Commit 69003226 authored by Bill Lynch's avatar Bill Lynch Committed by bill

JM-106 -- fixed bug causing plugin to not build if it has no web dir.

git-svn-id: b35dd754-fafc-0310-a699-88a17e54d16e
parent 7691e6fe
......@@ -717,13 +717,22 @@
<fileset dir="${}/@{plugin}/target/classes" />
<!-- JSPC any JSP pages -->
<!-- JSPC any JSP pages. Do this conditionally as there might not be a web dir. -->
<available property="plugin.@{plugin}.webdocs.available"
type="dir" file="@{pluginsrc}/@{plugin}/src/web" />
<equals arg1="${plugin.@{plugin}.webdocs.available}" arg2="true" />
<!-- Continue with JSPC tasks... -->
<!-- Create output dir -->
<mkdir dir="${}/@{plugin}/target/jspc/java" />
<mkdir dir="${}/@{plugin}/target/jspc/classes" />
<!-- Copy jsp's from plugin and web.xml from messenger to a temp dir -->
<!-- Copy jsp's from plugin and web.xml from messenger to a temp dir. We'll
not fail on an error since the web dir might not exist.
<copy todir="${}/@{plugin}/target/web">
<fileset dir="@{pluginsrc}/@{plugin}/src/web" />
<fileset dir="${web.dir}">
......@@ -780,6 +789,9 @@
<fileset dir="${}/@{plugin}/target/jspc/classes" includes="**/*.class" />
<!-- Copy everything to Messenger's plugin dir -->
<copy todir="${plugin.dest.dir}/@{plugin}">
<fileset dir="${}/@{plugin}/target">
......@@ -796,7 +808,7 @@
<exclude name="java/**/*.java" />
<copy todir="${plugin.dest.dir}/@{plugin}/web">
<copy todir="${plugin.dest.dir}/@{plugin}/web" failonerror="false">
<fileset dir="${}/@{plugin}/target/jspc">
<include name="web.xml" />
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