Commit 300b0afd authored by Dele Olajide's avatar Dele Olajide

ofmeet plugin

Fixed exception when clientcontrol plugin is missing
Fixed fault with focus when hostname is localhost
Removed install logic for chrome extension. Always requires a manual install
Fixed broken audio and video bandwidth configuration with server-side focus change.
parent 3ba467df
......@@ -49,6 +49,15 @@
Openfire Meetings Plugin Changelog
<p><b>0.0.6</b> -- Dec 29th, 2014</p>
<li>Fixed fault with exception when clientcontrol plugin is missing</li>
<li>Fixed fault with focus when hostname is localhost</li>
<li>Removed install logic for chrome extension. Always requires a manual install</li>
<li>Fixed broken audio and video bandwidth configuration with server-side focus change.</li>
<p><b>0.0.5</b> -- Dec 15th, 2014</p>
......@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
<name>Openfire Meetings</name>
<description>Provides high quality, scalable video conferences using Jitsi Meet and Jitsi Videobridge</description>
<author>Ignite Realtime</author>
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
<script src="smileys.js?v=3"></script><!-- smiley images -->
<script src="replacement.js?v=7"></script><!-- link and smiley replacement -->
<script src="moderatemuc.js?v=4"></script><!-- moderator plugin -->
<script src="analytics.js?v=1"></script><!-- google analytics plugin -->
<!--script src="analytics.js?v=1"></script--><!-- google analytics plugin -->
<script src="rtp_sts.js?v=5"></script><!-- RTP stats processing -->
<script src="local_sts.js?v=2"></script><!-- Local stats processing -->
<script src="videolayout.js?v=31"></script><!-- video ui -->
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ public class JicofoPlugin
this.pluginDirectory = pluginDirectory;
String hostName = XMPPServer.getInstance().getServerInfo().getHostname();
String hostName = JiveGlobals.getProperty("org.jitsi.videobridge.nat.harvester.public.address", XMPPServer.getInstance().getServerInfo().getHostname());
String domain = XMPPServer.getInstance().getServerInfo().getXMPPDomain();
String focusUserJid = JiveGlobals.getProperty("org.jitsi.videobridge.ofmeet.focus.user.jid", "focus@"+domain);
String focusUserPassword = JiveGlobals.getProperty("org.jitsi.videobridge.ofmeet.focus.user.password", "focus");
......@@ -69,6 +69,12 @@ public class Config extends HttpServlet
String conferences = "[";
boolean clientControl = XMPPServer.getInstance().getPluginManager().getPlugin("clientControl") != null || XMPPServer.getInstance().getPluginManager().getPlugin("clientcontrol") != null;
if (clientControl)
try {
final Collection<Bookmark> bookmarks = BookmarkManager.getBookmarks();
for (Bookmark bookmark : bookmarks)
......@@ -85,6 +91,11 @@ public class Config extends HttpServlet
} catch (Exception e) {
conferences = conferences + "]";
boolean nodejs = XMPPServer.getInstance().getPluginManager().getPlugin("nodejs") != null;
......@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ JingleSession.prototype.accept = function () {
// FIXME: change any inactive to sendrecv or whatever they were originally
sdp = sdp.replace('a=inactive', 'a=sendrecv');
this.peerconnection.setLocalDescription(new RTCSessionDescription({type: 'answer', sdp: sdp}),
this.peerconnection.setLocalDescription(new RTCSessionDescription({type: 'answer', sdp: this.setBandwidth(sdp)}), // BAO
function () {
//console.log('setLocalDescription success');
$(document).trigger('setLocalDescription.jingle', [self.sid]);
......@@ -385,7 +385,8 @@ JingleSession.prototype.createdOffer = function (sdp) {
sdp.sdp = this.localSDP.raw;
sdp.sdp = this.setBandwidth(this.localSDP.raw); // BAO
function () {
......@@ -625,7 +626,7 @@ JingleSession.prototype.createdAnswer = function (sdp, provisional) {
sdp.sdp = this.localSDP.raw;
sdp.sdp = this.setBandwidth(this.localSDP.raw); //BAO
function () {
......@@ -763,3 +764,19 @@ JingleSession.prototype.getStats = function (interval) {
}, interval || 3000);
return this.statsinterval;
// BAO
JingleSession.prototype.setBandwidth = function (sdp)
// remove existing bandwidth lines
sdp = sdp.replace( /b=AS([^\r\n]+\r\n)/g , '');
// audio bandwidth
sdp = sdp.replace( /a=mid:audio\r\n/g , 'a=mid:audio\r\nb=AS:' + config.audioBandwidth + '\r\n');
// video bandwidth
sdp = sdp.replace( /a=mid:video\r\n/g , 'a=mid:video\r\nb=AS:' + config.videoBandwidth + '\r\n');
return sdp;
......@@ -151,21 +151,8 @@ function obtainScreenFromExtension(streamCallback, failCallback) {
if (isInstalled) {
doGetStreamFromExtension(streamCallback, failCallback);
} else {
function (arg) {
console.log("Extension installed successfully", arg);
// We need to reload the page in order to get the access to chrome.runtime
function (arg) {
console.log("Failed to auto install the extension", arg);
failCallback(arg);, "_blank");
'Install manually and reload webpage');
messageHandler.showError('Error', 'Install manually and reload webpage');
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