package import android.annotation.SuppressLint import import import import import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import import android.os.Build import android.os.Bundle import android.os.Parcel import android.os.Parcelable import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi import import import import android.text.Html import android.text.Spanned import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat import import import import import import import chat.rocket.common.model.RoomType import chat.rocket.common.model.roomTypeOf import com.squareup.moshi.Json import com.squareup.moshi.Moshi import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.runBlocking import se.ansman.kotshi.JsonSerializable import se.ansman.kotshi.KotshiConstructor import timber.log.Timber import java.util.* import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger import javax.inject.Inject class PushManager @Inject constructor( private val groupedPushes: GroupedPush, private val manager: NotificationManager, private val moshi: Moshi, private val getAccountInteractor: GetAccountInteractor, private val getSettingsInteractor: GetSettingsInteractor, private val context: Context ) { private val random = Random() /** * Handles a receiving push by creating and displaying an appropriate notification based * on the *data* param bundle received. */ @Synchronized fun handle(data: Bundle) = runBlocking { val message = data["message"] as String? val ejson = data["ejson"] as String? val title = data["title"] as String? val notId = data["notId"] as String? ?: random.nextInt().toString() val image = data["image"] as String? val style = data["style"] as String? val summaryText = data["summaryText"] as String? val count = data["count"] as String? try { val adapter = moshi.adapter<PushInfo>( val pushMessage = if (ejson != null) { val info = adapter.fromJson(ejson) PushMessage(title!!, message!!, info!!, image, count, notId, summaryText, style) } else { PushMessage(title!!, message!!, PushInfo.EMPTY, image, count, notId, summaryText, style) } Timber.d("Received push message: $pushMessage") showNotification(pushMessage) } catch (ex: Exception) { Timber.e(ex, "Error parsing PUSH message: $data") ex.printStackTrace() } } @SuppressLint("NewApi") suspend fun showNotification(pushMessage: PushMessage) { val notId = pushMessage.notificationId.toInt() val host = if (!hasAccount(host)) { createSingleNotification(pushMessage)?.let { NotificationManagerCompat.from(context).notify(notId, it) } Timber.d("ignoring push message: $pushMessage (maybe a test notification?)") return } val groupTuple = getGroupForHost(host) groupTuple.second.incrementAndGet() val notIdListForHostname: MutableList<PushMessage>? = groupedPushes.hostToPushMessageList[host] if (notIdListForHostname == null) { groupedPushes.hostToPushMessageList[host] = arrayListOf(pushMessage) } else { notIdListForHostname.add(0, pushMessage) } val notification = createSingleNotification(pushMessage) val pushMessageList = groupedPushes.hostToPushMessageList[host] notification?.let { manager.notify(notId, it) } pushMessageList?.let { if (pushMessageList.size > 1) { val groupNotification = createGroupNotification(pushMessage) groupNotification?.let { NotificationManagerCompat.from(context).notify(groupTuple.first, groupNotification) } } } } private fun getGroupForHost(host: String): TupleGroupIdMessageCount { val size = groupedPushes.groupMap.size var group = groupedPushes.groupMap[host] if (group == null) { group = TupleGroupIdMessageCount(size + 1, AtomicInteger(0)) groupedPushes.groupMap[host] = group } return group } private suspend fun hasAccount(host: String): Boolean { return getAccountInteractor.get(host) != null } @SuppressLint("NewApi") @RequiresApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.N) private fun createGroupNotification(pushMessage: PushMessage): Notification? { with(pushMessage) { val host = val builder = createBaseNotificationBuilder(pushMessage, grouped = true) .setGroupSummary(true) if (style == null || style == "inbox") { val pushMessageList = groupedPushes.hostToPushMessageList[host] pushMessageList?.let { val count = pushMessageList.filter { it.title == title }.size builder.setContentTitle(getTitle(count, title)) val inbox = NotificationCompat.InboxStyle() .setBigContentTitle(getTitle(count, title)) for (push in pushMessageList) { inbox.addLine(push.message) } builder.setStyle(inbox) } } else { val bigText = NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle() .bigText(message.fromHtml()) .setBigContentTitle(title.fromHtml()) builder.setStyle(bigText) } return } } @SuppressLint("NewApi") @RequiresApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.N) private fun createSingleNotification(pushMessage: PushMessage): Notification? { with(pushMessage) { val host = val builder = createBaseNotificationBuilder(pushMessage) .setGroupSummary(false) if (style == null || "inbox" == style) { val pushMessageList = groupedPushes.hostToPushMessageList.get(host) if (pushMessageList != null) { val userMessages = pushMessageList.filter { it.notificationId == pushMessage.notificationId } val count = pushMessageList.filter { it.title == title }.size builder.setContentTitle(getTitle(count, title)) if (count > 1) { val inbox = NotificationCompat.InboxStyle() inbox.setBigContentTitle(getTitle(count, title)) for (push in userMessages) { inbox.addLine(push.message) } builder.setStyle(inbox) } else { val bigTextStyle = NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle() .bigText(message.fromHtml()) builder.setStyle(bigTextStyle) } } else { // We don't know which kind of push is this - maybe a test push, so just show it val bigTextStyle = NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle() .bigText(message.fromHtml()) builder.setStyle(bigTextStyle) return } } else { val bigTextStyle = NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle() .bigText(message.fromHtml()) builder.setStyle(bigTextStyle) } return builder.addReplyAction(pushMessage).build() } } @RequiresApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.O) private fun createBaseNotificationBuilder(pushMessage: PushMessage, grouped: Boolean = false): NotificationCompat.Builder { return with(pushMessage) { val id = notificationId.toInt() val host = val contentIntent = getContentIntent(context, id, pushMessage, grouped) val deleteIntent = getDismissIntent(context, pushMessage) val builder = NotificationCompat.Builder(context, host) .setWhen(info.createdAt) .setContentTitle(title.fromHtml()) .setContentText(message.fromHtml()) .setGroup(host) .setDeleteIntent(deleteIntent) .setContentIntent(contentIntent) .setMessageNotification() if (host.isEmpty()) { builder.setContentIntent(deleteIntent) } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) { val channelId: String val channelName: String if (host.isEmpty()) { channelName = "Test Notification" channelId = "test-channel" } else { channelName = host channelId = host } val channel = NotificationChannel(channelId, channelName, NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_HIGH) channel.lockscreenVisibility = Notification.VISIBILITY_PUBLIC channel.enableLights(false) channel.enableVibration(true) channel.setShowBadge(true) manager.createNotificationChannel(channel) builder.setChannelId(channelId) } //TODO: Get Site_Name PublicSetting from cache val subText = getSiteName(host) if (subText.isNotEmpty()) { builder.setSubText(subText) } return@with builder } } private fun getSiteName(host: String): String { val settings = getSettingsInteractor.get(host) return settings.siteName() ?: "Rocket.Chat" } private fun getTitle(messageCount: Int, title: String): CharSequence { return if (messageCount > 1) "($messageCount) ${title.fromHtml()}" else title.fromHtml() } private fun getDismissIntent(context: Context, pushMessage: PushMessage): PendingIntent { val deleteIntent = Intent(context, .putExtra(EXTRA_NOT_ID, pushMessage.notificationId.toInt()) .putExtra(EXTRA_HOSTNAME, return PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, pushMessage.notificationId.toInt(), deleteIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT) } private fun getContentIntent(context: Context, notificationId: Int, pushMessage: PushMessage, grouped: Boolean = false): PendingIntent { val roomId = if (!grouped) else null val notificationIntent = context.changeServerIntent(, chatRoomId = roomId) return PendingIntent.getActivity(context, random.nextInt(), notificationIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT) } // CharSequence extensions private fun CharSequence.fromHtml(): Spanned { return Html.fromHtml(this as String) } // NotificationCompat.Builder extensions private fun NotificationCompat.Builder.addReplyAction(pushMessage: PushMessage): NotificationCompat.Builder { val replyTextHint = context.getText(R.string.notif_action_reply_hint) val replyRemoteInput = RemoteInput.Builder(REMOTE_INPUT_REPLY) .setLabel(replyTextHint) .build() val pendingIntent = getReplyPendingIntent(pushMessage) val replyAction = NotificationCompat.Action.Builder(R.drawable.ic_action_message_reply_24dp, replyTextHint, pendingIntent) .addRemoteInput(replyRemoteInput) .setAllowGeneratedReplies(true) .build() this.addAction(replyAction) return this } private fun getReplyIntent(pushMessage: PushMessage): Intent { return if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) { Intent(context, } else { Intent(context, { it.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK) } }.also { it.action = ACTION_REPLY it.putExtra(EXTRA_PUSH_MESSAGE, pushMessage) } } private fun getReplyPendingIntent(pushMessage: PushMessage): PendingIntent { val replyIntent = getReplyIntent(pushMessage) return if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) { PendingIntent.getBroadcast( context, random.nextInt(), replyIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT ) } else { PendingIntent.getActivity( context, random.nextInt(), replyIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT ) } } private fun NotificationCompat.Builder.setMessageNotification(): NotificationCompat.Builder { val alarmSound = RingtoneManager.getDefaultUri(RingtoneManager.TYPE_NOTIFICATION) val res = context.resources val smallIcon = res.getIdentifier( "rocket_chat_notification", "drawable", context.packageName) with(this) { setAutoCancel(true) setShowWhen(true) color = ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.colorPrimary) setDefaults(Notification.DEFAULT_ALL) setSmallIcon(smallIcon) setSound(alarmSound) } return this } } data class PushMessage( val title: String, val message: String, val info: PushInfo, val image: String? = null, val count: String? = null, val notificationId: String, val summaryText: String? = null, val style: String? = null ) : Parcelable { constructor(parcel: Parcel) : this( parcel.readString(), parcel.readString(), parcel.readParcelable(, parcel.readString(), parcel.readString(), parcel.readString(), parcel.readString(), parcel.readString()) override fun writeToParcel(parcel: Parcel, flags: Int) { parcel.writeString(title) parcel.writeString(message) parcel.writeParcelable(info, flags) parcel.writeString(image) parcel.writeString(count) parcel.writeString(notificationId) parcel.writeString(summaryText) parcel.writeString(style) } override fun describeContents(): Int { return 0 } companion object CREATOR : Parcelable.Creator<PushMessage> { override fun createFromParcel(parcel: Parcel): PushMessage { return PushMessage(parcel) } override fun newArray(size: Int): Array<PushMessage?> { return arrayOfNulls(size) } } } @JsonSerializable data class PushInfo @KotshiConstructor constructor( @Json(name = "host") val hostname: String, @Json(name = "rid") val roomId: String, val type: RoomType, val name: String?, val sender: PushSender? ) : Parcelable { val createdAt: Long get() = System.currentTimeMillis() val host by lazy { sanitizeUrl(hostname) } constructor(parcel: Parcel) : this( parcel.readString(), parcel.readString(), roomTypeOf(parcel.readString()), parcel.readString(), parcel.readParcelable( private fun sanitizeUrl(baseUrl: String): String { var url = baseUrl.trim() while (url.endsWith('/')) { url = url.dropLast(1) } return url } override fun writeToParcel(parcel: Parcel, flags: Int) { parcel.writeString(hostname) parcel.writeString(roomId) parcel.writeString(type.toString()) parcel.writeString(name) parcel.writeParcelable(sender, flags) } override fun describeContents(): Int { return 0 } companion object CREATOR : Parcelable.Creator<PushInfo> { val EMPTY = PushInfo(hostname = "", roomId = "", type = roomTypeOf(RoomType.CHANNEL), name = "", sender = null) override fun createFromParcel(parcel: Parcel): PushInfo { return PushInfo(parcel) } override fun newArray(size: Int): Array<PushInfo?> { return arrayOfNulls(size) } } } @JsonSerializable data class PushSender @KotshiConstructor constructor( @Json(name = "_id") val id: String, val username: String?, val name: String? ) : Parcelable { constructor(parcel: Parcel) : this( parcel.readString(), parcel.readString(), parcel.readString()) override fun writeToParcel(parcel: Parcel, flags: Int) { parcel.writeString(id) parcel.writeString(username) parcel.writeString(name) } override fun describeContents(): Int { return 0 } companion object CREATOR : Parcelable.Creator<PushSender> { override fun createFromParcel(parcel: Parcel): PushSender { return PushSender(parcel) } override fun newArray(size: Int): Array<PushSender?> { return arrayOfNulls(size) } } } const val EXTRA_NOT_ID = "" const val EXTRA_HOSTNAME = "" const val EXTRA_PUSH_MESSAGE = "" const val EXTRA_ROOM_ID = "" const val ACTION_REPLY = "" const val REMOTE_INPUT_REPLY = "REMOTE_INPUT_REPLY"