# $RCSfile$
# $Revision: 3148 $
# $Date: 2005-12-01 14:50:45 -0300 (Thu, 01 Dec 2005) $

## Openfire Resource Bundle
## Additional locales can be specified by creating a new resource file in this
## directory using the following conventions:
##   openfire_i18n "_" language "_" country ".properties"
##   openfire_i18n "_" language ".properties"
## e.g.
##    openfire_i18n_en.propertis       <- English resources
##    openfire_i18n_en_US.properties   <- American US resources
##    openfire_i18n_de.properties      <- German resources
##    openfire_i18n_ja.properties      <- Japanese resources
## Please note that the two digit language code should be lower case, and the
## two digit country code should be in uppercase. Often, it is not necessary to
## specify the country code.
## A full list of language codes can be found at
## http://www-old.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/related/iso639.txt
## and a full list of country codes can be found at
## http://www.chemie.fu-berlin.de/diverse/doc/ISO_3166.html
## In property strings that are parameterized, single quotes can be used to
## quote the "{" (curly brace) if necessary. A real single quote is represented by ''.
## REVISION HISTORY (by Openfire version):
## 3.1.0
##      Added section: 'server.db_stats.*'
##      Added key: 'group.summary.search'
##      Updated key: 'group.summary.no_groups'
##      Added key: 'setup.sidebar.profile'
##      Added key: 'user.read_only'
##      Updated key: 'user.properties.info'
##      Added key: 'session.details.priority'
##      Added section: 'setup.ldap.*'
##      Added section: 'setup.profile.*'
##      Added key: 'muc.service-name'
##      Updated section: 'group.edit.*'
##      Updated key: 'group.create.form' (note, old translations left in place and need updates)
##      Deleted keys from: 'group.create.*'
##      Added key: 'setup.admin.settings.ldap.info'
##      Added key: 'setup.admin.settings.add.administrator'
##      Added key: 'setup.admin.settings.administrator'
##      Added key: 'setup.admin.settings.remove'
##      Added key: 'plugin.available.no.plugin'
##      Updated key: 'plugin.available.list'
##      Added key: 'plugin.enterprise.download.error'
##      Added key: 'plugin.enterprise.dont.show'
##      Added key: 'plugin.enterprise.installing'
##      Added key: 'plugin.enterprise.installed'
## 3.1.1
##      Added key: 'global.second'
##      Added key: 'global.minute'
##      Added key: 'global.less-minute'
##      Added key: 'global.hour'
##      Added key: 'global.hours'
##      Added key: 'global.day'
##      Added key: 'global.days'
##      Added key: 'global.test'
##      Added key: 'global.click_test'
##      Added key: 'user.summary.last-logout'
##      Added key: 'setup.admin.settings.test.title-desc'
##      Added key: 'setup.admin.settings.test.status-success'
##      Added key: 'setup.admin.settings.test.status-success.detail'
##      Added key: 'setup.admin.settings.test.status-error'
##      Added key: 'setup.admin.settings.test.error-user'
##      Added key: 'setup.admin.settings.test.error-password'
##      Added key: 'setup.admin.settings.username-error'
##      Added key: 'setup.ldap.user.vcard.personal'
##      Added key: 'setup.ldap.user.vcard.test.description'
##      Added key: 'setup.ldap.user.vcard.test.random'
##      Added key: 'setup.ldap.user.test.users-not-found'
##      Added key: 'setup.ldap.test.error-loading-sample'
##      Added key: 'setup.ldap.test.internal-server-error'
##      Added key: 'setup.ldap.group.test.description'
##      Added key: 'setup.ldap.group.test.label-description'
##      Added key: 'setup.ldap.group.test.label-members'
##      Added key: 'setup.ldap.group.test.group-not-found'
##      Added key: 'group.read_only'
##      Added key: 'sidebar.profile-settings'
##      Added key: 'sidebar.profile-settings.descr'
##      Added section: 'profile-settings.*'
## 3.2.0
##      Added key: 'sidebar.ssl-certificates'
##      Added key: 'sidebar.ssl-certificates.descr'
##      Added key: 'global.save'
##      Added section: 'ssl.certificates.*'
##      Added section: 'ssl.signing-request.*'
##      Added section: 'server-restart.*'
##      Added section: 'ports.*'
##      Removed key: 'ssl.certificates.uninstalled'
##      Removed key: 'ssl.certificates.error_certificate'
##      Removed key: 'ssl.certificates.certificate'
##      Removed key: 'ssl.certificates.publickey'
##      Removed key: 'ssl.certificates.publickey.title'
##      Removed key: 'ssl.certificates.publickey.label'
##      Removed key: 'ssl.certificates.uninstall'
##      Removed key: 'ssl.certificates.click_uninstall'
##      Removed key: 'ssl.certificates.confirm_uninstall'
##      Removed key: 'ssl.certificates.key'
##      Removed key: 'ssl.certificates.install_certificate'
##      Removed key: 'ssl.certificates.install_certificate_info'
##      Removed key: 'ssl.certificates.enter_alias'
##      Removed key: 'ssl.certificates.enter_certificate'
##      Removed key: 'ssl.certificates.type'
##      Removed key: 'ssl.certificates.server'
##      Removed key: 'ssl.certificates.client'
##      Removed key: 'ssl.certificates.a_certificate'
##      Removed key: 'ssl.certificates.add_certificate'
##      Removed key: 'ssl.certificates.info'
##      Removed key: 'ssl.certificates.alias'
##      Removed key: 'ssl.certificates.expiration'
##      Removed key: 'ssl.certificates.self-signed'
##      Removed key: 'ssl.certificates.error'
##      Removed key: 'ssl.certificates.error_messenge'
##      Removed key: 'ssl.certificates.no_installed'
##      Removed key: 'ssl.certificates.error_installing'
##      Removed key: 'ssl.certificates.error_reported'
##      Removed key: 'ssl.certificates.paste_certificate'
##      Added key: 'sidebar.http-bind'
##      Added key: 'sidebar.http-bind.descr'
##      Added key: 'httpbind.settings.enabled.legend'
##      Added key: 'httpbind.settings.title'
##      Added key: 'httpbind.settings.info'
##      Added key: 'httpbind.settings.label_disable'
##      Added key: 'httpbind.settings.label_disable_info'
##      Added key: 'httpbind.settings.label_enable'
##      Added key: 'httpbind.settings.label_enable_info'
##      Added key: 'httpbind.settings.vanilla_port'
##      Added key: 'httpbind.settings.label_seperate'
##      Added key: 'httpbind.settings.label_seperate_info'
##      Added key: 'httpbind.settings.label_same'
##      Added key: 'httpbind.settings.label_same_info'
##      Added key: 'httpbind.settings.secure_port'
##      Added key: 'httpbind.settings.error.general'
##      Added key: 'httpbind.settings.error.port'
##      Added key: 'setup.finished.wait'
##      Added section 'mediaproxy.*'
##      Added section 'stun.*'
## 3.2.1
##      Added key: 'index.certificate-warning'
##      Added section 'ssl.import.certificate.*'
## 3.3.0
##      Added key: 'sidebar.sidebar-media-services'
##      Added key: 'sidebar.media-proxy'
##      Added key: 'sidebar.media-proxy.descr'
##      Added key: 'sidebar.stun'
##      Added key: 'sidebar.stun.descr'
##      Removed key: 'stun.settings.comment'
##      Removed key: 'stun.settings.change'
##      Removed key: 'stun.external.add'
##      Removed key: 'stun.external.delete'
##      Removed key: 'httpbind.settings.enabled.legend'
##      Removed key: 'startup.name'
##      Updated key: 'startup.starting'
##      Updated key: 'audit.policy.title_info'
##      Updated key: 'index.home'
##      Updated key: 'index.update.info'
##      Updated key: 'setup.env.check.error_info'
##      Updated key: 'setup.completed.run_info2'
##      Updated key: 'setup.datasource.standard.info3'
##      Updated key: 'setup.profile.description'
##      Updated key: 'setup.profile.default_description'
##      Updated key: 'setup.ldap.server.admindn_help'
##      Updated key: 'setup.ldap.user.description'
##      Updated key: 'setup.ldap.group.description'
##      Updated key: 'ssl.certificates.signing-pending.info'
##      Updated key: 'system.cache.info'
##      Updated key: 'manage-updates.info'
##      Updated key: 'manage-updates.label_enable_info'
##      Updated key: 'plugin.available.outdated'
##      Updated key: 'plugin.available.outdated.update'
##      Updated key: 'httpbind.settings.info'
##      Updated key: 'profile-settings.info'
## 3.4.0
##      Added key: 'user.roster.title'
##      Added key: 'user.roster.info'
##      Added key: 'user.roster.jid'
##      Added key: 'user.roster.nickname'
##      Added key: 'user.roster.groups'
##      Added key: 'user.roster.subscription'
##      Added key: 'user.roster.total_items'
##      Added key: 'user.roster.sorted'
##      Added key: 'user.roster.items_per_page'
##      Added key: 'user.roster.none_found'
##      Added key: 'user.roster.deleted'
##      Added key: 'user.roster.delete.title'
##      Added key: 'user.roster.delete.delete'
##      Added key: 'user.roster.delete.info'
##      Added key: 'sidebar.user-roster'
##      Added key: 'sidebar.user-roster.descr'
##      Added key: 'user.roster.edit'
##      Added key: 'user.roster.add'
##      Added key: 'user.roster.edited'
##      Added key: 'user.roster.edit.title'
##      Added key: 'user.roster.edit.info'
##      Added key: 'user.roster.added'
##      Added key: 'user.roster.add.title'
##      Added key: 'user.roster.add.info'
##      Added key: 'user.roster.add.error_adding_item'
##      Added key: 'user.roster.add.item_exists'
##      Added key: 'user.roster.add.uneditable_group'
##      Added key: 'user.roster.add.success'
##      Added key: 'user.roster.add.new_item'
##      Added key: 'user.roster.add.add'
##      Added key: 'user.roster.add.add_another'
##      Added key: 'user.roster.add.required'
##      Added key: 'user.roster.item.settings'
##      Added key: 'user.roster.add.illegal_jid'
##      Added key: 'user.roster.shared_groups'
##      Added key: 'user.roster.click_view'
##      Added key: 'user.roster.cant_delete'
##      Added key: 'plugin.admin.uploaded_success'
##      Added key: 'plugin.admin.uploaded_failure'
##      Added key: 'plugin.admin.upload_plugin'
##      Added key: 'plugin.admin.upload_plugin.info'

# Openfire

short.title = Openfire
title = Openfire

# Sidebar, tabs (preserve the indenting below -- helps to visualize the structure:

tab.server.descr=Click to manage server settings
    sidebar.server-manager=Server Manager
        sidebar.server-settings=Server Settings
        sidebar.server-settings.descr=Click to manage system settings
        sidebar.system-props=System Properties
        sidebar.system-props.descr=Click to manage server properties
        sidebar.server-locale=Language and Time
        sidebar.server-locale.descr=Click to set the language and time zone
        sidebar.system-cache=Cache Summary
        sidebar.system-cache.descr=Click to manage data caches
        sidebar.server-db.descr=Click to view database connection information
        sidebar.server-logs.descr=Click to view server logs
        sidebar.manage-updates=Manage Updates
        sidebar.manage-updates.descr=Click to manage server or plugins updates
        sidebar.server-email=Email Settings
        sidebar.server-email.descr=Click to configure email settings
    sidebar.sidebar-server-settings=Server Settings
        sidebar.profile-settings=Profile Settings
        sidebar.profile-settings.descr=Click to configure user and group profile settings
        sidebar.server2server-settings=Server to Server
        sidebar.server2server-settings.descr=Click to configure server to server settings
        sidebar.external-components-settings=External Components
        sidebar.external-components-settings.descr=Click to configure external component settings
        sidebar.connection-managers-settings=Connection Managers
        sidebar.connection-managers-settings.descr=Click to configure connection manager settings
        sidebar.http-bind=HTTP Binding
        sidebar.http-bind.descr=Click to configure HTTP binding settings
        sidebar.server-reg-and-login=Registration &amp; Login
        sidebar.server-reg-and-login.descr=Click to edit registration &amp; login policies
        sidebar.server-session-conflict=Resource Policy
        sidebar.server-session-conflict.descr=Click to set session resource policies
        sidebar.server-offline-messages=Offline Messages
        sidebar.server-offline-messages.descr=Click to edit offline message settings
        sidebar.server-audit-policy=Message Audit Policy
        sidebar.server-audit-policy.descr=Click to set message auditing policies
        sidebar.server-data-settings=Private Data Storage
        sidebar.server-data-settings.descr=Click to manage private data storage
        sidebar.server-ssl=Security Settings
        sidebar.server-ssl.descr=Click to view security settings.
        sidebar.ssl-certificates=Server Certificates
        sidebar.ssl-certificates.descr=Click to manage server certificates.
        sidebar.server-compression=Compression Settings
        sidebar.server-compression.descr=Click to view compression settings.
        sidebar.transfer-proxy=File Transfer Settings
        sidebar.transfer-proxy.descr=Click to view file tranfer settings
    sidebar.sidebar-media-services=Media Services
        sidebar.media-proxy=Media Proxy
        sidebar.media-proxy.descr=Click to view media proxy settings.
        sidebar.stun=STUN Settings
        sidebar.stun.descr=Click to view STUN settings.
tab.tab-users.descr=Click to manage users and groups
        sidebar.user-summary=User Summary
        sidebar.user-summary.descr=Click to see a list of users in the system
            sidebar.sidebar-users-options=User Options
                sidebar.user-properties=User Properties
                sidebar.user-properties.descr=Click to edit the user's properties
                sidebar.user-roster.descr=Click to view the user's roster
                sidebar.user-password.descr=Click to change the user's password
                sidebar.user-delete=Delete User
                sidebar.user-delete.descr=Click to delete the user
        sidebar.user-create=Create New User
        sidebar.user-create.descr=Click to add a new user to the system
        sidebar.user-search=User Search
        sidebar.user-search.descr=Click to search for a particular user
        sidebar.group-summary=Group Summary
        sidebar.group-summary.descr=Click to see a list of groups in the system
            sidebar.sidebar-group-options=Group Options
                sidebar.group-edit=Edit Group
                sidebar.group-edit.descr=Click to edit the group
                sidebar.group-delete=Delete Group
                sidebar.group-delete.descr=Click to delete the group
        sidebar.group-create=Create New Group
        sidebar.group-create.descr=Click to add a new group to the system
tab.tab-session.descr=Click to manage connected sessions
   sidebar.active-sessions=Active Sessions
        sidebar.session-summary=Client Sessions
        sidebar.session-summary.descr=Click to manage client sessions
        sidebar.server-session-summary=Server Sessions
        sidebar.server-session-summary.descr=Click to manage server sessions
        sidebar.connection-managers-session-summary=Connection Manager Sessions
        sidebar.connection-managers-session-summary.descr=Click to manage connection managers sessions
        sidebar.component-session-summary=Component Sessions
        sidebar.component-session-summary.descr=Click to manage component sessions
        sidebar.user-message=Send Message
        sidebar.user-message.descr=Click to send a message
tab.tab-groupchat=Group Chat
tab.tab-groupchat.descr=Click to manage group chat settings
    sidebar.sidebar-groupchat-settings=Group Chat Settings
        sidebar.muc-server-props=Service Properties
        sidebar.muc-history=History Settings
        sidebar.muc-perms=Room Creation Permissions
        sidebar.muc-tasks=Other Settings
    sidebar.sidebar-groupchat-administration=Room Administration
        sidebar.muc-room-summary=Room Summary
        sidebar.muc-room-summary.descr=Click to see a list of rooms in the service
            sidebar.sidebar-groupchat-options=Room Options
                sidebar.muc-room-edit-form=Room Settings
                sidebar.muc-room-edit-form.descr=Click to edit the room's configuration
                sidebar.muc-room-affiliations=User Permissions
                sidebar.muc-room-affiliations.descr=Click to edit user permissions
                sidebar.muc-room-delete=Delete Room
                sidebar.muc-room-delete.descr=Click to delete the room
        sidebar.muc-room-create=Create New Room
        sidebar.muc-room-create.descr=Click to add a new room to the service
tab.tab-plugins.descr=Click to manage all plugins
    sidebar.sidebar-plugin-admin=Plugin Admin
        sidebar.plugin-settings.descr=Click to manage installed plugins
        sidebar.available-plugins=Available Plugins
        sidebar.available-plugins.descr=Click to browse available plugins

# Log messages
log.marker_inserted_by=--- Marker inserted by {0} at {1} ---

# Server startup messages

startup.starting=Server domain: {0}
startup.starting.chat=Chat domain: {0}
startup.starting.muc=Multi User Chat domain: {0}
startup.caches=Initializing caches
startup.channels=Initializing channels
startup.server=Started server (unencrypted) socket on port: {0}
startup.multiplexer=Started multiplexer (unencrypted) socket on port: {0}
startup.component=Started component (unencrypted) socket on port: {0}
startup.plain=Started plain (unencrypted) socket on port: {0}
startup.ssl=Started SSL (encrypted) socket on port: {0}
startup.error=Error starting the server. Please check the log files for more information.
startup.error.jivehome=Could not locate openfireHome. Set the openfireHome property or edit \
        your openfire_init.xml file for app server deployments.
startup.missing-plugins=Could not locate the plugins directory. Possibly corrupt installation. No plugins will be loaded.

# Standard server error messages (for server admin)

admin.error=Internal server error
admin.error.accept=Trouble accepting connection
admin.error.bad-stream=Bad opening tag (not stream)
admin.error.bad-namespace=Stream not in correct namespace
admin.error.channel-notfound=Channel {0} could not be found
admin.error.close=Could not close socket
admin.error.connection=Connection closed before session established
admin.error.deliver=Could not deliver packet
admin.error.min-thread=Cannot set min thread count with invalid value.
admin.error.max-thread=Cannot set max thread count with invalid value.
admin.error.packet=Malformed packet received
admin.error.packet.text=Unexpected raw text in the stream
admin.error.packet.tag=Unexpected packet tag (not message,iq,presence)
admin.error.routing=Could not route packet
admin.error.socket-setup=Could not setup a server socket
admin.error.ssl=Could not setup SSL socket
admin.error.stream=Stream error detected
admin.drop-packet=Dropping unrecognized packet
admin.disconnect=Stream cut short (could be normal disconnect)

# Server messages (for server admin)

admin.password.update={0} updated password from session {1}
admin.authenticated={0} authenticated on connection {1}
admin.warn.license=License limit exceeded, refusing user connection
admin.error.license=Could not license plugin {0}
admin.console.warning=Warning: admin console not started due to configuration settings.
admin.console.restarting=Restarting admin console...
admin.console.listening=Admin console listening at
admin.console.devmode=Using development mode
admin.console=Administration Console

# Server messages (to users)

user.license=Try logging in later or contact your system administrator
user.license.title=Too many users logged in
admin.shutdown.now=The server is shutting down immediately

# XMPP error codes

xmpp.error.400=Bad Request
xmpp.error.402=Payment Required
xmpp.error.404=Not Found
xmpp.error.405=Not Allowed
xmpp.error.406=Not Acceptable
xmpp.error.407=Registration Required
xmpp.error.408=Request Timeout
xmpp.error.500=Internal Server Error
xmpp.error.501=Not Implemented
xmpp.error.502=Remote Server Error
xmpp.error.503=Service Unavailable
xmpp.error.504=Remote Server Timeout
xmpp.error.unknown=Unknown error code

# Multi User Chat server messages

muc.service-name=Public Chatrooms
muc.error.not-supported=Chat client attempted to access unimplemented feature
muc.new=This room is locked from entry until configuration is confirmed.
muc.locked=This room is now locked.
muc.unlocked=This room is now unlocked.
muc.warnnonanonymous=This room is not anonymous.
muc.roomIsNowMembersOnly=This room is now members-only.

# Labels for extended info (dataform) returned for disco#info requests

muc.extended.info.occupants=Number of occupants
muc.extended.info.creationdate=Creation date

# Labels for room registration data form

muc.form.reg.title=Registration with the room
muc.form.reg.instruction=Please provide the following information to register with this room.
muc.form.reg.first-name=First Name
muc.form.reg.last-name=Last Name
muc.form.reg.nickname=Desired Nickname
muc.form.reg.url=Your URL
muc.form.reg.email=Email Address
muc.form.reg.faqentry=FAQ Entry

# Labels for room configuration data form

muc.form.conf.title=Room configuration
muc.form.conf.instruction=The room "{0}" has been created. To accept the default configuration, \
        click the "OK" button. Or, modify the settings by completing the following form:
muc.form.conf.owner_roomname=Room Name
muc.form.conf.owner_changesubject=Allow Occupants to Change Subject
muc.form.conf.owner_maxusers=Maximum Room Occupants
muc.form.conf.owner_presencebroadcast=Roles for Which Presence is Broadcast
muc.form.conf.owner_publicroom=List Room in Directory
muc.form.conf.owner_persistentroom=Room is Persistent
muc.form.conf.owner_moderatedroom=Room is Moderated
muc.form.conf.owner_membersonly=Room is Members-only
muc.form.conf.allowinvitesfixed=Note: by default, only admins can send invitations in an members-only room.
muc.form.conf.owner_allowinvites=Allow Occupants to Invite Others
muc.form.conf.owner_passwordprotectedroom=Password Required to Enter Room
muc.form.conf.roomsecretfixed=If a password is required to enter this room, you must specify the \
        password below.
muc.form.conf.owner_whois=Role that May Discover Real JIDs of Occupants
muc.form.conf.owner_enablelogging=Log Room Conversations
muc.form.conf.owner_reservednick=Only login with registered nickname
muc.form.conf.owner_canchangenick=Allow Occupants to change nicknames
muc.form.conf.owner_registration=Allow Users to register with the room
muc.form.conf.roomadminsfixed=You may specify administrators of this room. \
        Please provide one JID per line.
muc.form.conf.owner_roomadmins=Room Admins
muc.form.conf.roomownersfixed=You may specify additional owners for this room. Please provide \
        one JID per line.
muc.form.conf.owner_roomowners=Room Owners

# Admin Console Pages below

global.server_status=Server Status
global.save_settings=Save Settings
global.save_changes=Save Changes
global.save_property=Save Property
global.save_properties=Save Properties
global.edit_properties=Edit Properties
global.restore_defaults=Restore Defaults
global.less-minute=Less than 1 minute
global.click_edit=Click to edit...
global.click_delete=Click to delete...
global.click_test=Click to test...

# Group Chat Service Properties Page

groupchat.service.properties.title=Group Chat Service Properties
groupchat.service.properties.introduction=Use the form below to edit group chat service settings. \
        Note, any changes will require a server restart.
groupchat.service.properties.saved_successfully=Service properties edited successfully. You must
groupchat.service.properties.saved_successfully2=the server in order for the changes to take effect (see
groupchat.service.properties.legend=Service Name
groupchat.service.properties.label_service_name=Group chat service name:
groupchat.service.properties.error_service_name=Please enter a valid name.
groupchat.service.properties.save=Save Properties

# Group Chat History Settings Page

groupchat.history.settings.title=Group Chat History Settings
groupchat.history.settings.introduction=Group chat rooms can replay conversation histories to provide \
        context to new members joining a room. There are several options for controlling how much \
        history to store for each room.
groupchat.history.settings.saved_successfully=Settings updated successfully.
groupchat.history.settings.legend=History Settings
groupchat.history.settings.label1_no_history=Don't Show History
groupchat.history.settings.label2_no_history=- Do not show a chat history to users joining a room.
groupchat.history.settings.label1_entire_history=Show Entire Chat History
groupchat.history.settings.label2_entire_history=- Show the entire chat history to users joining a room.
groupchat.history.settings.label1_number_messages=Show a Specific Number of Messages
groupchat.history.settings.label2_number_messages=- Show a specific number of the most recent messages in \
        the chat. Use the box below to specify that number.
groupchat.history.settings.save=Save Settings

# Group Chat Administrators Page

groupchat.admins.title=Group Chat Administrators
groupchat.admins.introduction=Below is the list of system administrators of the group chat service. System \
        administrators can enter any group chat room and their permissions are the same as the room owner.
groupchat.admins.user_added=User added to the list successfully.
groupchat.admins.error_adding=Error adding the user. Please verify the JID is correct.
groupchat.admins.user_removed=User removed from the list successfully.
groupchat.admins.label_add_admin=Add Administrator (JID):
groupchat.admins.no_admins=No administrators specified, use the form above to add one.
groupchat.admins.dialog.title=Click to delete...
groupchat.admins.dialog.text=Are you sure you want to remove this user from the list?

# Audit policy Page

audit.policy.title=Audit Policy
audit.policy.settings.saved_successfully=Settings updated successfully.
audit.policy.title_info=can audit XMPP traffic on the server and save the data to XML data files. The \
        amount of data sent via an XMPP server can be substantial. The server provides several settings \
        to control whether to audit packets, how audit files are created, and the types of packets to \
        save. In most cases, logging Message packets will provide all of the data an enterprise requires. \
        Presence and IQ packets are primarily useful for tracing and troubleshooting XMPP deployments.
audit.policy.policytitle=Set Message Audit Policy
audit.policy.label_disable_auditing=Disable Message Auditing
audit.policy.label_disable_auditing_info=-- packets are not logged.
audit.policy.label_enable_auditing=Enable Message Auditing
audit.policy.label_enable_auditing_info=-- packets are logged with the following options:
audit.policy.maxfile_size=Maximum file size (MB):
audit.policy.validnumber=Please enter a valid number.
audit.policy.maxtotal_size=Maximum size of all files (MB):
audit.policy.maxdays_number=Maximum days to archive:
audit.policy.flush_interval=Flush Interval (seconds):
audit.policy.log_directory=Folder to save the files:
audit.policy.valid_log_directory=Please enter a valid absolute path.
audit.policy.ignore=Ignore packets from/to users:
audit.policy.validignore=One or more of the usernames provided couldn't be found.
audit.policy.packet_audit=Packets to audit:
audit.policy.label_audit_messenge_packets=Audit Message Packets
audit.policy.label_audit_presence_packets=Audit Presence Packets
audit.policy.label_audit_iq_packets=Audit IQ Packets
audit.policy.queued_packets=Queued packets:

# Chatroom history settings Page

chatroom.history.settings.title=Chat Room History Settings
chatroom.history.settings.saved_successfully=Settings updated successfully.
chatroom.history.settings.info_response1=Chatrooms can replay conversation histories to provide context to \
        new members joining a room.
chatroom.history.settings.info_response2=provides several options for controlling how much history to \
        store for each room.
chatroom.history.settings.policy=Set Chatroom History Policy
chatroom.history.settings.label_show_title=Don't Show History
chatroom.history.settings.label_show_content=- Do not show the entire chat history.
chatroom.history.settings.label_show_Entire_title=Show Entire Chat History
chatroom.history.settings.label_show_Entire_content=- Show the entire chat history to the user.
chatroom.history.settings.label_show_message_number_title=Show a Specific Number of Messages
chatroom.history.settings.label_show_message_number_content=Show a specific number of the most recent \
        messages in the chat. Use the box below to specify that number.

# Error Page

error.admin_privileges=You don't have admin privileges to perform this operation.
error.requested_user_not_found=The requested user was not found.
error.specific_user_not_found=The requested user was not found: {0}
error.not_found_group=The requested group was not found.

# Error serverdown Page

error.serverdown.title=Server Down
error.serverdown.admin_console=Admin Console
error.serverdown.is_down=is currently down. To continue:
error.serverdown.start=Start the server.
error.serverdown.login=Login to the admin console

# General group settings.
group.read_only=Not allowed: the group account system is read-only.

# Group create Page

group.create.title=Create Group
group.create.error=Error creating the group. Please check your error logs.
group.create.form=Use the form below to create your new group. Once you've created the group you \
   will proceed to another screen where you can add members and set up group contact list.
group.create.new_group_title=Create New Group
group.create.group_name=Group Name:
group.create.invalid_group_name=Invalid group name.
group.create.invalid_group_info=Group already exists - please choose a different name.
group.create.invalid_description=Invalid description.
group.create.required_fields=Required fields
group.create.create=Create Group

# Group delete Page

group.delete.title=Delete Group
group.delete.hint_info=Are you sure you want to delete the group
group.delete.hint_info1=from the system?
group.delete.delete=Delete Group

# Group edit Page

group.edit.title=Edit Group
group.edit.form_info=Edit group settings and add or remove group members and administrators using the \
        forms below.
group.edit.details_info=Edit group settings below.
group.edit.update=Group information updated successfully.
group.edit.update_add_user=User(s) added successfully.
group.edit.update_del_user=User(s) deleted successfully.
group.edit.update_user=User(s) updated successfully.
group.edit.update_success=Group created successfully.
group.edit.not_update=User(s) not added successfully.
group.edit.share_title=Contact List (Roster) Sharing
group.edit.share_content=You can use the form below to automatically add this group to users' contact \
  lists. <strong>By default</strong>, <em>this group will only appear in the contact lists of the \
  group's members.</em>. However, you can share this group with all users or members of other groups.
group.edit.share_not_in_rosters=Disable contact list group sharing
group.edit.share_in_rosters=Enable contact list group sharing
group.edit.share_display_name=Enter contact list group name
group.edit.share_additional=Share group with additional users
group.edit.share_save=Save Contact List Settings
group.edit.share_all_users=All users
group.edit.share_roster_groups=The following groups:
group.edit.delete=Delete Group
group.edit.edit_details=Edit Details
group.edit.members=Members of This Group
group.edit.members_description=Use the form below to add users to this group. Once added, you \
  will be able to remove them, or give certain users administrative rights over the group.
group.edit.add_user=Add User(s):
group.edit.user_hint=No members in this group. Use the form above to add some.
group.edit.inexistent_user={0} is not a registered user.
group.edit.already_user={0} is already in group.
group.edit.note=Note: Remote users or entities should accept presence subscriptions automatically.

# Group summary Page

group.summary.title=Group Summary
group.summary.delete_group=Group deleted successfully.
group.summary.total_group=Total Groups:
group.summary.no_groups=No groups found.
group.summary.search=Search by Name

# Header Page


# Index Page

index.title=Server Settings
index.title.info=Below are properties for this server. Click the "Edit Properties" button below to \
        change some of the server settings. Some settings can not be changed.
index.properties=Server Properties
index.uptime=Server Uptime:
index.home=Server Home:
index.certificate-warning=Found RSA certificate that is not valid for the server domain.
index.server_name=Server Name:
index.server_port=Server Ports
index.server_ip=IP:Port, Security:
index.port_type1=TLS (SSL)
index.domain_name=Domain Name(s):
index.jvm=JVM Version and Vendor:
index.os=OS / Hardware:
index.local=Locale / Timezone:
index.memory=Java Memory
index.update.alert=Update information
index.update.info=Server version {0} is now available. Click {1}here{2} to download or read the \
        {3}change log{4} for more information.

# Locale Page

locale.title=Language and Time Settings
locale.title.info=Use the form below to set the system language and time zone (locale).
locale.system.set=Set Locale
locale.current=Current Settings
language.choose=Choose Language
timezone.choose=Choose Time Zone

# Log Page


# Login Page

login.title=Admin Console
login.hint=Admin Console Login
login.error=Error: You don't have JavaScript enabled. This tool uses JavaScript and much of it will \
        not work correctly without it enabled. Please turn JavaScript back on and reload this page.
login.failed=Login failed: make sure your username and password are correct and that you're an admin \
        or moderator.

# Logviewer Page

logviewer.title=Log Viewer
logviewer.log=Log File:
logviewer.modified=Last Modified:
logviewer.log_dir=Log dir
logviewer.confirm=Are you sure you want to clear this log file?
logviewer.alt_clear=Clear Log
logviewer.alt_mark=Mark Log
logviewer.debug_log=Debug Log

# Muc create permission Page

muc.create.permission.title=Room Creation Permissions
muc.create.permission.info=Use the form below to configure the policy for who can create group chat rooms.
muc.create.permission.error=Error adding the user. Please verify the JID is correct.
muc.create.permission.update=Settings updated successfully.
muc.create.permission.add_user=User added successfully.
muc.create.permission.user_removed=User removed successfully.
muc.create.permission.policy=Permission Policy
muc.create.permission.anyone_created=Anyone can create a chat room.
muc.create.permission.specific_created=Only specific users can create a chat room.
muc.create.permission.allowed_users=Allowed Users
muc.create.permission.add_jid=Add User (JID):
muc.create.permission.no_allowed_users=No allowed users, use the form above to add one.
muc.create.permission.click_title=Click to delete...
muc.create.permission.confirm_remove=Are you sure you want to remove this user from the list?

# Muc room affiliations Page

muc.room.affiliations.title=User Permissions
muc.room.affiliations.info=Below is the list of room owners, administrators, members and outcasts of \
        the the room
muc.room.affiliations.info_detail=Room owners can alter the room configuration, grant ownership and \
        administrative privileges to users and destroy the room. Room administrators can ban, grant \
        membership and moderator privileges to users. Room members are the only allowed users to join \
        the room when it is configured as members-only. Whilst room outcasts are users who have been \
        banned from the room.
muc.room.affiliations.error_removing_user=Error removing the user. The room must have at least one owner.
muc.room.affiliations.error_banning_user=Error banning the user. Owners or Administratos cannot be banned.
muc.room.affiliations.error_adding_user=Error adding the user. Please verify the JID is correct.
muc.room.affiliations.user_added=User added successfully.
muc.room.affiliations.user_removed=User removed successfully.
muc.room.affiliations.permission=User Permissions
muc.room.affiliations.add_jid=Add User (JID):
muc.room.affiliations.room_owner=Room Owners
muc.room.affiliations.no_users=No Users
muc.room.affiliations.confirm_removed=Are you sure you want to remove this user from the list?
muc.room.affiliations.room_admin=Room Admins
muc.room.affiliations.room_member=Room Members
muc.room.affiliations.room_outcast=Room Outcasts

# Muc room delete Page

muc.room.delete.title=Destroy Room
muc.room.delete.info=Are you sure you want to destroy the room
muc.room.delete.detail=from the system? You may specify a reason for the room destruction and an \
        alternative room address that will replace this room. This information will be sent to \
        room occupants.
muc.room.delete.destructon_title=Destruction Details
muc.room.delete.room_id=Room ID:
muc.room.delete.alternate_address=Alternate Room Address:
muc.room.delete.destroy_room=Destroy Room

# Muc room edit form Page

muc.room.edit.form.title=Room Administration
muc.room.edit.form.edited=Room settings edited successfully.
muc.room.edit.form.created=Room creation was successful.
muc.room.edit.form.info=Use the form below to edit the room settings.
muc.room.edit.form.room_id=Room ID
muc.room.edit.form.on=Created On
muc.room.edit.form.modified=Last Modified
muc.room.edit.form.change_room=Change the room settings of this room using the form below
muc.room.edit.form.persistent_room=Use the form below to create a new persistent room. The new room \
        will be immediately available.
muc.room.edit.form.error_created_id=Error creating the room. A room with the request ID already exists.
muc.room.edit.form.error_created_privileges=Error creating the room. You do not have enough \
        privileges to create rooms.
muc.room.edit.form.valid_hint=Please enter a valid ID, e.g. "test_room". Room ID's cannot contain \
        spaces or other characters prohibited in JID nodes.
muc.room.edit.form.room_name=Room Name
muc.room.edit.form.valid_hint_name=Please enter a valid name.
muc.room.edit.form.valid_hint_description=Please enter a valid description.
muc.room.edit.form.valid_hint_subject=Please enter a valid subject.
muc.room.edit.form.max_room=Maximum Room Occupants
muc.room.edit.form.valid_hint_max_room=Please select the maximum room occupants.
muc.room.edit.form.broadcast=Broadcast Presence for
muc.room.edit.form.required_password=Password Required to Enter
muc.room.edit.form.confirm_password=Confirm Password
muc.room.edit.form.new_password=Please make sure to enter the same new password.
muc.room.edit.form.discover_jid=Show Real JIDs of Occupants to
muc.room.edit.form.role=Please select a role.
muc.room.edit.form.room_options=Room Options
muc.room.edit.form.list_room=List Room in Directory
muc.room.edit.form.room_moderated=Make Room Moderated
muc.room.edit.form.moderated_member_only=Make Room Members-only
muc.room.edit.form.invite_other=Allow Occupants to invite Others
muc.room.edit.form.change_subject=Allow Occupants to change Subject
muc.room.edit.form.reservednick=Only login with registered nickname
muc.room.edit.form.canchangenick=Allow Occupants to change nicknames
muc.room.edit.form.registration=Allow Users to register with the room
muc.room.edit.form.log=Log Room Conversations

# Muc room summary Page

muc.room.summary.title=Group Chat Rooms
muc.room.summary.info=Below is an overview of the Group Chat Rooms in the system. From here you can \
        view the rooms, edit their properties, and create new rooms.
muc.room.summary.destroyed=Room destroyed successfully.
muc.room.summary.total_room=Total Rooms
muc.room.summary.sorted_id=Sorted by Room ID
muc.room.summary.no_room_in_group=No rooms in the Group Chat service.
muc.room.summary.alt_persistent=Room is persistent
muc.room.summary.alt_temporary=Room is temporary

# Muc tasks Page

muc.tasks.title=Other Settings
muc.tasks.info=Use the forms below to configure settings for kicking idle users from group chat rooms \
        and to configure the task that logs room conversations to the database.
muc.tasks.update=Idle user settings updated successfully.
muc.tasks.log=Conversation logging settings updated successfully.
muc.tasks.valid_idel_minutes=Please enter a valid number for max idle minutes.
muc.tasks.valid_frequency=Please enter a valid number for the frequency.
muc.tasks.valid_batch=Please enter a valid number for the batch size.
muc.tasks.user_setting=Idle User Settings
muc.tasks.never_kick=Never kick idle users.
muc.tasks.kick_user=Kick users after they have been idle for
muc.tasks.conversation.logging=Conversation Logging
muc.tasks.flush=Flush interval (seconds):
muc.tasks.batch=Batch size:

# MUC Statistics
muc.stats.occupants.name=Group Chat: Occupants
muc.stats.occupants.description=Number of occupants in group chat rooms
muc.stats.occupants.label=Total Room Occupants
muc.stats.users.name=Group Chat: Connected Users
muc.stats.users.description=Number of users using the group chat service
muc.stats.users.label=Connected Users
muc.stats.incoming.name=Group Chat: Traffic
muc.stats.incoming.description=Rate of Group Chat messages
muc.stats.incoming.label=Incoming Messages
muc.stats.outgoing.name=Group Chat: Traffic
muc.stats.outgoing.description=Rate of Group Chat messages
muc.stats.outgoing.label=Outgoing Messages
muc.stats.active_group_chats.name = Group Chat: Rooms
muc.stats.active_group_chats.desc = The number of group chat rooms that have been active over time.
muc.stats.active_group_chats.units = Group chat Rooms

# Offline messages Page

offline.messages.title=Offline Messages
offline.messages.update=Settings updated successfully.
offline.messages.info=XMPP provides the option for servers to store-and-forward IM messages when they \
        are sent to a user that is not logged in. Supporting store-and-forward of 'offline messages' \
        can be a very convenient feature of an XMPP deployment. However, offline messages, like email, \
        can take up a significant amount of space on a server. There are several options for handling \
        offline messages; select the policy that best suites your needs.
offline.messages.size=Current size of all offline message:
offline.messages.policy=Offline Message Policy
offline.messages.never_back=Never store offline messages and bounce messages back to the sender.
offline.messages.never_store=Never store offline messages and drop messages so the sender is not notified.
offline.messages.storage_openfire=Store offline messages for later retrieval. Messages will be delivered \
        the next time the recipient logs in. Choose a storage policy and storage store max size below.
offline.messages.always_store=Always Store
offline.messages.always_store_info=Always store messages, even if the max storage size has been exceeded.
offline.messages.bounce=Store or Bounce
offline.messages.bounce_info=Store messages up to the max storage size. After the max size has been exceeded, \
        bounce the message back to the sender.
offline.messages.drop=Store or Drop
offline.messages.drop_info=Store messages for a user up to the max storage size. After the max size has been \
        exceeded, silently drop messages.
offline.messages.storage_limit=Per-user offline message storage limit:
offline.messages.choose_policy=Please choose a valid storage policy.
offline.messages.enter_store_size=Please enter a store size greater than 0 bytes.

# Private data settings Page

private.data.settings.title=Private Data
private.data.settings.update=Settings updated successfully.
private.data.settings.info=Private data storage allows XMPP clients to store settings, bookmarks, etc. on the \
        server. Users can log into their account and their settings will follow them around (as opposed to having \
        the clients store the settings on the local computer where their settings will not follow them). You may \
        enable or disable this feature.
private.data.settings.policy=Set Private Data Policy
private.data.settings.enable_storage=Enable Private Data Storage
private.data.settings.enable_storage_info=allow clients to store information on the server.
private.data.settings.disable_storage=Disable Private Data Storage
private.data.settings.disable_storage_info=do not allow server-side storage.

# Reg settings Page

reg.settings.title=Registration Settings
reg.settings.info=Use the forms below to change various aspects of user registration and login.
reg.settings.update=Settings updated successfully.
reg.settings.inband_account=Inband Account Registration
reg.settings.inband_account_info=Inband account registration allows users to create accounts on the server \
        automatically using most clients. It does not affect the ability to create new accounts through \
        this web administration interface. Administrators may want to disable this option so users are \
        required to register by other means (e.g. sending requests to the server administrator or through \
        your own custom web interface).
reg.settings.auto_create_user=Users can automatically create new accounts.
reg.settings.not_auto_create=Users can not automatically create new accounts.
reg.settings.change_password=Change Password
reg.settings.change_password_info=You can choose whether users are allowed to change their password. \
        Password changing is independent from inband account registration. However, you may only \
        want to disable this feature when disabling inband account registration.
reg.settings.can_change=Users can change their password.
reg.settings.cannot_change=Users are not allowed to change their password.
reg.settings.anonymous_login=Anonymous Login
reg.settings.anonymous_login_info=You can choose to enable or disable anonymous user login. If it is \
        enabled, anyone can connect to the server and create a new session. If it is disabled only \
        users who have accounts will be able to connect.
reg.settings.anyone_login=Anyone may login to the server.
reg.settings.only_registered_login=Only registered users may login.
reg.settings.allowed_ips=Restrict Login
reg.settings.allowed_ips_info=Use the form below to define the IP addresses or IP address ranges \
        that are allowed to login. E.g.:, 200.125.80.*. Leaving the form empty means \
        that clients will be able to connect from any IP address.

# Server db Page

server.db.title=Database Properties
server.db.info=Below is a list of properties for your database and the JDBC driver.
server.db.connect_info=Database Connection Info
server.db.version=Database and Version:
server.db.jdbc=JDBC Driver:
server.db.jdbc_driver=JDBC Driver Version:
server.db.connect_url=DB Connection URL:
server.db.user=DB User:
server.db.transaction=Transaction Support:
server.db.transaction_level=Transaction Isolation Level:
server.db.multiple_connect=Supports multiple connections
server.db.multiple_connect2=open at once:
server.db.read_only_mode=In read-only mode:

server.db_stats.title=Database Query Statistics
server.db_stats.description=Enable database query statistics to trace all database queries made. \
  This can be useful to debug issues and monitor database performance. However, it's \
  not recommended that you leave query statistics permanently running, as they will cause \
  performance to degrade slightly.
server.db_stats.status=Query Statistics Status
server.db_stats.settings=Query Statistics Settings
server.db_stats.clear_stats=Clear All Stats
server.db_stats.select_stats=SELECT Query Statistics
server.db_stats.insert_stats=INSERT Query Statistics
server.db_stats.update_stats=UPDATE Query Statistics
server.db_stats.delete_stats=DELETE Query Statistics
server.db_stats.operations=Total # of operations
server.db_stats.total_time=Total time for all operations (ms)
server.db_stats.avg_rate=Average time for each operation (ms)
server.db_stats.total_rate=Operations per second
server.db_stats.queries=Most common SQL queries
server.db_stats.time=Total Time
server.db_stats.average_time=Avg. Time
server.db_stats.no_queries=No queries

# Server properties Page

server.properties.title=System Properties
server.properties.info=Below is a list of the system properties. Values for password sensitive fields are \
        hidden. Long property names and values are clipped. Hold your mouse over the property name to see \
        the full value or to see both the full name and value, click the edit icon next to the property.
server.properties.system=System Properties
server.properties.error=Error -- creating the property failed, see below.
server.properties.saved=Property saved successfully.
server.properties.deleted=Property deleted successfully.
server.properties.edit_property=Use the form below this table to edit the property value.
server.properties.error_deleting=Error deleting the property.
server.properties.no_property=No properties set.
server.properties.name=Property Name
server.properties.value=Property Value
server.properties.alt_edit=Click to edit this property
server.properties.alt_delete=Click to delete this property
server.properties.edit_property_title=Edit property
server.properties.new_property=Add new property
server.properties.enter_property_name=Please enter a property name.
server.properties.enter_property_value=Please enter a property value.
server.properties.max_character=1000 character max.

# Server props Page

server.props.title=Edit Server Properties
server.props.info=Use the form below to edit server properties.
server.props.update.norestart=Server properties updated successfully
server.props.update=Server properties updated successfully. You'll need to
server.props.update2=the server to have the changes take effect (see
server.props.property=Server Properties
server.props.name=Server Name:
server.props.valid_hostname=Please enter a valid server host name or
server.props.valid_hostname1=restore the default
server.props.server_port=Server-to-Server Port:
server.props.component_port=Component Port:
server.props.port=Client Port:
server.props.valid_port=Please enter a valid port number or
server.props.valid_port1=restore the default
server.props.error_port=Error -- this port and the SSL port can not be equal.
server.props.ssl_port=Client SSL Port:
server.props.ssl=SSL Enabled:
server.props.ssl_valid=Please enter a valid SSL port number or
server.props.ssl_valid1=restore the default
server.props.admin_port=Admin Console Port:
server.props.admin_secure_port=Secure Admin Console Port:

# Server stopped Page

server.stopped.title_restarting=Restarting Server
server.stopped.title_stopped=Server stopped
server.stopped.admin_console=Admin Console
server.stopped.restarted=The server is being restarted.To continue:
server.stopped.wait_time=Wait a few seconds until the server has been restarted.
server.stopped.login_console=Login to the admin console
server.stopped.stop=The server is being stopped.To continue:
server.stopped.wait_restarted=Wait a few seconds and then
server.stopped.wait_restarted2=the server.

# Server-to-server settings Page

server2server.settings.title=Server to Server Settings
server2server.settings.info=Use the forms below to configure settings for connections to remote \
        servers. You can also {0}view{1} the current remote server connections.
server2server.settings.enabled.legend=Service Enabled
server2server.settings.label_disable_info=Remote servers are not allowed to exchange packets with this server.
server2server.settings.label_enable_info=Remote servers can exchange packets with this server on port
server2server.settings.valid.port=Please enter a valid port.
server2server.settings.update=Idle connections settings updated successfully.
server2server.settings.valid.idle_minutes=Please enter a valid number for max idle minutes.
server2server.settings.valid.domain=Please specify the domain of the remote server.
server2server.settings.valid.remotePort=Please enter a valid port number.
server2server.settings.close_settings=Idle Connections Settings
server2server.settings.never_close=Never close idle connections.
server2server.settings.close_session=Close connections after they have been idle for
server2server.settings.allowed=Allowed to Connect
server2server.settings.anyone_info=Any remote server is allowed to connect to this server. Use the \
        table below to override the default settings.
server2server.settings.whitelist=White List
server2server.settings.whitelist_info=Only some remote servers are allowed to connect to this \
        server. Use the table below to define the allowed remote servers and their settings.
server2server.settings.disallowed=Not Allowed to Connect
server2server.settings.disallowed.info=The remote servers listed in the following table will not \
        be able to connect to this server. Use the form below to block new remote servers from \
        connecting to this server.
server2server.settings.empty_list=No remote servers
server2server.settings.allow=Add Server
server2server.settings.block=Block Server
server2server.settings.confirm_delete=Are you sure you want to remove this remote server?
server2server.settings.confirm.updated=Remote server information updated successfully.
server2server.settings.confirm.allowed=Remote server is now allowed to connect to the server.
server2server.settings.confirm.blocked=Remote server is now not allowed to connect to the server.
server2server.settings.confirm.deleted=Remote server information was deleted.

# External component settings Page

component.settings.title=External Component Settings
component.settings.info=XMPP allows trusted components to connect to the server to provide new \
        services. Components will use a subdomain to provide their services. You can also \
        {0}view the external components{1} that are currently connected to this server.
component.settings.enabled.legend=Service Enabled
component.settings.label_disable_info=External components are not allowed to connect to this server.
component.settings.label_enable_info=External components can connect to this server.
component.settings.valid.port=Please enter a valid port.
component.settings.defaultSecret=Default shared secret:
component.settings.valid.defaultSecret=Please specify a default secret key.
component.settings.valid.subdomain=Please specify the subdomain of the component.
component.settings.valid.secret=Please specify the secret key of the component.
component.settings.allowed=Allowed to Connect
component.settings.anyone_info=Any component is allowed to connect to this server. Use the table \
        below to override the default shared secret.
component.settings.whitelist_info=Only some components are allowed to connect to this server. Use \
        the table below to define the allowed components and their shared secret keys.
component.settings.disallowed=Not Allowed to Connect
component.settings.disallowed.info=The components listed in the following table will not be able \
        to connect to this server. Use the form below to block new components from connecting to \
        this server.
component.settings.secret=Shared secret
component.settings.empty_list=No components
component.settings.allow=Add Component
component.settings.block=Block Component
component.settings.confirm_delete=Are you sure you want to remove this component?
component.settings.confirm.updated=Component information updated successfully.
component.settings.confirm.allowed=Component is now allowed to connect to the server.
component.settings.confirm.blocked=Component is now not allowed to connect to the server.
component.settings.confirm.deleted=Component information was deleted.

# Session conflict Page

session.conflict.title=Conflict Policy
session.conflict.update=Settings updated successfully.
session.conflict.info=XMPP allows multiple logins to the same user account by assigning a unique \
        "resource name" to each connection. If a connection requests a resource name that is already \
        in use, the server must decide how to handle the conflict. The options on this page allow you \
        to determine if the server always kicks off existing connections, never kicks off existing \
        connections, or sets the number of login attempts that should be rejected before kicking off \
        an existing connection. The last option allows users to receive an error when logging in that \
        allows them to request a different resource name.
session.conflict.policy=Set Conflict Policy
session.conflict.always_kick=Always kick
session.conflict.always_kick_info=If there is a resource conflict, immediately kick the other resource.
session.conflict.never_kick=Never kick
session.conflict.never_kick_info=If there is a resource conflict, don't allow the new resource to log in.
session.conflict.allow_one=Allow one login attempt
session.conflict.resource_conflict=If there is a resource conflict, report an error one time but don't \
        kick the existing connection.
session.conflict.kick_value=Assign kick value
session.conflict.kick_value_info=Specify the number of login attempts allowed before conflicting \
        resources are kicked. You must specify a number greater than one.
session.conflict.enter_value=Please enter a value greater than 1.

# Session details Page

session.details.title=Session Details
session.details.info=Below are session details for the session {0}. If the user {1} has multiple \
        sessions open, they will appear below.
session.details.session_id=Session ID:
session.details.username=User Name &amp; Resource:
session.details.chat_available=Available to Chat
session.details.not_disturb=Do Not Disturb
session.details.extended=Extended Away
session.details.unknown=Unknown/Not Recognized
session.details.session_created=Session Created:
session.details.last_active=Session Last Active:
session.details.statistics=Session Statistics:
session.details.received=Packets Received/Sent:
session.details.hostname=Client IP / Hostname:
session.details.multiple_session=Multiple User Sessions
session.details.if_presence=Presence (if authenticated)
session.details.clientip=Client IP
session.details.close_connect=Close Connection
session.details.session_detail=Current session details above.
session.details.back_button=Back to Summary

# Session row Page

session.row.cliked=Click for more info...
session.row.cliked_ssl=User is connected via SSL
session.row.cliked_kill_session=Click to kill session...
session.row.confirm_close=Are you sure you want to close this connection?

# Session summary Page

session.summary.title=Client Sessions
session.summary.close=Client session closed successfully.
session.summary.active=Active Client Sessions
session.summary.not_session=No Client Sessions
session.summary.last_update=List last updated
session.summary.sessions_per_page=Sessions per page

# Server Session summary Page

server.session.summary.title=Server Sessions
server.session.summary.close=Session closed successfully.
server.session.summary.active=Connected Remote Servers
server.session.summary.info=Below is a list of sessions to remote servers.  \
        Server to server communication requires two independent connections: one \
        is used for receiving packets and the other for sending packets. You can also modify \
        {0}remote server settings{1}.
server.session.summary.not_session=No Sessions
server.session.summary.last_update=List last updated
server.session.label.creation=Creation Date
server.session.label.last_active=Last Activity
server.session.label.close_connect=Close Connection
server.session.summary.sessions_per_page=Sessions per page

# Server Session details Page

server.session.details.title=Remote Server Connections Details
server.session.details.info=Below are details about the sessions with the remote server {0}.
server.session.details.hostname=Remote server IP / Hostname:
server.session.details.incoming_session=Incoming Session Details
server.session.details.streamid=Stream ID
server.session.details.incoming_statistics=Statistics (Packets Received)
server.session.details.outgoing_session=Outgoing Session Details
server.session.details.outgoing_statistics=Statistics (Packets Sent)

# External Component Session summary Page

component.session.summary.title=Component Sessions
component.session.summary.close=Session closed successfully.
component.session.summary.active=Connected External Components
component.session.summary.info=Below is a list of connected external components to this server. \
        You can also modify the {0}external components settings{1}.
component.session.summary.not_session=No Sessions
component.session.summary.last_update=List last updated
component.session.label.creation=Creation Date
component.session.label.last_active=Last Activity
component.session.label.close_connect=Close Connection
component.session.summary.sessions_per_page=Sessions per page

# External Component Session details page

component.session.details.title=External Component Connection Details
component.session.details.info=Below are details about the session with the external component {0}.

# General Setup


# Setup environment check

setup.env.check.error=Error: Can not proceed with
setup.env.check.error_info=Your current installation fails to meet minimum server requirements - please see the checklist below:
setup.env.check.jdk=At least JDK 1.5
setup.env.check.servlet=Servlet 2.3 Support
setup.env.check.jsp=JSP 1.2 Support
setup.env.check.not_home=Home not found. Define system property "openfireHome" or create and add the openfire_init.xml file to the classpath
setup.env.check.doc=Please read the installation documentation and try setting up your environment again. After making changes, restart your appserver and load this page again.

# Setup admin settings Page

setup.admin.settings.account=Administrator Account
setup.admin.settings.info=Enter settings for the system administrator account (username of "admin") \
        below. It is important to choose a password for the account that cannot be easily guessed -- \
        for example, at least six characters long and containing a mix of letters and numbers. You \
        can skip this step if you have already setup your admin account (not for first time users).
setup.admin.settings.ldap.info=Choose one or more users from your LDAP directory to be administrators by \
    entering their usernames.
setup.admin.settings.error=There were errors when updating the admin account. Please see below.
setup.admin.settings.username-error=No username was provided or the specified username was not found.
setup.admin.settings.current_password=Current Password:
setup.admin.settings.current_password_description=If this is a new installation, the current \
        password will be 'admin'.
setup.admin.settings.current_password_error=Please enter the correct current password.
setup.admin.settings.email=Admin Email Address:
setup.admin.settings.email_description=A valid email address for the admin account.
setup.admin.settings.email_error=Please enter a valid email address.
setup.admin.settings.new_password=New Password:
setup.admin.settings.valid_new_password=Please enter a valid new password.
setup.admin.settings.not_new_password=The new passwords do not match.
setup.admin.settings.confirm_password=Confirm Password:
setup.admin.settings.valid_confirm=Please enter a valid new confirmation password.
setup.admin.settings.skip_this_step=Skip This Step
setup.admin.settings.add.administrator = Add Administrator
setup.admin.settings.administrator = Administrator
setup.admin.settings.remove = Remove

setup.admin.settings.test.title-desc=Administrator Settings
setup.admin.settings.test.status-success=Status: Authentication Successful!
setup.admin.settings.test.status-success.detail=Specified username and password are valid. Close \
    this test panel to continue.
setup.admin.settings.test.status-error=Status: Authentication Failed
setup.admin.settings.test.error-user=Username not found.
setup.admin.settings.test.error-password=Password is incorrect.

# Setup completed Page

setup.completed.jive=Jive Software
setup.completed.run=Setup Already Run
setup.completed.run_info=It appears setup has already been run. To administer your server, \
        please use the
setup.completed.run_info1=Admin Console
setup.completed.run_info2=To re-run setup, you need to stop your appserver, delete the \
        "setup" property from the openfire.xml file, restart the server, then reload \
        the setup tool.

# Setup datasource jndi Page

setup.datasource.jndi.setting=Datasource Settings - JNDI Connection
setup.datasource.jndi.setting_info=Choose a JNDI datasource below to connect to the {0} \
        database. The name varies between application servers, but it is generally of the \
        form: {1}. Please consult your application server's documentation for more information.
setup.datasource.jndi.name=JNDI Datasource Name:
setup.datasource.jndi.valid_name=Please enter a valid JNDI name.
setup.datasource.jndi.note=Note, it might take between 30-60 seconds to connect to your database.

# Setup datasource settings Page

setup.datasource.settings.title=Database Settings
setup.datasource.settings.info=Choose how you would like to connect to the {0} database.
setup.datasource.settings.connect=Standard Database Connection
setup.datasource.settings.connect_info=Use an external database with the built-in connection pool.
setup.datasource.settings.jndi=JNDI Datasource
setup.datasource.settings.jndi_info=Use a datasource defined by your application server via JNDI.
setup.datasource.settings.embedded=Embedded Database
setup.datasource.settings.embedded_info=Use an embedded database, powered by HSQLDB. This option \
        requires no external database configuration and is an easy way to get up and running quickly. \
        However, is does not offer the same level of performance as an external database.

# Setup datasource standard Page

setup.datasource.standard.title=Database Settings - Standard Connection
setup.datasource.standard.label=Database Driver Presets
setup.datasource.standard.info=Specify a JDBC driver and connection properties to connect to your \
        database. If you need more information about this process please see the database documentation \
        distributed with
setup.datasource.standard.info3=Database scripts for most popular databases are included in the  \
        server distribution at
setup.datasource.standard.failed_connect=Failed to establish a database connection - please see specific \
        errors listed below.
setup.datasource.standard.pick_database=Pick Database...
setup.datasource.standard.jdbc=JDBC Driver Class:
setup.datasource.standard.jdbc_info=The valid classname of your JDBC driver, ie: com.mydatabase.driver.MyDriver.
setup.datasource.standard.url=Database URL:
setup.datasource.standard.valid_url=The valid URL used to connect to your database, ie: jdbc:mysql://host:port/database
setup.datasource.standard.username_info=The user used to connect to your database - note, this may not be \
        required and can be left blank.
setup.datasource.standard.password_info=The password for the user account used for this database - note, \
        this may not be required and can be left blank.
setup.datasource.standard.pool=The minimum and maximum number of database connections the \
        connection pool should maintain.
setup.datasource.standard.timeout=Connection Timeout:
setup.datasource.standard.timeout_info=The time (in days) before connections in the connection \
        pool are recycled.
setup.datasource.standard.note=Note, it might take between 30-60 seconds to connect to your database.

# Profile settings page
setup.profile.title=Profile Settings
setup.profile.description=Choose the user and group system to use with the server.
setup.profile.default_description=Store users and groups in the server database. This is the \
  best option for simple deployments.
setup.profile.ldap=Directory Server (LDAP)
setup.profile.ldap_description=Integrate with a directory server such as Active Directory or \
  OpenLDAP using the LDAP protocol. Users and groups are stored in the directory and treated \
  as read-only.

# Setup LDAP pages

setup.ldap.title=Profile Settings - Directory Server
setup.ldap.profile=Profile Settings
setup.ldap.connection_settings=Connection Settings
setup.ldap.user_mapping=User Mapping
setup.ldap.group_mapping=Group Mapping
setup.ldap.step_one=Step 1 of 3
setup.ldap.step_two=Step 2 of 3
setup.ldap.step_three=Step 3 of 3
setup.ldap.continue=Save & Continue
setup.ldap.test=Test Settings
setup.ldap.advanced=Advanced Settings

setup.ldap.server.description=Configure connection settings for your LDAP directory below. All \
   fields are required; if you need additional information about a field, hover your mouse over \
   the corresponsing help icon.
setup.ldap.server.ldap_server=LDAP Server
setup.ldap.server.type=Server Type
setup.ldap.server.type_select=--Select directory server type--
setup.ldap.server.type_other=Other or Unknown
setup.ldap.server.type_help=The type of directory server you are connecting to.
setup.ldap.server.host_help=LDAP server host name; e.g. ldap.example.com, etc.
setup.ldap.server.host_error=Enter a valid LDAP server host name.
setup.ldap.server.port_help=LDAP server port number. The default value is 389.
setup.ldap.server.port_error=Enter a valid LDAP server port number.
setup.ldap.server.basedn=Base DN
setup.ldap.server.basedn_help=The starting DN that contains all user accounts. The entire subtree \
  under the base DN will be searched for user accounts (unless subtree searching is disabled).
setup.ldap.server.basedn_error=Enter a valid LDAP base DN.
setup.ldap.server.admindn=Administrator DN
setup.ldap.server.admindn_help=The full DN of a directory administrator. All directory operations will be \
  performed with this account. The admin must be able to perform searches and load user records. \
  The user does not need to be able to make changes to the directory, as the server treats the \
  directory as read-only. If this property is not set, an anonymous login to the server will be attempted.
setup.ldap.server.password_help=The password for the directory administrator.
setup.ldap.server.connection_pool=Use Connection Pool
setup.ldap.server.connection_pool_help=Connection Pooling. Default is 'Yes'
setup.ldap.server.ssl=Use SSL
setup.ldap.server.ssl_help=Enable SSL connections to your LDAP server, default port is usually 636
setup.ldap.server.debug=Enable Debug
setup.ldap.server.debug_help=Write trace information about LDAP connections to System.out
setup.ldap.server.referral=Follow Referrals
setup.ldap.server.referral_help=Automatically follow LDAP referrals when found

setup.ldap.server.test.error-auth=Error authenticating with the LDAP server. Check supplied credentials.
setup.ldap.server.test.error-connection=Error connecting to the LDAP server. Ensure that the directory \
    server is running at the specified host name and port and that a firewall is not blocking access \
    to the server.
setup.ldap.server.test.error-unknownhost=Unknown host address.
setup.ldap.server.test.invalid-name=Invalid DN syntax or naming violation.
setup.ldap.server.test.name-not-found=Error verifying base DN. Verify that the value is correct.
setup.ldap.server.test.title-desc=Connection Settings
setup.ldap.server.test.status-success=Status: Success!
setup.ldap.server.test.status-success.detail=A connection was successfully established to the LDAP \
    server using the settings above. Close this test panel and continue to the next step.
setup.ldap.server.test.status-error=Status: Error

setup.ldap.user.description=Configure how the server finds and loads users from your LDAP directory. \
  If you need additional information about a field, hover your mouse over the corresponsing help icon.
setup.ldap.user.username_field=Username Field
setup.ldap.user.username_field_description=The field name that the username lookups will be \
  performed on. If this property is not set, the default value is <b>uid</b>. Active Directory \
  users should try the default value <b>sAMAccountName</b>.
setup.ldap.user.username_field_error=Enter a valid username field.
setup.ldap.user.search_fields=Search Fields
setup.ldap.user.search_fields_description=The LDAP fields that will be used for user searches. It \
  is not recommended that you set a value for this field unless the default search fields do not \
  work for you (username, name, and email fields). An example search value is \
  &quot;Username/uid,Name/cname&quot;. That searches the uid and cname fields in the directory and \
  labels them as &quot;Username&quot; and &quot;Name&quot; in the search UI. You can add as many \
  fields as you would like using comma-delimited &quot;DisplayName/Field&quot; pairs. You should \
  ensure that any fields used for searching are properly indexed so that searches return quickly.
setup.ldap.user.user_filter=User Filter
setup.ldap.user.user_filter_description=An optional user filter to append to the default filter \
  when loading users. The default user filter is created using the attribute specified by \
  the username field. For example, if the username field is &quot;uid&quot;, then the default \
  user filter would be &quot;(uid={0})&quot; where {0} is dynamically replaced with the username \
  being searched for.

setup.ldap.user.vcard.mapping=User Profiles (vCard)
setup.ldap.user.vcard.description=Use the form below to specify the LDAP fields that match the profile \
    fields. Fields that are left empty will not be mapped. Values enclosed in {} will be replaced with \
    actual LDAP content.
setup.ldap.user.vcard.label1=Profile Field
setup.ldap.user.vcard.fullname=Full Name
setup.ldap.user.vcard.street=Street Address
setup.ldap.user.vcard.pcode=Postal Code
setup.ldap.user.vcard.phone=Phone Number
setup.ldap.user.vcard.mobile=Mobile Number
setup.ldap.user.vcard.title=Job Title

setup.ldap.test.error-loading-sample=An error occured while loading sample from LDAP. Check error.log for more information.
setup.ldap.test.internal-server-error=Test page is not able to find required information in HTTP session.

setup.ldap.user.vcard.test.description=A random profile is selected for you to review. Bold fields with no value mean \
  that an error may have been found. To view another profile click 'Next ramdom profile'. When you are finished close \
  this window.
setup.ldap.user.vcard.test.random=Next random profile
setup.ldap.user.test.users-not-found=No users were found using the specified configuration. Try changing the base DN, \
   user filter or username field. 

setup.ldap.group.description=Configure how the server finds and loads groups from your LDAP directory. \
  If you need additional information about a field, hover your mouse over the corresponsing help icon.
setup.ldap.group.name_field=Group Field
setup.ldap.group.name_field_description=The field name that the group name lookups will be \
  performed on. If this property is not set, the default value is <b>cn</b>.
setup.ldap.group.member_field=Member Field
setup.ldap.group.member_field_description=The field name that holds the members in a group. If \
  this property is not set, the default value is <b>member</b>.
setup.ldap.group.description_field=Description Field
setup.ldap.group.description_field_description=The field name that holds the description a group. \
  If this property is not set, the default value is <b>description</b>.
setup.ldap.group.posix=Posix Mode
setup.ldap.group.posix_description=A value of &quot;Yes&quot; means that users are stored within \
  the group by their user name alone. A value of &quot;No&quot; means that users are stored by \
  their entire DN within the group. If this property is not set, the default value is <b>No</b>. \
  The posix mode must be set correctly for your server in order for group integration to work.
setup.ldap.group.filter=Group Filter
setup.ldap.group.filter_description=An optional group filter to append to the default filter when \
  loading groups. The default group filter is created using the group name. \
  For example, if the group name field is &quot;cn&quot;, then the default \
  group filter would be &quot;(cn={0})&quot; where {0} is dynamically replaced with the \
  group name being searched for.

setup.ldap.group.test.description=A small list of groups is selected for you to review. When you are finished close \
  this window.
setup.ldap.group.test.group-not-found=No groups were found using the specified configuration. Try changing the base DN,\
   group filter or member field. 

# Setup finished Page

setup.finished.title=Setup Complete!
setup.finished.info=This installation of {0} is now complete. To continue:
setup.finished.login=Login to the admin console
setup.finished.wait=Please wait, finishing setup...

# Setup host settings Page

setup.host.settings.title=Server Settings
setup.host.settings.info=Below are host settings for this server. Note: the suggested value for the \
        domain is based on the network settings of this machine.
setup.host.settings.invalid_domain=Invalid domain.
setup.host.settings.hostname=Hostname or IP address of this server.
setup.host.settings.port=Admin Console Port:
setup.host.settings.secure_port=Secure Admin Console Port:
setup.host.settings.invalid_port=Invalid port number
setup.host.settings.port_number=Port number for the web-based admin console (default is 9090).
setup.host.settings.secure_port_number=Port number for the web-based admin console through SSL (default is 9091).

# Setup index Page

setup.index.title=Welcome to Setup
setup.index.choose_lang=Choose Language
setup.index.info=Welcome to {0} Setup. This tool will lead you through the initial setup \
        of the server. Before you continue, choose your preferred language.
setup.index.vm=Java VM Support
setup.index.jdk=At least JDK 1.5
setup.index.found=Found: JVM
setup.index.con_file=Configuration Files
setup.index.dir=conf Directory
setup.index.valid_conf=Valid conf directory.
setup.index.unable_locate_dir=Unable to locate valid conf directory. Please refer to the installation \
        documentation for the correct way to set the conf directory.
setup.index.not_permission=Setup was able to find your conf directory but does not have read permission \
        on it. Please alter the directory permissions.
setup.index.not_write_permission=Setup was able to find your conf directory but does not have write \
        permission on it. Please alter the directory permissions.

# Setup pause Page

setup.pause.title=Please restart your server and close this window. Launch the admin console using \
either the launcher or start as a service to enter the admin console.
setup.pause.close=Close Window

# Setup sidebar Page

setup.sidebar.title=Setup Progress
setup.sidebar.language=Language Selection
setup.sidebar.settings=Server Settings
setup.sidebar.datasource=Database Settings
setup.sidebar.profile=Profile Settings
setup.sidebar.admin=Admin Account

# SSL settings Page

ssl.settings.title=Security Settings
ssl.settings.update=Settings updated successfully.
ssl.settings.client.info=Clients can connect to the server using secured or unsecured connections. \
        Use the following form to specify if clients can only connect to the server using secured \
ssl.settings.client.legend=Client Connection Security
ssl.settings.client.label_required_info=Clients can only connect to the server using secured connections.
ssl.settings.client.label_notrequired_info=Clients may connect to the server using secured connections.
ssl.settings.client.label_custom_info=Advanced configuration
ssl.settings.client.customSSL=Old SSL method:
ssl.settings.client.customTLS=TLS method:
ssl.settings.notavailable=Not Available
ssl.settings.server.legend=Server Connection Security
ssl.settings.server.label_required_info=Connections between servers always use secured connections.
ssl.settings.server.label_notrequired_info=Connections between servers may use secured connections.
ssl.settings.server.label_custom_info=Advanced configuration
ssl.settings.server.dialback=Server Dialback:
ssl.settings.server.customTLS=TLS method:

# Server Certificates

ssl.certificates.title=Server Certificates
ssl.certificates.info=TLS (SSL) allows secure connections to be made between servers and clients. Certificates \
  should be signed by a Certificate Authority (CA) to be trusted by clients or other servers. Self-signed \
  certificates can still be used although some clients or servers may not accept them. The installed \
  certificates are listed below.
ssl.certificates.alias=Host (alias)
ssl.certificates.self-signed=Self signed
ssl.certificates.self-signed.info=Self-signed certificates should be signed by a Certificate Authority to be trusted \
  and accepted by clients and other servers.  
ssl.certificates.signing-pending=Pending Verification
ssl.certificates.signing-pending.info=The certificate is not yet signed by a Certificate Authority. A signing request \
  should be sent to the Certificate Authority so that it can be signed by the CA. The CA will return a new certificate \
  once it has been approved and signed. The returned certificate will need to be imported into the server.
ssl.certificates.ca-signed=CA Signed
ssl.certificates.ca-signed.info=The certificate has been signed by a Certificate Authority. Clients and servers should \
  accept the certificate unless they not trust on the Certificate Authority that signed the certificate.
ssl.certificates.confirm_delete=Are you sure you want to delete this certificate?
ssl.certificates.added_updated=Certificate added or modified successfully.
ssl.certificates.deleted=Certificate deleted successfully.
ssl.certificates.error=Error deleting the certificate.
ssl.certificates.error_messenge=Error message
ssl.certificates.error_importing-reply=An error occured while importing the Certificate Authority reply. Verify that \
  the reply is correct and that it belongs to the correct certificate. 
ssl.certificates.imported=Certificate Authority reply was imported successfully. 
ssl.certificates.ca-reply=Certificate Authority Reply:
ssl.certificates.restart_server=Certificates were modified so HTTP server needs to be restarted. Click {0}here{1} to \
  restart HTTP server.
ssl.certificates.no_installed=One or more certificates are missing. Click {0}here{1} to generate self-signed certificates.
ssl.certificates.issuer-updated=Issuer information updated successfully.

ssl.certificates.error_installing=Error installing the certificate.
ssl.certificates.error_reported=Error reported
ssl.certificates.paste_certificate=Paste in the certificate sent to you by the CA or the self-signed \
        certificate generated via the keytool.

ssl.signing-request.title=Signing request
ssl.signing-request.issuer_information=Issuer Information
ssl.signing-request.issuer_information_info=Complete the following information of the certificate issuer. This \
  information will be stored in the certificates pending to be sent to the Certificate Authority. The \
  Certificate Authority will validate the information in order to sign the certificates.
ssl.signing-request.offer-issuer-information=The issuer information for the certificates should be updated \
  before sending the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to a Certificate Authority (CA). Click {0}here{1} to \
  update the issuer information.
ssl.signing-request.ca_reply_info=Certificate reply can be added to the system by pasting \
        in the certificate data sent to you by a Certificate Authority (e.g. Verisign).
ssl.signing-request.organizational_unit=Organizational Unit
ssl.signing-request.country=Country Code
ssl.signing-request.enter_name=Please enter a valid name.
ssl.signing-request.enter_ou=Please enter a valid organizational unit.
ssl.signing-request.enter_o=Please enter a valid organization.
ssl.signing-request.enter_city=Please enter a valid city.
ssl.signing-request.enter_state=Please enter a valid state.
ssl.signing-request.enter_country=Please enter a valid country.
ssl.signing-request.save=Update information
ssl.signing-request.requests=Generated Signing Requests
ssl.signing-request.requests_info=Below you will find the signing requests generated for those certificates whose \
  status is 'Pending Verification'. The exact process for sending the signing request to a Certificate \
  Authority may vary. In general it is a matter of copying the generated signing request and paste it when generating \
  new certificates in the Certificate Authority website. Certificate Authorities require you to register in their website, \
  provide information about the company and verify the domain before being able to generate new certificates.
ssl.signing-request.signing-request=Signing Request

# Restart HTTP server

server-restart.title=HTTP Server Restart
server-restart.info=The HTTP server will be restarted. In a few seconds you will be redirected to the login page. \
  In case that redirection fails click {0}here{1} to go to the login page. 

# Compression settings Page

compression.settings.title=Compression Settings
compression.settings.update=Settings updated successfully.
compression.settings.info=Clients and servers can connect to the server and compress their traffic. \
        Use the following form to specify if the server will offer stream compression to clients and servers.
compression.settings.client.policy=Client Compression Policy
compression.settings.client.enable_info=Clients will be offered the option to use compressed traffic.
compression.settings.client.disable=Not Available
compression.settings.client.disable_info=Clients will not receive the option to use compressed traffic.
compression.settings.server.policy=Server Compression Policy
compression.settings.server.enable_info=Communication between servers will try to use compressed traffic.
compression.settings.server.disable=Not Available
compression.settings.server.disable_info=Communication between servers will not use compressed traffic.

# General user

user.read_only=Not allowed: the user account system is read-only.

# User create Page

user.create.title=Create User
user.create.info=Use the form below to create a new user.
user.create.error_creating_account=Error creating the user account. Please check your error logs.
user.create.invalid_username=Invalid username.
user.create.user_exist=Username already exists - please choose a different one.
user.create.invalid_name=Invalid name.
user.create.invalid_email=Invalid email.
user.create.invalid_password=Invalid password.
user.create.invalid_match_password=Passwords don't match.
user.create.invalid_password_confirm=Invalid password confirmation.
user.create.created_success=New user created successfully.
user.create.new_user=Create New User
user.create.confirm_pwd=Confirm Password
user.create.requied=Required fields
user.create.create=Create User
user.create.create_another=Create &amp; Create Another

# User delete Page

user.delete.title=Delete User
user.delete.info=Are you sure you want to delete the user
user.delete.info1=from the system?
user.delete.warning=Warning! You are about to delete your
user.delete.warning3=user account. Are you sure you want to do this? Doing so will log you out of \
        the system immediately.
user.delete.delete=Delete User

# User edit form Page

user.edit.form.title=Edit User
user.edit.form.update=User edited successfully.
user.edit.form.info=Use the form below to edit user properties.
user.edit.form.property=User Properties
user.edit.form.enter_name=Please enter a valid name.
user.edit.form.enter_mail=Please enter a valid email address.

# User message Page

user.message.title=Send Administrative Message
user.message.send=Message sent successfully.
user.message.send_admin_msg=Send Administrative Message
user.message.info=Use the form below to send an administrative message to all users.
user.message.specified_user_info=User the form below to send an administrative message to the \
        specified user. If the user is connected from multiple sessions you will need to choose \
        which session to message.
user.message.all_online_user=All Online Users
user.message.send_session=Send to all user sessions
user.message.valid_address=Please choose a valid address.
user.message.valid_message=Please enter a valid message.
user.message.send_message=Send Message

# User password Page

user.password.title=Change Password
user.password.error_set_pwd=Error setting the password. Please make sure the password you enter is valid \
        and matches the confirmation password.
user.password.update=Password updated successfully.
user.password.info=Use the form below to change the user's password.
user.password.change=Change Password
user.password.new_pwd=New Password
user.password.confirm_new_pwd=Confirm New Password
user.password.update_pwd=Update Password

# User properties Page

user.properties.title=User Properties
user.properties.info=Below is a summary of user properties.
user.properties.created=New user created successfully.
user.properties.update=User properties updated successfully.
user.properties.not_set=Not set.

# User roster Page

user.roster.title=User Roster
user.roster.info=Below is the list of roster items for user {0}.  Shared groups are underlined.
user.roster.shared_groups=Shared Groups
user.roster.cant_delete=This roster item is a member of a shared group and can not be deleted via this interface.
user.roster.total_items=Total Items
user.roster.sorted=Sorted by JID
user.roster.items_per_page=Items per page
user.roster.add=Add New Item
user.roster.none_found=No roster items found.
user.roster.click_view=Click to view...
user.roster.deleted=Roster item deleted successfully.
user.roster.delete.title=Delete Roster Item
user.roster.delete.delete=Delete Roster Item
user.roster.delete.info=Are you sure you want to delete the JID {0} from the roster of {1}?
user.roster.edited=Roster item edited successfully.
user.roster.edit.title=Edit Roster Item
user.roster.edit.info=Use the form below to edit the roster item of user {0}.
user.roster.added=Roster item added successfully.
user.roster.add.title=Add Roster Item
user.roster.add.info=Use the form below to add a new roster item for user {0}.
user.roster.add.error_adding_item=Error adding roster item.  Please check your server logs.
user.roster.add.item_exists=Roster item of the same JID already exists.
user.roster.add.uneditable_group=Attempted to remove item from a group that is not editable.  (probably a shared group)
user.roster.add.illegal_jid=JID was not of a valid format.
user.roster.add.success=Successfully added roster item.
user.roster.add.new_item=Add New Roster Item
user.roster.add.add=Add Item
user.roster.add.add_another=Add & Add Another
user.roster.add.required=Required fields
user.roster.item.settings=Roster Item Settings

# User search Page

user.search.title=User Search
user.search.not_found=User not found. Please try a different search.
user.search.search_user=Search For User

# User Summary Page

user.summary.title=User Summary
user.summary.deleted=User deleted successfully.
user.summary.total_user=Total Users
user.summary.sorted=Sorted by Username
user.summary.users_per_page=Users per page
user.summary.last-logout=Last Logout
user.summary.not_user=No users in the system.

# User tabs Page

user.tabs.properties=User Properties
user.tabs.edit=Edit User
user.tabs.send=Send Message
user.tabs.change_pwd=Change Password
user.tabs.delete_user=Delete User

# Plugins Admin Page

plugin.admin.info=Plugins add new functionality to the server. The list of plugins currently \
        installed is below. To download new plugins, please visit the \
        <a href="available-plugins.jsp">Available Plugins</a> page.
plugin.admin.deleted_success=Plugin deleted successfully.
plugin.admin.deleted_failure=Unable to delete plugin.
plugin.admin.uploaded_success=Plugin uploaded successfully.  It may take a short time for the \
        plugin to appear in the list of installed plugins.
plugin.admin.uploaded_failure=Unable to upload plugin.  See server error logs.
plugin.admin.upload_plugin=Upload Plugin
plugin.admin.upload_plugin.info=Plugin files (.jar) can be uploaded directly by using the form below.
plugin.admin.click_reload=Reload the plugin.
plugin.admin.reload_success=Plugin was successfully reloaded. It may take a short time for the \
        plugin to appear in the list of installed plugins again.
plugin.admin.no_plugin=No plugins installed.
plugin.admin.confirm=Delete plugin?
plugin.admin.update-desc=New update is now available.
plugin.admin.update.complete = Update Completed
plugin.admin.version.available = Version {0} Available
plugin.admin.changelog = Change Log
plugin.admin.update = Update
plugin.admin.updating = Updating

# System Email

system.email.title=Email Settings
system.email.info=Use the form below to set the host and port of your email server (SMTP). At a minimum \
		you should set the host and optionally you can set the port, username and password and whether \
		or not to connect over SSL. If you have problems sending email please check the SMTP configuration \
		on your mail server. Note, if you choose to enable mail debugging the debug output will be written \
		to your appserver's standard out log.
system.email.update_success=SMTP settings updated successfully.
system.email.update_failure=An error occured. Please verify that you have filled out all required fields \
        correctly and try again.
system.email.name=SMTP Settings
system.email.mail_host=Mail Host
system.email.restart_possible=may require appserver restart
system.email.valid_host_name=Please enter a valid host name.
system.email.server_port=Server Port (Optional)
system.email.mail_debugging=Mail Debugging
system.email.server_username=Server Username (Optional)
system.email.server_password=Server Password (Optional)
system.email.ssl=Use SSL (Optional)
system.email.save=Save Changes
system.email.send_test=Send Test Email...

system.emailtest.title=Email Settings
system.emailtest.info=Use the form below to send a test message. By default, the senders email address will \
		be that of the admin user.
system.emailtest.no_host=Error, sending an email will fail because the mail server host is not set. Please \
        go back to the {0}mail settings page{1} and set the mail host.
system.emailtest.success=Message was sent successfully. Verify it was sent by checking the mail account you \
        sent the message to.
system.emailtest.failure=Sending the message failed. Please verify that your host and port settings \
        are correct.
system.emailtest.failure_authentication=Authenticating to the SMTP server failed - make sure your username \
        and password are correct, or that "guest" users can authenticate to send emails.
system.emailtest.mail_server=Mail Server
system.emailtest.host_not_set=Not set
system.emailtest.cancel=Cancel/Go Back

# File Transfer Proxy

filetransferproxy.settings.title=File Transfer Proxy Settings
filetransferproxy.settings.info=Use the form below to configure the file transfer proxy service. The \
  proxy enables clients to efficiently transfer files when they are not on the same local network.
filetransferproxy.settings.enabled.legend=Proxy Service
filetransferproxy.settings.label_disable_info=This server will not act as a file transfer proxy.
filetransferproxy.settings.label_enable_info=This server will act as a file transfer proxy on port:
filetransferproxy.settings.valid.port=Please enter a valid port.
filetransferproxy.settings.confirm.updated=File transfer proxy settings updated succesfully.
filetransfer.error.disabled=File Transfer Has Been Disabled, Proxy Won't Function

# File Transfer Proxy Stats

stat.filetransferproxy.transfered.name = Proxy Transfer Rate
stat.filetransferproxy.transfered.desc = The amount of data in kilobytes being transfered through the file transfer\
stat.filetransferproxy.transfered.units = Kb/s

# System Cache page
system.cache.title=Cache Summary
system.cache.cleared=Cache(s) cleared successfully.
system.cache.info=The server relies on its cache to run efficiently. Below is a summary of all \
    existing caches. To clear out the contents of a cache, click the checkbox next to the cache \
    you want to clear and click "Clear Selected" below.
system.cache.head.name=Cache Name
system.cache.head.max=Max Size
system.cache.head.current=Current Size
system.cache.head.percent=Percent Used
system.cache.desc.effectiveness=* Effectiveness measures how well your cache is working. If the \
    effectiveness is low, that usually means that the cache is too small. Caches for which this \
    may be the case are specially flagged.
system.cache.clear-selected=Clear Selected

# Upgrade process
upgrade.database.missing_schema=Missing database schema for {0}. Attempting to install...
upgrade.database.old_schema=Found old database version {0} for {1}. Upgrading to version {2}...
upgrade.database.unknown_db=Warning: database type unknown. You must manually upgrade your database.
upgrade.database.interbase_db=Warning: automatic upgrades of Interbase are not supported. You \
    must manually upgrade your database.
upgrade.database.success=Database update successful.
upgrade.database.failure=Database update failed. Please manually upgrade your database.

# Publish-Subscribe

startup.starting.pubsub=Publish-Subscribe domain: {0}
pubsub.form.default.title=Default Node configuration
pubsub.form.default.instruction=Set the default configuration for newly created nodes.
pubsub.form.conf.title=Node configuration
pubsub.form.conf.instruction=Please provide the configuration for node "{0}".
pubsub.form.conf.deliver_payloads=Deliver payloads with event notifications
pubsub.form.conf.notify_config=Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes
pubsub.form.conf.notify_delete=Notify subscribers when the node is deleted
pubsub.form.conf.notify_retract=Notify subscribers when items are removed from the node
pubsub.form.conf.presence_based=Only deliver notifications to available users
pubsub.form.conf.send_item_subscribe=Send items to new subscribers
pubsub.form.conf.subscribe=Allow subscriptions to node
pubsub.form.conf.subscription_required=New subscriptions require configuration
pubsub.form.conf.persist_items=Persist items to storage
pubsub.form.conf.max_items=Max number of items to persist
pubsub.form.conf.max_payload_size=Max payload size in bytes
pubsub.form.conf.type=Type of payload data to be provided at this node
pubsub.form.conf.body_xslt=Message body XSLT
pubsub.form.conf.dataform_xslt=Payload XSLT
pubsub.form.conf.access_model=Specify who may subscribe and retrieve items
pubsub.form.conf.publish_model=Publisher model
pubsub.form.conf.roster_allowed=Roster groups allowed to subscribe
pubsub.form.conf.contact=People to contact with questions
pubsub.form.conf.description=Description of the node
pubsub.form.conf.language=Default language
pubsub.form.conf.owner=Node owners
pubsub.form.conf.publisher=Node publishers
pubsub.form.conf.short_name=Short name for the node
pubsub.form.conf.itemreply=Select entity that should receive replies to items
pubsub.form.conf.replyroom=Multi-user chat room to which replies should be sent
pubsub.form.conf.replyto=Users to which replies should be sent
pubsub.form.conf.leaf_node_association=Users allowed to associate leaf nodes with the node
pubsub.form.conf.leaf_node_whitelist=Enter list of users
pubsub.form.conf.leaf_nodes_max=Max number of leaf nodes
pubsub.notification.message.body=This message contains an event notification
pubsub.form.subscription.title=Subscription configuration
pubsub.form.subscription.instruction=Please provide the subscription configuration for node "{0}".
pubsub.form.subscription.deliver=Enable delivery?
pubsub.form.subscription.digest=Receive digest notifications?
pubsub.form.subscription.digest_frequency=Minimum number of milliseconds between sending any two \
    notification digests
pubsub.form.subscription.expire=Requested lease period
pubsub.form.subscription.include_body=Receive message body in addition to payload?
pubsub.form.subscription.show-values=Presence types which are allowed to receive notifications
pubsub.form.subscription.subscription_type=Receive notification of items or nodes
pubsub.form.subscription.subscription_depth=Receive notification from all or direct child nodes
pubsub.form.subscription.keywords=Keyword to match
pubsub.form.authorization.title=PubSub subscriber request
pubsub.form.authorization.instruction=Use the following form to approve or deny the subscription \
pubsub.form.authorization.node=Node ID
pubsub.form.authorization.subscriber=Subscriber Address
pubsub.form.authorization.allow=Allow this JID to subscribe to this pubsub node?
pubsub.command.pending-subscriptions.label=Authorize Pending Subscriptions
pubsub.command.pending-subscriptions.title=Authorize Pending Subscriptions
pubsub.command.pending-subscriptions.instruction=Select node to get pending subscriptions.
pubsub.command.pending-subscriptions.error.idrequired=ID of node is missing.
pubsub.command.pending-subscriptions.error.manyIDs=More than one nodeID was selected.
pubsub.command.pending-subscriptions.success=Pending subscriptions have been sent.
pubsub.command.pending-subscriptions.error.forbidden=Permission denied.
pubsub.command.pending-subscriptions.error.badid=Invalid node ID was selected.

# Connection Manager settings Page

connection-manager.settings.title=Connection Manager Settings
connection-manager.settings.info=Clients can connect to Connection Managers to reduce load on the  \
        server thus achieving greater scalability. Connection Managers will open a few connections \
        to the server to transmit clients traffic.
connection-manager.settings.enabled.legend=Service Enabled
connection-manager.settings.label_disable_info=Connection managers are not allowed to connect to this server.
connection-manager.settings.label_enable_info=Connection managers can connect to this server.
connection-manager.settings.valid.port=Please enter a valid port.
connection-manager.settings.valid.defaultSecret=Please specify a default secret key.
connection-manager.settings.confirm.updated=Connection managers information updated successfully.
connection-manager.details.title=Active Connection Managers for server: {0}
connection-manager.details.address=IP Address
connection-manager.details.sessions=Client Sessions
connection-manager.details.no-managers-connected=There are no active connection managers.

# Manage updates Page

update.notification-message=A server or plugin update was found:
manage-updates.title=Manage Updates
manage-updates.info=The server will automatically check for server or plugins updates. When new \
        updates are found admins may receive notification messages with the updated components. \
        Use the form below to configure the update service.
manage-updates.config.updated=Configuration updated successfully.

manage-updates.enabled.legend=Service Enabled
manage-updates.label_disable_info=Administrators will have to manually verify for server of plugin updates.
manage-updates.label_enable_info=The server will automatically check for server or plugins updates.

manage-updates.notif.enabled.legend=Admins Notifications
manage-updates.notif.label_disable_info=Administrators will not receive notifications when new updates are available.
manage-updates.notif.label_enable_info=Administrators will receive notifications when new updates are available.

manage-updates.proxy.enabled.legend=Connection Method
manage-updates.proxy.label_disable=Direct Connection
manage-updates.proxy.label_disable_info=Use a direct connection to the internet to check for updates.
manage-updates.proxy.label_enable=Proxy Connection
manage-updates.proxy.label_enable_info=Specify a proxy server to check for updates:
manage-updates.proxy.valid.host=Please enter a valid host name.
manage-updates.proxy.valid.port=Please enter a port greater than zero.

# Available plugins page
plugin.available.title=Available Plugins
plugin.available.info=Plugins add new functionality to the server. The list of plugins available \
        to install is below. Once a plugin is downloaded it may take a moment to be installed. The \
        plugin will still appear in the list until it is actually installed.
plugin.available.no_plugin=No new plugins available.
plugin.available.download=Download and Install
plugin.available.open_source= Open Source Plugins
plugin.available.installation.success = plugin installed successfully.
plugin.available.commercial_plugins = Commercial Plugins
plugin.available.outdated = The list of plugins below requires a newer version of the server.
plugin.available.outdated.update = Update the server now.
plugin.available.autoupdate = Available plugins list auto-updated on
plugin.available.autoupdate.on = Auto update is turned on.
plugin.available.autoupdate.off = Auto update is off.
plugin.available.manual.update = Update Now.
plugin.available.no.list = The list of available plugins has not yet been downloaded.
plugin.available.no.plugin = Plugin information has not yet been downloaded.
plugin.available.list = Click here to download.
plugin.available.no.list.description =  In order to install plugins, the list of available plugins must be download \
                    from Jive Software. Once the plugins have been downloaded, you may \
                    chooser which plugins to install.
plugin.available.auto.update.currently = Auto-update is currently
plugin.available.auto.update.currently.disabled = disabled
plugin.available.click.here = Click here
plugin.available.change = to change the auto-update settings.
plugin.available.cancel.redirect = Leaving this page will cause all downloads to cancel. Leave anyway?
plugin.available.error.downloading = Unable to download plugin(s). Please try again.

# Server bytes statistics

server_bytes.stats.incoming.name=Server Traffic
server_bytes.stats.incoming.description=Kb of traffic per minute
server_bytes.stats.incoming.label=Kb of traffic per minute
server_bytes.stats.outgoing.name=Server Traffic
server_bytes.stats.outgoing.description=Kb of traffic per minute
server_bytes.stats.outgoing.label=Kb of traffic per minute

# javascript calendar

calendar.info = About the calendar
calendar.about = DHTML Date/Time Selector
calendar.prev_year = Prev. year (hold for menu)
calendar.prev_month = Prev. month (hold for menu)
calendar.go_today = Go Today
calendar.next_month = Next month (hold for menu)
calendar.next_year = Next year (hold for menu)
calendar.select_date = Select date
calendar.drag_to_move = Drag to move
calendar.part_today =  (today)
calendar.day_first = Display %s first
calendar.weekend = 0,6
calendar.close = Close
calendar.today = Today
calendar.time_part = (Shift-)Click or drag to change value
calendar.time = Time:

# Enterprise Download Page
plugin.enterprise.download.error =  Unable to download the Enterprise plugin. Please try again.
plugin.enterprise.dont.show= Don't show this page again
plugin.enterprise.installing = Installing Enterprise Plugin...
plugin.enterprise.installed = Enterprise plugin installed successfully. Refreshing momentarily...

# http bind settings page

httpbind.settings.title=HTTP Bind Settings
httpbind.settings.info=HTTP binding allows clients using the HTTP protocol to connect to the server.
httpbind.settings.label_disable_info=Clients will not be able to connect with this server using HTTP binding.
httpbind.settings.label_enable_info=Clients can connect to this server using HTTP binding.
httpbind.settings.label_seperate=Use Admin Console Ports
httpbind.settings.label_seperate_info=The HTTP bind service will be run on the same ports as the admin console
httpbind.settings.label_same=Use Distinct Ports
httpbind.settings.label_same_info=The HTTP bind service will use distinct ports from those of the admin console
httpbind.settings.secure_port=SSL Port:
httpbind.settings.error.general=An error has occured, check the log file for details.
httpbind.settings.error.port=An error has occured configuring the HTTP binding ports, check the error log for more details.

# Profile Settings

profile-settings.title=Profile Settings
profile-settings.info=The server is currently using the following user and group system. When using \
    LDAP it is possible to alter current integration settings. However, if you want to change the user and group \
    system then you will need to re-run the setup process.
profile-settings.ldap_mapping_info=LDAP Settings

# Ports section/page

ports.all_ports=All addresses
ports.client_to_server=Client to Server
ports.client_to_server.desc=The standard port for clients to connect to the server. Connections may or may not be \
  encrypted. You can update the {0}security settings{1} for this port.
ports.client_to_server.desc_old_ssl=The port used for clients to connect to the server using the old SSL method. \
  The old SSL method is not an XMPP standard method and will be deprecated in the future.  You can update the \
  {0}security  settings{1} for this port.
ports.server_to_server=Server to Server
ports.server_to_server.desc=The port used for {0}remote servers{1} to connect to this server.
ports.connection_manager=Connection Manager
ports.connection_manager.desc=The port used for {0}connection managers{1} to connect to the server.
ports.external_components=External Components
ports.external_components.desc=The port used for {0}external components{1} to connect to the server.
ports.admin_console=Admin Console
ports.admin_console.desc_unsecured=The port used for unsecured Admin Console access.
ports.admin_console.desc_secured=The port used for secured Admin Console access.
ports.file_proxy=File Transfer Proxy
ports.file_proxy.desc=The port used for the proxy service that allows file transfers to occur between two entities \
  on the XMPP network.
ports.http_bind=HTTP Binding
ports.http_bind.desc_unsecured=The port used for unsecured HTTP client connections.
ports.http_bind.desc_secured=The port used for secured HTTP client connections.
ports.media_proxy=Real time media proxy
ports.media_proxy.desc=The port used for the proxy service that allows Jingle connections between two entities on \
  the XMPP network.
ports.stun=STUN Service
ports.stun.desc=The port used for the service that ensures connectivity between entities when behind a NAT.

# Media Proxy

mediaproxy.desc = The media proxy enables clients to make rich media (including VoIP) connections to one another \
    when peer to peer connections fail, such as when one or both clients are behind a \
    strict firewall.
mediaproxy.settings.success = Settings updated successfully.
mediaproxy.form.label = Media Proxy Settings
mediaproxy.form.enabled = Enabled
mediaproxy.form.enabled.desc = This server will act as a media proxy.
mediaproxy.form.disabled = Disabled
mediaproxy.form.disabled.desc = This server will not act as a media proxy.
mediaproxy.form.idletimeout = Session Idle Timeout (in seconds)
mediaproxy.form.idletimeout.tip = This value is usually bigger than 15 seconds.
mediaproxy.form.lifetime = Session Life Time (in seconds)
mediaproxy.form.lifetime.tip = Life Time is the maximum time that a Session can lives. After this time it is destroyed, even if it stills active.
mediaproxy.form.minport = Port Range Min
mediaproxy.form.maxport = Port Range Max
mediaproxy.form.echoport = Echo Test Port

mediaproxy.summary.label = Active Sessions Summary
mediaproxy.summary.desc = Sessions are Media Proxy Channels that controls packet relaying. \
    The list below shows current sessions running and which user created the channel.
mediaproxy.summary.session.creator  = Creator
mediaproxy.summary.session.port = Port
mediaproxy.summary.session.server = Server
mediaproxy.summary.session.inactivity = Inactivity(secs)
mediaproxy.summary.session.type = Type
mediaproxy.summary.session.noactive = No active Sessions
mediaproxy.summary.stopbutton = Stop Active Sessions

# STUN Settings

stun.settings.alert.notvalidip = The selected IP values are not valid. Please select different IPs.
stun.settings.alert.notvalidport = The selected port numbers are not valid. Please select different port numbers.
stun.settings.title = STUN Settings
stun.settings.desc = STUN is a protocol that lets clients discover their network settings, \
  including firewall and NAT device configuration. Use of the protocol is required for clients \
  to establish peer to peer media sessions. The server can be configured as a STUN service itself, or it \
  can send third-party STUN server addresses to clients.<br/><br/> \
  In order to act as a STUN server, two different public IP addresses on the \
  same machine are required, as well as two different port numbers for each IP.
stun.settings.success = Settings updated successfully.
stun.settings.error = STUN server cannot start. Check your port numbers and Primary and Secondary addresses.
stun.settings.primaryaddress = Primary Address
stun.settings.secondaryaddress = Secondary Address
stun.settings.primaryport = Primary Port Value
stun.settings.secondaryport = Secondary Port Value
stun.settings.enabled = Enabled
stun.settings.localenabled = Local Server Enabled
stun.settings.change = Change
stun.external.title = External STUN Servers
stun.external.comment = The server will also send the following address(es) for third-party STUN \
  services to clients. Clients will try each STUN service until able to find one that is working.
stun.external.server = Server
stun.external.port = Port
stun.external.error = Invalid server or port.

# Import signed certificate page

ssl.import.certificate.title=Import Signed Certificate
ssl.import.certificate.info=Use the form below to import a private key and certificate that was provided by a \
  Certificate Authority. At this moment private keys encrypted with an AES algorithm cannot be imported. You will \
  need to decrypt them before importing them. However, DES encrypted keys can be safely imported. To decrypt \
  a private key file execute the following command: "openssl rsa -in ssl.key -out decryptedssl.key".  
ssl.import.certificate.boxtitle=Import Private Key and Certificate
ssl.import.certificate.private-key=Content of Private Key file:
ssl.import.certificate.certificate=Content of Certificate file:
ssl.import.certificate.error.private-key=Please specify the content of the private key.
ssl.import.certificate.error.certificate=Please specify the content of the certificate to import.
ssl.import.certificate.error.import=There was an error one importing private key and signed certificate.

# Room Occupants Page

muc.room.occupants.title=Room Occupants
muc.room.occupants.info=Room summary is show in the following table:
muc.room.occupants.detail.info = Current room occupants are listed in the following table: