * Value of groupDescriptionField defaults to "description". * * @return the field used to describe a group. */ public String getGroupDescriptionField() { return groupDescriptionField; } /** * Sets the field used to describe a group. * Value of groupDescriptionField defaults to "description". * * @param groupDescriptionField the field used to describe a group. */ public void setGroupDescriptionField(String groupDescriptionField) { this.groupDescriptionField = groupDescriptionField; properties.put("ldap.groupDescriptionField", groupDescriptionField); } /** * Return true if the LDAP server is operating in Posix mode. By default * false is returned. When in Posix mode, users are stored within a group * by their username alone. When not enabled, users are stored in a group using * their entire DN. * * @return true if posix mode is being used by the LDAP server. */ public boolean isPosixMode() { return posixMode; } /** * Sets whether the LDAP server is operating in Posix mode. When in Posix mode, * users are stored within a group by their username alone. When not enabled, * users are stored in a group using their entire DN. * * @param posixMode true if posix mode is being used by the LDAP server. */ public void setPosixMode(boolean posixMode) { this.posixMode = posixMode; properties.put("ldap.posixMode", String.valueOf(posixMode)); } /** * Returns the filter used for searching the directory for groups, which includes * the default filter plus any custom-defined search filter. * * @return the search filter when searching for groups. */ public String getGroupSearchFilter() { StringBuilder groupFilter = new StringBuilder(); if (groupSearchFilter == null) { groupFilter.append("(").append(groupNameField).append("={0})"); } else { groupFilter.append("(&(").append(groupNameField).append("={0})"); groupFilter.append(groupSearchFilter).append(")"); } return groupFilter.toString(); } /** * Sets the search filter appended to the default filter when searching for groups. * * @param groupSearchFilter the search filter appended to the default filter * when searching for groups. */ public void setGroupSearchFilter(String groupSearchFilter) { this.groupSearchFilter = groupSearchFilter; properties.put("ldap.groupSearchFilter", groupSearchFilter); } /** * Generic routine for retrieving a list of results from the LDAP server. It's meant to be very * flexible so that just about any query for a list of results can make use of it without having * to reimplement their own calls to LDAP. This routine also accounts for sorting settings, * paging settings, any other global settings, and alternate DNs. * * The passed in filter string needs to be pre-prepared! In other words, nothing will be changed * in the string before it is used as a string. * * @param attribute LDAP attribute to be pulled from each result and placed in the return results. * Typically pulled from this manager. * @param searchFilter Filter to use to perform the search. Typically pulled from this manager. * @param startIndex Number/index of first result to include in results. (-1 for no limit) * @param numResults Number of results to include. (-1 for no limit) * @param suffixToTrim An arbitrary string to trim from the end of every attribute returned. null to disable. * @return A simple list of strings (that should be sorted) of the results. */ public List<String> retrieveList(String attribute, String searchFilter, int startIndex, int numResults, String suffixToTrim) { List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>(); int pageSize = -1; String pageSizeStr = properties.get("ldap.pagedResultsSize"); if (pageSizeStr != null) pageSize = Integer.parseInt(pageSizeStr, -1); Boolean clientSideSort = false; String clientSideSortStr = properties.get("ldap.clientSideSorting"); if (clientSideSortStr != null) clientSideSort = Boolean.valueOf(clientSideSortStr); LdapContext ctx = null; LdapContext ctx2 = null; try { ctx = getContext(baseDN); // Set up request controls, if appropriate. List<Control> baseTmpRequestControls = new ArrayList<Control>(); if (!clientSideSort) { // Server side sort on username field. baseTmpRequestControls.add(new SortControl(new String[]{attribute}, Control.NONCRITICAL)); } if (pageSize > 0) { // Server side paging. baseTmpRequestControls.add(new PagedResultsControl(pageSize, Control.NONCRITICAL)); } Control[] baseRequestControls = baseTmpRequestControls.toArray(new Control[baseTmpRequestControls.size()]); ctx.setRequestControls(baseRequestControls); SearchControls searchControls = new SearchControls(); // See if recursive searching is enabled. Otherwise, only search one level. if (isSubTreeSearch()) { searchControls.setSearchScope(SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE); } else { searchControls.setSearchScope(SearchControls.ONELEVEL_SCOPE); } searchControls.setReturningAttributes(new String[] { attribute }); // If server side sort, we'll skip the initial ones we don't want, and stop when we've hit // the amount we do want. int skip = -1; int lastRes = -1; if (!clientSideSort) { if (startIndex != -1) { skip = startIndex; } if (numResults != -1) { lastRes = startIndex + numResults; } } byte[] cookie; int count = 0; // Run through all pages of results (one page is also possible ;) ) do { cookie = null; NamingEnumeration answer = ctx.search("", searchFilter, searchControls); // Examine all of the results on this page while (answer.hasMoreElements()) { count++; if (skip > 0 && count <= skip) { answer.next(); continue; } if (lastRes != -1 && count > lastRes) { answer.next(); break; } // Get the next result. String result = (String)((SearchResult)answer.next()).getAttributes().get(attribute).get(); // Remove suffixToTrim if set if (suffixToTrim != null && suffixToTrim.length() > 0 && result.endsWith(suffixToTrim)) { result = result.substring(0,result.length()-suffixToTrim.length()); } // Add this to the result. results.add(result); } // Examine the paged results control response Control[] controls = ctx.getResponseControls(); if (controls != null) { for (Control control : controls) { if (control instanceof PagedResultsResponseControl) { PagedResultsResponseControl prrc = (PagedResultsResponseControl) control; cookie = prrc.getCookie(); } } } // Close the enumeration. answer.close(); // Re-activate paged results; affects nothing if no paging support List<Control> tmpRequestControls = new ArrayList<Control>(); if (!clientSideSort) { // Server side sort on username field. tmpRequestControls.add(new SortControl(new String[]{attribute}, Control.NONCRITICAL)); } if (pageSize > 0) { // Server side paging. tmpRequestControls.add(new PagedResultsControl(pageSize, cookie, Control.CRITICAL)); } Control[] requestControls = tmpRequestControls.toArray(new Control[tmpRequestControls.size()]); ctx.setRequestControls(requestControls); } while (cookie != null && (lastRes == -1 || count <= lastRes)); // Add groups found in alternate DN if (alternateBaseDN != null && (lastRes == -1 || count <= lastRes)) { ctx2 = getContext(alternateBaseDN); ctx2.setRequestControls(baseRequestControls); // Run through all pages of results (one page is also possible ;) ) do { cookie = null; NamingEnumeration answer = ctx2.search("", searchFilter, searchControls); // Examine all of the results on this page while (answer.hasMoreElements()) { count++; if (skip > 0 && count <= skip) { answer.next(); continue; } if (lastRes != -1 && count > lastRes) { answer.next(); break; } // Get the next result. String result = (String)((SearchResult)answer.next()).getAttributes().get(attribute).get(); // Remove suffixToTrim if set if (suffixToTrim != null && suffixToTrim.length() > 0 && result.endsWith(suffixToTrim)) { result = result.substring(0,result.length()-suffixToTrim.length()); } // Add this to the result. results.add(result); } // Examine the paged results control response Control[] controls = ctx2.getResponseControls(); if (controls != null) { for (Control control : controls) { if (control instanceof PagedResultsResponseControl) { PagedResultsResponseControl prrc = (PagedResultsResponseControl) control; cookie = prrc.getCookie(); } } } // Close the enumeration. answer.close(); // Re-activate paged results; affects nothing if no paging support List<Control> tmpRequestControls = new ArrayList<Control>(); if (!clientSideSort) { // Server side sort on username field. tmpRequestControls.add(new SortControl(new String[]{attribute}, Control.NONCRITICAL)); } if (pageSize > 0) { // Server side paging. tmpRequestControls.add(new PagedResultsControl(pageSize, cookie, Control.CRITICAL)); } Control[] requestControls = tmpRequestControls.toArray(new Control[tmpRequestControls.size()]); ctx2.setRequestControls(requestControls); } while (cookie != null && (lastRes == -1 || count <= lastRes)); } // If client-side sorting is enabled, sort and trim. if (clientSideSort) { Collections.sort(results); if (startIndex != -1 || numResults != -1) { if (startIndex == -1) { startIndex = 0; } if (numResults == -1) { numResults = results.size(); } int endIndex = Math.min(startIndex + numResults, results.size()-1); results = results.subList(startIndex, endIndex); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(e); } finally { try { if (ctx != null) { ctx.setRequestControls(null); ctx.close(); } if (ctx2 != null) { ctx2.setRequestControls(null); ctx2.close(); } } catch (Exception ignored) { // Ignore. } } return results; } /** * Generic routine for retrieving the number of available results from the LDAP server that * match the passed search filter. This routine also accounts for paging settings and * alternate DNs. * * The passed in filter string needs to be pre-prepared! In other words, nothing will be changed * in the string before it is used as a string. * * @param attribute LDAP attribute to be pulled from each result and used in the query. * Typically pulled from this manager. * @param searchFilter Filter to use to perform the search. Typically pulled from this manager. * @return The number of entries that match the filter. */ public Integer retrieveListCount(String attribute, String searchFilter) { int pageSize = -1; String pageSizeStr = properties.get("ldap.pagedResultsSize"); if (pageSizeStr != null) pageSize = Integer.parseInt(pageSizeStr, -1); LdapContext ctx = null; LdapContext ctx2 = null; Integer count = 0; try { ctx = getContext(baseDN); // Set up request controls, if appropriate. List<Control> baseTmpRequestControls = new ArrayList<Control>(); if (pageSize > 0) { // Server side paging. baseTmpRequestControls.add(new PagedResultsControl(pageSize, Control.NONCRITICAL)); } Control[] baseRequestControls = baseTmpRequestControls.toArray(new Control[baseTmpRequestControls.size()]); ctx.setRequestControls(baseRequestControls); SearchControls searchControls = new SearchControls(); // See if recursive searching is enabled. Otherwise, only search one level. if (isSubTreeSearch()) { searchControls.setSearchScope(SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE); } else { searchControls.setSearchScope(SearchControls.ONELEVEL_SCOPE); } searchControls.setReturningAttributes(new String[] { attribute }); byte[] cookie; // Run through all pages of results (one page is also possible ;) ) do { cookie = null; NamingEnumeration answer = ctx.search("", searchFilter, searchControls); // Examine all of the results on this page while (answer.hasMoreElements()) { answer.next(); count++; } // Examine the paged results control response Control[] controls = ctx.getResponseControls(); if (controls != null) { for (Control control : controls) { if (control instanceof PagedResultsResponseControl) { PagedResultsResponseControl prrc = (PagedResultsResponseControl) control; cookie = prrc.getCookie(); } } } // Close the enumeration. answer.close(); // Re-activate paged results; affects nothing if no paging support List<Control> tmpRequestControls = new ArrayList<Control>(); if (pageSize > 0) { // Server side paging. tmpRequestControls.add(new PagedResultsControl(pageSize, cookie, Control.CRITICAL)); } Control[] requestControls = tmpRequestControls.toArray(new Control[tmpRequestControls.size()]); ctx.setRequestControls(requestControls); } while (cookie != null); // Add groups found in alternate DN if (alternateBaseDN != null) { ctx2 = getContext(alternateBaseDN); ctx2.setRequestControls(baseRequestControls); // Run through all pages of results (one page is also possible ;) ) do { cookie = null; NamingEnumeration answer = ctx2.search("", searchFilter, searchControls); // Examine all of the results on this page while (answer.hasMoreElements()) { answer.next(); count++; } // Examine the paged results control response Control[] controls = ctx2.getResponseControls(); if (controls != null) { for (Control control : controls) { if (control instanceof PagedResultsResponseControl) { PagedResultsResponseControl prrc = (PagedResultsResponseControl) control; cookie = prrc.getCookie(); } } } // Close the enumeration. answer.close(); // Re-activate paged results; affects nothing if no paging support List<Control> tmpRequestControls = new ArrayList<Control>(); if (pageSize > 0) { // Server side paging. tmpRequestControls.add(new PagedResultsControl(pageSize, cookie, Control.CRITICAL)); } Control[] requestControls = tmpRequestControls.toArray(new Control[tmpRequestControls.size()]); ctx2.setRequestControls(requestControls); } while (cookie != null); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(e); } finally { try { if (ctx != null) { ctx.setRequestControls(null); ctx.close(); } if (ctx2 != null) { ctx2.setRequestControls(null); ctx2.close(); } } catch (Exception ignored) { // Ignore. } } return count; } /** * Encloses DN values with " * * @param dnValue the unenclosed value of a DN (e.g. ou=Jive Software\, Inc,dc=support,dc=jive,dc=com) * @return String the enclosed value of the DN (e.g. ou="Jive Software\, Inc",dc="support",dc="jive",dc="com") */ private String getEnclosedDN(String dnValue) { if (dnValue == null || dnValue.equals("")) { return dnValue; } Matcher matcher = dnPattern.matcher(dnValue); dnValue = matcher.replaceAll("$1\"$2\"$3"); dnValue = dnValue.replace("\\,", ","); return dnValue; } }