Commit 9a3b85ca authored by Gaston Dombiak's avatar Gaston Dombiak Committed by gato

Failure to compile a plugin will not stop the entire build process (just that plugin).

git-svn-id: b35dd754-fafc-0310-a699-88a17e54d16e
parent 6ced27ce
......@@ -1271,6 +1271,8 @@
<attribute name="pluginsrc"/>
<attribute name="pluginlib" default="${}/@{plugin}/work/lib" />
<trycatch property="message_ref" reference="exception_ref" >
<!-- For each plugin, copile code, make a jar and copy resources. -->
<mkdir dir="${}"/>
......@@ -1582,8 +1584,15 @@
<!-- Delete the exploded plugin -->
<delete dir="${}/@{plugin}/jar"/>
<property name="exception" refid="exception_ref" />
<property name="message" value="Error building plugin: @{plugin}. Exception:${line.separator}${exception}" />
<echo message="${message}" />
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