Commit 47cebc50 authored by Gaston Dombiak's avatar Gaston Dombiak Committed by gato

Fixed caching problem when deleting a user. JM-642

git-svn-id: b35dd754-fafc-0310-a699-88a17e54d16e
parent 76201a8e
......@@ -41,15 +41,15 @@ public class UserManager implements IQResultListener {
* Cache if a local or remote user exists.
private static Cache<String, Boolean> registeredUsersCache;
private static Cache<String, Boolean> remoteUsersCache;
private static UserProvider provider;
private static UserManager instance = new UserManager();
static {
// Initialize caches.
userCache = CacheManager.initializeCache("User", "userCache", 512 * 1024);
registeredUsersCache =
CacheManager.initializeCache("Users Existence", "registeredUsersCache", 512 * 1024);
remoteUsersCache =
CacheManager.initializeCache("Remote Users Existence", "remoteUsersCache", 512 * 1024);
CacheManager.initializeCache("Roster", "username2roster", 512 * 1024);
// Load a user provider.
String className = JiveGlobals.getXMLProperty("provider.user.className",
......@@ -290,21 +290,13 @@ public class UserManager implements IQResultListener {
if (username == null || "".equals(username)) {
return false;
// Look up in the cache
Boolean isRegistered = registeredUsersCache.get(username);
if (isRegistered == null) {
// No information is cached so check user identity and cache it
try {
isRegistered = Boolean.TRUE;
return true;
catch (UserNotFoundException e) {
isRegistered = Boolean.FALSE;
// Cache "discovered" information
registeredUsersCache.put(username, isRegistered);
return false;
return isRegistered;
......@@ -316,35 +308,24 @@ public class UserManager implements IQResultListener {
* @return true if the specified JID belongs to a local or remote registered user.
public boolean isRegisteredUser(JID user) {
Boolean isRegistered;
XMPPServer server = XMPPServer.getInstance();
if (server.isLocal(user)) {
isRegistered = registeredUsersCache.get(user.getNode());
else {
// Look up in the cache using the full JID
isRegistered = registeredUsersCache.get(user.toString());
if (isRegistered == null) {
// Check if the bare JID of the user is cached
isRegistered = registeredUsersCache.get(user.toBareJID());
if (isRegistered == null) {
// No information is cached so check user identity and cache it
if (server.isLocal(user)) {
// User belongs to local user so no disco is used in this case
try {
isRegistered = Boolean.TRUE;
return true;
catch (UserNotFoundException e) {
isRegistered = Boolean.FALSE;
return false;
// Cache "discovered" information
registeredUsersCache.put(user.getNode(), isRegistered);
else {
// Look up in the cache using the full JID
Boolean isRegistered = remoteUsersCache.get(user.toString());
if (isRegistered == null) {
// Check if the bare JID of the user is cached
isRegistered = remoteUsersCache.get(user.toBareJID());
if (isRegistered == null) {
// No information is cached so check user identity and cache it
// A disco#info is going to be sent to the bare JID of the user. This packet
// is going to be handled by the remote server.
IQ iq = new IQ(IQ.Type.get);
......@@ -365,17 +346,18 @@ public class UserManager implements IQResultListener {
// Get the discovered result
isRegistered = registeredUsersCache.get(user.toBareJID());
isRegistered = remoteUsersCache.get(user.toBareJID());
if (isRegistered == null) {
// Disco failed for some reason (i.e. we timed out before getting a result)
// so assume that user is not anonymous and cache result
isRegistered = Boolean.FALSE;
registeredUsersCache.put(user.toString(), isRegistered);
remoteUsersCache.put(user.toString(), isRegistered);
return isRegistered;
public void receivedAnswer(IQ packet) {
JID from = packet.getFrom();
......@@ -394,7 +376,7 @@ public class UserManager implements IQResultListener {
// Update cache of remote registered users
registeredUsersCache.put(from.toBareJID(), isRegistered);
remoteUsersCache.put(from.toBareJID(), isRegistered);
// Wake up waiting thread
synchronized (from.toBareJID().intern()) {
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