Commit 95ef5198 authored by Daniel Henninger's avatar Daniel Henninger Committed by dhenninger

Fixed calls to clearspace and cleaned up manager.

git-svn-id: b35dd754-fafc-0310-a699-88a17e54d16e
parent 516e319f
......@@ -272,7 +272,9 @@ public class ClearspaceManager extends BasicModule implements ExternalComponentM
String path = ClearspaceAuthProvider.URL_PREFIX + "authenticate/" + username + "/" + password;
executeRequest(GET, path);
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {}
} catch (Exception e) {
// Nothing to do.
return false;
......@@ -287,9 +289,11 @@ public class ClearspaceManager extends BasicModule implements ExternalComponentM
try {
String path = ClearspaceUserProvider.USER_URL_PREFIX + "users/count";
Element element = executeRequest(GET, path);
int count = Integer.valueOf(getReturn(element));
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {}
} catch (Exception e) {
// Nothing to do.
return false;
......@@ -410,26 +414,28 @@ public class ClearspaceManager extends BasicModule implements ExternalComponentM
private synchronized void configClearspace() throws UnauthorizedException {
try {
List<String> bindInterfaces = getServerInterfaces();
if (bindInterfaces.size() == 0) {
// We aren't up and running enough to tell Clearspace what interfaces to bind to.
XMPPServerInfo serverInfo = XMPPServer.getInstance().getServerInfo();
// TODO use the post method
// Creates the XML with the data
Document groupDoc = DocumentHelper.createDocument();
Element rootE = groupDoc.addElement("connect");
Element domainE = rootE.addElement("domain");
Element hostsE = rootE.addElement("hosts");
List<String> bindInterfaces = getServerInterfaces();
Element portE = rootE.addElement("port");
executeRequest(POST, path, rootE.asXML());
List<String> bindInterfaces = getServerInterfaces();
// TODO: Eventually we would like to get POST support working properly.
// String path = IM_URL_PREFIX + "configureComponent/";
// // Creates the XML with the data
// Document groupDoc = DocumentHelper.createDocument();
// Element rootE = groupDoc.addElement("configureComponent");
// Element domainE = rootE.addElement("domain");
// domainE.setText(serverInfo.getXMPPDomain());
// Element hostsE = rootE.addElement("hosts");
// hostsE.setText(WSUtils.marshallList(bindInterfaces));
// Element portE = rootE.addElement("port");
// portE.setText(String.valueOf(ExternalComponentManager.getServicePort()));
// executeRequest(POST, path, rootE.asXML());
String path = IM_URL_PREFIX + "configureComponent/" + serverInfo.getXMPPDomain() +
"/" + WSUtils.marshallList(bindInterfaces) +
......@@ -465,19 +471,17 @@ public class ClearspaceManager extends BasicModule implements ExternalComponentM
int adminSecurePort = JiveGlobals.getXMLProperty("adminConsole.securePort", 9091);
if (bindInterface == null) {
Enumeration<NetworkInterface> nets = null;
try {
nets = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();
} catch (SocketException e) {
// We failed to discover a valid IP address where the admin console is running
return null;
Enumeration<NetworkInterface> nets = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();
for (NetworkInterface netInterface : Collections.list(nets)) {
Enumeration<InetAddress> addresses = netInterface.getInetAddresses();
for (InetAddress address : Collections.list(addresses)) {
if ("".equals(address.getHostAddress())) {
if (address.getHostAddress().startsWith("0.")) {
Socket socket = new Socket();
InetSocketAddress remoteAddress = new InetSocketAddress(address, adminPort > 0 ? adminPort : adminSecurePort);
try {
......@@ -489,6 +493,10 @@ public class ClearspaceManager extends BasicModule implements ExternalComponentM
} catch (SocketException e) {
// We failed to discover a valid IP address where the admin console is running
return null;
return bindInterfaces;
......@@ -496,24 +504,23 @@ public class ClearspaceManager extends BasicModule implements ExternalComponentM
private void updateClearspaceSharedSecret(String newSecret) {
try {
// Keeping this around for the moment just in case.
String path = IM_URL_PREFIX + "updateSharedSecret/" + newSecret;
executeRequest(GET, path);
//TODO use the post method
// Creates the XML with the data
Document groupDoc = DocumentHelper.createDocument();
Element rootE = groupDoc.addElement("updateSharedSecret");
executeRequest(POST, path, groupDoc.asXML());
// TODO: We should switch to POST once we figure out why it's not behaving.
// String path = IM_URL_PREFIX + "updateSharedSecret/";
// // Creates the XML with the data
// Document groupDoc = DocumentHelper.createDocument();
// Element rootE = groupDoc.addElement("updateSharedSecret");
// rootE.addElement("newSecret").setText(newSecret);
// executeRequest(POST, path, groupDoc.asXML());
} catch (UnauthorizedException ue) {
// TODO what should happen here? should continue?
// TODO: what should happen here? should continue?
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO what should happen here? should continue?
// TODO: what should happen here? should continue?
......@@ -653,8 +660,8 @@ public class ClearspaceManager extends BasicModule implements ExternalComponentM
// Get the exception class and message if any
int index = exceptionText.indexOf(":");
String className = null;
String message = null;
String className;
String message;
// If there is no massege, save the class only
if (index == -1) {
className = exceptionText;
......@@ -671,7 +678,7 @@ public class ClearspaceManager extends BasicModule implements ExternalComponentM
//Tries to create an instance with the message
Exception exception = null;
Exception exception;
try {
Class exceptionClass = Class.forName(className);
if (message == null) {
......@@ -691,10 +698,10 @@ public class ClearspaceManager extends BasicModule implements ExternalComponentM
* Returns the Clearspace user id the user.
* @param username
* @return
* @throws org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserNotFoundException
* Returns the Clearspace user id the user by username.
* @param username Username to retrieve ID of.
* @return The ID number of the user in Clearspace.
* @throws org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserNotFoundException If the user was not found.
protected long getUserID(String username) throws UserNotFoundException {
// todo implement cache
......@@ -708,14 +715,13 @@ public class ClearspaceManager extends BasicModule implements ExternalComponentM
* Returns the Clearspace user id the user.
* @param user
* @return
* @throws org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserNotFoundException
* Returns the Clearspace user id the user by JID.
* @param user JID of user to retrieve ID of.
* @return The ID number of the user in Clearspace.
* @throws org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserNotFoundException If the user was not found.
protected long getUserID(JID user) throws UserNotFoundException {
// todo implement cache
//todo tema de si es local o no
// TODO: implement cache, after we are listening for user events from Clearspace.
XMPPServer server = XMPPServer.getInstance();
String username = server.isLocal(user) ? JID.unescapeNode(user.getNode()) : user.toString();
try {
......@@ -734,12 +740,12 @@ public class ClearspaceManager extends BasicModule implements ExternalComponentM
* Returns the Clearspace group id of the group.
* @param groupname
* @return
* @throws
* @param groupname Name of the group to retrieve ID of.
* @return The ID number of the group in Clearspace.
* @throws If the group was not found.
protected long getGroupID(String groupname) throws GroupNotFoundException {
// todo implement cache
// TODO: implement cache, after we are listening for group events from Clearspace.
try {
String path = ClearspaceGroupProvider.URL_PREFIX + "groups/" + groupname;
Element element = executeRequest(org.jivesoftware.openfire.clearspace.ClearspaceManager.HttpType.GET, path);
......@@ -760,7 +766,7 @@ public class ClearspaceManager extends BasicModule implements ExternalComponentM
try {
} catch (UnauthorizedException e) {
//TODO mark that there is an authorization problem
// TODO: mark that there is an authorization problem
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