Commit c399e891 authored by akrherz's avatar akrherz Committed by Guus der Kinderen

OF-1368 Display more-useful admin console msg on user@ login failures

parent 23fa6f11
......@@ -1088,6 +1088,9 @@ login.failed.unauthorized=Login failed: make sure your username and password are
or moderator.
login.failed.connection=Login failed: make sure your the user and group system is up and running.
login.failed.authentication=Login failed: Openfire wasn't able to authenticate itself to the users system.
login.failed.lookslikeemail=Login failed: You provided what appears to be an email address, consider \
using just the user part (everything before the @). Typical installations use just 'admin' \
as the username.
<%@ page import="org.jivesoftware.admin.AdminConsole,
......@@ -144,9 +141,14 @@
catch (UnauthorizedException ue) {
LoginLimitManager.getInstance().recordFailedAttempt(username, request.getRemoteAddr());
// Provide a special message if the user provided something containing @
if (username.contains("@")){
errors.put("unauthorized", LocaleUtils.getLocalizedString("login.failed.lookslikeemail"));
} else {
errors.put("unauthorized", LocaleUtils.getLocalizedString("login.failed.unauthorized"));
// Escape HTML tags in username to prevent cross-site scripting attacks. This
// is necessary because we display the username in the page below.
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