 * $Revision$
 * $Date$
 * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Jive Software. All rights reserved.
 * This software is published under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL),
 * a copy of which is included in this distribution, or a commercial license
 * agreement with Jive.
package org.jivesoftware.openfire.clearspace;

import org.dom4j.Document;
import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper;
import org.dom4j.Element;
import org.jivesoftware.openfire.XMPPServer;
import org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.User;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

 * @author Gabriel Guardincerri
class ClearspaceVCardTranslator {

    // Represents the type of action that was performed.
    enum Action {

     * Represents the default fields of Clearspace, this is only a subset of the fields. It only includes
     * the fields that have in common with VCards.
    enum ClearspaceField {

        TIME_ZONE("Time Zone"),
        HOME_ADDRESS("Home Address"),
        ALT_EMAIL("Alternate Email", true), //multiple - primary comes from user obj
        URL("URL", true), //multiple with primary
        PHONE("Phone Number", true); //multiple with primary

        // Used to get a field from its ID
        private static Map<Long, ClearspaceField> idMap = new HashMap<Long, ClearspaceField>();

        // Used to get a field from its name
        private static Map<String, ClearspaceField> nameMap = new HashMap<String, ClearspaceField>();

        static {
            nameMap.put(TITLE.getName(), TITLE);
            nameMap.put(DEPARTMENT.getName(), DEPARTMENT);
            nameMap.put(TIME_ZONE.getName(), TIME_ZONE);
            nameMap.put(ADDRESS.getName(), ADDRESS);
            nameMap.put(HOME_ADDRESS.getName(), HOME_ADDRESS);
            nameMap.put(ALT_EMAIL.getName(), ALT_EMAIL);
            nameMap.put(URL.getName(), URL);
            nameMap.put(PHONE.getName(), PHONE);

        // The name is fixed and can be used as ID
        private final String name;
        // The id may change, so it is updated
        private long id;
        // True if the field supports multiple values.
        private final boolean multipleValues;

         * Constructs a new field with a name
         * @param name the name of the field
        ClearspaceField(String name) {
            this(name, false);

         * Constructs a new field with a name and if it has multiple values
         * @param name           the name of the field
         * @param multipleValues true if it has multiple values
        ClearspaceField(String name, boolean multipleValues) {
            this.name = name;
            this.multipleValues = multipleValues;

        public String getName() {
            return name;

        public long getId() {
            return id;

        public boolean isMultipleValues() {
            return multipleValues;

        public void setId(long id) {
            this.id = id;
            idMap.put(id, this);

        public static ClearspaceField valueOf(long id) {
            return idMap.get(id);

        public static ClearspaceField valueOfName(String name) {
            return nameMap.get(name);


     * Represents the fields of the VCard, this is only a subset of the fields. It only includes
     * the fields that have in common with Clearspace.
    enum VCardField {

    private static ClearspaceVCardTranslator instance = new ClearspaceVCardTranslator();

     * Returns the instance of the translator
     * @return the instance.
    protected static ClearspaceVCardTranslator getInstance() {
        return instance;

     * Init the fields of clearspace based on they name.
     * @param fields the fields information
    protected void initClearspaceFieldsId(Element fields) {
        List<Element> fieldsList = fields.elements("return");
        for (Element field : fieldsList) {
            String fieldName = field.elementText("name");
            long fieldID = Long.valueOf(field.elementText("ID"));

            ClearspaceField f = ClearspaceField.valueOfName(fieldName);
            if (f != null) {


     * Translates a VCard of Openfire into profiles, user information and a avatar of Clearspace.
     * Returns what can of action has been made over the the profilesElement, userElement and avatarElement/
     * @param vCardElement    the VCard information
     * @param profilesElement the profile to add/modify/delete the information
     * @param userElement     the user to add/modify/delete the information
     * @param avatarElement   the avatar to add/modify/delete the information
     * @return a list of actions performed over the profilesElement, userElement and avatarElement
    protected Action[] translateVCard(Element vCardElement, Element profilesElement, Element userElement, Element avatarElement) {
        Action[] actions = new Action[3];

        // Gets the vCard values
        Map<VCardField, String> vCardValues = collectVCardValues(vCardElement);

        // Updates the profiles values with the vCard values
        actions[0] = updateProfilesValues(profilesElement, vCardValues);

        actions[1] = updateUserValues(userElement, vCardValues);

        actions[2] = updateAvatarValues(avatarElement, vCardValues);

        return actions;

     * Updates the avatar values based on the vCard values
     * @param avatarElement the avatar element to update
     * @param vCardValues   the vCard values with the information
     * @return the action performed
    private Action updateAvatarValues(Element avatarElement, Map<VCardField, String> vCardValues) {
        Action action = Action.NO_ACTION;

        // Gets the current avatar information
        String currContentType = avatarElement.elementText("contentType");
        String currdata = avatarElement.elementText("data");

        // Gets the vCard photo information
        String newContentType = vCardValues.get(VCardField.PHOTO_TYPE);
        String newData = vCardValues.get(VCardField.PHOTO_BINVAL);

        // Compares them
        if (currContentType == null && newContentType != null) {
            // new avatar
            action = Action.CREATE;
        } else if (currContentType != null && newContentType == null) {
            // delete
            action = Action.DELETE;
        } else if (currdata != null && !currdata.equals(newData)) {
            // modify
            action = Action.MODIFY;

        return action;

     * Updates the user values based on the vCard values
     * @param userElement the user element to update
     * @param vCardValues the vCard values
     * @return the action performed
    private Action updateUserValues(Element userElement, Map<VCardField, String> vCardValues) {
        Action action = Action.NO_ACTION;

        String fullName = vCardValues.get(VCardField.FN);

        boolean emptyName = fullName == null || "".equals(fullName.trim());

        // if the new value is not empty then update. The name can't be deleted by an empty string
        if (!emptyName) {
            WSUtils.modifyElementText(userElement, "name", fullName);
            action = Action.MODIFY;

        String email = vCardValues.get(VCardField.EMAIL_PREF_USERID);

        boolean emptyEmail = email == null || "".equals(email.trim());
        // if the new value is not empty then update. The email can't be deleted by an empty string
        if (!emptyEmail) {
            WSUtils.modifyElementText(userElement, "email", email);
            action = Action.MODIFY;
        return action;

     * Updates the values of the profiles with the values of the vCard
     * @param profiles    the profiles element to update
     * @param vCardValues the vCard values
     * @return the action performed
    private Action updateProfilesValues(Element profiles, Map<VCardField, String> vCardValues) {
        Action action = Action.NO_ACTION;

        List<Element> profilesList = profiles.elements("profiles");

        // Modify or delete current profiles
        for (Element profile : profilesList) {
            int fieldID = Integer.valueOf(profile.elementText("fieldID"));
            ClearspaceField field = ClearspaceField.valueOf(fieldID);

            // If the field is unknown, then continue with the next one
            if (field == null) {

            // Gets the field value, it could have "value" of "values"
            Element value = profile.element("value");
            if (value == null) {
                value = profile.element("values");
                // It's OK if the value still null. It could need to be modified

            // Modify or delete each field type. If newValue is null it will empty the field.
            String newValue;
            String oldValue;
            switch (field) {
                case TITLE:
                    if (modifyProfileValue(vCardValues, value, VCardField.TITLE)) {
                        action = Action.MODIFY;
                case DEPARTMENT:
                    if (modifyProfileValue(vCardValues, value, VCardField.ORG_ORGUNIT)) {
                        action = Action.MODIFY;
                case ADDRESS:
                    if (modifyProfileValue(vCardValues, value, VCardField.ADR_WORK)) {
                        action = Action.MODIFY;
                case HOME_ADDRESS:
                    if (modifyProfileValue(vCardValues, value, VCardField.ADR_HOME)) {
                        action = Action.MODIFY;
                case TIME_ZONE:
                    if (modifyProfileValue(vCardValues, value, VCardField.TZ)) {
                        action = Action.MODIFY;
                case URL:
                    if (modifyProfileValue(vCardValues, value, VCardField.URL)) {
                        action = Action.MODIFY;
                case ALT_EMAIL:
                    // Get the new value
                    newValue = vCardValues.get(VCardField.EMAIL_USERID);
                    // Get the old value
                    oldValue = value.getTextTrim();
                    // Get the mail type, i.e. HOME or WORK
                    String mailType = getFieldType(oldValue);
                    // Adds the mail type to the new value
                    newValue = addFieldType(newValue, mailType);
                    // Now the old and new values can be compared
                    if (!oldValue.equalsIgnoreCase(newValue)) {
                        value.setText(newValue == null ? "" : newValue);
                        action = Action.MODIFY;

                    // Removes the value from the map to mark that is was used
                case PHONE:
                    // Get all the phones numbers
                    String newHomePhone = vCardValues.get(VCardField.PHONE_HOME);
                    String newWorkPhone = vCardValues.get(VCardField.PHONE_WORK);
                    String newWorkFax = vCardValues.get(VCardField.FAX_WORK);
                    String newWorkMobile = vCardValues.get(VCardField.MOBILE_WORK);
                    String newWorkPager = vCardValues.get(VCardField.PAGER_WORK);
                    newValue = null;

                    oldValue = value.getTextTrim();
                    String oldType = getFieldType(oldValue);

                    // Modifies the phone field that is of the same type
                    if ("work".equalsIgnoreCase(oldType)) {
                        newValue = addFieldType(newWorkPhone, oldType);

                    } else if ("home".equalsIgnoreCase(oldType)) {
                        newValue = addFieldType(newHomePhone, oldType);

                    } else if ("fax".equalsIgnoreCase(oldType)) {
                        newValue = addFieldType(newWorkFax, oldType);

                    } else if ("mobile".equalsIgnoreCase(oldType)) {
                        newValue = addFieldType(newWorkMobile, oldType);

                    } else if ("pager".equalsIgnoreCase(oldType)) {
                        newValue = addFieldType(newWorkPager, oldType);

                    } else if ("other".equalsIgnoreCase(oldType)) {
                        // No phone to update
                        // Removes the values from the map to mark that is was used

                    // If newValue and oldValue are different the update the field
                    if (!oldValue.equals(newValue)) {
                        value.setText(newValue == null ? "" : newValue);
                        action = Action.MODIFY;

                    // Removes the values from the map to mark that is was used

        // Add new profiles that remains in the vCardValues, those are new profiles.

        if (vCardValues.containsKey(VCardField.TITLE)) {
            String newValue = vCardValues.get(VCardField.TITLE);
            if (addProfile(profiles, ClearspaceField.TITLE, newValue)) {
                action = Action.MODIFY;

        if (vCardValues.containsKey(VCardField.ORG_ORGUNIT)) {
            String newValue = vCardValues.get(VCardField.ORG_ORGUNIT);
            if (addProfile(profiles, ClearspaceField.DEPARTMENT, newValue)) {
                action = Action.MODIFY;

        if (vCardValues.containsKey(VCardField.ADR_WORK)) {
            String newValue = vCardValues.get(VCardField.ADR_WORK);
            if (addProfile(profiles, ClearspaceField.ADDRESS, newValue)) {
                action = Action.MODIFY;

        if (vCardValues.containsKey(VCardField.ADR_HOME)) {
            String newValue = vCardValues.get(VCardField.ADR_HOME);
            if (addProfile(profiles, ClearspaceField.HOME_ADDRESS, newValue)) {
                action = Action.MODIFY;

        if (vCardValues.containsKey(VCardField.TZ)) {
            String newValue = vCardValues.get(VCardField.TZ);
            if (addProfile(profiles, ClearspaceField.TIME_ZONE, newValue)) {
                action = Action.MODIFY;

        if (vCardValues.containsKey(VCardField.URL)) {
            String newValue = vCardValues.get(VCardField.URL);
            if (addProfile(profiles, ClearspaceField.URL, newValue)) {
                action = Action.MODIFY;

        if (vCardValues.containsKey(VCardField.EMAIL_USERID)) {
            String newValue = vCardValues.get(VCardField.EMAIL_USERID);
            newValue = addFieldType(newValue, "work");
            if (addProfile(profiles, ClearspaceField.ALT_EMAIL, newValue)) {
                action = Action.MODIFY;

        // Adds just one phone number, the first one. Clearspace doesn't support more than one.
        if (vCardValues.containsKey(VCardField.PHONE_WORK)) {
            String newValue = vCardValues.get(VCardField.PHONE_WORK);
            newValue = addFieldType(newValue, "work");
            if (addProfile(profiles, ClearspaceField.PHONE, newValue)) {
                action = Action.MODIFY;

        } else if (vCardValues.containsKey(VCardField.PHONE_HOME)) {
            String newValue = vCardValues.get(VCardField.PHONE_HOME);
            newValue = addFieldType(newValue, "home");
            if (addProfile(profiles, ClearspaceField.PHONE, newValue)) {
                action = Action.MODIFY;

        } else if (vCardValues.containsKey(VCardField.FAX_WORK)) {
            String newValue = vCardValues.get(VCardField.FAX_WORK);
            newValue = addFieldType(newValue, "fax");
            if (addProfile(profiles, ClearspaceField.PHONE, newValue)) {
                action = Action.MODIFY;

        } else if (vCardValues.containsKey(VCardField.MOBILE_WORK)) {
            String newValue = vCardValues.get(VCardField.MOBILE_WORK);
            newValue = addFieldType(newValue, "mobile");
            if (addProfile(profiles, ClearspaceField.PHONE, newValue)) {
                action = Action.MODIFY;

        } else if (vCardValues.containsKey(VCardField.PAGER_WORK)) {
            String newValue = vCardValues.get(VCardField.PAGER_WORK);
            newValue = addFieldType(newValue, "pager");
            if (addProfile(profiles, ClearspaceField.PHONE, newValue)) {
                action = Action.MODIFY;

        return action;

     * Adds a profiles element to the profiles if it is not empty
     * @param profiles the profiles to add a profile to
     * @param field    the field type to add
     * @param newValue the value to add
     * @return true if the field was added
    private boolean addProfile(Element profiles, ClearspaceField field, String newValue) {
        // Don't add empty vales
        if (newValue == null || "".equals(newValue.trim())) {
            return false;

        Element profile = profiles.addElement("profiles");
        if (field.isMultipleValues()) {
        } else {
        return true;

     * Modifies the value of a profile if it is different from the original one.
     * @param vCardValues the vCard values with the new values
     * @param value       the current value of the profile
     * @param vCardField  the vCard field
     * @return true if the field was modified
    private boolean modifyProfileValue(Map<VCardField, String> vCardValues, Element value, VCardField vCardField) {
        boolean modified = false;
        String newValue = vCardValues.get(vCardField);

        // Modifies or deletes the value
        if (!value.getTextTrim().equals(newValue)) {
            value.setText(newValue == null ? "" : newValue);
            modified = true;

        // Remove the vCard value to mark that it was used

        return modified;

     * Adds the field type to the field value. Returns null if the value is empty.
     * @param value the value
     * @param type  the type
     * @return the field value with the type
    private String addFieldType(String value, String type) {
        if (value == null || "".equals(value.trim())) {
            return null;
        return value + "|" + type;

     * Returns the field type of a field. Return null if the field doesn't
     * contains a type
     * @param field the field with the type
     * @return the field type
    private String getFieldType(String field) {
        int i = field.indexOf("|");
        if (i == -1) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return field.substring(i + 1);

     * Returns the field value of a field. Return the field if the field doesn't
     * contains a type.
     * @param field the field
     * @return the field value
    private String getFieldValue(String field) {
        int i = field.indexOf("|");
        if (i == -1) {
            return field;
        } else {
            return field.substring(0, i);

     * Collects the vCard values and store them into a map.
     * They are stored with the VCardField enum.
     * @param vCardElement the vCard with the information
     * @return a map of the value of the vCard.
    private Map<VCardField, String> collectVCardValues(Element vCardElement) {

        Map<VCardField, String> vCardValues = new HashMap<VCardField, String>();

        // Add the Title
        vCardValues.put(VCardField.TITLE, vCardElement.elementText("TITLE"));

        // Add the Department
        Element orgElement = vCardElement.element("ORG");
        if (orgElement != null) {
            vCardValues.put(VCardField.ORG_ORGUNIT, orgElement.elementText("ORGUNIT"));

        // Add the home and work address
        List<Element> addressElements = (List<Element>) vCardElement.elements("ADR");
        if (addressElements != null) {
            for (Element address : addressElements) {
                if (address.element("WORK") != null) {
                    vCardValues.put(VCardField.ADR_WORK, translateAddress(address));
                } else if (address.element("HOME") != null) {
                    vCardValues.put(VCardField.ADR_HOME, translateAddress(address));

        // Add the URL
        vCardValues.put(VCardField.URL, vCardElement.elementText("URL"));

        // Add the preferred and alternative email address
        List<Element> emailsElement = (List<Element>) vCardElement.elements("EMAIL");
        if (emailsElement != null) {
            for (Element emailElement : emailsElement) {
                if (emailElement.element("PREF") == null) {
                    vCardValues.put(VCardField.EMAIL_USERID, emailElement.elementText("USERID"));
                } else {
                    vCardValues.put(VCardField.EMAIL_PREF_USERID, emailElement.elementText("USERID"));

        // Add the full name
        vCardValues.put(VCardField.FN, vCardElement.elementText("FN"));

        // Add the time zone
        vCardValues.put(VCardField.TZ, vCardElement.elementText("TZ"));

        // Add the photo
        Element photoElement = vCardElement.element("PHOTO");
        if (photoElement != null) {
            vCardValues.put(VCardField.PHOTO_TYPE, photoElement.elementText("TYPE"));
            vCardValues.put(VCardField.PHOTO_BINVAL, photoElement.elementText("BINVAL"));

        // Add the home and work tel
        List<Element> telElements = (List<Element>) vCardElement.elements("TEL");
        if (telElements != null) {
            for (Element tel : telElements) {
                String number = tel.elementText("NUMBER");
                if (tel.element("WORK") != null) {
                    if (tel.element("VOICE") != null) {
                        vCardValues.put(VCardField.PHONE_WORK, number);

                    } else if (tel.element("FAX") != null) {
                        vCardValues.put(VCardField.FAX_WORK, number);

                    } else if (tel.element("CELL") != null) {
                        vCardValues.put(VCardField.MOBILE_WORK, number);

                    } else if (tel.element("PAGER") != null) {
                        vCardValues.put(VCardField.PAGER_WORK, number);

                } else if (tel.element("HOME") != null && tel.element("VOICE") != null) {
                    vCardValues.put(VCardField.PHONE_HOME, number);

        return vCardValues;

     * Translates the information from Clearspace into a VCard.
     * @param profile the profile
     * @param user    the user
     * @param avatar  the avatar
     * @return the vCard with the information
    protected Element translateClearspaceInfo(Element profile, User user, Element avatar) {

        Document vCardDoc = DocumentHelper.createDocument();
        Element vCard = vCardDoc.addElement("vCard", "vcard-temp");

        translateUserInformation(user, vCard);
        translateProfileInformation(profile, vCard);
        translateAvatarInformation(avatar, vCard);

        return vCard;

     * Translates the profile information to the vCard
     * @param profiles the profile information
     * @param vCard    the vCard to add the information to
    private void translateProfileInformation(Element profiles, Element vCard) {
        // Translate the profile XML

        /* Profile response sample
        <ns1:getProfileResponse xmlns:ns1="http://jivesoftware.com/clearspace/webservices">
                <value>street1:San Martin,street2:1650,city:Cap Fed,state:Buenos Aires,country:Argentina,zip:1602,type:HOME</value>
                <value>street1:Alder 2345,city:Portland,state:Oregon,country:USA,zip:32423,type:WORK</value>

        List<Element> profilesList = (List<Element>) profiles.elements("return");

        for (Element profileElement : profilesList) {
            long fieldID = Long.valueOf(profileElement.elementText("fieldID"));
            ClearspaceField field = ClearspaceField.valueOf(fieldID);

            // If the field is not known, skip it
            if (field == null) {

            // The value name of the value field could be value or values
            String fieldText = profileElement.elementText("value");
            if (fieldText == null) {
                fieldText = profileElement.elementText("values");
                // if it is an empty field, continue with the next field
                if (fieldText == null) {

            String fieldType = getFieldType(fieldText);
            String fieldValue = getFieldValue(fieldText);

            switch (field) {
                case TITLE:
                case DEPARTMENT:
                case TIME_ZONE:
                case ADDRESS:
                    Element workAdr = vCard.addElement("ADR");
                    translateAddress(fieldValue, workAdr);
                case HOME_ADDRESS:
                    Element homeAdr = vCard.addElement("ADR");
                    translateAddress(fieldValue, homeAdr);
                case URL:
                case ALT_EMAIL:
                    fieldValue = getFieldValue(fieldValue);
                    Element email = vCard.addElement("EMAIL");
                    if ("work".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldType)) {
                    } else if ("home".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldType)) {

                case PHONE:
                    Element tel = vCard.addElement("TEL");

                    if ("home".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldType)) {

                    } else if ("work".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldType)) {

                    } else if ("fax".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldType)) {

                    } else if ("mobile".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldType)) {

                    } else if ("pager".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldType)) {

                    } else if ("other".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldType)) {
                        // don't send

     * Translates the user information to the vCard
     * @param user  the user information
     * @param vCard the vCard to add the information to
    private void translateUserInformation(User user, Element vCard) {
        // Only set the name to the VCard if it is visible
        if (user.isNameVisible()) {

        // Only set the eamail to the VCard if it is visible
        if (user.isEmailVisible()) {
            Element email = vCard.addElement("EMAIL");

        String jid = XMPPServer.getInstance().createJID(user.getUsername(), null).toBareJID();

     * Translates the avatar information to the vCard.
     * @param avatarResponse the avatar information
     * @param vCard          the vCard to add the information to
    private void translateAvatarInformation(Element avatarResponse, Element vCard) {
        Element avatar = avatarResponse.element("return");
        if (avatar != null) {
            Element attachment = avatar.element("attachment");
            if (attachment != null) {
                String contentType = attachment.elementText("contentType");
                String data = attachment.elementText("data");

                // Add the avatar to the vCard
                Element photo = vCard.addElement("PHOTO");

     * Translates the address string of Clearspace to the vCard format.
     * @param address  the address string of Clearspae
     * @param addressE the address element to add the address to
    private void translateAddress(String address, Element addressE) {
        StringTokenizer strTokenize = new StringTokenizer(address, ",");
        while (strTokenize.hasMoreTokens()) {
            String token = strTokenize.nextToken();
            int index = token.indexOf(":");
            String field = token.substring(0, index);
            String value = token.substring(index + 1);

            if ("street1".equals(field)) {

            } else if ("street2".equals(field)) {

            } else if ("city".equals(field)) {

            } else if ("state".equals(field)) {

            } else if ("country".equals(field)) {

            } else if ("zip".equals(field)) {

            } else if ("type".equals(field)) {
                if ("HOME".equals(value)) {
                } else if ("WORK".equals(value)) {


     * Translates the address form the vCard format to the Clearspace string.
     * @param addressElement the address in the vCard format
     * @return the address int the Clearspace format
    private String translateAddress(Element addressElement) {

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        translateAddressField(addressElement, "STREET", "street1", sb);

        translateAddressField(addressElement, "EXTADD", "street2", sb);

        translateAddressField(addressElement, "LOCALITY", "city", sb);

        translateAddressField(addressElement, "REGION", "state", sb);

        translateAddressField(addressElement, "CTRY", "country", sb);

        translateAddressField(addressElement, "PCODE", "zip", sb);

        // if there is no address return an empty string
        if (sb.length() == 0) {
            return "";

        // if there is an address add the home or work type
        if (addressElement.element("HOME") != null) {
        } else if (addressElement.element("WORK") != null) {

        return sb.toString();

     * Translates the address field from the vCard format to the Clearspace format.
     * @param addressElement the vCard address
     * @param vCardFieldName the vCard field name
     * @param fieldName      the Clearspace field name
     * @param sb             the string builder to append the field string to
    private void translateAddressField(Element addressElement, String vCardFieldName, String fieldName, StringBuilder sb) {
        String field = addressElement.elementTextTrim(vCardFieldName);
        if (field != null && !"".equals(field)) {
