Commit 32a68a5d authored by Dele Olajide's avatar Dele Olajide Committed by dele

Jitsi Videobridge plugin - removed config.js and enable configuration from...

Jitsi Videobridge plugin - removed config.js and enable configuration from openfire admin web console.

git-svn-id: b35dd754-fafc-0310-a699-88a17e54d16e
parent 3aec383e
...@@ -883,7 +883,7 @@ function handleOffer (from, offer) ...@@ -883,7 +883,7 @@ function handleOffer (from, offer)
//console.log("bridgeSDP.raw", bridgeSDP.raw); //console.log("bridgeSDP.raw", bridgeSDP.raw);
window.RTC.rayo.pc[videobridge] = new window.RTC.peerconnection(null, {'optional': [{'DtlsSrtpKeyAgreement': 'true'}, {googIPv6: config.useIPv6}]}); window.RTC.rayo.pc[videobridge] = new window.RTC.peerconnection(config.iceServers, {'optional': [{'DtlsSrtpKeyAgreement': 'true'}, {googIPv6: config.useIPv6}]});
window.RTC.rayo.pc[videobridge].onicecandidate = function(event) window.RTC.rayo.pc[videobridge].onicecandidate = function(event)
plugin.title=Jitsi Videobridge plugin.title=Jitsi Videobridge
plugin.title.description=Jitsi Videobridge Settings plugin.title.description=Jitsi Videobridge Settings Videobridge Settings Page Videobridge Settings Page Configuration Registration Registration
...@@ -22,3 +22,14 @@ Proxy ...@@ -22,3 +22,14 @@ Proxy Settings Settings to any of these parameters requires a restart of Openfire. to any of these parameters requires a restart of Openfire. Configuration IPv6 webrtc to use IPv6 IPv6 not use IPv6 for webrtc Nicknames user to enter a nickname Nicknames not prompt user to provide a nickname Servers Resolution
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -88,10 +88,13 @@ public class MatroskaFileWriter ...@@ -88,10 +88,13 @@ public class MatroskaFileWriter
public void writeSegmentHeader() public void writeSegmentHeader()
{ {
MatroskaSegment segmentElem = (MatroskaSegment)doc.createElement(MatroskaDocType.Segment_Id); //MatroskaSegment segmentElem = (MatroskaSegment)doc.createElement(MatroskaDocType.Segment_Id);
//segmentElem.setSize(-1); //segmentElem.setSize(-1);
segmentElem.setUnknownSize(true); //segmentElem.setUnknownSize(false);
segmentElem.writeHeaderData(ioDW); //segmentElem.writeHeaderData(ioDW);
MasterElement ebmlHeaderElem = (MasterElement)doc.createElement(MatroskaDocType.Segment_Id);
} }
public void writeSegmentInfo() public void writeSegmentInfo()
package org.ifsoft.rtp;
public class ArrayExtensions
public ArrayExtensions()
public static Integer getLength(Object array[])
return Integer.valueOf(array.length);
public static Integer getLength(byte array[])
return Integer.valueOf(array.length);
package org.ifsoft.rtp;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
public class BitAssistant
public BitAssistant()
public static Boolean isLittleEndian()
return Boolean.valueOf(false);
public static Boolean sequencesAreEqual(byte array1[], byte array2[])
if(array1 == null && array2 == null)
return Boolean.valueOf(true);
if(array1 == null || array2 == null)
return Boolean.valueOf(false);
if(array1.length != array2.length)
return Boolean.valueOf(false);
for(int i = 0; i < array1.length; i++)
if(array1[i] != array2[i])
return Boolean.valueOf(false);
return Boolean.valueOf(true);
public static boolean sequencesAreEqual(byte array1[], int offset1, byte array2[], int offset2, int length)
if(array1 == null && array2 == null)
return true;
if(array1 == null || array2 == null)
return false;
if(array1.length < offset1 + length || array2.length < offset2 + length)
return false;
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++)
if(array1[offset1 + i] != array2[offset2 + i])
return false;
return true;
public static boolean sequencesAreEqualConstantTime(byte array1[], byte array2[])
if(array1 == null && array2 == null)
return true;
if(array1 == null || array2 == null)
return false;
if(array1.length != array2.length)
return false;
boolean areEqual = true;
for(int i = 0; i < array1.length; i++)
if(array1[i] != array2[i])
areEqual = false;
return areEqual;
public static boolean sequencesAreEqualConstantTime(byte array1[], int offset1, byte array2[], int offset2, int length)
if(array1 == null && array2 == null)
return true;
if(array1 == null || array2 == null)
return false;
if(array1.length < offset1 + length || array2.length < offset2 + length)
return false;
boolean areEqual = true;
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++)
if(array1[offset1 + i] != array2[offset2 + i])
areEqual = false;
return areEqual;
public static byte[] subArray(byte array[], Integer offset)
return subArray(array, offset, Integer.valueOf(array.length - offset.intValue()));
public static byte[] subArray(byte array[], Integer offset, Integer count)
byte subarray[] = new byte[count.intValue()];
for(int i = 0; i < count.intValue(); i++)
subarray[i] = array[offset.intValue() + i];
return subarray;
public static void reverse(byte array[])
for(int i = 0; i < array.length / 2; i++)
byte t = array[array.length - i - 1];
array[array.length - i - 1] = array[i];
array[i] = t;
public static void copy(byte source[], int sourceIndex, byte destination[], int destinationIndex, int length)
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++)
destination[destinationIndex + i] = source[sourceIndex + i];
public static String getHexString(byte array[])
return getHexString(array, 0, array.length);
public static String getHexString(byte array[], int offset, int length)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for(int i = offset; i < offset + length; i++)
String hex = Integer.toHexString(0xff & array[i]);
if(hex.length() == 1)
return sb.toString();
public static byte[] getHexBytes(String s)
int len = s.length();
byte bytes[] = new byte[len / 2];
for(int i = 0; i < len; i += 2)
bytes[i / 2] = (byte)((Character.digit(s.charAt(i), 16) << 4) + Character.digit(s.charAt(i + 1), 16));
return bytes;
public static byte[] getBooleanBytes(Boolean value)
byte bytes[] = new byte[1];
bytes[0] = 1;
bytes[0] = 0;
return bytes;
public static byte[] getDoubleBytes(Double value)
byte bytes[] = new byte[8];
return bytes;
public static byte[] getFloatBytes(Float value)
byte bytes[] = new byte[4];
return bytes;
public static byte[] getIntegerBytes(Integer value)
byte bytes[] = new byte[4];
return bytes;
public static byte[] getIntegerBytesFromLong(Long value)
byte bytes[] = getLongBytes(value);
return subArray(bytes, Integer.valueOf(0), Integer.valueOf(4));
return subArray(bytes, Integer.valueOf(4), Integer.valueOf(4));
public static byte[] getLongBytes(Long value)
byte bytes[] = new byte[8];
return bytes;
public static byte[] getShortBytes(Short value)
byte bytes[] = new byte[2];
return bytes;
public static byte[] getShortBytesFromInteger(Integer value)
byte bytes[] = getIntegerBytes(value);
return subArray(bytes, Integer.valueOf(0), Integer.valueOf(2));
return subArray(bytes, Integer.valueOf(2), Integer.valueOf(2));
public static Boolean toBoolean(byte value[], Integer startIndex)
if(value[startIndex.intValue()] == 0)
return Boolean.valueOf(false);
return Boolean.valueOf(true);
public static Double toDouble(byte value[], Integer startIndex)
return Double.valueOf(ByteBuffer.wrap(value).getDouble(startIndex.intValue()));
public static Float toFloat(byte value[], Integer startIndex)
return Float.valueOf(ByteBuffer.wrap(value).getFloat(startIndex.intValue()));
public static Integer toInteger(byte value[], Integer startIndex)
return Integer.valueOf(ByteBuffer.wrap(value).getInt(startIndex.intValue()));
public static Integer toIntegerFromShort(byte value[], Integer startIndex)
byte bytes[] = new byte[4];
bytes[0] = value[startIndex.intValue()];
bytes[1] = value[startIndex.intValue() + 1];
bytes[2] = 0;
bytes[3] = 0;
} else
bytes[0] = 0;
bytes[1] = 0;
bytes[2] = value[startIndex.intValue()];
bytes[3] = value[startIndex.intValue() + 1];
return toInteger(bytes, Integer.valueOf(0));
public static Long toLong(byte value[], Integer startIndex)
return Long.valueOf(ByteBuffer.wrap(value).getLong(startIndex.intValue()));
public static Long toLongFromInteger(byte value[], Integer startIndex)
byte bytes[] = new byte[8];
bytes[0] = value[startIndex.intValue()];
bytes[1] = value[startIndex.intValue() + 1];
bytes[2] = value[startIndex.intValue() + 2];
bytes[3] = value[startIndex.intValue() + 3];
bytes[4] = 0;
bytes[5] = 0;
bytes[6] = 0;
bytes[7] = 0;
} else
bytes[0] = 0;
bytes[1] = 0;
bytes[2] = 0;
bytes[3] = 0;
bytes[4] = value[startIndex.intValue()];
bytes[5] = value[startIndex.intValue() + 1];
bytes[6] = value[startIndex.intValue() + 2];
bytes[7] = value[startIndex.intValue() + 3];
return toLong(bytes, Integer.valueOf(0));
public static Short toShort(byte value[], Integer startIndex)
return Short.valueOf(ByteBuffer.wrap(value).getShort(startIndex.intValue()));
public static byte[] getBooleanBytesNetwork(Boolean value)
byte bytes[] = getBooleanBytes(value);
return bytes;
public static byte[] getDoubleBytesNetwork(Double value)
byte bytes[] = getDoubleBytes(value);
return bytes;
public static byte[] getFloatBytesNetwork(Float value)
byte bytes[] = getFloatBytes(value);
return bytes;
public static byte[] getIntegerBytesNetwork(Integer value)
byte bytes[] = getIntegerBytes(value);
return bytes;
public static byte[] getIntegerBytesFromLongNetwork(Long value)
byte bytes[] = getIntegerBytesFromLong(value);
return bytes;
public static byte[] getLongBytesNetwork(Long value)
byte bytes[] = getLongBytes(value);
return bytes;
public static byte[] getShortBytesNetwork(Short value)
byte bytes[] = getShortBytes(value);
return bytes;
public static byte[] getShortBytesFromIntegerNetwork(Integer value)
byte bytes[] = getShortBytesFromInteger(value);
return bytes;
public static Boolean toBooleanNetwork(byte value[], Integer startIndex)
byte bytes[] = new byte[1];
for(int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++)
bytes[i] = value[startIndex.intValue() + i];
return toBoolean(bytes, Integer.valueOf(0));
public static Double toDoubleNetwork(byte value[], Integer startIndex)
byte bytes[] = new byte[8];
for(int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++)
bytes[i] = value[startIndex.intValue() + i];
return toDouble(bytes, Integer.valueOf(0));
public static Float toFloatNetwork(byte value[], Integer startIndex)
byte bytes[] = new byte[4];
for(int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++)
bytes[i] = value[startIndex.intValue() + i];
return toFloat(bytes, Integer.valueOf(0));
public static Integer toIntegerNetwork(byte value[], Integer startIndex)
byte bytes[] = new byte[4];
for(int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++)
bytes[i] = value[startIndex.intValue() + i];
return toInteger(bytes, Integer.valueOf(0));
public static Integer toIntegerFromShortNetwork(byte value[], Integer startIndex)
byte bytes[] = new byte[2];
for(int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++)
bytes[i] = value[startIndex.intValue() + i];
return toIntegerFromShort(bytes, Integer.valueOf(0));
public static Long toLongNetwork(byte value[], Integer startIndex)
byte bytes[] = new byte[8];
for(int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++)
bytes[i] = value[startIndex.intValue() + i];
return toLong(bytes, Integer.valueOf(0));
public static Long toLongFromIntegerNetwork(byte value[], Integer startIndex)
byte bytes[] = new byte[4];
for(int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++)
bytes[i] = value[startIndex.intValue() + i];
return toLongFromInteger(bytes, Integer.valueOf(0));
public static Short toShortNetwork(byte value[], Integer startIndex)
byte bytes[] = new byte[2];
for(int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++)
bytes[i] = value[startIndex.intValue() + i];
return toShort(bytes, Integer.valueOf(0));
package org.ifsoft.rtp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
public class ByteCollection
private ArrayList arrayList;
public void add(byte b)
public void add(int b)
public void addRange(byte buffer[])
byte arr$[] = buffer;
int len$ = arr$.length;
for(int i$ = 0; i$ < len$; i$++)
byte b = arr$[i$];
public void addRange(ByteCollection collection)
byte b;
for(Iterator i$ = collection.getList().iterator(); i$.hasNext(); add(b))
b = ((Byte)i$.next()).byteValue();
public ByteCollection()
arrayList = new ArrayList();
public ByteCollection(byte buffer[])
arrayList = new ArrayList();
public byte get(Integer index)
return ((Byte)arrayList.get(index.intValue())).byteValue();
public Integer getCount()
return Integer.valueOf(arrayList.size());
ArrayList getList()
return arrayList;
public byte[] getRange(Integer index, Integer count)
byte range[] = new byte[count.intValue()];
for(int i = 0; i < count.intValue(); i++)
range[i] = ((Byte)arrayList.get(index.intValue() + i)).byteValue();
return range;
public void insertRange(Integer index, byte buffer[])
for(int i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++)
arrayList.add(index.intValue() + i, Byte.valueOf(buffer[i]));
public void insertRange(Integer index, ByteCollection collection)
for(int i = 0; i < collection.getCount().intValue(); i++)
arrayList.add(index.intValue() + i, Byte.valueOf(collection.get(Integer.valueOf(i))));
public void removeRange(Integer index, Integer count)
removeRange(arrayList, index.intValue(), count.intValue());
public byte[] toArray()
byte array[] = new byte[arrayList.size()];
for(int i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
array[i] = ((Byte)arrayList.get(i)).byteValue();
return array;
public void removeRange(ArrayList array, int index, int count)
for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
package org.ifsoft.rtp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Vp8Accumulator
private ArrayList packets;
public void add(Vp8Packet packet)
if(packet.getStartOfPartition().booleanValue() || packets.size() > 0)
public Vp8Packet[] getPackets()
return (Vp8Packet[])packets.toArray(new Vp8Packet[0]);
public void reset()
packets = new ArrayList();
public Vp8Accumulator()
packets = new ArrayList();
package org.ifsoft.rtp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Vp8Packet
private Boolean _extendedControlBitsPresent;
private byte _keyIndex;
private Boolean _keyIndexPresent;
private Boolean _layerSync;
public static Integer _maxPacketSize = Integer.valueOf(1050);
private Boolean _nonReferenceFrame;
private byte _partitionId;
private byte _payload[];
private Short _pictureID;
private Boolean _pictureIDPresent;
private Boolean _startOfPartition;
private byte _temporalLayerIndex;
private Boolean _temporalLayerIndexPresent;
private byte _temporalLevelZeroIndex;
private Boolean _temporalLevelZeroIndexPresent;
public Vp8Packet()
_extendedControlBitsPresent = Boolean.valueOf(false);
_keyIndexPresent = Boolean.valueOf(false);
_layerSync = Boolean.valueOf(false);
_nonReferenceFrame = Boolean.valueOf(false);
_pictureID = Short.valueOf((short)0);
_pictureIDPresent = Boolean.valueOf(false);
_startOfPartition = Boolean.valueOf(false);
_temporalLayerIndexPresent = Boolean.valueOf(false);
_temporalLevelZeroIndexPresent = Boolean.valueOf(false);
public static byte[] depacketize(Vp8Packet packets[])
Integer num = Integer.valueOf(0);
Vp8Packet arr[] = packets;
int len = arr.length;
for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
Vp8Packet packet = arr[i];
num = Integer.valueOf(num.intValue() + ArrayExtensions.getLength(packet.getPayload()).intValue());
Integer destinationIndex = Integer.valueOf(0);
byte destination[] = new byte[num.intValue()];
arr = packets;
len = arr.length;
for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
Vp8Packet packet = arr[i];
BitAssistant.copy(packet.getPayload(), 0, destination, destinationIndex.intValue(), ArrayExtensions.getLength(packet.getPayload()).intValue());
destinationIndex = Integer.valueOf(destinationIndex.intValue() + ArrayExtensions.getLength(packet.getPayload()).intValue());
return destination;
public static byte[] getBytes(Vp8Packet packet)
ByteCollection bytes = new ByteCollection();
bytes.add((new Integer((packet.getExtendedControlBitsPresent().booleanValue() ? 0x80 : 0) | (packet.getNonReferenceFrame().booleanValue() ? 0x20 : 0) | (packet.getStartOfPartition().booleanValue() ? 0x10 : 0) | packet.getPartitionId() & 0xf)).byteValue());
bytes.add((new Integer((packet.getPictureIDPresent().booleanValue() ? 0x80 : 0) | (packet.getTemporalLevelZeroIndexPresent().booleanValue() ? 0x40 : 0) | (packet.getTemporalLayerIndexPresent().booleanValue() ? 0x20 : 0) | (packet.getKeyIndexPresent().booleanValue() ? 0x10 : 0))).byteValue());
byte shortBytesNetwork[] = BitAssistant.getShortBytesNetwork(packet.getPictureID());
bytes.add((new Integer(0x80 | shortBytesNetwork[0] & 0x7f)).byteValue());
if(packet.getTemporalLayerIndexPresent().booleanValue() || packet.getKeyIndexPresent().booleanValue())
bytes.add((byte)(packet.getTemporalLayerIndex() << 6 & 0xc0 | (packet.getLayerSync().booleanValue() ? 0x20 : 0) | packet.getKeyIndex() & 0x1f));
return bytes.toArray();
public byte[] getBytes()
return getBytes(this);
public Boolean getExtendedControlBitsPresent()
return _extendedControlBitsPresent;
public byte getKeyIndex()
return _keyIndex;
public Boolean getKeyIndexPresent()
return _keyIndexPresent;
public Boolean getLayerSync()
return _layerSync;
public Boolean getNonReferenceFrame()
return _nonReferenceFrame;
public byte getPartitionId()
return _partitionId;
public byte[] getPayload()
return _payload;
public Short getPictureID()
return _pictureID;
public Boolean getPictureIDPresent()
return _pictureIDPresent;
public Boolean getStartOfPartition()
return _startOfPartition;
public byte getTemporalLayerIndex()
return _temporalLayerIndex;
public Boolean getTemporalLayerIndexPresent()
return _temporalLayerIndexPresent;
public byte getTemporalLevelZeroIndex()
return _temporalLevelZeroIndex;
public Boolean getTemporalLevelZeroIndexPresent()
return _temporalLevelZeroIndexPresent;
public static Vp8Packet[] packetize(byte encodedData[])
Integer offset = Integer.valueOf(0);
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
Integer num2 = Integer.valueOf(1049);
Integer num3 = new Integer((new Double(Math.ceil(new Double((new Double((new Integer(ArrayExtensions.getLength(encodedData).intValue())).doubleValue())).doubleValue() / (new Double((new Integer(num2.intValue())).doubleValue())).doubleValue())))).intValue());
if(num3.intValue() == 0)
num3 = Integer.valueOf(1);
Integer num4 = Integer.valueOf(ArrayExtensions.getLength(encodedData).intValue() / num3.intValue());
Integer num5 = Integer.valueOf(ArrayExtensions.getLength(encodedData).intValue() - num3.intValue() * num4.intValue());
for(Integer i = Integer.valueOf(0); i.intValue() < num3.intValue();)
Integer count = num4;
if(i.intValue() < num5.intValue())
Integer integer = count;
Integer integer1 = count = Integer.valueOf(count.intValue() + 1);
Integer _tmp = integer;
Vp8Packet item = new Vp8Packet();
item.setStartOfPartition(Boolean.valueOf(i.intValue() == 0));
item.setPayload(BitAssistant.subArray(encodedData, offset, count));
offset = Integer.valueOf(offset.intValue() + count.intValue());
count = i;
i = Integer.valueOf(i.intValue() + 1);
Integer _tmp1 = count;
return (Vp8Packet[])list.toArray(new Vp8Packet[0]);
public static Vp8Packet parseBytes(byte packetBytes[])
Integer index = Integer.valueOf(0);
Vp8Packet packet = new Vp8Packet();
byte num2 = packetBytes[index.intValue()];
packet.setExtendedControlBitsPresent(Boolean.valueOf((num2 & 0x80) == 128));
packet.setNonReferenceFrame(Boolean.valueOf((num2 & 0x20) == 32));
packet.setStartOfPartition(Boolean.valueOf((num2 & 0x10) == 16));
packet.setPartitionId((byte)(num2 & 0xf));
Integer integer = index;
Integer integer1 = index = Integer.valueOf(index.intValue() + 1);
Integer _tmp = integer;
byte num3 = packetBytes[index.intValue()];
packet.setPictureIDPresent(Boolean.valueOf((num3 & 0x80) == 128));
packet.setTemporalLevelZeroIndexPresent(Boolean.valueOf((num3 & 0x40) == 64));
packet.setTemporalLayerIndexPresent(Boolean.valueOf((num3 & 0x20) == 32));
packet.setKeyIndexPresent(Boolean.valueOf((num3 & 0x10) == 16));
Integer integer2 = index;
Integer integer5 = index = Integer.valueOf(index.intValue() + 1);
Integer _tmp1 = integer2;
if((packetBytes[index.intValue()] & 0x80) == 128)
byte buffer[] = BitAssistant.subArray(packetBytes, index, Integer.valueOf(2));
buffer[0] = (byte)(buffer[0] & 0x7f);
packet.setPictureID(BitAssistant.toShortNetwork(buffer, Integer.valueOf(0)));
index = Integer.valueOf(index.intValue() + 2);
} else
byte buffer2[] = new byte[2];
buffer2[1] = packetBytes[index.intValue()];
packet.setPictureID(BitAssistant.toShortNetwork(buffer2, Integer.valueOf(0)));
Integer integer6 = index;
Integer integer9 = index = Integer.valueOf(index.intValue() + 1);
Integer _tmp2 = integer6;
Integer integer3 = index;
Integer integer7 = index = Integer.valueOf(index.intValue() + 1);
Integer _tmp3 = integer3;
if(packet.getTemporalLayerIndexPresent().booleanValue() || packet.getKeyIndexPresent().booleanValue())
packet.setTemporalLayerIndex((byte)(packetBytes[index.intValue()] >> 6 & 3));
packet.setLayerSync(Boolean.valueOf((packetBytes[index.intValue()] & 0x20) == 32));
packet.setKeyIndex((byte)(packetBytes[index.intValue()] & 0x1f));
Integer integer4 = index;
Integer integer8 = index = Integer.valueOf(index.intValue() + 1);
Integer _tmp4 = integer4;
packet.setPayload(BitAssistant.subArray(packetBytes, index));
return packet;
private void setExtendedControlBitsPresent(Boolean value)
_extendedControlBitsPresent = value;
private void setKeyIndex(byte value)
_keyIndex = value;
private void setKeyIndexPresent(Boolean value)
_keyIndexPresent = value;
private void setLayerSync(Boolean value)
_layerSync = value;
private void setNonReferenceFrame(Boolean value)
_nonReferenceFrame = value;
private void setPartitionId(byte value)
_partitionId = value;
private void setPayload(byte value[])
_payload = value;
private void setPictureID(Short value)
_pictureID = value;
private void setPictureIDPresent(Boolean value)
_pictureIDPresent = value;
private void setStartOfPartition(Boolean value)
_startOfPartition = value;
private void setTemporalLayerIndex(byte value)
_temporalLayerIndex = value;
private void setTemporalLayerIndexPresent(Boolean value)
_temporalLayerIndexPresent = value;
private void setTemporalLevelZeroIndex(byte value)
_temporalLevelZeroIndex = value;
private void setTemporalLevelZeroIndexPresent(Boolean value)
_temporalLevelZeroIndexPresent = value;
public static Integer getSequenceNumberDelta(Integer sequenceNumber, Integer lastSequenceNumber)
Integer num = Integer.valueOf(sequenceNumber.intValue() - lastSequenceNumber.intValue());
if(num.intValue() < -32768)
return Integer.valueOf(num.intValue() + 65535);
if(num.intValue() > 32768)
num = Integer.valueOf(num.intValue() - 65535);
return num;
...@@ -43,16 +43,22 @@ public class Config extends HttpServlet ...@@ -43,16 +43,22 @@ public class Config extends HttpServlet
ServletOutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); ServletOutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
String iceServers = JiveGlobals.getProperty("org.jitsi.videobridge.ofmeet.iceservers", "");
String resolution = JiveGlobals.getProperty("org.jitsi.videobridge.ofmeet.resolution", "720");
String useNicks = JiveGlobals.getProperty("org.jitsi.videobridge.ofmeet.usenicks", "false");
String useIPv6 = JiveGlobals.getProperty("org.jitsi.videobridge.ofmeet.useipv6", "false");
out.println("var config = {"); out.println("var config = {");
out.println(" hosts: {"); out.println(" hosts: {");
out.println(" domain: '" + domain + "',"); out.println(" domain: '" + domain + "',");
out.println(" muc: 'conference." + domain + "',"); out.println(" muc: 'conference." + domain + "',");
out.println(" bridge: 'jitsi-videobridge." + domain + "',"); out.println(" bridge: 'jitsi-videobridge." + domain + "',");
out.println(" },"); out.println(" },");
out.println(" useIPv6: false,"); if (!iceServers.trim().equals("")) out.println(" iceServers: " + iceServers + ",");
out.println(" useNicks: false,"); out.println(" useIPv6: " + useIPv6 + ",");
out.println(" useNicks: " + useNicks + ",");
out.println(" useWebsockets: " + (websockets ? "true" : "false") + ","); out.println(" useWebsockets: " + (websockets ? "true" : "false") + ",");
out.println(" resolution: '720',"); out.println(" resolution: '" + resolution + "',");
out.println(" bosh: window.location.protocol + '//' + + '/http-bind/'"); out.println(" bosh: window.location.protocol + '//' + + '/http-bind/'");
out.println("}; "); out.println("}; ");
...@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ import org.ifsoft.*; ...@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ import org.ifsoft.*;
import org.ifsoft.sip.*; import org.ifsoft.sip.*;
import*; import*;
import org.ifsoft.rtp.*;
/** /**
* Implements <tt>org.jivesoftware.openfire.container.Plugin</tt> to integrate * Implements <tt>org.jivesoftware.openfire.container.Plugin</tt> to integrate
...@@ -1011,13 +1012,15 @@ public class PluginImpl implements Plugin, PropertyEventListener ...@@ -1011,13 +1012,15 @@ public class PluginImpl implements Plugin, PropertyEventListener
* *
* *
*/ */
private JID user;
private byte partial[]; private Vp8Accumulator _accumulator = new Vp8Accumulator();
private int lastseqnum = -1; private Integer _lastSequenceNumber = Integer.valueOf(-1);
private boolean _sequenceNumberingViolated = false;
private Participant me = this; private Participant me = this;
private int snapshot = 0; private int snapshot = 0;
private boolean isKeyframe = false; private JID user;
/** /**
* *
* *
...@@ -1053,7 +1056,7 @@ public class PluginImpl implements Plugin, PropertyEventListener ...@@ -1053,7 +1056,7 @@ public class PluginImpl implements Plugin, PropertyEventListener
*/ */
public void recordData(RawPacket packet) public void recordData(RawPacket packet)
{ {
if (snapshot < 1)"transferData " + packet.getPayloadLength() + " " + packet.getHeaderLength() + " " + packet.getExtensionLength()); //if (snapshot < 1)"transferData " + packet.getPayloadLength() + " " + packet.getHeaderLength() + " " + packet.getExtensionLength());
try { try {
...@@ -1061,96 +1064,40 @@ public class PluginImpl implements Plugin, PropertyEventListener ...@@ -1061,96 +1064,40 @@ public class PluginImpl implements Plugin, PropertyEventListener
{ {
byte[] rtp = packet.getPayload(); byte[] rtp = packet.getPayload();
if (rtp.length < 2) return; //bad packet if(!_sequenceNumberingViolated && _lastSequenceNumber.intValue() > -1 && Vp8Packet.getSequenceNumberDelta(packet.getSequenceNumber(), _lastSequenceNumber).intValue() > 1)
_sequenceNumberingViolated = true;
int vp8Length = packet.getPayloadLength(); _lastSequenceNumber = packet.getSequenceNumber();
int payloadOffset = 0; Vp8Packet packet2 = Vp8Packet.parseBytes(rtp);
if (partial == null) { if(packet2 == null) return;
partial = new byte[0];
if (snapshot < 1)"expecting X R N S PartID");
byte x = rtp[payloadOffset]; //X R N S PartID _accumulator.add(packet2);
byte encodedFrame[] = null;
payloadOffset++; if (packet.isPacketMarked())
if ((x & 0x80) != 0) // extened bits
{ {
if (snapshot < 1)"found I L T RSV-A"); encodedFrame = Vp8Packet.depacketize(_accumulator.getPackets());
byte ilt = rtp[payloadOffset]; //I L T RSV-A boolean isKeyframe = encodedFrame != null && encodedFrame.length > 0 && (encodedFrame[0] & 1) == 0;
if ((ilt & 0x80) != 0) { //picture ID
byte m = rtp[payloadOffset]; //picture ID
if (snapshot < 1)"found picture ID 1");
if ((m & 0x80) != 0)
if (snapshot < 1)"found picture ID 2");
if ((ilt & 0x40) != 0) { //TL0PICIDX
if (snapshot < 1)"found TL0PICIDX");
if ((ilt & 0x20) != 0 || (ilt & 0x10) != 0) { //TID RSV-B
if (snapshot < 1)"found TID RSV-B or keyframe index");
if ((x & 0x10) != 0 && (x & 0x0f) == 0 && vp8Length >= 3) // start of partition if(_sequenceNumberingViolated && isKeyframe)
{ _sequenceNumberingViolated = false;
if (snapshot < 1)"found start of partition " + x);
partial = new byte[0];
isKeyframe = (rtp[payloadOffset] & 0x1) == 0;
int partialLength = partial.length;
partial = Arrays.copyOf(partial, partial.length + vp8Length);
System.arraycopy(rtp, payloadOffset, partial, partialLength, vp8Length);
int thisseqnum = packet.getSequenceNumber();
if (lastseqnum != -1 && thisseqnum != lastseqnum + 1) {
if (snapshot < 1)"VP8:Received packet out of order, discarding frame.");
partial = null;
lastseqnum = -1;
lastseqnum = thisseqnum;
if (packet.isPacketMarked()) _accumulator.reset();
if (recorder != null && partial != null) if (recorder != null && encodedFrame != null && _sequenceNumberingViolated == false)
{ {
byte[] full = Arrays.copyOf(partial, partial.length); byte[] full = Arrays.copyOf(encodedFrame, encodedFrame.length);
if (snapshot < 1)"recordData " + " " + packet.getPayloadType() + " " + full + " " + packet.getSequenceNumber() + " " + isKeyframe);
recorder.write(full, 0, full.length, isKeyframe, packet.getTimestamp()); recorder.write(full, 0, full.length, isKeyframe, packet.getTimestamp());
if (isKeyframe && snapshot < 1) if (isKeyframe && snapshot < 1)
{ {"recordData " + " " + packet.getPayloadType() + " " + full + " " + packet.getSequenceNumber() + " " + packet.getTimestamp());
recorder.writeWebPImage(full, 0, full.length, packet.getTimestamp()); recorder.writeWebPImage(full, 0, full.length, packet.getTimestamp());
snapshot++; snapshot++;
} }
} }
partial = null;
lastseqnum = -1;
} }
} else { } else {
Log.error("record video cannot parse packet data " + packet); Log.error("record video cannot parse packet data " + packet);
...@@ -1168,7 +1115,7 @@ public class PluginImpl implements Plugin, PropertyEventListener ...@@ -1168,7 +1115,7 @@ public class PluginImpl implements Plugin, PropertyEventListener
this.nickname = nickname; this.nickname = nickname;
this.user = user; this.user = user;
this.focusName = focusName; this.focusName = focusName;
this.sequenceNumberingViolated = Boolean.valueOf(false); this.sequenceNumberingViolated = false;
this.lastSequenceNumber = Integer.valueOf(-1); this.lastSequenceNumber = Integer.valueOf(-1);
} }
/** /**
...@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ public class Recorder extends Thread ...@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ public class Recorder extends Thread
MatroskaFileTrack track = new MatroskaFileTrack(); MatroskaFileTrack track = new MatroskaFileTrack();
track.TrackNo = (short)1; track.TrackNo = (short)1;
track.TrackUID = new java.util.Random().nextLong(); track.TrackUID = (long)1;
track.TrackType = MatroskaDocType.track_video; track.TrackType = MatroskaDocType.track_video;
track.Name = "VP8"; track.Name = "VP8";
track.CodecName = "VP8"; track.CodecName = "VP8";
...@@ -82,7 +82,20 @@ ...@@ -82,7 +82,20 @@
JiveGlobals.setProperty("voicebridge.default.proxy.sipserver", server); JiveGlobals.setProperty("voicebridge.default.proxy.sipserver", server);
String outboundproxy = request.getParameter("outboundproxy"); String outboundproxy = request.getParameter("outboundproxy");
JiveGlobals.setProperty("voicebridge.default.proxy.outboundproxy", outboundproxy); JiveGlobals.setProperty("voicebridge.default.proxy.outboundproxy", outboundproxy);
String iceServers = request.getParameter("iceservers");
JiveGlobals.setProperty("org.jitsi.videobridge.ofmeet.iceservers", iceServers);
String useIPv6 = request.getParameter("useipv6");
JiveGlobals.setProperty("org.jitsi.videobridge.ofmeet.useipv6", useIPv6);
String useNicks = request.getParameter("usenicks");
JiveGlobals.setProperty("org.jitsi.videobridge.ofmeet.usenicks", useNicks);
String resolution = request.getParameter("resolution");
JiveGlobals.setProperty("org.jitsi.videobridge.ofmeet.resolution", resolution);
} }
%> %>
...@@ -102,6 +115,58 @@ ...@@ -102,6 +115,58 @@
<div class="jive-table"> <div class="jive-table">
<form action="jitsi-videobridge.jsp" method="post"> <form action="jitsi-videobridge.jsp" method="post">
<table class="jive-table" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="50%">
<th colspan="2"><fmt:message key=""/></th>
<td nowrap colspan="2">
<input type="radio" value="false" name="useipv6" <%= ("false".equals(JiveGlobals.getProperty("org.jitsi.videobridge.ofmeet.useipv6", "false")) ? "checked" : "") %>>
<b><fmt:message key="" /></b> - <fmt:message key="" />
<td nowrap colspan="2">
<input type="radio" value="true" name="useipv6" <%= ("true".equals(JiveGlobals.getProperty("org.jitsi.videobridge.ofmeet.useipv6", "false")) ? "checked" : "") %>>
<b><fmt:message key="" /></b> - <fmt:message key="" />
<td nowrap colspan="2">
<input type="radio" value="false" name="usenicks" <%= ("false".equals(JiveGlobals.getProperty("org.jitsi.videobridge.ofmeet.usenicks", "false")) ? "checked" : "") %>>
<b><fmt:message key="" /></b> - <fmt:message key="" />
<td nowrap colspan="2">
<input type="radio" value="true" name="usenicks" <%= ("true".equals(JiveGlobals.getProperty("org.jitsi.videobridge.ofmeet.usenicks", "false")) ? "checked" : "") %>>
<b><fmt:message key="" /></b> - <fmt:message key="" />
<td align="left" width="150">
<fmt:message key=""/>
<td><input type="text" size="50" maxlength="100" name="iceservers"
value="<%= JiveGlobals.getProperty("org.jitsi.videobridge.ofmeet.iceservers", "") %>">
<td align="left" width="150">
<fmt:message key=""/>
<td><input type="text" size="10" maxlength="100" name="resolution"
value="<%= JiveGlobals.getProperty("org.jitsi.videobridge.ofmeet.resolution", "720") %>">
<table class="jive-table" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="50%"> <table class="jive-table" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="50%">
<thead> <thead>
<tr> <tr>
...@@ -127,7 +192,8 @@ ...@@ -127,7 +192,8 @@
</tr> </tr>
</tbody> </tbody>
</table> </table>
<p/> </p>
<table class="jive-table" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="50%"> <table class="jive-table" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="50%">
<thead> <thead>
<tr> <tr>
...@@ -153,7 +219,8 @@ ...@@ -153,7 +219,8 @@
</tr> </tr>
</tbody> </tbody>
</table> </table>
<p/> </p>
<table class="jive-table" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="50%"> <table class="jive-table" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="50%">
<thead> <thead>
<tr> <tr>
...@@ -175,7 +242,8 @@ ...@@ -175,7 +242,8 @@
</tr> </tr>
</tbody> </tbody>
</table> </table>
<p/> </p>
<table class="jive-table" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="50%"> <table class="jive-table" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="50%">
<thead> <thead>
<tr> <tr>
...@@ -220,7 +288,8 @@ ...@@ -220,7 +288,8 @@
</td> </td>
</tr> </tr>
</table> </table>
<p/> </p>
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<thead> <thead>
<tr> <tr>
...@@ -232,7 +301,8 @@ ...@@ -232,7 +301,8 @@
<th colspan="2"><input type="submit" name="update" value="<fmt:message key="" />"><fmt:message key=""/></th> <th colspan="2"><input type="submit" name="update" value="<fmt:message key="" />"><fmt:message key=""/></th>
</tr> </tr>
</tbody> </tbody>
</table> </table>
</form> </form>
</div> </div>
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