Commit c892d26b authored by Greg Thomas's avatar Greg Thomas Committed by akrherz

HZ-5: Make immutable fields final

parent 1c1e832c
......@@ -85,33 +85,33 @@ public class ClusterListener implements MembershipListener, LifecycleListener {
* Caches stored in RoutingTable
private Cache<String, ClientRoute> C2SCache;
private Cache<String, ClientRoute> anonymousC2SCache;
private Cache<DomainPair, byte[]> S2SCache;
private Cache<String, Set<NodeID>> componentsCache;
private final Cache<String, ClientRoute> C2SCache;
private final Cache<String, ClientRoute> anonymousC2SCache;
private final Cache<DomainPair, byte[]> S2SCache;
private final Cache<String, Set<NodeID>> componentsCache;
* Caches stored in SessionManager
private Cache<String, ClientSessionInfo> sessionInfoCache;
private Cache<String, byte[]> componentSessionsCache;
private Cache<String, byte[]> multiplexerSessionsCache;
private Cache<String, byte[]> incomingServerSessionsCache;
private final Cache<String, ClientSessionInfo> sessionInfoCache;
private final Cache<String, byte[]> componentSessionsCache;
private final Cache<String, byte[]> multiplexerSessionsCache;
private final Cache<String, byte[]> incomingServerSessionsCache;
* Caches stored in PresenceUpdateHandler
private Cache<String, Collection<DirectedPresence>> directedPresencesCache;
private final Cache<String, Collection<DirectedPresence>> directedPresencesCache;
private Map<NodeID, Set<String>[]> nodeSessions = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private Map<NodeID, Set<DomainPair>> nodeRoutes = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private Map<NodeID, Map<String, Collection<String>>> nodePresences = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final Map<NodeID, Set<String>[]> nodeSessions = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final Map<NodeID, Set<DomainPair>> nodeRoutes = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final Map<NodeID, Map<String, Collection<String>>> nodePresences = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private boolean seniorClusterMember = CacheFactory.isSeniorClusterMember();
private Map<Cache<?,?>, EntryListener> entryListeners = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<Cache<?,?>, EntryListener> entryListeners = new HashMap<>();
private Cluster cluster;
private Map<String, ClusterNodeInfo> clusterNodesInfo = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final Cluster cluster;
private final Map<String, ClusterNodeInfo> clusterNodesInfo = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* Flag that indicates if the listener has done all clean up work when noticed that the
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ public class ClusteredCacheFactory implements CacheFactoryStrategy {
private static final boolean HAZELCAST_JMX_ENABLED =
JiveGlobals.getBooleanProperty("hazelcast.config.jmx.enabled", false);
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ClusteredCacheFactory.class);
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ClusteredCacheFactory.class);
* Keep serialization strategy the server was using before we set our strategy. We will
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