package import import import android.content.ClipData import android.content.ClipboardManager import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import import android.os.Bundle import android.os.Handler import androidx.annotation.DrawableRes import import androidx.recyclerview.widget.DefaultItemAnimator import androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder import android.view.* import android.widget.* import androidx.core.text.bold import androidx.core.view.isVisible import import* import import import import import import import import import import import* import* import chat.rocket.common.model.RoomType import chat.rocket.common.model.roomTypeOf import chat.rocket.core.internal.realtime.socket.model.State import chat.rocket.core.model.ChatRoom import import io.reactivex.Observable import io.reactivex.disposables.CompositeDisposable import io.reactivex.disposables.Disposable import* import* import* import* import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger import javax.inject.Inject fun newInstance( chatRoomId: String, chatRoomName: String, chatRoomType: String, isChatRoomReadOnly: Boolean, chatRoomLastSeen: Long, isSubscribed: Boolean = true, isChatRoomCreator: Boolean = false, chatRoomMessage: String? = null ): Fragment { return ChatRoomFragment().apply { arguments = Bundle(1).apply { putString(BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_ID, chatRoomId) putString(BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_NAME, chatRoomName) putString(BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_TYPE, chatRoomType) putBoolean(BUNDLE_IS_CHAT_ROOM_READ_ONLY, isChatRoomReadOnly) putLong(BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_LAST_SEEN, chatRoomLastSeen) putBoolean(BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_IS_SUBSCRIBED, isSubscribed) putBoolean(BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_IS_CREATOR, isChatRoomCreator) putString(BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_MESSAGE, chatRoomMessage) } } } private const val BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_ID = "chat_room_id" private const val BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_NAME = "chat_room_name" private const val BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_TYPE = "chat_room_type" private const val BUNDLE_IS_CHAT_ROOM_READ_ONLY = "is_chat_room_read_only" private const val REQUEST_CODE_FOR_PERFORM_SAF = 42 private const val BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_LAST_SEEN = "chat_room_last_seen" private const val BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_IS_SUBSCRIBED = "chat_room_is_subscribed" private const val BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_IS_CREATOR = "chat_room_is_creator" private const val BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_MESSAGE = "chat_room_message" class ChatRoomFragment : Fragment(), ChatRoomView, EmojiKeyboardListener, EmojiReactionListener { @Inject lateinit var presenter: ChatRoomPresenter @Inject lateinit var parser: MessageParser private lateinit var adapter: ChatRoomAdapter private lateinit var chatRoomId: String private lateinit var chatRoomName: String private lateinit var chatRoomType: String private var chatRoomMessage: String? = null private var isSubscribed: Boolean = true private var isChatRoomReadOnly: Boolean = false private var isChatRoomCreator: Boolean = false private var isBroadcastChannel: Boolean = false private lateinit var emojiKeyboardPopup: EmojiKeyboardPopup private var chatRoomLastSeen: Long = -1 private lateinit var actionSnackbar: ActionSnackbar private var citation: String? = null private var editingMessageId: String? = null private val compositeDisposable = CompositeDisposable() private var playComposeMessageButtonsAnimation = true // For reveal and unreveal anim. private val hypotenuse by lazy { Math.hypot( root_layout.width.toDouble(), root_layout.height.toDouble() ).toFloat() } private val max by lazy { Math.max( layout_message_attachment_options.width.toDouble(), layout_message_attachment_options.height.toDouble() ).toFloat() } private val centerX by lazy { recycler_view.right } private val centerY by lazy { recycler_view.bottom } private val handler = Handler() private var verticalScrollOffset = AtomicInteger(0) override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) AndroidSupportInjection.inject(this) setHasOptionsMenu(true) val bundle = arguments if (bundle != null) { chatRoomId = bundle.getString(BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_ID) chatRoomName = bundle.getString(BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_NAME) chatRoomType = bundle.getString(BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_TYPE) isChatRoomReadOnly = bundle.getBoolean(BUNDLE_IS_CHAT_ROOM_READ_ONLY) isSubscribed = bundle.getBoolean(BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_IS_SUBSCRIBED) chatRoomLastSeen = bundle.getLong(BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_LAST_SEEN) isChatRoomCreator = bundle.getBoolean(BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_IS_CREATOR) chatRoomMessage = bundle.getString(BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_MESSAGE) } else { requireNotNull(bundle) { "no arguments supplied when the fragment was instantiated" } } } override fun onCreateView( inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle? ): View? { return container?.inflate(R.layout.fragment_chat_room) } override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState) setupToolbar(chatRoomName) presenter.setupChatRoom(chatRoomId, chatRoomName, chatRoomType, chatRoomMessage) presenter.loadChatRooms() setupRecyclerView() setupFab() setupSuggestionsView() setupActionSnackbar() (activity as ChatRoomActivity).let { it.showToolbarTitle(chatRoomName) it.showToolbarChatRoomIcon(chatRoomType) } } override fun onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState) text_message.addTextChangedListener(EmojiKeyboardPopup.EmojiTextWatcher(text_message)) } override fun onDestroyView() { recycler_view.removeOnScrollListener(endlessRecyclerViewScrollListener) recycler_view.removeOnScrollListener(onScrollListener) recycler_view.removeOnLayoutChangeListener(layoutChangeListener) presenter.disconnect() handler.removeCallbacksAndMessages(null) unsubscribeComposeTextMessage() // Hides the keyboard (if it's opened) before going to any view. activity?.apply { hideKeyboard() } super.onDestroyView() } override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, resultData: Intent?) { if (requestCode == REQUEST_CODE_FOR_PERFORM_SAF && resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) { if (resultData != null) { fileAttachmentDialog( } } } private fun fileAttachmentDialog(data: Uri) { val builder = AlertDialog.Builder(activity) val dialogView = View.inflate(context, R.layout.file_attachments_dialog, null) builder.setView(dialogView) val alertDialog = builder.create() dialogView?.let { val imagePreview: ImageView = it.findViewById( val sendButton: Button = it.findViewById( val cancelButton: Button = it.findViewById( val description: EditText = it.findViewById( val audioVideoAttachment: FrameLayout = it.findViewById( val textFile: TextView = it.findViewById( activity?.let { data.getMimeType(it).apply { when { this.startsWith("image") -> { imagePreview.isVisible = true imagePreview.setImageURI(data) } this.startsWith("video") -> { audioVideoAttachment.isVisible = true } else -> { textFile.isVisible = true textFile.text = data.getFileName(it) } } } } sendButton.setOnClickListener { uploadFile(data, description.text.toString()) alertDialog.dismiss() } cancelButton.setOnClickListener { alertDialog.dismiss() } } } override fun onCreateOptionsMenu(menu: Menu, inflater: MenuInflater) { super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu, inflater) inflater.inflate(, menu) menu.findItem( = !isBroadcastChannel } override fun onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem): Boolean { when (item.itemId) { -> { presenter.toMembersList(chatRoomId) } -> { presenter.toMentions(chatRoomId) } -> { presenter.toPinnedMessageList(chatRoomId) } -> { presenter.toFavoriteMessageList(chatRoomId) } -> { presenter.toFileList(chatRoomId) } } return true } override fun showMessages(dataSet: List<BaseUiModel<*>>) { ui { // track the message sent immediately after the current message var prevMessageUiModel: MessageUiModel? = null // Loop over received messages to determine first unread for (i in dataSet.indices) { val msgModel = dataSet[i] if (msgModel is MessageUiModel) { val msg = msgModel.rawData if (msg.timestamp < chatRoomLastSeen) { // This message was sent before the last seen of the room. Hence, it was seen. // if there is a message after (below) this, mark it firstUnread. if (prevMessageUiModel != null) { prevMessageUiModel.isFirstUnread = true } break } prevMessageUiModel = msgModel } } if (recycler_view.adapter == null) { adapter = ChatRoomAdapter( chatRoomType, chatRoomName, presenter, reactionListener = this@ChatRoomFragment, context = context ) recycler_view.adapter = adapter if (dataSet.size >= 30) { recycler_view.addOnScrollListener(endlessRecyclerViewScrollListener) } recycler_view.addOnLayoutChangeListener(layoutChangeListener) recycler_view.addOnScrollListener(onScrollListener) } val oldMessagesCount = adapter.itemCount adapter.appendData(dataSet) if (oldMessagesCount == 0 && dataSet.isNotEmpty()) { recycler_view.scrollToPosition(0) verticalScrollOffset.set(0) } presenter.loadActiveMembers(chatRoomId, chatRoomType, filterSelfOut = true) empty_chat_view.isVisible = adapter.itemCount == 0 } } override fun onRoomUpdated( userCanPost: Boolean, channelIsBroadcast: Boolean, userCanMod: Boolean ) { // TODO: We should rely solely on the user being able to post, but we cannot guarantee // that the "(channels|groups).roles" endpoint is supported by the server in use. ui { setupMessageComposer(userCanPost) isBroadcastChannel = channelIsBroadcast if (isBroadcastChannel && !userCanMod) activity?.invalidateOptionsMenu() } } override fun openDirectMessage(chatRoom: ChatRoom, permalink: String) { } private val layoutChangeListener = View.OnLayoutChangeListener { _, _, _, _, bottom, _, _, _, oldBottom -> val y = oldBottom - bottom if (Math.abs(y) > 0 && isAdded) { // if y is positive the keyboard is up else it's down { if (y > 0 || Math.abs(verticalScrollOffset.get()) >= Math.abs(y)) { ui { recycler_view.scrollBy(0, y) } } else { ui { recycler_view.scrollBy(0, verticalScrollOffset.get()) } } } } } private lateinit var endlessRecyclerViewScrollListener: EndlessRecyclerViewScrollListener private val onScrollListener = object : RecyclerView.OnScrollListener() { var state = AtomicInteger(RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE) override fun onScrollStateChanged(recyclerView: RecyclerView, newState: Int) { state.compareAndSet(RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE, newState) when (newState) { RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE -> { if (!state.compareAndSet(RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_SETTLING, newState)) { state.compareAndSet(RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_DRAGGING, newState) } } RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_DRAGGING -> { state.compareAndSet(RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE, newState) } RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_SETTLING -> { state.compareAndSet(RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_DRAGGING, newState) } } } override fun onScrolled(recyclerView: RecyclerView, dx: Int, dy: Int) { if (state.get() != RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE) { verticalScrollOffset.getAndAdd(dy) } } } private val fabScrollListener = object : RecyclerView.OnScrollListener() { override fun onScrolled(recyclerView: RecyclerView, dx: Int, dy: Int) { if (!recyclerView.canScrollVertically(1)) { button_fab.hide() } else { if (dy < 0 && !button_fab.isVisible) { } } } } override fun sendMessage(text: String) { ui { if (!text.isBlank()) { if (!text.startsWith("/")) { presenter.sendMessage(chatRoomId, text, editingMessageId) } else { presenter.runCommand(text, chatRoomId) } } } } override fun showTypingStatus(usernameList: List<String>) { ui { when (usernameList.size) { 1 -> { text_typing_status.text = SpannableStringBuilder() .bold { append(usernameList[0]) } .append(getString(R.string.msg_is_typing)) } 2 -> { text_typing_status.text = SpannableStringBuilder() .bold { append(usernameList[0]) } .append(getString(R.string.msg_and)) .bold { append(usernameList[1]) } .append(getString(R.string.msg_are_typing)) } else -> { text_typing_status.text = getString(R.string.msg_several_users_are_typing) } } text_typing_status.isVisible = true } } override fun hideTypingStatusView() { ui { text_typing_status.isVisible = false } } override fun uploadFile(uri: Uri, msg: String) { presenter.uploadFile(chatRoomId, uri, msg) } override fun showInvalidFileMessage() { showMessage(getString(R.string.msg_invalid_file)) } override fun showNewMessage(message: List<BaseUiModel<*>>) { ui { adapter.prependData(message) verticalScrollOffset.set(0) empty_chat_view.isVisible = adapter.itemCount == 0 } } override fun disableSendMessageButton() { ui { button_send.isEnabled = false } } override fun enableSendMessageButton() { ui { button_send.isEnabled = true text_message.isEnabled = true clearMessageComposition() } } override fun clearMessageComposition() { ui { citation = null editingMessageId = null text_message.textContent = "" actionSnackbar.dismiss() } } override fun dispatchUpdateMessage(index: Int, message: List<BaseUiModel<*>>) { ui { adapter.updateItem(message.last()) if (message.size > 1) { adapter.prependData(listOf(message.first())) } } } override fun dispatchDeleteMessage(msgId: String) { ui { adapter.removeItem(msgId) } } override fun showReplyingAction( username: String, replyMarkdown: String, quotedMessage: String ) { ui { citation = replyMarkdown actionSnackbar.title = username actionSnackbar.text = quotedMessage KeyboardHelper.showSoftKeyboard(text_message) } } override fun showLoading() { ui { view_loading.isVisible = true } } override fun hideLoading() { ui { view_loading.isVisible = false } } override fun showMessage(message: String) { ui { showToast(message) } } override fun showMessage(resId: Int) { ui { showToast(resId) } } override fun showGenericErrorMessage() = showMessage(getString(R.string.msg_generic_error)) override fun populatePeopleSuggestions(members: List<PeopleSuggestionUiModel>) { ui { suggestions_view.addItems("@", members) } } override fun populateRoomSuggestions(chatRooms: List<ChatRoomSuggestionUiModel>) { ui { suggestions_view.addItems("#", chatRooms) } } override fun populateCommandSuggestions(commands: List<CommandSuggestionUiModel>) { ui { suggestions_view.addItems("/", commands) } } override fun copyToClipboard(message: String) { ui { val clipboard = it.getSystemService(Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE) as ClipboardManager clipboard.primaryClip = ClipData.newPlainText("", message) showToast(R.string.msg_message_copied) } } override fun showEditingAction(roomId: String, messageId: String, text: String) { ui { actionSnackbar.title = getString(R.string.action_title_editing) actionSnackbar.text = text text_message.textContent = text editingMessageId = messageId KeyboardHelper.showSoftKeyboard(text_message) } } override fun onEmojiAdded(emoji: Emoji) { val cursorPosition = text_message.selectionStart if (cursorPosition > -1) { text_message.text?.insert(cursorPosition, EmojiParser.parse(emoji.shortname)) text_message.setSelection(cursorPosition + emoji.unicode.length) } } override fun onNonEmojiKeyPressed(keyCode: Int) { when (keyCode) { KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK -> with(text_message) { if (selectionStart > 0) text?.delete(selectionStart - 1, selectionStart) } else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("pressed key not expected") } } override fun onReactionTouched(messageId: String, emojiShortname: String) { presenter.react(messageId, emojiShortname) } override fun onReactionAdded(messageId: String, emoji: Emoji) { presenter.react(messageId, emoji.shortname) } override fun showReactionsPopup(messageId: String) { ui { val emojiPickerPopup = EmojiPickerPopup(it) emojiPickerPopup.listener = object : EmojiListenerAdapter() { override fun onEmojiAdded(emoji: Emoji) { onReactionAdded(messageId, emoji) } } } } private fun setReactionButtonIcon(@DrawableRes drawableId: Int) { button_add_reaction.setImageResource(drawableId) button_add_reaction.tag = drawableId } override fun showFileSelection(filter: Array<String>?) { ui { val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT) // Must set a type otherwise the intent won't resolve intent.type = "*/*" intent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_OPENABLE) // Filter selectable files to those that match the whitelist for this particular server if (filter != null) { intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_MIME_TYPES, filter) } startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_CODE_FOR_PERFORM_SAF) } } override fun showInvalidFileSize(fileSize: Int, maxFileSize: Int) { showMessage(getString(R.string.max_file_size_exceeded, fileSize, maxFileSize)) } override fun showConnectionState(state: State) { ui { connection_status_text.fadeIn() handler.removeCallbacks(dismissStatus) when (state) { is State.Connected -> { connection_status_text.text = getString(R.string.status_connected) handler.postDelayed(dismissStatus, 2000) } is State.Disconnected -> connection_status_text.text = getString(R.string.status_disconnected) is State.Connecting -> connection_status_text.text = getString(R.string.status_connecting) is State.Authenticating -> connection_status_text.text = getString(R.string.status_authenticating) is State.Disconnecting -> connection_status_text.text = getString(R.string.status_disconnecting) is State.Waiting -> connection_status_text.text = getString(R.string.status_waiting, state.seconds) } } } override fun onJoined(userCanPost: Boolean) { ui { input_container.isVisible = true button_join_chat.isVisible = false isSubscribed = true setupMessageComposer(userCanPost) } } private val dismissStatus = { connection_status_text.fadeOut() } private fun setupRecyclerView() { // Initialize the endlessRecyclerViewScrollListener so we don't NPE at onDestroyView val linearLayoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(context, RecyclerView.VERTICAL, true) linearLayoutManager.stackFromEnd = true recycler_view.layoutManager = linearLayoutManager recycler_view.itemAnimator = DefaultItemAnimator() endlessRecyclerViewScrollListener = object : EndlessRecyclerViewScrollListener(recycler_view.layoutManager as LinearLayoutManager) { override fun onLoadMore(page: Int, totalItemsCount: Int, recyclerView: RecyclerView) { presenter.loadMessages(chatRoomId, chatRoomType, page * 30L) } } recycler_view.addOnScrollListener(fabScrollListener) } private fun setupFab() { button_fab.setOnClickListener { recycler_view.scrollToPosition(0) verticalScrollOffset.set(0) button_fab.hide() } } private fun setupMessageComposer(canPost: Boolean) { if (isChatRoomReadOnly && !canPost) { text_room_is_read_only.isVisible = true input_container.isVisible = false } else if (!isSubscribed && roomTypeOf(chatRoomType) !is RoomType.DirectMessage) { input_container.isVisible = false button_join_chat.isVisible = true button_join_chat.setOnClickListener { presenter.joinChat(chatRoomId) } } else { button_send.isVisible = false button_show_attachment_options.alpha = 1f button_show_attachment_options.isVisible = true subscribeComposeTextMessage() emojiKeyboardPopup = EmojiKeyboardPopup(activity!!, activity!!.findViewById( emojiKeyboardPopup.listener = this text_message.listener = object : ComposerEditText.ComposerEditTextListener { override fun onKeyboardOpened() { } override fun onKeyboardClosed() { activity?.let { if (!emojiKeyboardPopup.isKeyboardOpen) { it.onBackPressed() } KeyboardHelper.hideSoftKeyboard(it) emojiKeyboardPopup.dismiss() } setReactionButtonIcon(R.drawable.ic_reaction_24dp) } } button_send.setOnClickListener { var textMessage = citation ?: "" textMessage += text_message.textContent sendMessage(textMessage) clearMessageComposition() } button_show_attachment_options.setOnClickListener { if (layout_message_attachment_options.isShown) { hideAttachmentOptions() } else { showAttachmentOptions() } } view_dim.setOnClickListener { hideAttachmentOptions() } button_files.setOnClickListener { handler.postDelayed({ presenter.selectFile() }, 200) handler.postDelayed({ hideAttachmentOptions() }, 400) } button_add_reaction.setOnClickListener { view -> openEmojiKeyboardPopup() } } } private fun setupSuggestionsView() { suggestions_view.anchorTo(text_message) .setMaximumHeight(resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.suggestions_box_max_height)) .addTokenAdapter(PeopleSuggestionsAdapter(context!!)) .addTokenAdapter(CommandSuggestionsAdapter()) .addTokenAdapter(RoomSuggestionsAdapter()) .addSuggestionProviderAction("@") { query -> if (query.isNotEmpty()) { presenter.spotlight(query, PEOPLE, true) } } .addSuggestionProviderAction("#") { query -> if (query.isNotEmpty()) { presenter.loadChatRooms() } } .addSuggestionProviderAction("/") { _ -> presenter.loadCommands() } presenter.loadCommands() } private fun openEmojiKeyboardPopup() { if (!emojiKeyboardPopup.isShowing) { // If keyboard is visible, simply show the popup if (emojiKeyboardPopup.isKeyboardOpen) { emojiKeyboardPopup.showAtBottom() } else { // Open the text keyboard first and immediately after that show the emoji popup text_message.isFocusableInTouchMode = true text_message.requestFocus() emojiKeyboardPopup.showAtBottomPending() KeyboardHelper.showSoftKeyboard(text_message) } setReactionButtonIcon(R.drawable.ic_keyboard_black_24dp) } else { // If popup is showing, simply dismiss it to show the underlying text keyboard emojiKeyboardPopup.dismiss() setReactionButtonIcon(R.drawable.ic_reaction_24dp) } } private fun setupActionSnackbar() { actionSnackbar = ActionSnackbar.make(message_list_container, parser = parser) actionSnackbar.cancelView.setOnClickListener { clearMessageComposition() KeyboardHelper.showSoftKeyboard(text_message) } } private fun subscribeComposeTextMessage() { val editTextObservable = text_message.asObservable() compositeDisposable.addAll( subscribeComposeButtons(editTextObservable), subscribeComposeTypingStatus(editTextObservable) ) } private fun unsubscribeComposeTextMessage() { compositeDisposable.clear() } private fun subscribeComposeButtons(observable: Observable<CharSequence>): Disposable { return observable.subscribe { t -> setupComposeButtons(t) } } private fun subscribeComposeTypingStatus(observable: Observable<CharSequence>): Disposable { return observable.debounce(300, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) .skip(1) .subscribe { t -> sendTypingStatus(t) } } private fun setupComposeButtons(charSequence: CharSequence) { if (charSequence.isNotEmpty() && playComposeMessageButtonsAnimation) { button_show_attachment_options.isVisible = false button_send.isVisible = true playComposeMessageButtonsAnimation = false } if (charSequence.isEmpty()) { button_send.isVisible = false button_show_attachment_options.isVisible = true playComposeMessageButtonsAnimation = true } } private fun sendTypingStatus(charSequence: CharSequence) { if (charSequence.isNotBlank()) { presenter.sendTyping() } else { presenter.sendNotTyping() } } private fun showAttachmentOptions() { view_dim.isVisible = true // Play anim. button_show_attachment_options.rotateBy(45F) layout_message_attachment_options.circularRevealOrUnreveal(centerX, centerY, 0F, hypotenuse) } private fun hideAttachmentOptions() { // Play anim. button_show_attachment_options.rotateBy(-45F) layout_message_attachment_options.circularRevealOrUnreveal(centerX, centerY, max, 0F) view_dim.isVisible = false } private fun setupToolbar(toolbarTitle: String) { (activity as ChatRoomActivity).showToolbarTitle(toolbarTitle) } }