Commit ef3afda1 authored by Leonardo Aramaki's avatar Leonardo Aramaki

Reformat indentation and implement call to loadMissedMessages method

parent 492e3d0e
......@@ -7,13 +7,16 @@ import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.UUID;
import bolts.Continuation;
import bolts.Task;
import chat.rocket.android_ddp.DDPClient;
import chat.rocket.android_ddp.DDPClientCallback;
......@@ -32,564 +35,614 @@ import chat.rocket.persistence.realm.models.ddp.RealmSpotlightUser;
import chat.rocket.persistence.realm.models.internal.MethodCall;
import chat.rocket.persistence.realm.models.internal.RealmSession;
import hugo.weaving.DebugLog;
import io.realm.RealmQuery;
import okhttp3.HttpUrl;
* Utility class for creating/handling MethodCall or RPC.
* <p>
* TODO: separate method into several manager classes (SubscriptionManager, MessageManager, ...).
public class MethodCallHelper {
protected static final long TIMEOUT_MS = 20000;
protected static final Continuation<String, Task<JSONObject>> CONVERT_TO_JSON_OBJECT =
task -> Task.forResult(new JSONObject(task.getResult()));
protected static final Continuation<String, Task<JSONArray>> CONVERT_TO_JSON_ARRAY =
task -> Task.forResult(new JSONArray(task.getResult()));
protected final Context context;
protected final RealmHelper realmHelper;
* initialize with Context and hostname.
public MethodCallHelper(Context context, String hostname) {
this.context = context.getApplicationContext();
this.realmHelper = RealmStore.getOrCreate(hostname);
* initialize with RealmHelper and DDPClient.
public MethodCallHelper(RealmHelper realmHelper) {
this.context = null;
this.realmHelper = realmHelper;
public MethodCallHelper(Context context, RealmHelper realmHelper) {
this.context = context.getApplicationContext();
this.realmHelper = realmHelper;
private Task<String> executeMethodCall(String methodName, String param, long timeout) {
if (DDPClient.get() != null) {
return DDPClient.get().rpc(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), methodName, param, timeout)
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(task.getResult().result))
.continueWithTask(task_ -> {
if (task_.isFaulted()) {
return Task.forError(task_.getError());
return Task.forResult(task_.getResult());
} else {
return MethodCall.execute(realmHelper, methodName, param, timeout)
.onSuccessTask(task -> {
return task;
private Task<String> injectErrorHandler(Task<String> task) {
return task.continueWithTask(_task -> {
if (_task.isFaulted()) {
Exception exception = _task.getError();
if (exception instanceof MethodCall.Error || exception instanceof DDPClientCallback.RPC.Error) {
String errMessageJson;
if (exception instanceof DDPClientCallback.RPC.Error) {
errMessageJson = ((DDPClientCallback.RPC.Error) exception).error.toString();
} else {
errMessageJson = exception.getMessage();
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(errMessageJson)) {
return Task.forError(exception);
String errType = new JSONObject(errMessageJson).optString("error");
String errMessage = new JSONObject(errMessageJson).getString("message");
if (TwoStepAuthException.TYPE.equals(errType)) {
return Task.forError(new TwoStepAuthException(errMessage));
return Task.forError(new Exception(errMessage));
} else if (exception instanceof DDPClientCallback.RPC.Timeout) {
return Task.forError(new MethodCall.Timeout());
} else if (exception instanceof DDPClientCallback.Closed) {
return Task.forError(new Exception("Oops, your connection seems off..."));
protected static final long TIMEOUT_MS = 20000;
protected static final Continuation<String, Task<JSONObject>> CONVERT_TO_JSON_OBJECT =
task -> Task.forResult(new JSONObject(task.getResult()));
protected static final Continuation<String, Task<JSONArray>> CONVERT_TO_JSON_ARRAY =
task -> Task.forResult(new JSONArray(task.getResult()));
protected final Context context;
protected final RealmHelper realmHelper;
* initialize with Context and hostname.
public MethodCallHelper(Context context, String hostname) {
this.context = context.getApplicationContext();
this.realmHelper = RealmStore.getOrCreate(hostname);
* initialize with RealmHelper and DDPClient.
public MethodCallHelper(RealmHelper realmHelper) {
this.context = null;
this.realmHelper = realmHelper;
public MethodCallHelper(Context context, RealmHelper realmHelper) {
this.context = context.getApplicationContext();
this.realmHelper = realmHelper;
private Task<String> executeMethodCall(String methodName, String param, long timeout) {
if (DDPClient.get() != null) {
return DDPClient.get().rpc(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), methodName, param, timeout)
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(task.getResult().result))
.continueWithTask(task_ -> {
if (task_.isFaulted()) {
return Task.forError(task_.getError());
return Task.forResult(task_.getResult());
} else {
return Task.forError(exception);
return MethodCall.execute(realmHelper, methodName, param, timeout)
.onSuccessTask(task -> {
return task;
} else {
return _task;
protected final Task<String> call(String methodName, long timeout) {
return injectErrorHandler(executeMethodCall(methodName, null, timeout));
protected final Task<String> call(String methodName, long timeout, ParamBuilder paramBuilder) {
try {
final JSONArray params = paramBuilder.buildParam();
return injectErrorHandler(executeMethodCall(methodName,
params != null ? params.toString() : null, timeout));
} catch (JSONException exception) {
return Task.forError(exception);
* Register RealmUser.
public Task<String> registerUser(final String name, final String email,
final String password, final String confirmPassword) {
return call("registerUser", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray().put(new JSONObject()
.put("name", name)
.put("email", email)
.put("pass", password)
.put("confirm-pass", confirmPassword))); // nothing to do.
private Task<Void> saveToken(Task<String> task) {
return realmHelper.executeTransaction(realm ->
realm.createOrUpdateObjectFromJson(RealmSession.class, new JSONObject()
.put("sessionId", RealmSession.DEFAULT_ID)
.put("token", task.getResult())
.put("tokenVerified", true)
.put("error", JSONObject.NULL)
* set current user's name.
public Task<String> setUsername(final String username) {
return call("setUsername", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray().put(username));
public Task<Void> joinDefaultChannels() {
return call("joinDefaultChannels", TIMEOUT_MS)
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(null));
public Task<Void> joinRoom(String roomId) {
return call("joinRoom", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray().put(roomId))
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(null));
* Login with username/email and password.
public Task<Void> loginWithEmail(final String usernameOrEmail, final String password) {
return call("login", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> {
JSONObject param = new JSONObject();
if (Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS.matcher(usernameOrEmail).matches()) {
param.put("user", new JSONObject().put("email", usernameOrEmail));
} else {
param.put("user", new JSONObject().put("username", usernameOrEmail));
param.put("password", new JSONObject()
.put("digest", CheckSum.sha256(password))
.put("algorithm", "sha-256"));
return new JSONArray().put(param);
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(task.getResult().getString("token")))
public Task<Void> loginWithLdap(final String username, final String password) {
return call("login", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> {
JSONObject param = new JSONObject();
param.put("ldap", true);
param.put("username", username);
param.put("ldapPass", password);
param.put("ldapOptions", new JSONObject());
return new JSONArray().put(param);
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(task.getResult().getString("token")))
* Login with OAuth.
public Task<Void> loginWithOAuth(final String credentialToken,
final String credentialSecret) {
return call("login", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray().put(new JSONObject()
.put("oauth", new JSONObject()
.put("credentialToken", credentialToken)
.put("credentialSecret", credentialSecret))
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(task.getResult().getString("token")))
* Login with token.
public Task<Void> loginWithToken(final String token) {
return call("login", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray().put(new JSONObject()
.put("resume", token)
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(task.getResult().getString("token")))
.continueWithTask(task -> {
if (task.isFaulted()) {
RealmSession.logError(realmHelper, task.getError());
return task;
public Task<Void> twoStepCodeLogin(final String usernameOrEmail, final String password,
final String twoStepCode) {
return call("login", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> {
JSONObject loginParam = new JSONObject();
if (Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS.matcher(usernameOrEmail).matches()) {
loginParam.put("user", new JSONObject().put("email", usernameOrEmail));
} else {
loginParam.put("user", new JSONObject().put("username", usernameOrEmail));
loginParam.put("password", new JSONObject()
.put("digest", CheckSum.sha256(password))
.put("algorithm", "sha-256"));
JSONObject twoStepParam = new JSONObject();
twoStepParam.put("login", loginParam);
twoStepParam.put("code", twoStepCode);
JSONObject param = new JSONObject();
param.put("totp", twoStepParam);
return new JSONArray().put(param);
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(task.getResult().getString("token")))
* Logout.
public Task<Void> logout() {
return call("logout", TIMEOUT_MS).onSuccessTask(task -> {
if (task.isFaulted()) {
return Task.forError(task.getError());
return null;
* request "subscriptions/get".
public Task<Void> getRoomSubscriptions() {
return call("subscriptions/get", TIMEOUT_MS).onSuccessTask(CONVERT_TO_JSON_ARRAY)
.onSuccessTask(task -> {
final JSONArray result = task.getResult();
try {
for (int i = 0; i < result.length(); i++) {
return realmHelper.executeTransaction(realm -> {
RealmRoom.class, result);
return null;
} catch (JSONException exception) {
return Task.forError(exception);
* Load messages for room.
public Task<JSONArray> loadHistory(final String roomId, final long timestamp,
final int count, final long lastSeen) {
return call("loadHistory", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray()
.put(timestamp > 0 ? new JSONObject().put("$date", timestamp) : JSONObject.NULL)
.put(lastSeen > 0 ? new JSONObject().put("$date", lastSeen) : JSONObject.NULL)
.onSuccessTask(task -> {
JSONObject result = task.getResult();
final JSONArray messages = result.getJSONArray("messages");
for (int i = 0; i < messages.length(); i++) {
return realmHelper.executeTransaction(realm -> {
if (timestamp == 0) {
.equalTo("rid", roomId)
.equalTo("syncstate", SyncState.SYNCED)
if (messages.length() > 0) {
realm.createOrUpdateAllFromJson(RealmMessage.class, messages);
private Task<String> injectErrorHandler(Task<String> task) {
return task.continueWithTask(_task -> {
if (_task.isFaulted()) {
Exception exception = _task.getError();
if (exception instanceof MethodCall.Error || exception instanceof DDPClientCallback.RPC.Error) {
String errMessageJson;
if (exception instanceof DDPClientCallback.RPC.Error) {
errMessageJson = ((DDPClientCallback.RPC.Error) exception).error.toString();
} else {
errMessageJson = exception.getMessage();
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(errMessageJson)) {
return Task.forError(exception);
String errType = new JSONObject(errMessageJson).optString("error");
String errMessage = new JSONObject(errMessageJson).getString("message");
if (TwoStepAuthException.TYPE.equals(errType)) {
return Task.forError(new TwoStepAuthException(errMessage));
return Task.forError(new Exception(errMessage));
} else if (exception instanceof DDPClientCallback.RPC.Timeout) {
return Task.forError(new MethodCall.Timeout());
} else if (exception instanceof DDPClientCallback.Closed) {
return Task.forError(new Exception("Oops, your connection seems off..."));
} else {
return Task.forError(exception);
} else {
return _task;
return null;
}).onSuccessTask(_task -> Task.forResult(messages));
* update user's status.
public Task<Void> setUserStatus(final String status) {
return call("UserPresence:setDefaultStatus", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray().put(status))
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(null));
public Task<Void> setUserPresence(final String status) {
return call("UserPresence:" + status, TIMEOUT_MS)
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(null));
public Task<JSONObject> getUsersOfRoom(final String roomId, final boolean showAll) {
return call("getUsersOfRoom", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray().put(roomId).put(showAll))
public Task<Void> createChannel(final String name, final boolean readOnly) {
return call("createChannel", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray()
.put(new JSONArray())
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(null));
public Task<Void> createPrivateGroup(final String name, final boolean readOnly) {
return call("createPrivateGroup", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray()
.put(new JSONArray())
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(null));
public Task<String> createDirectMessage(final String username) {
return call("createDirectMessage", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray().put(username))
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(task.getResult().getString("rid")));
* send message.
public Task<Void> sendMessage(String messageId, String roomId, String msg, long editedAt) {
try {
JSONObject messageJson = new JSONObject()
.put("_id", messageId)
.put("rid", roomId)
.put("msg", msg);
if (editedAt == 0) {
return sendMessage(messageJson);
} else {
return updateMessage(messageJson);
} catch (JSONException exception) {
return Task.forError(exception);
public Task<Void> deleteMessage(String messageID) {
try {
JSONObject messageJson = new JSONObject()
.put("_id", messageID);
return deleteMessage(messageJson);
} catch(JSONException exception) {
return Task.forError(exception);
* Send message object.
private Task<Void> sendMessage(final JSONObject messageJson) {
return call("sendMessage", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray().put(messageJson))
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(null));
private Task<Void> updateMessage(final JSONObject messageJson) {
return call("updateMessage", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray().put(messageJson))
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(null));
private Task<Void> deleteMessage(final JSONObject messageJson) {
return call("deleteMessage", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray().put(messageJson))
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(null));
* mark all messages are read in the room.
public Task<Void> readMessages(final String roomId) {
return call("readMessages", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray().put(roomId))
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(null));
public Task<Void> getPublicSettings(String currentHostname) {
return call("public-settings/get", TIMEOUT_MS)
.onSuccessTask(task -> {
final JSONArray settings = task.getResult();
String siteUrl = null;
String siteName = null;
for (int i = 0; i < settings.length(); i++) {
JSONObject jsonObject = settings.getJSONObject(i);
if (isPublicSetting(jsonObject, PublicSettingsConstants.General.SITE_URL)) {
siteUrl = jsonObject.getString(RealmPublicSetting.VALUE);
} else if (isPublicSetting(jsonObject, PublicSettingsConstants.General.SITE_NAME)) {
siteName = jsonObject.getString(RealmPublicSetting.VALUE);
protected final Task<String> call(String methodName, long timeout) {
return injectErrorHandler(executeMethodCall(methodName, null, timeout));
protected final Task<String> call(String methodName, long timeout, ParamBuilder paramBuilder) {
try {
final JSONArray params = paramBuilder.buildParam();
return injectErrorHandler(executeMethodCall(methodName,
params != null ? params.toString() : null, timeout));
} catch (JSONException exception) {
return Task.forError(exception);
* Register RealmUser.
public Task<String> registerUser(final String name, final String email,
final String password, final String confirmPassword) {
return call("registerUser", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray().put(new JSONObject()
.put("name", name)
.put("email", email)
.put("pass", password)
.put("confirm-pass", confirmPassword))); // nothing to do.
private Task<Void> saveToken(Task<String> task) {
return realmHelper.executeTransaction(realm ->
realm.createOrUpdateObjectFromJson(RealmSession.class, new JSONObject()
.put("sessionId", RealmSession.DEFAULT_ID)
.put("token", task.getResult())
.put("tokenVerified", true)
.put("error", JSONObject.NULL)
* set current user's name.
public Task<String> setUsername(final String username) {
return call("setUsername", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray().put(username));
public Task<Void> joinDefaultChannels() {
return call("joinDefaultChannels", TIMEOUT_MS)
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(null));
public Task<Void> joinRoom(String roomId) {
return call("joinRoom", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray().put(roomId))
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(null));
* Login with username/email and password.
public Task<Void> loginWithEmail(final String usernameOrEmail, final String password) {
return call("login", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> {
JSONObject param = new JSONObject();
if (Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS.matcher(usernameOrEmail).matches()) {
param.put("user", new JSONObject().put("email", usernameOrEmail));
} else {
param.put("user", new JSONObject().put("username", usernameOrEmail));
if (siteName != null && siteUrl != null) {
HttpUrl httpSiteUrl = HttpUrl.parse(siteUrl);
if (httpSiteUrl != null) {
String host =;
RocketChatCache rocketChatCache = new RocketChatCache(context);
rocketChatCache.addHostnameSiteUrl(host, currentHostname);
rocketChatCache.addHostSiteName(currentHostname, siteName);
param.put("password", new JSONObject()
.put("digest", CheckSum.sha256(password))
.put("algorithm", "sha-256"));
return new JSONArray().put(param);
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(task.getResult().getString("token")))
public Task<Void> loginWithLdap(final String username, final String password) {
return call("login", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> {
JSONObject param = new JSONObject();
param.put("ldap", true);
param.put("username", username);
param.put("ldapPass", password);
param.put("ldapOptions", new JSONObject());
return new JSONArray().put(param);
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(task.getResult().getString("token")))
* Login with OAuth.
public Task<Void> loginWithOAuth(final String credentialToken,
final String credentialSecret) {
return call("login", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray().put(new JSONObject()
.put("oauth", new JSONObject()
.put("credentialToken", credentialToken)
.put("credentialSecret", credentialSecret))
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(task.getResult().getString("token")))
* Login with token.
public Task<Void> loginWithToken(final String token) {
return call("login", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray().put(new JSONObject()
.put("resume", token)
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(task.getResult().getString("token")))
.continueWithTask(task -> {
if (task.isFaulted()) {
RealmSession.logError(realmHelper, task.getError());
return task;
public Task<Void> twoStepCodeLogin(final String usernameOrEmail, final String password,
final String twoStepCode) {
return call("login", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> {
JSONObject loginParam = new JSONObject();
if (Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS.matcher(usernameOrEmail).matches()) {
loginParam.put("user", new JSONObject().put("email", usernameOrEmail));
} else {
loginParam.put("user", new JSONObject().put("username", usernameOrEmail));
loginParam.put("password", new JSONObject()
.put("digest", CheckSum.sha256(password))
.put("algorithm", "sha-256"));
return realmHelper.executeTransaction(realm -> {
realm.createOrUpdateAllFromJson(RealmPublicSetting.class, settings);
return null;
private boolean isPublicSetting(JSONObject jsonObject, String id) {
return jsonObject.optString(RealmPublicSetting.ID).equalsIgnoreCase(id);
public Task<Void> getPermissions() {
return call("permissions/get", TIMEOUT_MS)
.onSuccessTask(task -> {
final JSONArray permissions = task.getResult();
for (int i = 0; i < permissions.length(); i++) {
return realmHelper.executeTransaction(realm -> {
realm.createOrUpdateAllFromJson(RealmPermission.class, permissions);
return null;
public Task<Void> getRoomRoles(final String roomId) {
return call("getRoomRoles", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray().put(roomId))
.onSuccessTask(task -> {
final JSONArray roomRoles = task.getResult();
for (int i = 0; i < roomRoles.length(); i++) {
return realmHelper.executeTransaction(realm -> {
realm.createOrUpdateAllFromJson(RealmRoomRole.class, roomRoles);
JSONObject twoStepParam = new JSONObject();
twoStepParam.put("login", loginParam);
twoStepParam.put("code", twoStepCode);
JSONObject param = new JSONObject();
param.put("totp", twoStepParam);
return new JSONArray().put(param);
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(task.getResult().getString("token")))
* Logout.
public Task<Void> logout() {
return call("logout", TIMEOUT_MS).onSuccessTask(task -> {
if (task.isFaulted()) {
return Task.forError(task.getError());
return null;
public Task<Void> searchSpotlightUsers(String term) {
return searchSpotlight(RealmSpotlightUser.class, "users", term);
public Task<Void> searchSpotlightRooms(String term) {
return searchSpotlight(RealmSpotlightRoom.class, "rooms", term);
public Task<Void> searchSpotlight(String term) {
return call("spotlight", TIMEOUT_MS, () ->
new JSONArray()
.put(new JSONObject().put("rooms", true).put("users", true))
.onSuccessTask(task -> {
String jsonString = null;
final JSONObject result = task.getResult();
JSONArray roomJsonArray = (JSONArray) result.get("rooms");
int roomTotal = roomJsonArray.length();
if (roomTotal > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < roomTotal; ++i) {
jsonString = roomJsonArray.toString();
JSONArray userJsonArray = (JSONArray) result.get("users");
int usersTotal = userJsonArray.length();
if (usersTotal > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < usersTotal; ++i) {
* request "subscriptions/get".
public Task<Void> getRoomSubscriptions() {
return call("subscriptions/get", TIMEOUT_MS).onSuccessTask(CONVERT_TO_JSON_ARRAY)
.onSuccessTask(task -> {
final JSONArray result = task.getResult();
try {
for (int i = 0; i < result.length(); i++) {
return realmHelper.executeTransaction(realm -> {
RealmRoom.class, result);
Context appContext = RocketChatApplication.getInstance();
RocketChatCache cache = new RocketChatCache(appContext);
JSONObject openedRooms = cache.getOpenedRooms();
RealmQuery<RealmRoom> query = realm.where(RealmRoom.class);
Iterator<String> keys = openedRooms.keys();
while (keys.hasNext()) {
String rid =;
RealmRoom realmRoom = query.equalTo(RealmRoom.ID, rid).findFirst();
if (realmRoom == null) {
} else {
loadMissedMessages(rid, realmRoom.getLastSeen())
.continueWithTask(task1 -> {
if (task1.isFaulted()) {
Exception error = task1.getError();
return null;
return null;
} catch (JSONException exception) {
return Task.forError(exception);
public Task<JSONArray> loadMissedMessages(final String roomId, final long timestamp) {
return call("loadMissedMessages", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray()
.put(timestamp > 0 ? new JSONObject().put("$date", timestamp) : JSONObject.NULL)
.onSuccessTask(task -> {
JSONArray result = task.getResult();
for (int i = 0; i < result.length(); i++) {
return realmHelper.executeTransaction(realm -> {
if (timestamp == 0) {
.equalTo("rid", roomId)
.equalTo("syncstate", SyncState.SYNCED)
if (result.length() > 0) {
realm.createOrUpdateAllFromJson(RealmMessage.class, result);
return null;
}).onSuccessTask(_task -> Task.forResult(result));
* Load messages for room.
public Task<JSONArray> loadHistory(final String roomId, final long timestamp,
final int count, final long lastSeen) {
return call("loadHistory", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray()
.put(timestamp > 0 ? new JSONObject().put("$date", timestamp) : JSONObject.NULL)
.put(lastSeen > 0 ? new JSONObject().put("$date", lastSeen) : JSONObject.NULL)
.onSuccessTask(task -> {
JSONObject result = task.getResult();
final JSONArray messages = result.getJSONArray("messages");
for (int i = 0; i < messages.length(); i++) {
return realmHelper.executeTransaction(realm -> {
if (timestamp == 0) {
.equalTo("rid", roomId)
.equalTo("syncstate", SyncState.SYNCED)
if (messages.length() > 0) {
realm.createOrUpdateAllFromJson(RealmMessage.class, messages);
return null;
}).onSuccessTask(_task -> Task.forResult(messages));
* update user's status.
public Task<Void> setUserStatus(final String status) {
return call("UserPresence:setDefaultStatus", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray().put(status))
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(null));
public Task<Void> setUserPresence(final String status) {
return call("UserPresence:" + status, TIMEOUT_MS)
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(null));
public Task<JSONObject> getUsersOfRoom(final String roomId, final boolean showAll) {
return call("getUsersOfRoom", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray().put(roomId).put(showAll))
if (jsonString == null) {
jsonString = userJsonArray.toString();
public Task<Void> createChannel(final String name, final boolean readOnly) {
return call("createChannel", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray()
.put(new JSONArray())
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(null));
public Task<Void> createPrivateGroup(final String name, final boolean readOnly) {
return call("createPrivateGroup", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray()
.put(new JSONArray())
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(null));
public Task<String> createDirectMessage(final String username) {
return call("createDirectMessage", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray().put(username))
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(task.getResult().getString("rid")));
* send message.
public Task<Void> sendMessage(String messageId, String roomId, String msg, long editedAt) {
try {
JSONObject messageJson = new JSONObject()
.put("_id", messageId)
.put("rid", roomId)
.put("msg", msg);
if (editedAt == 0) {
return sendMessage(messageJson);
} else {
jsonString = jsonString.replace("]", "") + "," + userJsonArray.toString().replace("[", "");
return updateMessage(messageJson);
if (jsonString != null) {
String jsonStringResults = jsonString;
realmHelper.executeTransaction(realm -> {
realm.createOrUpdateAllFromJson(RealmSpotlight.class, jsonStringResults);
return null;
return null;
private Task<Void> searchSpotlight(Class clazz, String key, String term) {
return call("spotlight", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray()
.put(new JSONObject().put(key, true)))
.onSuccessTask(task -> {
final JSONObject result = task.getResult();
if (!result.has(key)) {
return null;
} catch (JSONException exception) {
return Task.forError(exception);
Object items = result.get(key);
if (!(items instanceof JSONArray)) {
return null;
public Task<Void> deleteMessage(String messageID) {
try {
JSONObject messageJson = new JSONObject()
.put("_id", messageID);
return realmHelper.executeTransaction(realm -> {
realm.createOrUpdateAllFromJson(clazz, (JSONArray) items);
return null;
return deleteMessage(messageJson);
} catch (JSONException exception) {
return Task.forError(exception);
* Send message object.
private Task<Void> sendMessage(final JSONObject messageJson) {
return call("sendMessage", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray().put(messageJson))
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(null));
private Task<Void> updateMessage(final JSONObject messageJson) {
return call("updateMessage", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray().put(messageJson))
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(null));
private Task<Void> deleteMessage(final JSONObject messageJson) {
return call("deleteMessage", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray().put(messageJson))
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(null));
* mark all messages are read in the room.
public Task<Void> readMessages(final String roomId) {
return call("readMessages", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray().put(roomId))
.onSuccessTask(task -> Task.forResult(null));
public Task<Void> getPublicSettings(String currentHostname) {
return call("public-settings/get", TIMEOUT_MS)
.onSuccessTask(task -> {
final JSONArray settings = task.getResult();
String siteUrl = null;
String siteName = null;
for (int i = 0; i < settings.length(); i++) {
JSONObject jsonObject = settings.getJSONObject(i);
if (isPublicSetting(jsonObject, PublicSettingsConstants.General.SITE_URL)) {
siteUrl = jsonObject.getString(RealmPublicSetting.VALUE);
} else if (isPublicSetting(jsonObject, PublicSettingsConstants.General.SITE_NAME)) {
siteName = jsonObject.getString(RealmPublicSetting.VALUE);
if (siteName != null && siteUrl != null) {
HttpUrl httpSiteUrl = HttpUrl.parse(siteUrl);
if (httpSiteUrl != null) {
String host =;
RocketChatCache rocketChatCache = new RocketChatCache(context);
rocketChatCache.addHostnameSiteUrl(host, currentHostname);
rocketChatCache.addHostSiteName(currentHostname, siteName);
return realmHelper.executeTransaction(realm -> {
realm.createOrUpdateAllFromJson(RealmPublicSetting.class, settings);
return null;
private boolean isPublicSetting(JSONObject jsonObject, String id) {
return jsonObject.optString(RealmPublicSetting.ID).equalsIgnoreCase(id);
public Task<Void> getPermissions() {
return call("permissions/get", TIMEOUT_MS)
.onSuccessTask(task -> {
final JSONArray permissions = task.getResult();
for (int i = 0; i < permissions.length(); i++) {
return realmHelper.executeTransaction(realm -> {
realm.createOrUpdateAllFromJson(RealmPermission.class, permissions);
return null;
public Task<Void> getRoomRoles(final String roomId) {
return call("getRoomRoles", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray().put(roomId))
.onSuccessTask(task -> {
final JSONArray roomRoles = task.getResult();
for (int i = 0; i < roomRoles.length(); i++) {
return realmHelper.executeTransaction(realm -> {
realm.createOrUpdateAllFromJson(RealmRoomRole.class, roomRoles);
return null;
public Task<Void> searchSpotlightUsers(String term) {
return searchSpotlight(RealmSpotlightUser.class, "users", term);
protected interface ParamBuilder {
JSONArray buildParam() throws JSONException;
public Task<Void> searchSpotlightRooms(String term) {
return searchSpotlight(RealmSpotlightRoom.class, "rooms", term);
public Task<Void> searchSpotlight(String term) {
return call("spotlight", TIMEOUT_MS, () ->
new JSONArray()
.put(new JSONObject().put("rooms", true).put("users", true))
.onSuccessTask(task -> {
String jsonString = null;
final JSONObject result = task.getResult();
JSONArray roomJsonArray = (JSONArray) result.get("rooms");
int roomTotal = roomJsonArray.length();
if (roomTotal > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < roomTotal; ++i) {
jsonString = roomJsonArray.toString();
JSONArray userJsonArray = (JSONArray) result.get("users");
int usersTotal = userJsonArray.length();
if (usersTotal > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < usersTotal; ++i) {
if (jsonString == null) {
jsonString = userJsonArray.toString();
} else {
jsonString = jsonString.replace("]", "") + "," + userJsonArray.toString().replace("[", "");
if (jsonString != null) {
String jsonStringResults = jsonString;
realmHelper.executeTransaction(realm -> {
realm.createOrUpdateAllFromJson(RealmSpotlight.class, jsonStringResults);
return null;
return null;
private Task<Void> searchSpotlight(Class clazz, String key, String term) {
return call("spotlight", TIMEOUT_MS, () -> new JSONArray()
.put(new JSONObject().put(key, true)))
.onSuccessTask(task -> {
final JSONObject result = task.getResult();
if (!result.has(key)) {
return null;
Object items = result.get(key);
if (!(items instanceof JSONArray)) {
return null;
return realmHelper.executeTransaction(realm -> {
realm.createOrUpdateAllFromJson(clazz, (JSONArray) items);
return null;
protected interface ParamBuilder {
JSONArray buildParam() throws JSONException;
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