package org.jivesoftware.openfire.keystore;

import org.bouncycastle.operator.OperatorCreationException;
import org.jivesoftware.openfire.XMPPServer;
import org.jivesoftware.util.CertificateManager;
import org.jivesoftware.util.JiveGlobals;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

 * A wrapper class for a store of certificates, its metadata (password, location) and related functionality that is
 * used to <em>provide</em> credentials (that represent this Openfire instance), an <em>identity store</em>
 * An identity store should contain private keys, each associated with its certificate chain.
 * Having the root certificate of the Certificate Authority that signed the certificates in this identity store should
 * be in a corresponding trust store, although this is not strictly required. The reasoning here is that when you trust
 * a Certificate Authority to verify your identity, you're likely to trust the same Certificate Authority to verify the
 * identities of others.
 * Note that in Java terminology, an identity store is commonly referred to as a 'key store', while the same name is
 * also used to identify the generic certificate store. To have clear distinction between common denominator and each of
 * the specific types, this implementation uses the terms "certificate store", "identity store" and "trust store".
 * @author Guus der Kinderen,
public class IdentityStore extends CertificateStore
    private static final Logger Log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( IdentityStore.class );

    public IdentityStore( CertificateStoreConfiguration configuration, boolean createIfAbsent ) throws CertificateStoreConfigException
        super( configuration, createIfAbsent );

            final KeyManagerFactory keyManagerFactory = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance( KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm() );
            keyManagerFactory.init( this.getStore(), configuration.getPassword() );
        catch ( NoSuchAlgorithmException | UnrecoverableKeyException | KeyStoreException ex )
            throw new CertificateStoreConfigException( "Unable to initialize identity store (a common cause: the password for a key is different from the password of the entire store).", ex );


     * Creates a Certificate Signing Request based on the private key and certificate identified by the provided alias.
     * When the alias does not identify a private key and/or certificate, this method will throw an exception.
     * The certificate that is identified by the provided alias can be an unsigned certificate, but also a certificate
     * that is already signed. The latter implies that the generated request is a request for certificate renewal.
     * An invocation of this method does not change the state of the underlying store.
     * @param alias An identifier for a private key / certificate in this store (cannot be null).
     * @return A PEM-encoded Certificate Signing Request (never null).
    public String generateCSR( String alias ) throws CertificateStoreConfigException
        // Input validation
        if ( alias == null || alias.trim().isEmpty() )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Argument 'alias' cannot be null or an empty String." );
        alias = alias.trim();

            if ( !store.containsAlias( alias ) ) {
                throw new CertificateStoreConfigException( "Cannot generate CSR for alias '"+ alias +"': the alias does not exist in the store." );

            final Certificate certificate = store.getCertificate( alias );
            if ( certificate == null || (!(certificate instanceof X509Certificate)))
                throw new CertificateStoreConfigException( "Cannot generate CSR for alias '"+ alias +"': there is no corresponding certificate in the store, or it is not an X509 certificate." );

            final Key key = store.getKey( alias, configuration.getPassword() );
            if ( key == null || (!(key instanceof PrivateKey) ) )
                throw new CertificateStoreConfigException( "Cannot generate CSR for alias '"+ alias +"': there is no corresponding key in the store, or it is not a private key." );

            final String pemCSR = CertificateManager.createSigningRequest( (X509Certificate) certificate, (PrivateKey) key );

            return pemCSR;
        catch ( IOException | KeyStoreException | UnrecoverableKeyException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | OperatorCreationException e )
            throw new CertificateStoreConfigException( "Cannot generate CSR for alias '"+ alias +"'", e );

     * Imports a certificate (and its chain) in this store.
     * This method will fail when the provided certificate chain:
     * <ul>
     *     <li>does not match the domain of this XMPP service.</li>
     *     <li>is not a proper chain</li>
     * </ul>
     * This method will also fail when a corresponding private key is not already in this store (it is assumed that the
     * CA reply follows a signing request based on a private key that was added to the store earlier).
     * @param pemCertificates a PEM representation of the certificate or certificate chain (cannot be null or empty).
    public void installCSRReply( String alias, String pemCertificates ) throws CertificateStoreConfigException
        // Input validation
        if ( alias == null || alias.trim().isEmpty() )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Argument 'alias' cannot be null or an empty String." );
        if ( pemCertificates == null || pemCertificates.trim().isEmpty() )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Argument 'pemCertificates' cannot be null or an empty String." );
        alias = alias.trim();
        pemCertificates = pemCertificates.trim();

            // From its PEM representation, parse the certificates.
            final Collection<X509Certificate> certificates = CertificateManager.parseCertificates( pemCertificates );
            if ( certificates.isEmpty() )
                throw new CertificateStoreConfigException( "No certificate was found in the input." );

            // Note that PKCS#7 does not require a specific order for the certificates in the file - ordering is needed.
            final List<X509Certificate> ordered = CertificateUtils.order( certificates );

            // Of the ordered chain, the first certificate should be for our domain.
            if ( !isForThisDomain( ordered.get( 0 ) ) )
                throw new CertificateStoreConfigException( "The supplied certificate chain does not cover the domain of this XMPP service." );

            // This method is used to update a pre-existing entry in the store. Find out if this entry corresponds with the provided certificate chain.
            if ( !corresponds( alias, ordered ) ) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The provided CSR reply does not match an existing certificate in the store under the provided alias '" + alias + "'." );

            // All appears to be in order. Update the existing entry in the store.
            store.setKeyEntry( alias, store.getKey( alias, configuration.getPassword() ), configuration.getPassword(), ordered.toArray( new X509Certificate[ ordered.size() ] ) );
        catch ( RuntimeException | IOException | CertificateException | UnrecoverableKeyException | KeyStoreException | NoSuchAlgorithmException e )
            reload(); // reset state of the store.
            throw new CertificateStoreConfigException( "Unable to install a singing reply into an identity store.", e );
        // TODO notifiy listeners.

    protected boolean corresponds( String alias, List<X509Certificate> certificates ) throws KeyStoreException, UnrecoverableKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException
        if ( !store.containsAlias( alias ) ) {
            return false;

        final Key key = store.getKey( alias, configuration.getPassword() );
        if ( key == null ) {
            return false;

        if ( !(key instanceof PrivateKey)) {
            return false;

        final Certificate certificate = store.getCertificate( alias );
        if ( certificate == null ) {
            return false;

        if ( !(certificate instanceof X509Certificate) ) {
            return false;

        final X509Certificate x509Certificate = (X509Certificate) certificate;

        // First certificate in the chain should correspond with the certificate in the store
        if ( !x509Certificate.getPublicKey().equals(certificates.get(0).getPublicKey()) )
            return false;

        return true;

     * Imports a certificate and the private key that was used to generate the certificate.
     * This method will import the certificate and key in the store using a unique alias. This alias is returned.
     * This method will fail when the provided certificate does not match the domain of this XMPP service.
     * @param pemCertificates a PEM representation of the certificate or certificate chain (cannot be null or empty).
     * @param pemPrivateKey   a PEM representation of the private key (cannot be null or empty).
     * @param passPhrase      optional pass phrase (must be present if the private key is encrypted).
     * @return The alias that was used (never null).
    public String installCertificate( String pemCertificates, String pemPrivateKey, String passPhrase ) throws CertificateStoreConfigException
        // Generate a unique alias.
        final String domain = XMPPServer.getInstance().getServerInfo().getXMPPDomain();
        int index = 1;
        String alias = domain + "_" + index;
            while ( store.containsAlias( alias ) )
                index = index + 1;
                alias = domain + "_" + index;
        catch ( KeyStoreException e )
            throw new CertificateStoreConfigException( "Unable to install a certificate into an identity store.", e );

        // Perform the installation using the generated alias.
        installCertificate( alias, pemCertificates, pemPrivateKey, passPhrase );

        return alias;

     * Imports a certificate and the private key that was used to generate the certificate.
     * This method will fail when the provided certificate does not match the domain of this XMPP service, or when the
     * provided alias refers to an existing entry.
     * @param alias           the name (key) under which the certificate is to be stored in the store (cannot be null or empty).
     * @param pemCertificates a PEM representation of the certificate or certificate chain (cannot be null or empty).
     * @param pemPrivateKey   a PEM representation of the private key (cannot be null or empty).
     * @param passPhrase      optional pass phrase (must be present if the private key is encrypted).
    public void installCertificate( String alias, String pemCertificates, String pemPrivateKey, String passPhrase ) throws CertificateStoreConfigException
        // Input validation
        if ( alias == null || alias.trim().isEmpty() )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Argument 'alias' cannot be null or an empty String." );
        if ( pemCertificates == null || pemCertificates.trim().isEmpty() )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Argument 'pemCertificates' cannot be null or an empty String." );
        if ( pemPrivateKey == null || pemPrivateKey.trim().isEmpty() )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Argument 'pemPrivateKey' cannot be null or an empty String." );
        alias = alias.trim();
        pemCertificates = pemCertificates.trim();

        // Check that there is a certificate for the specified alias
            if ( store.containsAlias( alias ) )
                throw new CertificateStoreConfigException( "Certificate already exists for alias: " + alias );

            // From its PEM representation, parse the certificates.
            final Collection<X509Certificate> certificates = CertificateManager.parseCertificates( pemCertificates );
            if ( certificates.isEmpty() )
                throw new CertificateStoreConfigException( "No certificate was found in the input." );

            // Note that PKCS#7 does not require a specific order for the certificates in the file - ordering is needed.
            final List<X509Certificate> ordered = CertificateUtils.order( certificates );

            // Of the ordered chain, the first certificate should be for our domain.
            if ( !isForThisDomain( ordered.get( 0 ) ) )
                throw new CertificateStoreConfigException( "The supplied certificate chain does not cover the domain of this XMPP service." );

            // From its PEM representation (and pass phrase), parse the private key.
            final PrivateKey privateKey = CertificateManager.parsePrivateKey( pemPrivateKey, passPhrase );

            // All appears to be in order. Install in the store.
            store.setKeyEntry( alias, privateKey, configuration.getPassword(), ordered.toArray( new X509Certificate[ ordered.size() ] ) );

        catch ( CertificateException | KeyStoreException | IOException e )
            reload(); // reset state of the store.
            throw new CertificateStoreConfigException( "Unable to install a certificate into an identity store.", e );

        // TODO Notify listeners that a new certificate has been added.

     * Adds a self-signed certificate for the domain of this XMPP service when no certificate for the domain (of the
     * provided algorithm) was found.
     * This method is a thread-safe equivalent of:
     * <pre>
     *   for ( String algorithm : algorithms ) {
     *     if ( !containsDomainCertificate( algorithm ) ) {
     *        addSelfSignedDomainCertificate( algorithm );
     *     }
     *   }
     * </pre>
     * @param algorithms The algorithms for which to verify / add a domain certificate.
    public synchronized void ensureDomainCertificates( String... algorithms ) throws CertificateStoreConfigException
        for ( String algorithm : algorithms )
            Log.debug( "Verifying that a domain certificate ({} algorithm) is available in this store.", algorithm);
            if ( !containsDomainCertificate( algorithm ) )
                Log.debug( "Store does not contain a domain certificate ({} algorithm). A self-signed certificate will be generated.", algorithm);
                addSelfSignedDomainCertificate( algorithm );

     * Checks if the store contains a certificate of a particular algorithm that matches the domain of this
     * XMPP service. This method will not distinguish between self-signed and non-self-signed certificates.
    public synchronized boolean containsDomainCertificate( String algorithm ) throws CertificateStoreConfigException
        final String domainName = XMPPServer.getInstance().getServerInfo().getXMPPDomain();

            for ( final String alias : Collections.list( store.aliases() ) )
                final Certificate certificate = store.getCertificate( alias );
                if ( !( certificate instanceof X509Certificate ) )

                if ( !certificate.getPublicKey().getAlgorithm().equalsIgnoreCase( algorithm ) )

                for ( String identity : CertificateManager.getServerIdentities( (X509Certificate) certificate ) )
                    if ( DNSUtil.isNameCoveredByPattern( domainName, identity ) )
                        return true;
            return false;
        catch ( KeyStoreException e )
            throw new CertificateStoreConfigException( "An exception occurred while searching for " + algorithm + " certificates that match the Openfire domain.", e );

     * Populates the key store with a self-signed certificate for the domain of this XMPP service.
    public synchronized void addSelfSignedDomainCertificate( String algorithm ) throws CertificateStoreConfigException
        final int keySize;
        final String signAlgorithm;

        switch ( algorithm.toUpperCase() )
            case "RSA":
                keySize = JiveGlobals.getIntProperty( "cert.rsa.keysize", 2048 );
                signAlgorithm = "SHA256WITHRSAENCRYPTION";

            case "DSA":
                keySize = JiveGlobals.getIntProperty( "cert.dsa.keysize", 1024 );
                signAlgorithm = "SHA256withDSA";

                throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unsupported algorithm '" + algorithm + "'. Use 'RSA' or 'DSA'." );

        final String name = JiveGlobals.getProperty( "xmpp.domain" ).toLowerCase();
        final String alias = name + "_" + algorithm.toLowerCase();
        final int validityInDays = 5*365; "Generating a new private key and corresponding self-signed certificate for domain name '{}', using the {} algorithm (sign-algorithm: {} with a key size of {} bits). Certificate will be valid for {} days.", name, algorithm, signAlgorithm, keySize, validityInDays );
        // Generate public and private keys
            final KeyPair keyPair = generateKeyPair( algorithm.toUpperCase(), keySize );

            // Create X509 certificate with keys and specified domain
            final X509Certificate cert = CertificateManager.createX509V3Certificate( keyPair, validityInDays, name, name, name, signAlgorithm );

            // Store new certificate and private key in the key store
            store.setKeyEntry( alias, keyPair.getPrivate(), configuration.getPassword(), new X509Certificate[]{cert} );

            // Persist the changes in the store to disk.
        catch ( CertificateStoreConfigException | IOException | GeneralSecurityException ex )
            reload(); // reset state of the store.
            throw new CertificateStoreConfigException( "Unable to generate new self-signed " + algorithm + " certificate.", ex );

        // TODO Notify listeners that a new certificate has been created

     * Returns a new public & private key with the specified algorithm (e.g. DSA, RSA, etc.).
     * @param algorithm DSA, RSA, etc.
     * @param keySize the desired key size. This is an algorithm-specific metric, such as modulus length, specified in number of bits.
     * @return a new public & private key with the specified algorithm (e.g. DSA, RSA, etc.).
    protected static synchronized KeyPair generateKeyPair( String algorithm, int keySize ) throws GeneralSecurityException
        final KeyPairGenerator generator;
        if ( PROVIDER == null )
            generator = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance( algorithm );
            generator = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance( algorithm, PROVIDER );
        generator.initialize( keySize, new SecureRandom() );
        return generator.generateKeyPair();

     * Verifies that the subject of the certificate matches the domain of this XMPP service.
     * @param certificate The certificate to verify (cannot be null)
     * @return true when the certificate subject is this domain, otherwise false.
    public static boolean isForThisDomain( X509Certificate certificate )
        final String domainName = XMPPServer.getInstance().getServerInfo().getXMPPDomain();

        final List<String> serverIdentities = CertificateManager.getServerIdentities( certificate );
        for ( String identity : serverIdentities )
            if ( DNSUtil.isNameCoveredByPattern( domainName, identity ) )
                return true;
        } "The supplied certificate chain does not cover the domain of this XMPP service ('" + domainName + "'). Instead, it covers " + Arrays.toString( serverIdentities.toArray( new String[ serverIdentities.size() ] ) ) );
        return false;