Commit f0c31186 authored by Daniel Henninger's avatar Daniel Henninger Committed by dhenninger

[GATE-133] Updates to get DWR working, no success yet, note that this -breaks-...

[GATE-133] Updates to get DWR working, no success yet, note that this -breaks- the gateway settings page. Do not use unless you are working on fixing it.

git-svn-id: b35dd754-fafc-0310-a699-88a17e54d16e
parent 6cb2a679
File added
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Name | Version
cindy.jar | 2.4.4
dwr.jar | 1.1.3
irclib.jar | 1.10
jml.jar | svn-20061109
jml.jar | svn-20061124
joscar-client.jar | svn-20061113
joscar-common.jar | svn-20061026
joscar-protocol.jar | svn-20061113
* $Revision$
* $Date$
* Copyright (C) 2006 Jive Software. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL),
* a copy of which is included in this distribution.
package org.jivesoftware.wildfire.gateway.web;
import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.jivesoftware.util.Log;
* IM Gateway DWR servlet
* Handles DWR configuration/etc for AJAX interaction.
* @author Daniel Henninger
public class GatewayDWR extends DWRServlet {
private Document document;
public void configure(ServletConfig servletConfig, Configuration configuration) throws ServletException {
try {
DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder builder = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
document = builder.newDocument();
Element root = document.createElement("dwr");
Element allowElement = document.createElement("allow");
Element timElement = buildCreator("TransportInstanceManager", "org.jivesoftware.wildfire.gateway.TransportInstanceManager");
//allowElement.appendChild(buildCreator("TransportInstanceManager", "org.jivesoftware.wildfire.gateway.web.TransportInstanceManager"));
catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
Log.error("Error configuring DWR for gateway plugin: ", e);
* Builds a create element within the DWR servlet.
* @param javascriptID the javascript variable name to use.
* @param qualifiedClassName the fully qualified class name.
* @return the Element.
private Element buildCreator(String javascriptID, String qualifiedClassName) {
Element element = document.createElement("create");
element.setAttribute("creator", "new");
element.setAttribute("javascript", javascriptID);
Element parameter = document.createElement("param");
parameter.setAttribute("name", "class");
parameter.setAttribute("value", qualifiedClassName);
return element;
* $Revision$
* $Date$
* Copyright (C) 2006 Jive Software. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL),
* a copy of which is included in this distribution.
package org.jivesoftware.wildfire.gateway.web;
import org.jivesoftware.wildfire.container.PluginManager;
import org.jivesoftware.wildfire.XMPPServer;
import org.jivesoftware.wildfire.gateway.GatewayPlugin;
* Transport Instance Manager
* Handles web interface interactions with the transport instances.
* @author Daniel Henninger
public class TransportInstanceManager {
* Toggles whether a transport is enabled or disabled.
* @param transportName Name of the transport to be enabled or disabled (type of transport)
* @return True or false if the transport is enabled after this call.
public boolean toggleTransport(String transportName) {
PluginManager pluginManager = XMPPServer.getInstance().getPluginManager();
GatewayPlugin plugin = (GatewayPlugin)pluginManager.getPlugin("gateway");
if (!plugin.serviceEnabled(transportName)) {
return true;
else {
return false;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN" "">
<!-- Servlets -->
<display-name>DWR Servlet</display-name>
<description>Direct Web Remoter Servlet</description>
<!-- Servlet mappings -->
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
<!-- BEGIN gateway - <%= this.gatewayType.toString().toUpperCase() %> -->
<div <%= ((!this.gwEnabled) ? " class='jive-gateway jive-gatewayDisabled'" : "class='jive-gateway'") %> id="jive<%= this.gatewayType.toString().toUpperCase() %>">
<label for="jive<%= this.gatewayType.toString().toUpperCase() %>checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" name="gateway" value="<%= this.gatewayType.toString().toLowerCase() %>" id="jive<%= this.gatewayType.toString().toUpperCase() %>checkbox" <%= ((this.gwEnabled) ? "checked" : "") %> onClick="toggleGW('<%= this.gatewayType.toString().toLowerCase() %>','jive<%= this.gatewayType.toString().toUpperCase() %>checkbox'); checkToggle(jive<%= this.gatewayType.toString().toUpperCase() %>); return true">
<input type="checkbox" name="gateway" value="<%= this.gatewayType.toString().toLowerCase() %>" id="jive<%= this.gatewayType.toString().toUpperCase() %>checkbox" <%= ((this.gwEnabled) ? "checked" : "") %> onClick="TransportInstanceManager.toggleTransport('<%= this.gatewayType.toString().toLowerCase() %>'); checkToggle(jive<%= this.gatewayType.toString().toUpperCase() %>); return true">
<img src="images/<%= this.gatewayType.toString().toLowerCase() %>.gif" alt="" border="0">
<strong><%= this.description %></strong>
......@@ -145,6 +145,16 @@
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="scripts/gateways.js"></script>
<script src="dwr/engine.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="dwr/util.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="dwr/interface/TransportInstanceManager.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" >
function handleError(error) {
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