Unverified Commit ccf29801 authored by Rafael Kellermann Streit's avatar Rafael Kellermann Streit Committed by GitHub

Improve a little bit our issue template

parent 86fe6abe
Your Rocket.Chat.Android version: (make sure you are running the latest) ## Description
<!-- Version can be found by opening the side menu and then clicking on the chevron alongside username -->
<!-- Please, describe what's the issue here. -->
## Devices and Versions
<!-- Version can be found by opening the side menu and then clicking on "Settings" and then "About" -->
Your Rocket.Chat.Android version: (e.g. 2.1.0)
Your Rocket.Chat Server version: (e.g. 0.63.1-develop)
<!-- Found a bug? List all devices that reproduced it and all that doesn't --> <!-- Found a bug? List all devices that reproduced it and all that doesn't -->
Mobile device model and OS version: (e.g. "Nexus 7 - Android 6.0.1") Mobile device model and OS version: (e.g. "Nexus 7 - Android 6.0.1")
<!-- Don't forget to list the steps to reproduce. Stack traces may help too :) -->
## Steps to reproduce
<!-- In case it is a bug, can you describe the steps to reproduce it please? -->
## Logs
<!-- Do you have any logs? It can help the developers indentifying the cause in case it's a bug. -->
<!-- To get the logs, you can use [Logcat](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/am-logcat.html) in Android Studio or you can use [Pidcat](https://github.com/JakeWharton/pidcat) -->
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