Commit 73a1c427 authored by guus's avatar guus

OF-391: Detection of illegal numeric character references.

git-svn-id: b35dd754-fafc-0310-a699-88a17e54d16e
parent f699ed3b
......@@ -22,18 +22,17 @@ package org.jivesoftware.openfire.nio;
import java.nio.CharBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder;
import java.nio.charset.CoderResult;
import java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.mina.common.ByteBuffer;
import org.jivesoftware.util.JiveGlobals;
import org.jivesoftware.util.PropertyEventDispatcher;
import org.jivesoftware.util.PropertyEventListener;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* This is a Light-Weight XML Parser.
......@@ -48,7 +47,7 @@ import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
class XMLLightweightParser {
private static final Logger Log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(XMLLightweightParser.class);
private static final Pattern XML_HAS_CHARREF = Pattern.compile("&#(0*([0-9]+)|[xX]0*([0-9a-fA-F]+));");
private static final String MAX_PROPERTY_NAME = "xmpp.parser.buffer.size";
private static int maxBufferSize;
......@@ -156,9 +155,12 @@ class XMLLightweightParser {
* Method that add a message to the list and reinit parser.
protected void foundMsg(String msg) {
protected void foundMsg(String msg) throws Exception {
// Add message to the complete message list
if (msg != null) {
if (hasIllegalCharacterReferences(msg)) {
throw new Exception("Illegal character reference found in: " + msg);
// Move the position into the buffer
......@@ -183,7 +185,7 @@ class XMLLightweightParser {
CharBuffer charBuffer = CharBuffer.allocate(byteBuffer.capacity());
CoderResult coderResult = encoder.decode(byteBuffer.buf(), charBuffer, false);
encoder.decode(byteBuffer.buf(), charBuffer, false);
char[] buf = new char[charBuffer.position()];
int readChar = buf.length;
......@@ -368,6 +370,65 @@ class XMLLightweightParser {
* This method verifies if the provided argument contains at least one numeric character reference (
* <code>CharRef ::= '&#' [0-9]+ ';' | '&#x' [0-9a-fA-F]+ ';</code>) for which the decimal or hexidecimal
* character value refers to an invalid XML 1.0 character.
* @param string
* The input string
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the input string contains an invalid numeric character reference, <tt>false</tt>
* otherwise.
* @see
public static boolean hasIllegalCharacterReferences(String string) {
// If there's no character reference, don't bother to do more specific checking.
final Matcher matcher = XML_HAS_CHARREF.matcher(string);
while (matcher.find()) {
final String decValue =;
if (decValue != null) {
final int value = Integer.parseInt(decValue);
if (!isLegalXmlCharacter(value)) {
return true;
} else {
final String hexValue =;
if (hexValue != null) {
final int value = Integer.parseInt(hexValue, 16);
if (!isLegalXmlCharacter(value)) {
return true;
} else {
// This is bad. The XML_HAS_CHARREF expression should have a hit for either the decimal
// or the heximal notation.
throw new IllegalStateException(
"An error occurred while searching for illegal character references in the value [" + string + "].");
return false;
* Verifies if the codepoint value represents a valid character as defined in paragraph 2.2 of
* "Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fifth Edition)"
* @param value
* the codepoint
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the codepoint is a valid charater per XML 1.0 definition, <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
* @see
public static boolean isLegalXmlCharacter(int value) {
return value == 0x9 || value == 0xA || value == 0xD || (value >= 0x20 && value <= 0xD7FF)
|| (value >= 0xE000 && value <= 0xFFFD) || (value >= 0x10000 && value <= 0x10FFFF);
private static class PropertyListener implements PropertyEventListener {
public void propertySet(String property, Map<String, Object> params) {
if (MAX_PROPERTY_NAME.equals(property)) {
package org.jivesoftware.openfire.nio;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import org.junit.Test;
* This unit tests verifies the correct detection of numeric character references that have invalid numeric values.
* From the XML 1.0 specificaton: <quote><b>Character Reference</b> <code><pre>CharRef ::= '&#' [0-9]+ ';'
* | '&#x' [0-9a-fA-F]+ ';' [WFC: Legal Character]</pre></code>
* <p/>
* <b>Well-formedness constraint: Legal Character<b> Characters referred to using character references must match the
* production for Char.
* (...)
* <code><pre>Char ::= #x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF]</pre></code> any
* Unicode character, excluding the surrogate blocks, FFFE, and FFFF. <quote>
* This test is based on three large sets of values.
* <ol>
* <li>A set containing only illegal numeric character values only;</li>
* <li>A set containing legal numeric character reference values only;</li>
* <li>A set containing values that are no character references at all (but do resemble them)</li>
* </ol>
* The first and second set consist of lines in which each line contains both the decimal as well as the hexidecimal
* representation of the same numeric character reference. The remainder of the line is filled with zero-padded copies
* of the same values. The various values (on each new line) are picked from the edges of each of the ranges that make
* up the complete set of valid characters.
* @author Guus der Kinderen,
* @see
public class XmlNumericCharacterReferenceTest {
final String[] illegalNumericCharacterReferences = new String[] {
"&#0;" , "&#x0;", "&#00;" , "&#x00;", "&#000;" , "&#x000;", "&#0000;" , "&#x0000;", "&#00000;" , "&#x00000;", "&#000000;" , "&#x000000;",
"&#1;" , "&#x1;", "&#01;" , "&#x01;", "&#001;" , "&#x001;", "&#0001;" , "&#x0001;", "&#00001;" , "&#x00001;", "&#000001;" , "&#x000001;",
"&#2;" , "&#x2;", "&#02;" , "&#x02;", "&#002;" , "&#x002;", "&#0002;" , "&#x0002;", "&#00002;" , "&#x00002;", "&#000002;" , "&#x000002;",
"&#3;" , "&#x3;", "&#03;" , "&#x03;", "&#003;" , "&#x003;", "&#0003;" , "&#x0003;", "&#00003;" , "&#x00003;", "&#000003;" , "&#x000003;",
"&#4;" , "&#x4;", "&#04;" , "&#x04;", "&#004;" , "&#x004;", "&#0004;" , "&#x0004;", "&#00004;" , "&#x00004;", "&#000004;" , "&#x000004;",
"&#5;" , "&#x5;", "&#05;" , "&#x05;", "&#005;" , "&#x005;", "&#0005;" , "&#x0005;", "&#00005;" , "&#x00005;", "&#000005;" , "&#x000005;",
"&#6;" , "&#x6;", "&#06;" , "&#x06;", "&#006;" , "&#x006;", "&#0006;" , "&#x0006;", "&#00006;" , "&#x00006;", "&#000006;" , "&#x000006;",
"&#7;" , "&#x7;", "&#07;" , "&#x07;", "&#007;" , "&#x007;", "&#0007;" , "&#x0007;", "&#00007;" , "&#x00007;", "&#000007;" , "&#x000007;",
"&#8;" , "&#x8;", "&#08;" , "&#x08;", "&#008;" , "&#x008;", "&#0008;" , "&#x0008;", "&#00008;" , "&#x00008;", "&#000008;" , "&#x000008;",
"&#11;", "&#xB;", "&#011;", "&#x0B;", "&#0011;", "&#x00B;", "&#00011;", "&#x000B;", "&#000011;", "&#x0000B;", "&#0000011;", "&#x00000B;",
"&#12;", "&#xC;", "&#012;", "&#x0C;", "&#0012;", "&#x00C;", "&#00012;", "&#x000C;", "&#000012;", "&#x0000C;", "&#0000012;", "&#x00000C;",
"&#14;", "&#xE;", "&#014;", "&#x0E;", "&#0014;", "&#x00E;", "&#00014;", "&#x000E;", "&#000014;", "&#x0000E;", "&#0000014;", "&#x00000E;",
"&#15;", "&#xF;", "&#015;", "&#x0F;", "&#0015;", "&#x00F;", "&#00015;", "&#x000F;", "&#000015;", "&#x0000F;", "&#0000015;", "&#x00000F;",
"&#31;", "&#x1F;", "&#031;", "&#x01F;", "&#0031;", "&#x001F;", "&#00031;", "&#x0001F;", "&#000031;", "&#x00001F;", "&#0000031;", "&#x000001F;",
"&#55296;", "&#xD800;", "&#055296;", "&#x0D800;", "&#0055296;", "&#x00D800;", "&#00055296;", "&#x000D800;", "&#000055296;", "&#x0000D800;",
"&#57343;", "&#xDFFF;", "&#057343;", "&#x0DFFF;", "&#0057343;", "&#x00DFFF;", "&#00057343;", "&#x000DFFF;", "&#000057343;", "&#x0000DFFF;",
"&#65534;", "&#xFFFE;", "&#065534;", "&#x0FFFE;", "&#0065534;", "&#x00FFFE;", "&#00065534;", "&#x000FFFE;", "&#000065534;", "&#x0000FFFE;",
"&#65535;", "&#xFFFF;", "&#065535;", "&#x0FFFF;", "&#0065535;", "&#x00FFFF;", "&#00065535;", "&#x000FFFF;", "&#000065535;", "&#x0000FFFF;",
"&#1114112;", "&#x110000;", "&#01114112;", "&#x0110000;", "&#001114112;", "&#x00110000;", "&#0001114112;", "&#x000110000;"
final String[] legalNumericCharacterReferences = new String[] {
"&#9;" , "&#x9;", "&#09;" , "&#x09;", "&#009;" , "&#x009;", "&#0009;" , "&#x0009;", "&#00009;" , "&#x00009;", "&#000009;" , "&#x000009;",
"&#10;", "&#xA;", "&#010;", "&#x0A;", "&#0010;", "&#x00A;", "&#00010;", "&#x000A;", "&#000010;", "&#x0000A;", "&#0000010;", "&#x00000A;",
"&#13;", "&#xD;", "&#013;", "&#x0D;", "&#0013;", "&#x00D;", "&#00013;", "&#x000D;", "&#000013;", "&#x0000D;", "&#0000013;", "&#x00000D;",
"&#32;", "&#x20;", "&#032;", "&#x020;", "&#0032;", "&#x0020;", "&#00032;", "&#x00020;", "&#000032;", "&#x000020;", "&#0000032;", "&#x0000020;",
"&#33;", "&#x21;", "&#033;", "&#x021;", "&#0033;", "&#x0021;", "&#00033;", "&#x00021;", "&#000033;", "&#x000021;", "&#0000033;", "&#x0000021;",
"&#55294;", "&#xD7FE;", "&#055294;", "&#x0D7FE;", "&#0055294;", "&#x00D7FE;", "&#00055294;", "&#x000D7FE;", "&#000055294;", "&#x0000D7FE;",
"&#55295;", "&#xD7FF;", "&#055295;", "&#x0D7FF;", "&#0055295;", "&#x00D7FF;", "&#00055295;", "&#x000D7FF;", "&#000055295;", "&#x0000D7FF;",
"&#57344;", "&#xE000", "&#057344;", "&#x0E000", "&#0057344;", "&#x00E000", "&#00057344;", "&#x000E000", "&#000057344;", "&#x0000E000",
"&#57345;", "&#xE001", "&#057345;", "&#x0E001", "&#0057345;", "&#x00E001", "&#00057345;", "&#x000E001", "&#000057345;", "&#x0000E001",
"&#65532;", "&#xFFFC;", "&#065532;", "&#x0FFFC;", "&#0065532;", "&#x00FFFC;", "&#00065532;", "&#x000FFFC;", "&#000065532;", "&#x0000FFFC;",
"&#65533;", "&#xFFFD;", "&#065533;", "&#x0FFFD;", "&#0065533;", "&#x00FFFD;", "&#00065533;", "&#x000FFFD;", "&#000065533;", "&#x0000FFFD;",
"&#65536;", "&#x10000;", "&#065536;", "&#x010000;", "&#0065536;", "&#x0010000;", "&#0000065536;", "&#x0000010000;",
"&#65537;", "&#x10001;", "&#065537;", "&#x010001;", "&#0065537;", "&#x0010001;", "&#0000065537;", "&#x0000010001;",
"&#1114110;", "&#x10FFFE;", "&#01114110;", "&#x010FFFE;", "&#00001114110;", "&#x000010FFFE;", "&#000001114110;", "&#x0000010FFFE;",
"&#1114111;", "&#x10FFFF;", "&#01114111;", "&#x010FFFF;", "&#00001114111;", "&#x000010FFFF;", "&#000001114111;", "&#x0000010FFFF;"
final String[] notNumericCharacterRefrences = new String[] {
"&#9", "&#x9", "#9;", "#x9;", "&#1", "&#x1", "#1;", "#x1;",
"&amp;#9;", "&amp;#x9;", "&amp;#1;", "&amp;#x1;"
* Iterates of the collection of legal numeric character references and asserts that
* {@link XMLLightweightParser#hasIllegalCharacterReferences(String)} does not find an illegal reference when each
* of these values are passed as an argument to this method.
public void testLegalNumericCharacterReferences() throws Exception {
for(final String reference : legalNumericCharacterReferences) {
// do magic
final boolean result = XMLLightweightParser.hasIllegalCharacterReferences(reference);
// verify
assertFalse("Value \""+reference+"\" is reported to contain an illegal numeric character reference, even though this hard-coded test value should not contain one.", result);
* Iterates of the collection of illegal numeric character references and asserts that
* {@link XMLLightweightParser#hasIllegalCharacterReferences(String)} finds an illegal reference for each of these
* values passed as an argument to this method.
public void testIllegalNumericCharacterReferences() throws Exception {
for(final String reference : illegalNumericCharacterReferences) {
// do magic
final boolean result = XMLLightweightParser.hasIllegalCharacterReferences(reference);
// verify
assertTrue("No illegal numeric character reference was found in value \""+reference+"\", even though this hard-coded test value should contain one.", result);
* Iterates of the collection of values that are not numeric character references and asserts that
* {@link XMLLightweightParser#hasIllegalCharacterReferences(String)} does not find an illegal reference when each
* of these values are passed as an argument to this method.
public void testnotNumericCharacterReferences() throws Exception {
for(final String reference : legalNumericCharacterReferences) {
// do magic
final boolean result = XMLLightweightParser.hasIllegalCharacterReferences(reference);
// verify
assertFalse("Value \""+reference+"\" is reported to contain an illegal numeric character reference, even though this hard-coded test value should not contain a numeric character reference at all.", result);
* Checks if {@link XMLLightweightParser#hasIllegalCharacterReferences(String)} correctly skips over a legal numeric
* reference if it is embedded in a snippet of text.
public void testTextWithLegalNumericCharacterReferences() throws Exception {
// setup
final String text = "The value &#x09; is a legal numeric character reference.";
// do magic
final boolean result = XMLLightweightParser.hasIllegalCharacterReferences(text);
// verify
* Checks if {@link XMLLightweightParser#hasIllegalCharacterReferences(String)} correctly identifies an illegal
* numeric reference if it is embedded in a snippet of text.
public void testTextWithIllegalNumericCharacterReferences() throws Exception {
// setup
final String text = "The value &#x01; is an illegal numeric character reference.";
// do magic
final boolean result = XMLLightweightParser.hasIllegalCharacterReferences(text);
// verify
* Checks if {@link XMLLightweightParser#hasIllegalCharacterReferences(String)} correctly identifies an illegal
* numeric reference if it is embedded in a snippet of text that also contains a legal reference.
public void testTextWithBothLegalAndIllegalNumericCharacterReferences() throws Exception {
// setup
final String text = "The value &#x09; is a legal numeric character reference, but the value &#x01; is not.";
// do magic
final boolean result = XMLLightweightParser.hasIllegalCharacterReferences(text);
// verify
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