/** * $RCSfile$ * $Revision$ * $Date$ * * Copyright (C) 2004 Jive Software. All rights reserved. * * This software is published under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL), * a copy of which is included in this distribution. */ package org.jivesoftware.database; import java.sql.*; /** * An implementation of the Statement interface that wraps an underlying * Statement object. * * @author Gaston Dombiak */ public abstract class StatementWrapper implements Statement { protected Statement stmt; /** * Creates a new StatementWrapper that wraps <tt>stmt</tt>. * * @param stmt */ public StatementWrapper(Statement stmt) { this.stmt = stmt; } public ResultSet executeQuery(String sql) throws SQLException { return stmt.executeQuery(sql); } public int executeUpdate(String sql) throws SQLException { return stmt.executeUpdate(sql); } public void close() throws SQLException { stmt.close(); } public int getMaxFieldSize() throws SQLException { return stmt.getMaxFieldSize(); } public void setMaxFieldSize(int max) throws SQLException { stmt.setMaxFieldSize(max); } public int getMaxRows() throws SQLException { return stmt.getMaxRows(); } public void setMaxRows(int max) throws SQLException { stmt.setMaxRows(max); } public void setEscapeProcessing(boolean enable) throws SQLException { stmt.setEscapeProcessing(enable); } public int getQueryTimeout() throws SQLException { return stmt.getQueryTimeout(); } public void setQueryTimeout(int seconds) throws SQLException { stmt.setQueryTimeout(seconds); } public void cancel() throws SQLException { stmt.cancel(); } public SQLWarning getWarnings() throws SQLException { return stmt.getWarnings(); } public void clearWarnings() throws SQLException { stmt.clearWarnings(); } public void setCursorName(String name) throws SQLException { stmt.setCursorName(name); } public boolean execute(String sql) throws SQLException { return stmt.execute(sql); } public ResultSet getResultSet() throws SQLException { return stmt.getResultSet(); } public int getUpdateCount() throws SQLException { return stmt.getUpdateCount(); } public boolean getMoreResults() throws SQLException { return stmt.getMoreResults(); } public void setFetchDirection(int direction) throws SQLException { stmt.setFetchDirection(direction); } public int getFetchDirection() throws SQLException { return stmt.getFetchDirection(); } public void setFetchSize(int rows) throws SQLException { stmt.setFetchSize(rows); } public int getFetchSize() throws SQLException { return stmt.getFetchSize(); } public int getResultSetConcurrency() throws SQLException { return stmt.getResultSetConcurrency(); } public int getResultSetType() throws SQLException { return stmt.getResultSetType(); } public void addBatch(String sql) throws SQLException { stmt.addBatch(sql); } public void clearBatch() throws SQLException { stmt.clearBatch(); } public int[] executeBatch() throws SQLException { return stmt.executeBatch(); } public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException { return stmt.getConnection(); } public boolean getMoreResults(int current) throws SQLException { return stmt.getMoreResults(current); } public ResultSet getGeneratedKeys() throws SQLException { return stmt.getGeneratedKeys(); } public int executeUpdate(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys) throws SQLException { return stmt.executeUpdate(sql, autoGeneratedKeys); } public int executeUpdate(String sql, int columnIndexes[]) throws SQLException { return stmt.executeUpdate(sql, columnIndexes); } public int executeUpdate(String sql, String columnNames[]) throws SQLException { return stmt.executeUpdate(sql, columnNames); } public boolean execute(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys) throws SQLException { return stmt.execute(sql, autoGeneratedKeys); } public boolean execute(String sql, int columnIndexes[]) throws SQLException { return stmt.execute(sql, columnIndexes); } public boolean execute(String sql, String columnNames[]) throws SQLException { return stmt.execute(sql, columnNames); } public int getResultSetHoldability() throws SQLException { return stmt.getResultSetHoldability(); } }