package import import import android.content.ClipData import android.content.ClipboardManager import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import android.os.Bundle import android.os.Handler import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder import android.view.KeyEvent import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.Menu import android.view.MenuItem import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import android.widget.Button import android.widget.EditText import android.widget.FrameLayout import android.widget.ImageView import android.widget.TextView import androidx.annotation.DrawableRes import androidx.core.text.bold import androidx.core.view.isVisible import import import androidx.recyclerview.widget.DefaultItemAnimator import androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import chat.rocket.common.model.RoomType import chat.rocket.common.model.roomTypeOf import chat.rocket.core.internal.realtime.socket.model.State import chat.rocket.core.model.ChatRoom import import io.reactivex.Observable import io.reactivex.disposables.CompositeDisposable import io.reactivex.disposables.Disposable import* import* import* import* import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger import javax.inject.Inject fun newInstance( chatRoomId: String, chatRoomName: String, chatRoomType: String, isReadOnly: Boolean, chatRoomLastSeen: Long, isSubscribed: Boolean = true, isCreator: Boolean = false, isFavorite: Boolean = false, chatRoomMessage: String? = null ): Fragment { return ChatRoomFragment().apply { arguments = Bundle(1).apply { putString(BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_ID, chatRoomId) putString(BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_NAME, chatRoomName) putString(BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_TYPE, chatRoomType) putBoolean(BUNDLE_IS_CHAT_ROOM_READ_ONLY, isReadOnly) putLong(BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_LAST_SEEN, chatRoomLastSeen) putBoolean(BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_IS_SUBSCRIBED, isSubscribed) putBoolean(BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_IS_CREATOR, isCreator) putBoolean(BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_IS_FAVORITE, isFavorite) putString(BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_MESSAGE, chatRoomMessage) } } } private const val BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_ID = "chat_room_id" private const val BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_NAME = "chat_room_name" private const val BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_TYPE = "chat_room_type" private const val BUNDLE_IS_CHAT_ROOM_READ_ONLY = "is_chat_room_read_only" private const val REQUEST_CODE_FOR_PERFORM_SAF = 42 private const val REQUEST_CODE_FOR_DRAW = 101 private const val BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_LAST_SEEN = "chat_room_last_seen" private const val BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_IS_SUBSCRIBED = "chat_room_is_subscribed" private const val BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_IS_CREATOR = "chat_room_is_creator" private const val BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_IS_FAVORITE = "chat_room_is_favorite" private const val BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_MESSAGE = "chat_room_message" internal const val MENU_ACTION_FAVORITE_UNFAVORITE_CHAT = 1 internal const val MENU_ACTION_MEMBER = 2 internal const val MENU_ACTION_MENTIONS = 3 internal const val MENU_ACTION_PINNED_MESSAGES = 4 internal const val MENU_ACTION_FAVORITE_MESSAGES = 5 internal const val MENU_ACTION_FILES = 6 class ChatRoomFragment : Fragment(), ChatRoomView, EmojiKeyboardListener, EmojiReactionListener, ChatRoomAdapter.OnActionSelected { @Inject lateinit var presenter: ChatRoomPresenter @Inject lateinit var parser: MessageParser private lateinit var adapter: ChatRoomAdapter internal lateinit var chatRoomId: String private lateinit var chatRoomName: String internal lateinit var chatRoomType: String private var newMessageCount: Int = 0 private var chatRoomMessage: String? = null private var isSubscribed: Boolean = true private var isReadOnly: Boolean = false private var isCreator: Boolean = false internal var isFavorite: Boolean = false private var isBroadcastChannel: Boolean = false private lateinit var emojiKeyboardPopup: EmojiKeyboardPopup private var chatRoomLastSeen: Long = -1 private lateinit var actionSnackbar: ActionSnackbar internal var citation: String? = null private var editingMessageId: String? = null internal var disableMenu: Boolean = false private val compositeDisposable = CompositeDisposable() private var playComposeMessageButtonsAnimation = true internal var isSearchTermQueried = false // For reveal and unreveal anim. private val hypotenuse by lazy { Math.hypot( root_layout.width.toDouble(), root_layout.height.toDouble() ).toFloat() } private val max by lazy { Math.max( layout_message_attachment_options.width.toDouble(), layout_message_attachment_options.height.toDouble() ).toFloat() } private val centerX by lazy { recycler_view.right } private val centerY by lazy { recycler_view.bottom } private val handler = Handler() private var verticalScrollOffset = AtomicInteger(0) private val dialogView by lazy { View.inflate(context, R.layout.file_attachments_dialog, null) } internal val alertDialog by lazy { AlertDialog.Builder(activity).setView(dialogView).create() } internal val imagePreview by lazy { dialogView.findViewById<ImageView>( } internal val sendButton by lazy { dialogView.findViewById<Button>( } internal val cancelButton by lazy { dialogView.findViewById<Button>( } internal val description by lazy { dialogView.findViewById<EditText>( } internal val audioVideoAttachment by lazy { dialogView.findViewById<FrameLayout>( } internal val textFile by lazy { dialogView.findViewById<TextView>( } override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) AndroidSupportInjection.inject(this) setHasOptionsMenu(true) val bundle = arguments if (bundle != null) { chatRoomId = bundle.getString(BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_ID) chatRoomName = bundle.getString(BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_NAME) chatRoomType = bundle.getString(BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_TYPE) isReadOnly = bundle.getBoolean(BUNDLE_IS_CHAT_ROOM_READ_ONLY) isSubscribed = bundle.getBoolean(BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_IS_SUBSCRIBED) chatRoomLastSeen = bundle.getLong(BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_LAST_SEEN) isCreator = bundle.getBoolean(BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_IS_CREATOR) isFavorite = bundle.getBoolean(BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_IS_FAVORITE) chatRoomMessage = bundle.getString(BUNDLE_CHAT_ROOM_MESSAGE) } else { requireNotNull(bundle) { "no arguments supplied when the fragment was instantiated" } } adapter = ChatRoomAdapter(chatRoomType, chatRoomName, this, reactionListener = this) } override fun onCreateView( inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle? ): View? { return container?.inflate(R.layout.fragment_chat_room) } override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState) setupToolbar(chatRoomName) presenter.setupChatRoom(chatRoomId, chatRoomName, chatRoomType, chatRoomMessage) presenter.loadChatRooms() setupRecyclerView() setupFab() setupSuggestionsView() setupActionSnackbar() (activity as ChatRoomActivity).let { it.showToolbarTitle(chatRoomName) it.showToolbarChatRoomIcon(chatRoomType) } } override fun onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState) text_message.addTextChangedListener(EmojiKeyboardPopup.EmojiTextWatcher(text_message)) } override fun onDestroyView() { recycler_view.removeOnScrollListener(endlessRecyclerViewScrollListener) recycler_view.removeOnScrollListener(onScrollListener) recycler_view.removeOnLayoutChangeListener(layoutChangeListener) presenter.disconnect() handler.removeCallbacksAndMessages(null) unsubscribeComposeTextMessage() // Hides the keyboard (if it's opened) before going to any view. activity?.apply { hideKeyboard() } super.onDestroyView() } override fun onPause() { super.onPause() setReactionButtonIcon(R.drawable.ic_reaction_24dp) dismissEmojiKeyboard() activity?.invalidateOptionsMenu() } private fun dismissEmojiKeyboard() { // Check if the keyboard was ever initialized. // It may be the case when you are looking a not joined room if (::emojiKeyboardPopup.isInitialized) { emojiKeyboardPopup.dismiss() } } override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, resultData: Intent?) { if (resultData != null && resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) { when (requestCode) { REQUEST_CODE_FOR_PERFORM_SAF -> showFileAttachmentDialog( REQUEST_CODE_FOR_DRAW -> showDrawAttachmentDialog( resultData.getByteArrayExtra(DRAWING_BYTE_ARRAY_EXTRA_DATA) ) } } } override fun onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu: Menu) { menu.clear() setupMenu(menu) super.onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu) } override fun onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem): Boolean { setOnMenuItemClickListener(item) return true } override fun showFavoriteIcon(isFavorite: Boolean) { this.isFavorite = isFavorite activity?.invalidateOptionsMenu() } override fun showMessages(dataSet: List<BaseUiModel<*>>, clearDataSet: Boolean) { ui { if (clearDataSet) { adapter.clearData() } if (dataSet.isNotEmpty()) { var prevMsgModel = dataSet[0] // track the message sent immediately after the current message var prevMessageUiModel: MessageUiModel? = null // Checking for all messages to assign true to the required showDayMaker // Loop over received messages to determine first unread var firstUnread = false for (i in dataSet.indices) { val msgModel = dataSet[i] if (i > 0) { prevMsgModel = dataSet[i - 1] } val currentDayMarkerText = msgModel.currentDayMarkerText val previousDayMarkerText = prevMsgModel.currentDayMarkerText println("$previousDayMarkerText then $currentDayMarkerText") if (previousDayMarkerText != currentDayMarkerText) { prevMsgModel.showDayMarker = true } if (!firstUnread && msgModel is MessageUiModel) { val msg = msgModel.rawData if (msg.timestamp < chatRoomLastSeen) { // This message was sent before the last seen of the room. Hence, it was seen. // if there is a message after (below) this, mark it firstUnread. if (prevMessageUiModel != null) { prevMessageUiModel.isFirstUnread = true } // Found first unread message. firstUnread = true } prevMessageUiModel = msgModel } } } if (recycler_view.adapter == null) { recycler_view.adapter = adapter if (dataSet.size >= 30) { recycler_view.addOnScrollListener(endlessRecyclerViewScrollListener) } recycler_view.addOnLayoutChangeListener(layoutChangeListener) recycler_view.addOnScrollListener(onScrollListener) // Load just once, on the first page... presenter.loadActiveMembers(chatRoomId, chatRoomType, filterSelfOut = true) } val oldMessagesCount = adapter.itemCount adapter.appendData(dataSet) if (oldMessagesCount == 0 && dataSet.isNotEmpty()) { recycler_view.scrollToPosition(0) verticalScrollOffset.set(0) } presenter.loadActiveMembers(chatRoomId, chatRoomType, filterSelfOut = true) empty_chat_view.isVisible = adapter.itemCount == 0 } } override fun showSearchedMessages(dataSet: List<BaseUiModel<*>>) { recycler_view.removeOnScrollListener(endlessRecyclerViewScrollListener) adapter.clearData() adapter.prependData(dataSet) empty_chat_view.isVisible = adapter.itemCount == 0 } override fun onRoomUpdated( userCanPost: Boolean, channelIsBroadcast: Boolean, userCanMod: Boolean ) { // TODO: We should rely solely on the user being able to post, but we cannot guarantee // that the "(channels|groups).roles" endpoint is supported by the server in use. ui { setupMessageComposer(userCanPost) isBroadcastChannel = channelIsBroadcast if (isBroadcastChannel && !userCanMod) { disableMenu = true activity?.invalidateOptionsMenu() } } } override fun openDirectMessage(chatRoom: ChatRoom, permalink: String) { } private val layoutChangeListener = View.OnLayoutChangeListener { _, _, _, _, bottom, _, _, _, oldBottom -> val y = oldBottom - bottom if (Math.abs(y) > 0 && isAdded) { // if y is positive the keyboard is up else it's down { if (y > 0 || Math.abs(verticalScrollOffset.get()) >= Math.abs(y)) { ui { recycler_view.scrollBy(0, y) } } else { ui { recycler_view.scrollBy(0, verticalScrollOffset.get()) } } } } } private lateinit var endlessRecyclerViewScrollListener: EndlessRecyclerViewScrollListener private val onScrollListener = object : RecyclerView.OnScrollListener() { var state = AtomicInteger(RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE) override fun onScrollStateChanged(recyclerView: RecyclerView, newState: Int) { state.compareAndSet(RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE, newState) when (newState) { RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE -> { if (!state.compareAndSet(RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_SETTLING, newState)) { state.compareAndSet(RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_DRAGGING, newState) } } RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_DRAGGING -> { state.compareAndSet(RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE, newState) } RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_SETTLING -> { state.compareAndSet(RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_DRAGGING, newState) } } } override fun onScrolled(recyclerView: RecyclerView, dx: Int, dy: Int) { if (state.get() != RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE) { verticalScrollOffset.getAndAdd(dy) } } } private val fabScrollListener = object : RecyclerView.OnScrollListener() { override fun onScrolled(recyclerView: RecyclerView, dx: Int, dy: Int) { if (!recyclerView.canScrollVertically(1)) { text_count.isVisible = false button_fab.hide() newMessageCount = 0 } else { if (dy < 0 && !button_fab.isVisible) { if (newMessageCount != 0) text_count.isVisible = true } } } } override fun sendMessage(text: String) { ui { if (!text.isBlank()) { if (!text.startsWith("/")) { presenter.sendMessage(chatRoomId, text, editingMessageId) } else { presenter.runCommand(text, chatRoomId) } } } } override fun showTypingStatus(usernameList: List<String>) { ui { when (usernameList.size) { 1 -> { text_typing_status.text = SpannableStringBuilder() .bold { append(usernameList[0]) } .append(getString(R.string.msg_is_typing)) } 2 -> { text_typing_status.text = SpannableStringBuilder() .bold { append(usernameList[0]) } .append(getString(R.string.msg_and)) .bold { append(usernameList[1]) } .append(getString(R.string.msg_are_typing)) } else -> { text_typing_status.text = getString(R.string.msg_several_users_are_typing) } } text_typing_status.isVisible = true } } override fun hideTypingStatusView() { ui { text_typing_status.isVisible = false } } override fun showInvalidFileMessage() { showMessage(getString(R.string.msg_invalid_file)) } override fun showNewMessage(message: List<BaseUiModel<*>>, isMessageReceived: Boolean) { ui { adapter.prependData(message) if (isMessageReceived && button_fab.isVisible) { newMessageCount++ if (newMessageCount <= 99) text_count.text = newMessageCount.toString() else text_count.text = "99+" text_count.isVisible = true } else if (!button_fab.isVisible) recycler_view.scrollToPosition(0) verticalScrollOffset.set(0) empty_chat_view.isVisible = adapter.itemCount == 0 } } override fun disableSendMessageButton() { ui { button_send.isEnabled = false } } override fun enableSendMessageButton() { ui { button_send.isEnabled = true text_message.isEnabled = true clearMessageComposition(true) } } override fun clearMessageComposition(deleteMessage: Boolean) { ui { citation = null editingMessageId = null if (deleteMessage) { text_message.textContent = "" } actionSnackbar.dismiss() } } override fun dispatchUpdateMessage(index: Int, message: List<BaseUiModel<*>>) { ui { adapter.updateItem(message.last()) if (message.size > 1) { adapter.prependData(listOf(message.first())) } } } override fun dispatchDeleteMessage(msgId: String) { ui { adapter.removeItem(msgId) } } override fun showReplyingAction( username: String, replyMarkdown: String, quotedMessage: String ) { ui { citation = replyMarkdown actionSnackbar.title = username actionSnackbar.text = quotedMessage KeyboardHelper.showSoftKeyboard(text_message) } } override fun showLoading() { ui { view_loading.isVisible = true } } override fun hideLoading() { ui { view_loading.isVisible = false } } override fun showMessage(message: String) { ui { showToast(message) } } override fun showMessage(resId: Int) { ui { showToast(resId) } } override fun showGenericErrorMessage() = showMessage(getString(R.string.msg_generic_error)) override fun populatePeopleSuggestions(members: List<PeopleSuggestionUiModel>) { ui { suggestions_view.addItems("@", members) } } override fun populateRoomSuggestions(chatRooms: List<ChatRoomSuggestionUiModel>) { ui { suggestions_view.addItems("#", chatRooms) } } override fun populateCommandSuggestions(commands: List<CommandSuggestionUiModel>) { ui { suggestions_view.addItems("/", commands) } } override fun copyToClipboard(message: String) { ui { val clipboard = it.getSystemService(Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE) as ClipboardManager clipboard.primaryClip = ClipData.newPlainText("", message) showToast(R.string.msg_message_copied) } } override fun showEditingAction(roomId: String, messageId: String, text: String) { ui { actionSnackbar.title = getString(R.string.action_title_editing) actionSnackbar.text = text text_message.textContent = text editingMessageId = messageId KeyboardHelper.showSoftKeyboard(text_message) } } override fun onEmojiAdded(emoji: Emoji) { val cursorPosition = text_message.selectionStart if (cursorPosition > -1) { text_message.text?.insert(cursorPosition, EmojiParser.parse(emoji.shortname)) text_message.setSelection(cursorPosition + emoji.unicode.length) } } override fun onNonEmojiKeyPressed(keyCode: Int) { when (keyCode) { KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK -> with(text_message) { if (selectionStart > 0) text?.delete(selectionStart - 1, selectionStart) } else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("pressed key not expected") } } override fun onReactionTouched(messageId: String, emojiShortname: String) { presenter.react(messageId, emojiShortname) } override fun onReactionAdded(messageId: String, emoji: Emoji) { presenter.react(messageId, emoji.shortname) } override fun showReactionsPopup(messageId: String) { ui { val emojiPickerPopup = EmojiPickerPopup(it) emojiPickerPopup.listener = object : EmojiKeyboardListener { override fun onEmojiAdded(emoji: Emoji) { onReactionAdded(messageId, emoji) } } } } private fun setReactionButtonIcon(@DrawableRes drawableId: Int) { button_add_reaction.setImageResource(drawableId) button_add_reaction.tag = drawableId } override fun showFileSelection(filter: Array<String>?) { ui { val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT) // Must set a type otherwise the intent won't resolve intent.type = "*/*" intent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_OPENABLE) // Filter selectable files to those that match the whitelist for this particular server if (filter != null) { intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_MIME_TYPES, filter) } startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_CODE_FOR_PERFORM_SAF) } } override fun showInvalidFileSize(fileSize: Int, maxFileSize: Int) { showMessage(getString(R.string.max_file_size_exceeded, fileSize, maxFileSize)) } override fun showConnectionState(state: State) { ui { text_connection_status.fadeIn() handler.removeCallbacks(dismissStatus) when (state) { is State.Connected -> { text_connection_status.text = getString(R.string.status_connected) handler.postDelayed(dismissStatus, 2000) } is State.Disconnected -> text_connection_status.text = getString(R.string.status_disconnected) is State.Connecting -> text_connection_status.text = getString(R.string.status_connecting) is State.Authenticating -> text_connection_status.text = getString(R.string.status_authenticating) is State.Disconnecting -> text_connection_status.text = getString(R.string.status_disconnecting) is State.Waiting -> text_connection_status.text = getString(R.string.status_waiting, state.seconds) } } } override fun onJoined(userCanPost: Boolean) { ui { input_container.isVisible = true button_join_chat.isVisible = false isSubscribed = true setupMessageComposer(userCanPost) } } private val dismissStatus = { text_connection_status.fadeOut() } private fun setupRecyclerView() { // Initialize the endlessRecyclerViewScrollListener so we don't NPE at onDestroyView val linearLayoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(context, RecyclerView.VERTICAL, true) linearLayoutManager.stackFromEnd = true recycler_view.layoutManager = linearLayoutManager recycler_view.itemAnimator = DefaultItemAnimator() endlessRecyclerViewScrollListener = object : EndlessRecyclerViewScrollListener(recycler_view.layoutManager as LinearLayoutManager) { override fun onLoadMore(page: Int, totalItemsCount: Int, recyclerView: RecyclerView) { presenter.loadMessages(chatRoomId, chatRoomType, page * 30L) } } recycler_view.addOnScrollListener(fabScrollListener) } private fun setupFab() { button_fab.setOnClickListener { recycler_view.scrollToPosition(0) verticalScrollOffset.set(0) text_count.isVisible = false button_fab.hide() newMessageCount = 0 } } private fun setupMessageComposer(canPost: Boolean) { if (isReadOnly && !canPost) { text_room_is_read_only.isVisible = true input_container.isVisible = false } else if (!isSubscribed && roomTypeOf(chatRoomType) !is RoomType.DirectMessage) { input_container.isVisible = false button_join_chat.isVisible = true button_join_chat.setOnClickListener { presenter.joinChat(chatRoomId) } } else { button_send.isVisible = false button_show_attachment_options.alpha = 1f button_show_attachment_options.isVisible = true activity?.supportFragmentManager?.addOnBackStackChangedListener { println("attach") } activity?.supportFragmentManager?.registerFragmentLifecycleCallbacks( object : FragmentManager.FragmentLifecycleCallbacks() { override fun onFragmentAttached(fm: FragmentManager, f: Fragment, context: Context) { if (f is MessageActionsBottomSheet) { setReactionButtonIcon(R.drawable.ic_reaction_24dp) emojiKeyboardPopup.dismiss() } } }, true ) subscribeComposeTextMessage() emojiKeyboardPopup = EmojiKeyboardPopup(activity!!, activity!!.findViewById( emojiKeyboardPopup.listener = this text_message.listener = object : ComposerEditText.ComposerEditTextListener { override fun onKeyboardOpened() { } override fun onKeyboardClosed() { activity?.let { if (!emojiKeyboardPopup.isKeyboardOpen) { it.onBackPressed() } KeyboardHelper.hideSoftKeyboard(it) emojiKeyboardPopup.dismiss() } setReactionButtonIcon(R.drawable.ic_reaction_24dp) } } button_send.setOnClickListener { var textMessage = citation ?: "" textMessage += text_message.textContent sendMessage(textMessage) clearMessageComposition(true) } button_show_attachment_options.setOnClickListener { if (layout_message_attachment_options.isShown) { hideAttachmentOptions() } else { showAttachmentOptions() } } view_dim.setOnClickListener { hideAttachmentOptions() } button_files.setOnClickListener { handler.postDelayed({ presenter.selectFile() }, 200) handler.postDelayed({ hideAttachmentOptions() }, 400) } button_add_reaction.setOnClickListener { view -> openEmojiKeyboardPopup() } button_drawing.setOnClickListener { activity?.let { if (!ImageHelper.canWriteToExternalStorage(it)) { ImageHelper.checkWritingPermission(it) } else { val intent = Intent(it, startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_CODE_FOR_DRAW) } } handler.postDelayed({ hideAttachmentOptions() }, 400) } } } private fun setupSuggestionsView() { suggestions_view.anchorTo(text_message) .setMaximumHeight(resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.suggestions_box_max_height)) .addTokenAdapter(PeopleSuggestionsAdapter(context!!)) .addTokenAdapter(CommandSuggestionsAdapter()) .addTokenAdapter(RoomSuggestionsAdapter()) .addSuggestionProviderAction("@") { query -> if (query.isNotEmpty()) { presenter.spotlight(query, PEOPLE, true) } } .addSuggestionProviderAction("#") { query -> if (query.isNotEmpty()) { presenter.loadChatRooms() } } .addSuggestionProviderAction("/") { _ -> presenter.loadCommands() } presenter.loadCommands() } private fun openEmojiKeyboardPopup() { if (!emojiKeyboardPopup.isShowing) { // If keyboard is visible, simply show the popup if (emojiKeyboardPopup.isKeyboardOpen) { emojiKeyboardPopup.showAtBottom() } else { // Open the text keyboard first and immediately after that show the emoji popup text_message.isFocusableInTouchMode = true text_message.requestFocus() emojiKeyboardPopup.showAtBottomPending() KeyboardHelper.showSoftKeyboard(text_message) } setReactionButtonIcon(R.drawable.ic_keyboard_black_24dp) } else { // If popup is showing, simply dismiss it to show the underlying text keyboard emojiKeyboardPopup.dismiss() setReactionButtonIcon(R.drawable.ic_reaction_24dp) } } private fun setupActionSnackbar() { actionSnackbar = ActionSnackbar.make(message_list_container, parser = parser) actionSnackbar.cancelView.setOnClickListener { clearMessageComposition(false) if (text_message.textContent.isEmpty()) { KeyboardHelper.showSoftKeyboard(text_message) } } } private fun subscribeComposeTextMessage() { val editTextObservable = text_message.asObservable() compositeDisposable.addAll( subscribeComposeButtons(editTextObservable), subscribeComposeTypingStatus(editTextObservable) ) } private fun unsubscribeComposeTextMessage() { compositeDisposable.clear() } private fun subscribeComposeButtons(observable: Observable<CharSequence>): Disposable { return observable.subscribe { t -> setupComposeButtons(t) } } private fun subscribeComposeTypingStatus(observable: Observable<CharSequence>): Disposable { return observable.debounce(300, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) .skip(1) .subscribe { t -> sendTypingStatus(t) } } private fun setupComposeButtons(charSequence: CharSequence) { if (charSequence.isNotEmpty() && playComposeMessageButtonsAnimation) { button_show_attachment_options.isVisible = false button_send.isVisible = true playComposeMessageButtonsAnimation = false } if (charSequence.isEmpty()) { button_send.isVisible = false button_show_attachment_options.isVisible = true playComposeMessageButtonsAnimation = true } } private fun sendTypingStatus(charSequence: CharSequence) { if (charSequence.isNotBlank()) { presenter.sendTyping() } else { presenter.sendNotTyping() } } private fun showAttachmentOptions() { view_dim.isVisible = true // Play anim. button_show_attachment_options.rotateBy(45F) layout_message_attachment_options.circularRevealOrUnreveal(centerX, centerY, 0F, hypotenuse) } private fun hideAttachmentOptions() { // Play anim. button_show_attachment_options.rotateBy(-45F) layout_message_attachment_options.circularRevealOrUnreveal(centerX, centerY, max, 0F) view_dim.isVisible = false } private fun setupToolbar(toolbarTitle: String) { (activity as ChatRoomActivity).showToolbarTitle(toolbarTitle) } override fun showMessageInfo(id: String) { presenter.messageInfo(id) } override fun citeMessage(roomName: String, roomType: String, messageId: String, mentionAuthor: Boolean) { presenter.citeMessage(roomName, roomType, messageId, mentionAuthor) } override fun copyMessage(id: String) { presenter.copyMessage(id) } override fun editMessage(roomId: String, messageId: String, text: String) { presenter.editMessage(roomId, messageId, text) } override fun toogleStar(id: String, star: Boolean) { if (star) { presenter.starMessage(id) } else { presenter.unstarMessage(id) } } override fun tooglePin(id: String, pin: Boolean) { if (pin) { presenter.pinMessage(id) } else { presenter.unpinMessage(id) } } override fun deleteMessage(roomId: String, id: String) { ui { val builder = AlertDialog.Builder(it) builder.setTitle(it.getString(R.string.msg_delete_message)) .setMessage(it.getString(R.string.msg_delete_description)) .setPositiveButton(it.getString(R.string.msg_ok)) { _, _ -> presenter.deleteMessage(roomId, id) } .setNegativeButton(it.getString(R.string.msg_cancel)) { _, _ -> } .show() } } override fun showReactions(id: String) { presenter.showReactions(id) } override fun openDirectMessage(roomName: String, message: String) { presenter.openDirectMessage(roomName, message) } }