Commit fc04a98c authored by dwd's avatar dwd

Merge pull request #42 from sco0ter/of178

Remove dispensable logic in the IQOwnerHandler, which deals with MUC aff...
parents 4a39f113 36d45788
......@@ -130,23 +130,17 @@ public class IQOwnerHandler {
room.destroyRoom(alternateJID, destroyElement.elementTextTrim("reason"));
else {
List<Element> itemsList = element.elements("item");
if (!itemsList.isEmpty()) {
handleItemsElement(itemsList, role, reply);
// If no element was included in the query element then answer the
// configuration form
if (!element.elementIterator().hasNext()) {
// An unknown and possibly incorrect element was included in the query
// element so answer a BAD_REQUEST error
else {
// If no element was included in the query element then answer the
// configuration form
if (!element.elementIterator().hasNext()) {
// An unknown and possibly incorrect element was included in the query
// element so answer a BAD_REQUEST error
else {
......@@ -157,161 +151,6 @@ public class IQOwnerHandler {
* Handles packets that includes item elements. Depending on the item's attributes the
* interpretation of the request may differ. For example, an item that only contains the
* "affiliation" attribute is requesting the list of owners or admins. Whilst if the item
* contains the affiliation together with a jid means that the client is changing the
* affiliation of the requested jid.
* @param itemsList the list of items sent by the client.
* @param senderRole the role of the user that sent the items.
* @param reply the iq packet that will be sent back as a reply to the client's request.
* @throws ForbiddenException if the user does not have enough permissions.
* @throws ConflictException If the room was going to lose all of its owners.
* @throws CannotBeInvitedException If the user being invited as a result of being added to a members-only room still does not have permission
private void handleItemsElement(List<Element> itemsList, MUCRole senderRole, IQ reply)
throws ForbiddenException, ConflictException, CannotBeInvitedException {
boolean hasJID = itemsList.get(0).attributeValue("jid") != null;
boolean hasNick = itemsList.get(0).attributeValue("nick") != null;
// Check if the client is requesting or changing the list of owners/admin
if (!hasJID && !hasNick) {
// The client is requesting the list of owners or admins
for (final Element item : itemsList) {
String affiliation = item.attributeValue("affiliation");
// Create the result that will hold an item for each owner or admin
Element result = reply.setChildElement("query", "");
// muc#owner shouldn't be used as namespace for owner and admin
// listings according to the newest versions of XEP-0045
// this code remains here for backwards compatibility
if ("owner".equals(affiliation)) {
// The client is requesting the list of owners
Element ownerMetaData;
MUCRole role;
for (JID jid : room.getOwners()) {
ownerMetaData = result.addElement("item", "");
ownerMetaData.addAttribute("affiliation", "owner");
ownerMetaData.addAttribute("jid", jid.toString());
// Add role and nick to the metadata if the user is in the room
try {
List<MUCRole> roles = room.getOccupantsByBareJID(jid);
role = roles.get(0);
ownerMetaData.addAttribute("role", role.getRole().toString());
ownerMetaData.addAttribute("nick", role.getNickname());
catch (UserNotFoundException e) {
// Do nothing
} else if ("admin".equals(affiliation)) {
// The client is requesting the list of admins
Element adminMetaData;
MUCRole role;
for (JID jid : room.getAdmins()) {
adminMetaData = result.addElement("item", "");
adminMetaData.addAttribute("affiliation", "admin");
adminMetaData.addAttribute("jid", jid.toString());
// Add role and nick to the metadata if the user is in the room
try {
List<MUCRole> roles = room.getOccupantsByBareJID(jid);
role = roles.get(0);
adminMetaData.addAttribute("role", role.getRole().toString());
adminMetaData.addAttribute("nick", role.getNickname());
catch (UserNotFoundException e) {
// Do nothing
} else {
else {
// The client is modifying the list of owners or admins
Map<JID,String> jids = new HashMap<JID,String>();
String nick;
// Collect the new affiliations for the specified jids
for (final Element item : itemsList) {
try {
String affiliation = item.attributeValue("affiliation");
if (hasJID) {
jids.put(new JID(item.attributeValue("jid")), affiliation);
} else {
// Get the bare JID based on the requested nick
nick = item.attributeValue("nick");
for (MUCRole role : room.getOccupantsByNickname(nick)) {
JID jid = role.getUserAddress();
if (!jids.containsKey(jid)) {
jids.put(jid, affiliation);
catch (UserNotFoundException e) {
// Do nothing
// Keep a registry of the updated presences
List<Presence> presences = new ArrayList<Presence>(jids.size());
try {
// Check if all the existing owners are being removed
if (jids.keySet().containsAll(room.owners)) {
// Answer a conflict error if we are only removing ALL the owners
if (!jids.containsValue("owner")) {
throw new ConflictException();
try {
for (JID jid : jids.keySet()) {
String targetAffiliation = jids.get(jid);
// muc#owner shouldn't be used as namespace for owner and admin
// changes according to the newest versions of XEP-0045
// this code remains here for backwards compatibility
if ("owner".equals(targetAffiliation)) {
// Add the new user as an owner of the room
presences.addAll(room.addOwner(jid, senderRole));
} else if ("admin".equals(targetAffiliation)) {
// Add the new user as an admin of the room
presences.addAll(room.addAdmin(jid, senderRole));
} else if ("member".equals(targetAffiliation)) {
// Add the new user as a member of the room
boolean hadAffiliation = room.getAffiliation(jid) != MUCRole.Affiliation.none;
presences.addAll(room.addMember(jid, null, senderRole));
// If the user had an affiliation don't send an invitation. Otherwise
// send an invitation if the room is members-only and skipping invites
// are not disabled system-wide xmpp.muc.skipInvite
if (!skipInvite && !hadAffiliation && room.isMembersOnly()) {
room.sendInvitation(jid, null, senderRole, null);
} else if ("none".equals(targetAffiliation)) {
// Set that this jid has a NONE affiliation
presences.addAll(room.addNone(jid, senderRole));
finally {
finally {
// Send the updated presences to the room occupants
for (Presence presence : presences) {
* Handles packets that includes a data form. The data form was sent using an element with name
* "x" and namespace "jabber:x:data".
......@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ public class MonitorProvider implements WorkgroupProvider {
Element query = iqPacket.setChildElement("query", "");
Element query = iqPacket.setChildElement("query", "");
Element item = query.addElement("item");
item.addAttribute("affiliation", "owner");
item.addAttribute("jid", packet.getFrom().toBareJID());
......@@ -82,22 +82,14 @@
userJID = username + rest.trim();
IQ iq = new IQ(IQ.Type.set);
if ("owner".equals(affiliation) || "admin".equals(affiliation)) {
Element frag = iq.setChildElement("query", "");
Element item = frag.addElement("item");
item.addAttribute("affiliation", affiliation);
item.addAttribute("jid", userJID);
// Send the IQ packet that will modify the room's configuration
room.getIQOwnerHandler().handleIQ(iq, room.getRole());
else if ("member".equals(affiliation) || "outcast".equals(affiliation)) {
Element frag = iq.setChildElement("query", "");
Element item = frag.addElement("item");
item.addAttribute("affiliation", affiliation);
item.addAttribute("jid", userJID);
// Send the IQ packet that will modify the room's configuration
room.getIQAdminHandler().handleIQ(iq, room.getRole());
Element frag = iq.setChildElement("query", "");
Element item = frag.addElement("item");
item.addAttribute("affiliation", affiliation);
item.addAttribute("jid", userJID);
// Send the IQ packet that will modify the room's configuration
room.getIQAdminHandler().handleIQ(iq, room.getRole());
// Log the event
webManager.logEvent("set MUC affilation to "+affiliation+" for "+userJID+" in "+roomName, null);
// done, return
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