Commit 9f2c01e8 authored by Filipe de Lima Brito's avatar Filipe de Lima Brito

Add TODOs and update field validations.

parent c9399aa4
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ class LoginPresenter @Inject constructor(private val view: LoginView,
private val okHttpClient: OkHttpClient,
private val logger: PlatformLogger,
private val repository: AuthTokenRepository) {
// TODO: Create a single entry point to RocketChatClient
val client: RocketChatClient = RocketChatClient.create {
httpClient = okHttpClient
restUrl = HttpUrl.parse(navigator.currentServer)!!
......@@ -29,26 +30,22 @@ class LoginPresenter @Inject constructor(private val view: LoginView,
platformLogger = logger
fun authenticate(usernameOrEmail: EditText, password: EditText) {
val user = usernameOrEmail.textContent
val pass = password.textContent
fun authenticate(usernameOrEmailEditText: EditText, passwordEditText: EditText) {
val usernameOrEmail = usernameOrEmailEditText.textContent
val password = passwordEditText.textContent
if (user.isBlank() && pass.isEmpty()) {
} else if (user.isBlank()) {
} else if (pass.isEmpty()) {
} else {
launchUI(strategy) {
when {
usernameOrEmail.isBlank() -> view.shakeView(usernameOrEmailEditText)
password.isEmpty() -> view.shakeView(passwordEditText)
else -> launchUI(strategy) {
try {
val token = client.login(user, pass)
val token = client.login(usernameOrEmail, password)
// TODO: Salve token.
} catch (ex: RocketChatException) {
when (ex) {
is RocketChatTwoFactorException -> navigator.toTwoFA(navigator.currentServer!!, user, pass)
is RocketChatTwoFactorException -> navigator.toTwoFA(navigator.currentServer!!, usernameOrEmail, password)
else -> {
val errorMessage = ex.message
if (errorMessage != null) {
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