setup.datasource.standard.info3=Os scripts de base de dados mais populares est\u00e3o inclu\u00eddos na distribui\u00e7\u00e3o do \
setup.datasource.standard.failed_connect=Falha ao estabelecer liga\u00e7\u00e3o a base de dados - veja a lista de erros abaixo.
setup.datasource.standard.pick_database=Selecione uma base de dados...
setup.datasource.standard.jdbc=Classe do Driver JDBC:
setup.datasource.standard.jdbc_info=O nome de classe v\u00e1lido de seu driver JDBC, por exemplo: com.minhabasededados.driver.MeuDriver.
@@ -2037,6 +2085,7 @@ setup.ldap.test.internal-server-error=A p\u00e1gina de teste n\u00e3o foi capaz
setup.ldap.user.vcard.test.description=Foi selecionado um perfil aleat\u00f3rio para voc\u00ea verificar. Os campos em negrito sem valores significam \ additional security, you may optionally define a custom encryption key. must input the same encryption key value twice to ensure that you have typed the hidden value correctly.
ssl.certificates.truststore.c2s-intro=This list contains certificates from client software that is expected to communicate with Openfire, or from Certificate Authorities that you trust to identify those clients.
ssl.certificates.truststore.s2s-intro=This list contains certificates from other XMPP servers with which Openfire can communicate, or from Certificate Authorities that you trust to identify those servers.
ssl.certificates.truststore.c2s-info=Certificates in this list are used when Openfire allows (or requires) clients to provide a certificate when connecting to Openfire. This is commonly referred to as mutual authentication. By default, this feature is not enabled (but can be configured {0}here{1}). Openfire does not ship with any certificates in its client truststore.
ssl.certificates.truststore.s2s-info=Certificates in this list are used by Openfire to verify the identity of remote XMPP domains, when federation ("s2s") connections are being established in a secured fashion. By default, Openfire ships with a number certificates from commonly trusted Certificate Authorities. can be added to this list by using this {0}import form{1}.
# Certificate details Page
ssl.certificate.details.title=Certificate details
ssl.certificate.details.type-error=Type has not been specified (or is unrecognized).
ssl.certificate.details.alias-error=The alias was not provided or does not refer to an existing certificate in this store.
ssl.certificate.details.intro=Below are the details of the certificate with the alias <b>{0}</b> from the {1}.
# Signing request page certificado foi assinado pela Certificate Authority. Os clientes e servidores podem aceitar o certificado \ is the list of roster items for user {0}. Shared groups are represented in the Groups column as underlined links to an associated group edit screen. Roster items provided by shared groups may not be deleted via this interface.
user.roster.title=Contactos por Utilizador encontra a lista de contactos do utilizador {0}. Os grupos partilhados est\u00e3o representados na coluna Grupos com link para o ecran de edi\u00e7\u00e3o do grupo. Listas de contactos adicionadas por grupos de contactos partilhados nao devem ser eliminadas nesta pagina.
user.roster.shared_groups=Shared Groups
user.roster.shared_groups=Grupos Partilhados
user.roster.cant_delete=This roster item is a member of a shared group and can not be deleted via this interface.
ssl.import.certificate.keystore.boxtitle=Importar Chave Privada e Certificado
ssl.import.certificate.keystore.pass-phrase=Frase usada para criar a chave privada:
ssl.import.certificate.keystore.private-key=Conteudo do ficheiro da Chave Privada:
ssl.import.certificate.keystore.certificate=Conteudo do ficheiro do Certificado:
ssl.import.certificate.keystore.error.private-key=Indique o conteudo da chave privada.
ssl.import.certificate.keystore.error.certificate=Indique o conteudo do certificado para importar.
ssl.import.certificate.keystore.error.import=Houve um erro ao importar a chave privada ou o certificado assinado.
# Import truststore certificate page
ssl.import.certificate.keystore.error.type=Type has not been specified (or is unrecognized).
ssl.import.certificate.keystore.error.alias-missing=Please provide an alias for this certificate.
ssl.import.certificate.keystore.error.alias-exists=A certificate is already stored using this alias. Please provide a different alias, or remove the existing certificate.
ssl.import.certificate.keystore.c2s-intro=Use the form below to import a certificate that represents a trusted party, to be used when verifying certificates during client-to-server communication.
ssl.import.certificate.keystore.s2s-intro=Use the form below to import a certificate that represents a trusted party, to be used when verifying certificates during server-to-server communication.
ssl.import.certificate.boxtitle=Importar Chave Privada e Certificado
ssl.import.certificate.pass-phrase=Frase usada para criar a chave privada:
ssl.import.certificate.private-key=Conteudo do ficheiro da Chave Privada:
ssl.import.certificate.certificate=Conteudo do ficheiro do Certificado:
ssl.import.certificate.error.private-key=Indique o conteudo da chave privada.
ssl.import.certificate.error.certificate=Indique o conteudo do certificado para importar.
ssl.import.certificate.error.import=Houve um erro ao importar a chave privada ou o certificado assinado.
# Room Occupants Page
@@ -3058,7 +3078,7 @@ system.clustering.starting=O agrupamento est\u00e1 a ser iniciado. Vai demorar c
# Security Auditor page
security.audit.viewer.title=Visualizar o log do auditor de seguran�a
security.audit.viewer.title=Visualizar o log do auditor de segurana
security.audit.viewer.description=You may filter the audit log entries by setting a specific username, start and end date ranges, and number of events to display below.
security.audit.viewer.events_to_show=Eventos a visualizar