Commit 7cdb38b4 authored by Thiago Camargo's avatar Thiago Camargo Committed by thiago

Portuguese Translations added

git-svn-id: b35dd754-fafc-0310-a699-88a17e54d16e
parent fc03c6f5
......@@ -2019,108 +2019,107 @@ plugin.enterprise.installed = O plugin Enterprise foi instalado com sucesso. Atu
# http bind settings page
httpbind.settings.enabled.legend=Service Enabled
httpbind.settings.title=HTTP Bind Settings binding allows clients using the HTTP protocol to connect to Wildfire.
httpbind.settings.label_disable_info=Clients will not be able to connect with this server using HTTP binding.
httpbind.settings.label_enable_info=Clients can connect to this server using HTTP binding.
httpbind.settings.label_seperate=Use Admin Console Ports
httpbind.settings.label_seperate_info=The HTTP bind service will be run on the same ports as the admin console
httpbind.settings.label_same=Use Distinct Ports
httpbind.settings.label_same_info=The HTTP bind service will use distinct ports from those of the admin console
httpbind.settings.secure_port=Secure Port
httpbind.settings.error.general=An error has occured, check the log file for details.
httpbind.settings.error.port=An error has occured configuring the HTTP binding ports, check the error log for more details.
httpbind.settings.enabled.legend=Servi\u00e7o Habilitado
httpbind.settings.title=Configura\u00e7\u00f5es de HTTP Bind binding permite que os clients se conectem ao Wildfire utilizando protocolo HTTP.
httpbind.settings.label_disable_info=Os Clientes n\u00e3o poder\u00e3o se conectar a este servidor utilizando HTTP binding.
httpbind.settings.label_enable_info=Os Clientes podem se conectar a este servidor atrav\u00e9s de HTTP binding.
httpbind.settings.label_seperate=Utilizar Portas do Console Administrativo
httpbind.settings.label_seperate_info=O servi\u00e7o de HTTP bind ir\u00e1 funcionar nas mesmas portas do Console Administrativo
httpbind.settings.label_same=Utilizar portas distintas
httpbind.settings.label_same_info=O Servi\u00e7o HTTP bind utilizar\u00e1 portas distintas às portas do Console Administrativo
httpbind.settings.secure_port=Porta Segura
httpbind.settings.error.general=Um erro ocorreu, verifique o arquivo de log para detalhes.
httpbind.settings.error.port=Um erro ocorreu enquanto configurava as portas para HTTP binding, verifique o arquivo de log para detalhes.
# Profile Settings
profile-settings.title=Configura\u00e7\u00f5es de Perfis Wildfire est\u00e1 atualmente utilizando o seguinte sistema de usu\u00e1rios e grupos. Uutilizando \
LDAP \u00e9 poss\u00edvel alterar as configura\u00e7\u00f5es de integra\u00e7\u00e3o atuais. Todavia, se voc~e quer alterar o sistema de \ Wildfire est\u00e1 atualmente utilizando o seguinte sistema de usu\u00e1rios e grupos. Utilizando \
LDAP \u00e9 poss\u00edvel alterar as configura\u00e7\u00f5es de integra\u00e7\u00e3o atuais. Todavia, se você quizer alterar o sistema de \
usu\u00e1rios e grupos ent\u00e3o voc\u00ea precisar\u00e1 reinicializar o procedimento de setup.
profile-settings.ldap_mapping_info=Inform\u00e7\u00e3o de mapeamento LDAP
# Ports section/page
ports.all_ports=All addresses
ports.client_to_server=Client to server
ports.client_to_server.desc=The standard port for clients to connect to the server. Connections may or may not be \
encrypted. You can update the {0}security settings{1} for this port.
ports.client_to_server.desc_old_ssl=The port used for clients to connect to the server using the old SSL method. \
The old SSL method is not an XMPP standard method and will be deprecated in the future. You can update the \
{0}security settings{1} for this port.
ports.server_to_server=Server to Server
ports.server_to_server.desc=The port used for {0}remote servers{1} to connect to this server.
ports.connection_manager=Connection Manager
ports.connection_manager.desc=The port used for {0}connection managers{1} to connect to the server.
ports.external_components=External Components
ports.external_components.desc=The port used for {0}external components{1} to connect to the server.
ports.admin_console=Admin Console
ports.admin_console.desc_unsecured=The port used for unsecured Admin Console access.
ports.admin_console.desc_secured=The port used for secured Admin Console access.
ports.file_proxy=File Transfer Proxy
ports.file_proxy.desc=The port used for the proxy service that allows file transfers to occur between two entities \
on the XMPP network.
ports.all_ports=Todos Endere\u00e7os
ports.client_to_server.desc=Porta padr\u00e3o para conex\u00e3o ao servidor. Conex\u00f5es podem ou n\u00e3o serem encriptadas.\
Você pode alterar as {0}configura\u00e7\u00f5es de seguran\u00e7a{1} para esta porta.
ports.client_to_server.desc_old_ssl=A Porta utilizadas pelos clientes para se conectarem utilizando o antigo SSL. \
O antigo SSL n\u00e3o \u00e9 padr\u00e3o XMPP e cair\u00e1 em desuso. Voc\u00ea pode atualizar as \
{0}configurações de segurança{1} para esta porta.
ports.server_to_server.desc=A Porta utilizada por {0}servidores remotos{1} para connectarem-se a este servidor.
ports.connection_manager=Gerenciador de Conex\u00f5es
ports.connection_manager.desc=A Porta utilizada para {0}Gerenciadores de Conex\u00e3o{1} se conectarem a este servidor.
ports.external_components=Componentes Externos
ports.external_components.desc=A Porta utilizada para {0}componentes externos{1} para conectarem-se a este servidor.
ports.admin_console=Console Administrativo
ports.admin_console.desc_unsecured=Porta utilizada para conex\u00e3o insegura ao Console Administrativo.
ports.admin_console.desc_secured=Porta utilizada para conex\u00e3o segura ao Console Administrativo.
ports.file_proxy=Proxy de Transferência de Arquivos
ports.file_proxy.desc=A porta utilizada pelo servi\u00e7o de Proxy que permite a transferência de arquivos entre duas entidades\
conectadas à rede XMPP.
ports.http_bind=HTTP Binding
ports.http_bind.desc_unsecured=The port used for unsecured HTTP client connections.
ports.http_bind.desc_secured=The port used for secured HTTP client connections.
ports.media_proxy=Real time media proxy
ports.media_proxy.desc=The port used for the proxy service that allows Jingle connections between two entities on \
the XMPP network.
ports.stun=STUN Service
ports.stun.desc=The port used for the service that ensures connectivity between entities when behind a NAT.
ports.http_bind.desc_unsecured=Porta utilizada para conex\u00e3o insegura a clientes HTTP.
ports.http_bind.desc_secured=Porta utilizada para conex\u00e3o segura a clientes HTTP.
ports.media_proxy=Media Proxy
ports.media_proxy.desc=Porta utilizada para conex\u00e3o ao servi\u00e7o de proxy para conex\u00f5es Jingle\
na rede XMPP.
ports.stun=Servi\u00e7o STUN
ports.stun.desc=A porta utilizada pelo servi\u00e7o que testa conectividade nos clientes que est\u00e3o atr\u00e1s de NAT.
# Media Proxy
mediaproxy.desc = The media proxy enables clients to make rich media (including VoIP) connections to one another \
when peer to peer connections fail, such as when one or both clients are behind a \
strict firewall.
mediaproxy.settings.success = Settings updated successfully.
mediaproxy.form.label = Media Proxy Settings
mediaproxy.form.enabled = Enabled
mediaproxy.form.enabled.desc = This server will act as a media proxy.
mediaproxy.form.disabled = Disabled
mediaproxy.form.disabled.desc = This server will not act as a media proxy.
mediaproxy.form.idletimeout = Session Idle Timeout (in seconds)
mediaproxy.form.idletimeout.tip = This value is usually bigger than 15 seconds.
mediaproxy.form.lifetime = Session Life Time (in seconds)
mediaproxy.form.lifetime.tip = Life Time is the maximum time that a Session can lives. After this time it is destroyed, even if it stills active.
mediaproxy.form.minport = Port Range Min
mediaproxy.form.maxport = Port Range Max
mediaproxy.summary.label = Active Sessions Summary
mediaproxy.summary.desc = Sessions are Media Proxy Channels that controls packet relaying. \
The list below shows current sessions running and which user created the channel.
mediaproxy.summary.session.creator = Creator
mediaproxy.summary.session.port = Port
mediaproxy.summary.session.server = Server
mediaproxy.summary.session.inactivity = Inactivity(secs)
mediaproxy.summary.session.type = Type
mediaproxy.summary.session.noactive = No active Sessions
mediaproxy.summary.stopbutton = Stop Active Sessions
mediaproxy.desc = O media proxy habilita dois clientes se conectarem para uma sess\u00e3o de Media (incluindo VoIP). \
Quando a conexão ponto a ponto falhar, como por exemplo quando os dois clientes estiverem atr\u00e1s de NATs.
mediaproxy.settings.success = Configura\u00e7\u00f5es atualizadas com sucesso.
mediaproxy.form.label = Configura\u00e7\u00f5es do Media Proxy
mediaproxy.form.enabled = Habilitado
mediaproxy.form.enabled.desc = Este servidor ir\u00e1 se comportar como um Media Proxy.
mediaproxy.form.disabled = Desabilitado
mediaproxy.form.disabled.desc = Este servidor n\u00e3o ir\u00e1 se comportar como um Media Proxy.
mediaproxy.form.idletimeout = Desconex\u00e3o por inatividade (segundos)
mediaproxy.form.idletimeout.tip = Este valor geralmente \u00e9 maior do que 15 segundos.
mediaproxy.form.lifetime = Tempo de Vida da Sess\u00e3o (isegundos)
mediaproxy.form.lifetime.tip = Tempo de Vida da Sess\u00e3o \u00e9 o tempo m\u00e1ximo que uma conex\u00e3o pode ficar ativa. Ap\u00f3s este tempo, ela \u00e9 destruída, mesmo que ela esteja ativa.
mediaproxy.form.minport = Porta Mínima
mediaproxy.form.maxport = PortA M\u00e1xima
mediaproxy.summary.label = Lista de Sess\u00f5es Ativas
mediaproxy.summary.desc = Sess\u00f5es s\u00e3o canais que controlam o repasse dos pacotes. \
A lista abaixo mostra quais os canais ativos e que os criou.
mediaproxy.summary.session.creator = Criador
mediaproxy.summary.session.port = Porta
mediaproxy.summary.session.server = Servidor
mediaproxy.summary.session.inactivity = Inatividade(seg)
mediaproxy.summary.session.type = Tipo
mediaproxy.summary.session.noactive = Nenhuma Sess\u00e3o Ativa
mediaproxy.summary.stopbutton = Parar Sess\u00f5es Ativas
# STUN Settings
stun.settings.alert.notvalidip = The selected IP values are not valid. Please select different IPs.
stun.settings.alert.notvalidport = The selected port numbers are not valid. Please select different port numbers.
stun.settings.title = STUN Server Settings
stun.settings.desc = Use the form below to manage STUN Server settings. \
A STUN need at least two different IPs in the same machine to run and two different port numbers on each IP.
stun.settings.success = Settings updated successfully.
stun.settings.error = Server cannot started. Check your port numbers and Primary and Secondary addresses.
stun.settings.comment = The settings will just take effects after savings settings.
stun.settings.primaryaddress = Primary Address
stun.settings.secondaryaddress = Secondary Address
stun.settings.primaryport = Primary Port Value
stun.settings.secondaryport = Secondary Port Value
stun.settings.enabled = Enabled
stun.settings.change = Change
setup.admin.settings.username-error=No username was provided or the specified username was not found.
\ No newline at end of file
stun.settings.alert.notvalidip = Os IPs selecionados n\u00e3o s\u00e3o v\u00e1lidos. Escolha dois IPs diferentes.
stun.settings.alert.notvalidport = As portas selecionadas n\u00e3o s\u00e3o v\u00e1lidas. Selecione duas portas diferentes.
stun.settings.title = Configura\u00e7\u00f5es do Servidor STUN
stun.settings.desc = Utilize o formul\u00e1rio abaixo para configurar o servidor STUN. \
Um servidor STUN precisa de dois IPs diferentes na mesma m\u00e1quina e duas portas diferentes em cada IP.
stun.settings.success = Configura\u00e7\u00f5es salvas com sucesso.
stun.settings.error = O Servidor n\u00e3o pode ser iniciado. Verifique as portas e os endere\u00e7os de IP.
stun.settings.comment = As configura\u00e7\u00f5es ter\u00e3o efeito depois de salva.
stun.settings.primaryaddress = Endere\u00e7o Prim\u00e1rio
stun.settings.secondaryaddress = Endere\u00e7o Secund\u00e1rio
stun.settings.primaryport = Porta Prim\u00e1ria
stun.settings.secondaryport = Porta Secund\u00e1ria
stun.settings.enabled = Habilitado
stun.settings.change = Modificar
setup.admin.settings.username-error=Nenhum usu\u00e1rio informado, ou o usu\u00e1rio informado n\u00e3o foi encontrado.
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