<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Client Control Plugin Readme</title> <style type="text/css"> BODY { font-size : 100%; } BODY, TD, TH { font-family : tahoma, verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 0.8em; } H2 { font-size : 10pt; font-weight : bold; } A:hover { text-decoration : none; } H1 { font-family : tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 1.4em; font-weight: bold; border-bottom : 1px #ccc solid; padding-bottom : 2px; } TT { font-family : courier new; font-weight : bold; color : #060; } PRE { font-family : courier new; font-size : 100%; } #datatable TH { color : #fff; background-color : #2A448C; text-align : left; } #datatable TD { background-color : #FAF6EF; } #datatable .name { background-color : #DCE2F5; } </style> </head> <body> <h1> Client Control Plugin Readme </h1> <h2>Overview</h2> <p> The client control plugin allows to specify which XMPP clients are allowed to connect to the server; which client features are enabled and control which Spark version should be used by clients. </p> <p><i>Note: Filtering clients that are allowed to connect to the server depends on the identity presented by the client. Therefore, a client that was modified to appear as another XMPP client may connect to the server. However, only sophisticated and knowledgeable users may be able to do such modification. </i></p> <h2>Installation</h2> <p> Copy clientControl.jar into the plugins directory of your Openfire installation. The plugin will then be automatically deployed. To upgrade to a new version, copy the new clientControl.jar file over the existing file. </p> <p><i>Note: Installations using the spark manager plugin will need to uninstall the plugin before installing this new plugin. </i></p> </body> </html>