Commit 11242f27 authored by Gaston Dombiak's avatar Gaston Dombiak Committed by gato

More renaming work.

git-svn-id: b35dd754-fafc-0310-a699-88a17e54d16e
parent 339fe41f
* Copyright (C) 2006 Jive Software. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL),
* a copy of which is included in this distribution.
package org.jivesoftware.openfire.plugin;
import org.jivesoftware.openfire.PresenceRouter;
import org.jivesoftware.openfire.XMPPServer;
import org.jivesoftware.openfire.container.Plugin;
import org.jivesoftware.openfire.container.PluginManager;
import org.jivesoftware.openfire.interceptor.InterceptorManager;
import org.jivesoftware.openfire.interceptor.PacketInterceptor;
import org.jivesoftware.openfire.interceptor.PacketRejectedException;
import org.jivesoftware.openfire.session.Session;
import org.jivesoftware.util.JiveGlobals;
import org.xmpp.packet.JID;
import org.xmpp.packet.Packet;
import org.xmpp.packet.Presence;
import org.xmpp.packet.Presence.Type;
import java.util.*;
* This plugin can be configuured to automatically accept or reject subscription
* requests. When set to accept subscription requests users will be able to add
* someone to their roster without having to wait for a manual subscription
* acceptance from the other person. Conversely, when the plugin is set to
* reject subscription requests users will not be able to add people to their
* roster.
* @author <a href="">Ryan Graham</a>
public class SubscriptionPlugin implements Plugin {
public static final String DISABLED = "disabled";
public static final String ACCEPT = "accept";
public static final String REJECT = "reject";
public static final String LOCAL = "local";
public static final String ALL = "all";
private static final String SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE = "plugin.subscription.type";
private static final String SUBSCRIPTION_LEVEL = "plugin.subscription.level";
private static final String WHITE_LIST = "plugin.subscription.whiteList";
private List<String> whiteList = new ArrayList<String>();
private SuscriptionPacketInterceptor interceptor = new SuscriptionPacketInterceptor();
private PresenceRouter router;
private String serverName;
public SubscriptionPlugin() {
XMPPServer server = XMPPServer.getInstance();
router = server.getPresenceRouter();
serverName = server.getServerInfo().getName();
String list = JiveGlobals.getProperty(WHITE_LIST);
if (list != null) {
public void initializePlugin(PluginManager manager, File pluginDirectory) {
public void destroyPlugin() {
interceptor = null;
router = null;
serverName = null;
whiteList = null;
public void setSubscriptionType(String type) {
JiveGlobals.setProperty(SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE, type);
public String getSubscriptionType() {
return JiveGlobals.getProperty(SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE, DISABLED);
public void setSubscriptionLevel(String level) {
JiveGlobals.setProperty(SUBSCRIPTION_LEVEL, level);
public String getSubscriptionLevel() {
return JiveGlobals.getProperty(SUBSCRIPTION_LEVEL, LOCAL);
public Collection<String> getWhiteListUsers() {
return whiteList;
public void addWhiteListUser(String user) {
if (!whiteList.contains(user.trim().toLowerCase())) {
JiveGlobals.setProperty(WHITE_LIST, listToCSV(whiteList));
public void removeWhiteListUser(String user) {
if (whiteList.size() == 0) {
else {
JiveGlobals.setProperty(WHITE_LIST, listToCSV(whiteList));
private String listToCSV(List<String> list) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Iterator<String> iter = list.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
String s =;
if (iter.hasNext()) {
return sb.toString();
private List<String> csvToList(String csv) {
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String s : csv.split(",")) {
return list;
private class SuscriptionPacketInterceptor implements PacketInterceptor {
public void interceptPacket(Packet packet, Session session, boolean incoming, boolean processed) throws PacketRejectedException {
String type = getSubscriptionType();
if (type.equals(DISABLED)) {
if ((packet instanceof Presence) && !incoming && !processed) {
Presence presencePacket = (Presence) packet;
Type presenceType = presencePacket.getType();
if (presenceType != null && presenceType.equals(Presence.Type.subscribe)) {
JID toJID = presencePacket.getTo();
JID fromJID = presencePacket.getFrom();
String toNode = toJID.getNode();
if (whiteList.contains(toNode)) {
if (type.equals(ACCEPT)) {
acceptSubscription(toJID, fromJID);
if (type.equals(REJECT)) {
rejectSubscription(toJID, fromJID);
private void acceptSubscription(JID toJID, JID fromJID) throws PacketRejectedException {
if (getSubscriptionLevel().equals(LOCAL)) {
String toDomain = toJID.getDomain();
String fromDomain = fromJID.getDomain();
if (!toDomain.equals(serverName) || !fromDomain.equals(serverName)) {
// Simulate that the target user has accepted the presence subscription request
Presence presence = new Presence();
throw new PacketRejectedException();
private void rejectSubscription(JID toJID, JID fromJID) throws PacketRejectedException {
if (getSubscriptionLevel().equals(LOCAL)) {
String toDomain = toJID.getDomain();
String fromDomain = fromJID.getDomain();
if (toDomain.equals(serverName) && fromDomain.equals(serverName)) {
// Simulate that the target user has rejected the presence subscription request
Presence presence = new Presence();
// This is to get around an issue in Spark
// (
// Unfortunately, this is a bit of a hack and can easily be defeated
// if a user changes their resource when using Spark.
if (JiveGlobals.getBooleanProperty("plugin.subscription.sparkCheck", false)) {
String resource = fromJID.getResource();
if (resource != null && resource.equalsIgnoreCase("Spark")) {
throw new PacketRejectedException();
package org.jivesoftware.openfire.plugin;
import org.dom4j.DocumentException;
import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper;
import org.dom4j.Element;
import org.jivesoftware.util.LocaleUtils;
import org.jivesoftware.util.Log;
import org.jivesoftware.openfire.SharedGroupException;
import org.jivesoftware.openfire.XMPPServer;
import org.jivesoftware.openfire.container.Plugin;
import org.jivesoftware.openfire.container.PluginManager;
import org.jivesoftware.openfire.roster.Roster;
import org.jivesoftware.openfire.roster.RosterItem;
import org.jivesoftware.openfire.roster.RosterManager;
import org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserAlreadyExistsException;
import org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserManager;
import org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserNotFoundException;
import org.jivesoftware.openfire.vcard.VCardManager;
import org.xmpp.packet.JID;
import org.xmpp.packet.Presence;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Map;
* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: gato
* Date: Dec 8, 2006
* Time: 10:09:20 AM
* To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
public class UserCreationPlugin implements Plugin {
private static Hashtable<RosterItem.SubType, Map<String, Map<Presence.Type, Change>>> stateTable =
new Hashtable<RosterItem.SubType, Map<String, Map<Presence.Type, Change>>>();
private Element vCard;
static {
Hashtable<Presence.Type, Change> subrTable;
Hashtable<Presence.Type, Change> subsTable;
Hashtable<String, Map<Presence.Type, Change>> sr;
sr = new Hashtable<String, Map<Presence.Type, Change>>();
subrTable = new Hashtable<Presence.Type, Change>();
subsTable = new Hashtable<Presence.Type, Change>();
sr.put("recv", subrTable);
sr.put("send", subsTable);
stateTable.put(RosterItem.SUB_NONE, sr);
// Item wishes to subscribe from owner
// Set flag and update roster if this is a new state, this is the normal way to begin
// a roster subscription negotiation.
subrTable.put(Presence.Type.subscribe, new Change(RosterItem.RECV_SUBSCRIBE, null, null)); // no transition
// Item granted subscription to owner
// The item's state immediately goes from NONE to TO and ask is reset
subrTable.put(Presence.Type.subscribed, new Change(null, RosterItem.SUB_TO, RosterItem.ASK_NONE));
// Item wishes to unsubscribe from owner
// This makes no sense, there is no subscription to remove
subrTable.put(Presence.Type.unsubscribe, new Change(null, null, null));
// Owner has subscription to item revoked
// Valid response if item requested subscription and we're denying request
subrTable.put(Presence.Type.unsubscribed, new Change(null, null, RosterItem.ASK_NONE));
// Owner asking to subscribe to item this is the normal way to begin
// a roster subscription negotiation.
subsTable.put(Presence.Type.subscribe, new Change(null, null, RosterItem.ASK_SUBSCRIBE));
// Item granted a subscription from owner
subsTable.put(Presence.Type.subscribed, new Change(RosterItem.RECV_NONE, RosterItem.SUB_FROM, null));
// Owner asking to unsubscribe to item
// This makes no sense (there is no subscription to unsubscribe from)
subsTable.put(Presence.Type.unsubscribe, new Change(null, null, null));
// Item has subscription from owner revoked
// Valid response if item requested subscription and we're denying request
subsTable.put(Presence.Type.unsubscribed, new Change(RosterItem.RECV_NONE, null, null));
sr = new Hashtable<String, Map<Presence.Type, Change>>();
subrTable = new Hashtable<Presence.Type, Change>();
subsTable = new Hashtable<Presence.Type, Change>();
sr.put("recv", subrTable);
sr.put("send", subsTable);
stateTable.put(RosterItem.SUB_FROM, sr);
// Owner asking to subscribe to item
// Set flag and update roster if this is a new state, this is the normal way to begin
// a mutual roster subscription negotiation.
subsTable.put(Presence.Type.subscribe, new Change(null, null, RosterItem.ASK_SUBSCRIBE));
// Item granted a subscription from owner
// This may be necessary if the recipient didn't get an earlier subscribed grant
// or as a denial of an unsubscribe request
subsTable.put(Presence.Type.subscribed, new Change(RosterItem.RECV_NONE, null, null));
// Owner asking to unsubscribe to item
// This makes no sense (there is no subscription to unsubscribe from)
subsTable.put(Presence.Type.unsubscribe, new Change(null, RosterItem.SUB_NONE, null));
// Item has subscription from owner revoked
// Immediately transition to NONE state
subsTable.put(Presence.Type.unsubscribed, new Change(RosterItem.RECV_NONE, RosterItem.SUB_NONE, null));
// Item wishes to subscribe from owner
// Item already has a subscription so only interesting if item had requested unsubscribe
// Set flag and update roster if this is a new state, this is the normal way to begin
// a mutual roster subscription negotiation.
subrTable.put(Presence.Type.subscribe, new Change(RosterItem.RECV_NONE, null, null));
// Item granted subscription to owner
// The item's state immediately goes from FROM to BOTH and ask is reset
subrTable.put(Presence.Type.subscribed, new Change(null, RosterItem.SUB_BOTH, RosterItem.ASK_NONE));
// Item wishes to unsubscribe from owner
// This is the normal mechanism of removing subscription
subrTable.put(Presence.Type.unsubscribe, new Change(RosterItem.RECV_UNSUBSCRIBE, RosterItem.SUB_NONE, null));
// Owner has subscription to item revoked
// Valid response if owner requested subscription and item is denying request
subrTable.put(Presence.Type.unsubscribed, new Change(null, null, RosterItem.ASK_NONE));
sr = new Hashtable<String, Map<Presence.Type, Change>>();
subrTable = new Hashtable<Presence.Type, Change>();
subsTable = new Hashtable<Presence.Type, Change>();
sr.put("recv", subrTable);
sr.put("send", subsTable);
stateTable.put(RosterItem.SUB_TO, sr);
// Owner asking to subscribe to item
// We're already subscribed, may be trying to unset a unsub request
subsTable.put(Presence.Type.subscribe, new Change(null, null, RosterItem.ASK_NONE));
// Item granted a subscription from owner
// Sets mutual subscription
subsTable.put(Presence.Type.subscribed, new Change(RosterItem.RECV_NONE, RosterItem.SUB_BOTH, null));
// Owner asking to unsubscribe to item
// Normal method of removing subscription
subsTable.put(Presence.Type.unsubscribe, new Change(null, RosterItem.SUB_NONE, RosterItem.ASK_UNSUBSCRIBE));
// Item has subscription from owner revoked
// No subscription to unsub, makes sense if denying subscription request or for
// situations where the original unsubscribed got lost
subsTable.put(Presence.Type.unsubscribed, new Change(RosterItem.RECV_NONE, null, null));
// Item wishes to subscribe from owner
// This is the normal way to negotiate a mutual subscription
subrTable.put(Presence.Type.subscribe, new Change(RosterItem.RECV_SUBSCRIBE, null, null));
// Item granted subscription to owner
// Owner already subscribed to item, could be a unsub denial or a lost packet
subrTable.put(Presence.Type.subscribed, new Change(null, null, RosterItem.ASK_NONE));
// Item wishes to unsubscribe from owner
// There is no subscription. May be trying to cancel earlier subscribe request.
subrTable.put(Presence.Type.unsubscribe, new Change(RosterItem.RECV_NONE, RosterItem.SUB_NONE, null));
// Owner has subscription to item revoked
// Setting subscription to none
subrTable.put(Presence.Type.unsubscribed, new Change(null, RosterItem.SUB_NONE, RosterItem.ASK_NONE));
sr = new Hashtable<String, Map<Presence.Type, Change>>();
subrTable = new Hashtable<Presence.Type, Change>();
subsTable = new Hashtable<Presence.Type, Change>();
sr.put("recv", subrTable);
sr.put("send", subsTable);
stateTable.put(RosterItem.SUB_BOTH, sr);
// Owner asking to subscribe to item
// Makes sense if trying to cancel previous unsub request
subsTable.put(Presence.Type.subscribe, new Change(null, null, RosterItem.ASK_NONE));
// Item granted a subscription from owner
// This may be necessary if the recipient didn't get an earlier subscribed grant
// or as a denial of an unsubscribe request
subsTable.put(Presence.Type.subscribed, new Change(RosterItem.RECV_NONE, null, null));
// Owner asking to unsubscribe to item
// Set flags
subsTable.put(Presence.Type.unsubscribe, new Change(null, RosterItem.SUB_FROM, RosterItem.ASK_UNSUBSCRIBE));
// Item has subscription from owner revoked
// Immediately transition them to TO state
subsTable.put(Presence.Type.unsubscribed, new Change(RosterItem.RECV_NONE, RosterItem.SUB_TO, null));
// Item wishes to subscribe to owner
// Item already has a subscription so only interesting if item had requested unsubscribe
// Set flag and update roster if this is a new state, this is the normal way to begin
// a mutual roster subscription negotiation.
subrTable.put(Presence.Type.subscribe, new Change(RosterItem.RECV_NONE, null, null));
// Item granted subscription to owner
// Redundant unless denying unsub request
subrTable.put(Presence.Type.subscribed, new Change(null, null, RosterItem.ASK_NONE));
// Item wishes to unsubscribe from owner
// This is the normal mechanism of removing subscription
subrTable.put(Presence.Type.unsubscribe, new Change(RosterItem.RECV_UNSUBSCRIBE, RosterItem.SUB_TO, null));
// Owner has subscription to item revoked
// Immediately downgrade state to FROM
new Change(RosterItem.RECV_NONE, RosterItem.SUB_FROM, RosterItem.ASK_NONE));
* <p>Indicate a state change.</p>
* <p>Use nulls to indicate fields that should not be changed.</p>
private static class Change {
public Change(RosterItem.RecvType recv, RosterItem.SubType sub, RosterItem.AskType ask) {
newRecv = recv;
newSub = sub;
newAsk = ask;
public RosterItem.RecvType newRecv;
public RosterItem.SubType newSub;
public RosterItem.AskType newAsk;
public void initializePlugin(PluginManager manager, File pluginDirectory) {
// Do nothing
public void destroyPlugin() {
// Do nothing
public void createUsers(String userPrefix, int from, int total) {
// Create users
UserManager userManager = XMPPServer.getInstance().getUserManager();
System.out.println("Creating users accounts: " + total);
int created = 0;
for (int i = from; i < from + total; i++) {
try {
String username = userPrefix + i;
userManager.createUser(username, username, username, null);
} catch (UserAlreadyExistsException e) {
// Ignore
System.out.println("Accounts created successfully: " + created);
public void populateRosters(String userPrefix, int from, int total, int usersPerRoster) {
XMPPServer server = XMPPServer.getInstance();
RosterManager rosterManager = server.getRosterManager();
int batchTotal = total / usersPerRoster;
System.out.println("Total batches of users: " + batchTotal);
for (int batchNumber = 0; batchNumber < batchTotal; batchNumber++) {
System.out.println("Current batch: " + batchNumber + ". Users: " + batchNumber*usersPerRoster + " - " + ((batchNumber*usersPerRoster)+usersPerRoster));
// Add rosters items between connected users
for (int i = (batchNumber * usersPerRoster) + from;
i < (batchNumber * usersPerRoster) + usersPerRoster + from; i++) {
String username = userPrefix + i;
Roster roster;
try {
roster = rosterManager.getRoster(username);
} catch (UserNotFoundException e) {
if (roster.getRosterItems().size() >= usersPerRoster) {
// Roster already populated. Skip it.
for (int j = (batchNumber * usersPerRoster) + from;
j < (batchNumber * usersPerRoster) + usersPerRoster + from; j++) {
if (i == j) {
try {
Roster recipientRoster = rosterManager.getRoster(userPrefix + j);
manageSub(server.createJID(userPrefix + j, null), true, Presence.Type.subscribe, roster);
manageSub(server.createJID(username, null), false, Presence.Type.subscribe, recipientRoster);
manageSub(server.createJID(userPrefix + j, null), true, Presence.Type.subscribed, roster);
manageSub(server.createJID(username, null), false, Presence.Type.subscribed, recipientRoster);
} catch (UserNotFoundException e) {
// Ignore
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Rosters populated with " + usersPerRoster + " contacts.");
public void createVCards(String userPrefix, int from, int total) {
// Create users
System.out.println("Creating users vCards: " + total);
int created = 0;
for (int i = from; i < from + total; i++) {
try {
String username = userPrefix + i;
VCardManager.getInstance().setVCard(username, getDefaultVCard());
} catch (Exception e) {
// Ignore
System.out.println("VCards created successfully: " + created);
private Element getDefaultVCard() {
if (vCard != null) {
return vCard;
try {
String xml = "<vCard xmlns=\"vcard-temp\"><N><FAMILY>Dombiak</FAMILY><GIVEN>Gaston</GIVEN><MIDDLE>Maximiliano</MIDDLE></N><ORG><ORGNAME>Jive Software</ORGNAME><ORGUNIT/></ORG><FN>Gaston Maximiliano Dombiak</FN><ROLE/><DESC/><JABBERID></JABBERID><userName>12011349</userName><server></server><URL/><NICKNAME>Gato</NICKNAME><TITLE/><PHOTO><TYPE>image/jpeg</TYPE><BINVAL>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</BINVAL></PHOTO><EMAIL><WORK/><INTERNET/><PREF/><USERID></USERID></EMAIL><EMAIL><HOME/><INTERNET/><PREF/><USERID></USERID></EMAIL><TEL><PAGER/><WORK/><NUMBER/></TEL><TEL><CELL/><WORK/><NUMBER/></TEL><TEL><VOICE/><WORK/><NUMBER/></TEL><TEL><FAX/><WORK/><NUMBER/></TEL><TEL><PAGER/><HOME/><NUMBER/></TEL><TEL><CELL/><HOME/><NUMBER/></TEL><TEL><VOICE/><HOME/><NUMBER/></TEL><TEL><FAX/><HOME/><NUMBER/></TEL><ADR><WORK/><EXTADD/><PCODE>97204</PCODE><REGION>Oregon</REGION><STREET>317 SW Alder St Ste 500</STREET><CTRY>USA</CTRY><LOCALITY>Portland</LOCALITY></ADR><ADR><HOME/><EXTADD/><PCODE/><REGION/><STREET/><CTRY/><LOCALITY/></ADR></vCard>";
vCard = DocumentHelper.parseText(xml).getRootElement();
return vCard;
} catch (DocumentException e) {
return null;
private boolean manageSub(JID target, boolean isSending, Presence.Type type, Roster roster)
throws UserAlreadyExistsException, SharedGroupException {
RosterItem item = null;
RosterItem.AskType oldAsk;
RosterItem.SubType oldSub = null;
RosterItem.RecvType oldRecv;
boolean newItem = false;
try {
if (roster.isRosterItem(target)) {
item = roster.getRosterItem(target);
} else {
if (Presence.Type.unsubscribed == type || Presence.Type.unsubscribe == type ||
Presence.Type.subscribed == type) {
// Do not create a roster item when processing a confirmation of
// an unsubscription or receiving an unsubscription request or a
// subscription approval from an unknown user
return false;
item = roster.createRosterItem(target, false, true);
newItem = true;
// Get a snapshot of the item state
oldAsk = item.getAskStatus();
oldSub = item.getSubStatus();
oldRecv = item.getRecvStatus();
// Update the item state based in the received presence type
updateState(item, type, isSending);
// Update the roster IF the item state has changed
if (oldAsk != item.getAskStatus() || oldSub != item.getSubStatus() ||
oldRecv != item.getRecvStatus()) {
} else if (newItem) {
// Do not push items with a state of "None + Pending In"
if (item.getSubStatus() != RosterItem.SUB_NONE ||
item.getRecvStatus() != RosterItem.RECV_SUBSCRIBE) {
roster.broadcast(item, false);
catch (UserNotFoundException e) {
// Should be there because we just checked that it's an item
Log.error(LocaleUtils.getLocalizedString("admin.error"), e);
return oldSub != item.getSubStatus();
private static void updateState(RosterItem item, Presence.Type action, boolean isSending) {
Map<String, Map<Presence.Type, Change>> srTable = stateTable.get(item.getSubStatus());
Map<Presence.Type, Change> changeTable = srTable.get(isSending ? "send" : "recv");
Change change = changeTable.get(action);
if (change.newAsk != null && change.newAsk != item.getAskStatus()) {
if (change.newSub != null && change.newSub != item.getSubStatus()) {
if (change.newRecv != null && change.newRecv != item.getRecvStatus()) {
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