Commit 1c30e8de authored by Matt Tucker's avatar Matt Tucker Committed by matt

Tightened update logic to try to protect against checking too frequently.

git-svn-id: b35dd754-fafc-0310-a699-88a17e54d16e
parent 5d812e89
......@@ -22,10 +22,7 @@ import org.dom4j.DocumentFactory;
import org.dom4j.Element;
import org.jivesoftware.util.JiveGlobals;
import org.jivesoftware.util.LocaleUtils;
import org.jivesoftware.util.Log;
import org.jivesoftware.util.XMLWriter;
import org.jivesoftware.util.*;
import org.jivesoftware.wildfire.MessageRouter;
import org.jivesoftware.wildfire.XMPPServer;
import org.jivesoftware.wildfire.container.BasicModule;
......@@ -104,7 +101,7 @@ public class UpdateManager extends BasicModule {
// Load last saved information (if any)
while (isServiceEnabled()) {
// Check if the service is still enabled
if (isServiceEnabled()) {
try {
......@@ -113,8 +110,17 @@ public class UpdateManager extends BasicModule {
// Refresh list of available plugins and check for plugin updates
// Keep track of the last time we checked for updates
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
JiveGlobals.setProperty("update.lastCheck", String.valueOf(now));
// As an extra precaution, make sure that that the value
// we just set is saved. If not, return to make sure that
// no additional update checks are performed until Wildfire
// is restarted.
if (now != JiveGlobals.getLongProperty("update.lastCheck", 0)) {
Log.error("Error: update service check did not save correctly. " +
"Stopping update service.");
catch (Exception e) {
Log.error("Error checking for updates", e);
......@@ -131,17 +137,21 @@ public class UpdateManager extends BasicModule {
private void waitForNextChecking() throws InterruptedException {
long lastCheck = Long.parseLong(JiveGlobals.getProperty("update.lastCheck", "0"));
private void waitForNextCheck() throws InterruptedException {
long lastCheck = JiveGlobals.getLongProperty("update.lastCheck", 0);
if (lastCheck == 0) {
// This is the first time the server is used (since we added this feature)
} else {
else {
long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - lastCheck;
int frequency = getCheckFrequency() * 60 * 60 * 1000;
if (elapsed < frequency) {
// Sleep again before performing the next checking
long frequency = getCheckFrequency() * JiveConstants.HOUR;
// Sleep until we've waited the appropriate amount of time.
while (elapsed < frequency) {
Thread.sleep(frequency - elapsed);
// Update the elapsed time. This check is necessary just in case the
// thread woke up early.
elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - lastCheck;
......@@ -337,11 +347,18 @@ public class UpdateManager extends BasicModule {
* Returns the frequency to check for updates. By default, this will happen every 48 hours.
* The frequency returned will never be less than 12 hours.
* @return the frequency to check for updates in hours.
public int getCheckFrequency() {
return JiveGlobals.getIntProperty("update.frequency", 48);
int frequency = JiveGlobals.getIntProperty("update.frequency", 48);
if (frequency < 12) {
return 12;
else {
return frequency;
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