 * $RCSfile$
 * $Revision$
 * $Date$
 * Copyright (C) 2004 Jive Software. All rights reserved.
 * This software is published under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL),
 * a copy of which is included in this distribution.

package org.jivesoftware.messenger.disco;

import org.jivesoftware.messenger.container.TrackInfo;
import org.jivesoftware.messenger.forms.XDataForm;
import org.jivesoftware.messenger.*;
import org.jivesoftware.messenger.auth.UnauthorizedException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper;
import org.dom4j.Element;

 * IQDiscoInfoHandler is responsible for handling disco#info requests. This class holds a map with
 * the main entities and the associated DiscoInfoProvider. We are considering the host of the
 * recipient JIDs as main entities. It's the DiscoInfoProvider responsibility to provide information
 * about the JID's name together with any possible requested node.<p>
 * <p/>
 * For example, let's have in the entities map the following entries: "localhost" and
 * "conference.localhost". Associated with each entry we have different DiscoInfoProviders. Now we
 * receive a disco#info request for the following JID: "room@conference.localhost" which is a disco
 * request for a MUC room. So IQDiscoInfoHandler will look for the DiscoInfoProvider associated
 * with the JID's host which in this case is "conference.localhost". Once we have located the
 * provider we will delegate to the provider the responsibility to provide the info specific to
 * the JID's name which in this case is "room". Among the information that a room could provide we
 * could find its identity and the features it supports (e.g. 'muc_passwordprotected',
 * 'muc_unmoderated', etc.). Finally, after we have collected all the information provided by the
 * provider we will add it to the reply. On the other hand, if no provider was found or the provider
 * has no information for the requested name/node then a not-found error will be returned.
 * @author Gaston Dombiak
public class IQDiscoInfoHandler extends IQDiscoHandler {

    private HashMap entities = new HashMap();
    private List serverFeatures = new ArrayList();
    private IQHandlerInfo info;

    public IQDiscoInfoHandler() {
        super("XMPP Disco Info Handler");
        info = new IQHandlerInfo("query", "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info");

    public IQHandlerInfo getInfo() {
        return info;

    public IQ handleIQ(IQ packet) throws UnauthorizedException, XMLStreamException {
        // TODO Let configure an authorization policy (ACL?). Currently anyone can discover info.
        // Create a copy of the sent pack that will be used as the reply
        // we only need to add the requested info to the reply if any otherwise add 
        // a not found error
        IQ reply = (IQ)packet.createDeepCopy();

        // Look for a DiscoInfoProvider associated with the requested entity.
        // We consider the host of the recipient JID of the packet as the entity. It's the 
        // DiscoInfoProvider responsibility to provide information about the JID's name together 
        // with any possible requested node.  
        DiscoInfoProvider infoProvider = getProvider(packet.getRecipient().getHost());
        if (infoProvider != null) {
            // Get the JID's name
            String name = packet.getRecipient().getName();
            if (name == null || name.trim().length() == 0) {
                name = null;
            // Get the requested node
            XMPPFragment iq = packet.getChildFragment();
            MetaDataFragment metaData = MetaDataFragment.convertToMetaData(iq);
            String node = metaData.getProperty("query:node");
            // Check if we have information about the requested name and node
            if (infoProvider.hasInfo(name, node, packet.getSender())) {
                Element queryElement = ((XMPPDOMFragment)reply.getChildFragment()).getRootElement();

                // Add to the reply all the identities provided by the DiscoInfoProvider
                Element identity;
                Iterator identities = infoProvider.getIdentities(name, node, packet.getSender());
                while (identities.hasNext()) {
                    identity = (Element)identities.next();
                // Add to the reply all the features provided by the DiscoInfoProvider
                Element featureElement;
                Iterator features = infoProvider.getFeatures(name, node, packet.getSender());
                while (features.hasNext()) {
                    featureElement = DocumentHelper.createElement("feature");
                    featureElement.addAttribute("var", (String)features.next());

                // Add to the reply the extended info (XDataForm) provided by the DiscoInfoProvider
                XDataForm dataForm = infoProvider.getExtendedInfo(name, node, packet.getSender());
                if (dataForm != null) {
            else {
                // If the DiscoInfoProvider has no information for the requested name and node 
                // then answer a not found error
        else {
            // If we didn't find a DiscoInfoProvider then answer a not found error

        return reply;

     * Returns the DiscoInfoProvider responsible for providing information about a given entity or
     * null if none was found.
     * @param name the name of the identity.
     * @return the DiscoInfoProvider responsible for providing information about a given entity or
     *         null if none was found.
    private DiscoInfoProvider getProvider(String name) {
        return (DiscoInfoProvider)entities.get(name);

     * Sets that a given DiscoInfoProvider will provide information about a given entity. This
     * message must be used when new modules (e.g. MUC) are implemented and need to provide
     * information about them.
     * @param name     the name of the entity.
     * @param provider the DiscoInfoProvider that will provide the entity's information.
    protected void setProvider(String name, DiscoInfoProvider provider) {
        entities.put(name, provider);

     * Removes the DiscoInfoProvider related to a given entity.
     * @param name the name of the entity.
    protected void removeProvider(String name) {

     * Adds the features provided by the new service that implements the ServerFeaturesProvider
     * interface. This information will be used whenever a disco for information is made against
     * the server (i.e. the packet's target is the server).
     * Example of features are: jabber:iq:agents, jabber:iq:time, etc.
     * @param provider the ServerFeaturesProvider that provides new server features.
    public void addServerFeaturesProvider(ServerFeaturesProvider provider) {
        for (Iterator it = provider.getFeatures(); it.hasNext();) {

     * Removes the features provided by the service that implements the ServerFeaturesProvider
     * interface which is being removed. Example of features are: jabber:iq:agents,
     * jabber:iq:time, etc.
     * @param provider the ServerFeaturesProvider that was providing server features.
    public void removeServerFeaturesProvider(ServerFeaturesProvider provider) {
        for (Iterator it = provider.getFeatures(); it.hasNext();) {

    protected TrackInfo getTrackInfo() {
        TrackInfo trackInfo = super.getTrackInfo();
        // Track the implementors of ServerFeaturesProvider so that we can collect the features
        // provided by the server
        trackInfo.getTrackerClasses().put(ServerFeaturesProvider.class, "ServerFeaturesProvider");
        return trackInfo;

    public void serviceAdded(Object service) {
        if (service instanceof XMPPServer) {
            setProvider(((XMPPServer)service).getServerInfo().getName(), getServerInfoProvider());

     * Returns the DiscoInfoProvider responsible for providing information at the server level. This
     * means that this DiscoInfoProvider will provide information whenever a disco request whose
     * recipient JID is the server (e.g. localhost) is made.
     * @return the DiscoInfoProvider responsible for providing information at the server level.
    private DiscoInfoProvider getServerInfoProvider() {
        DiscoInfoProvider discoInfoProvider = new DiscoInfoProvider() {
            ArrayList identities = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList features = new ArrayList();

            public Iterator getIdentities(String name, String node, XMPPAddress senderJID) {
                synchronized (identities) {
                    if (identities.isEmpty()) {
                        Element identity = DocumentHelper.createElement("identity");
                        identity.addAttribute("category", "services");
                        identity.addAttribute("name", "Messenger Server");
                        identity.addAttribute("type", "jabber");

                return identities.iterator();

            public Iterator getFeatures(String name, String node, XMPPAddress senderJID) {
                return serverFeatures.iterator();

            public boolean hasInfo(String name, String node, XMPPAddress senderJID)
                    throws UnauthorizedException {
                return name == null && node == null;

            public XDataForm getExtendedInfo(String name, String node, XMPPAddress senderJID) {
                return null;
        return discoInfoProvider;