Commit 3a797353 authored by Daniel Henninger's avatar Daniel Henninger Committed by dhenninger

[JM-1306] Swiched jid column to VARCHAR(1024). For folk who have succeeded

with this update in the past, TEXT with the previous index will do just
fine.  In the future we may force this column to be VARCHAR(1024) across
the board with a simple second update.

git-svn-id: b35dd754-fafc-0310-a699-88a17e54d16e
parent c54f57b1
# jiveRoster: Change jid column to varchar
ALTER TABLE jiveRoster ALTER COLUMN jid jid varchar(1024) not null;
# jiveRoster: Add new index
ALTER TABLE jiveRoster ADD INDEX jiveRoster_jid_idx (jid(1024));
ALTER TABLE jiveRoster ADD INDEX jiveRoster_jid_idx (jid);
UPDATE jiveVersion set version=14 where name = 'openfire';
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