Commit 89174127 authored by Gaston Dombiak's avatar Gaston Dombiak Committed by gato

Updated missing entries. JM-517

git-svn-id: b35dd754-fafc-0310-a699-88a17e54d16e
parent 78af3da4
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
## For a full changelog, refer to the English bundle,
## Updated for release: 2.4.2 (missing translation of 'group.edit.note')
## Updated for release: 2.4.2
# Wildfire
......@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ group.edit.remove=Odstranit
group.edit.user_hint=Ve skupin\u011b nejsou \u017eadn\u00ed \u010dlenov\u00e9. Pou\u017eijte p\u0159edchoz\u00ed formul\u00e1\u0159 pro jejich p\u0159id\u00e1n\u00ed.
group.edit.inexistent_user={0} nen\u00ed registrovan\u00fd u\u017eivatel.
group.edit.already_user={0} ji\u017e je ve skupin\u011b.
group.edit.note=Note: Remote users or entities should accept presence subscriptions automatically.
group.edit.note=Pozn\u00e1mka: Vzd\u00e1len\u00ed u\u017eivatel\u00e9 nebo entity by m\u011bli p\u0159ijmout p\u0159edplatn\u00e9 prezence automaticky.
# Group summary Page
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