Commit 241f12dd authored by Gaston Dombiak's avatar Gaston Dombiak Committed by gato

Removed Roster instance variable. (cluster reasons)

git-svn-id: b35dd754-fafc-0310-a699-88a17e54d16e
parent 750b4c24
......@@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ public class PrivacyList implements Cacheable, Externalizable {
private String name;
private boolean isDefault;
private List<PrivacyItem> items = new ArrayList<PrivacyItem>();
private Roster roster;
* Constructor added for Externalizable. Do not use this constructor.
......@@ -146,6 +145,7 @@ public class PrivacyList implements Cacheable, Externalizable {
return false;
// Iterate over the rules and check each rule condition
Roster roster = getRoster();
for (PrivacyItem item : items) {
if (item.matchesCondition(packet, roster, userJID)) {
if (item.isAllow()) {
......@@ -205,13 +205,10 @@ public class PrivacyList implements Cacheable, Externalizable {
// If the user's roster is required to evaluation whether a packet must be blocked
// then ensure that the roster is available
if (roster == null && newItem.isRosterRequired()) {
try {
roster = XMPPServer.getInstance().getRosterManager().getRoster(userJID.getNode());
catch (UserNotFoundException e) {
Log.warn("Privacy item removed since roster of user was not found: " +
if (newItem.isRosterRequired()) {
Roster roster = getRoster();
if (roster == null) {
Log.warn("Privacy item removed since roster of user was not found: " + userJID.getNode());
......@@ -224,6 +221,15 @@ public class PrivacyList implements Cacheable, Externalizable {
private Roster getRoster() {
try {
return XMPPServer.getInstance().getRosterManager().getRoster(userJID.getNode());
} catch (UserNotFoundException e) {
Log.warn("Roster not found for user: " + userJID);
return null;
public int getCachedSize() {
// Approximate the size of the object in bytes by calculating the size
// of each field.
......@@ -233,9 +239,6 @@ public class PrivacyList implements Cacheable, Externalizable {
size += CacheSizes.sizeOfString(name); // name
size += CacheSizes.sizeOfBoolean(); // isDefault
size += CacheSizes.sizeOfCollection(items); // items of the list
if (roster != null) {
size += roster.getCachedSize(); // add size of roster
return size;
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