Commit 27fb131c authored by Lucio Maciel's avatar Lucio Maciel
parent 8ea28419
......@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ data class MessageAttachmentViewModel(
override val message: Message,
override val rawData: Message,
override val messageId: String,
var senderName: String,
val time: CharSequence,
var senderName: String?,
val time: CharSequence?,
val content: CharSequence,
val isPinned: Boolean,
override var reactions: List<ReactionViewModel>,
......@@ -103,8 +103,8 @@ class ViewModelMapper @Inject constructor(private val context: Context,
private suspend fun mapMessageAttachment(message: Message, attachment: MessageAttachment): MessageAttachmentViewModel {
val attachmentAuthor =!!
val time = getTime(attachment.timestamp!!)
val attachmentAuthor =
val time = attachment.timestamp?.let { getTime(it) }
val attachmentText = when (attachment.attachments.orEmpty().firstOrNull()) {
is ImageAttachment -> context.getString(R.string.msg_preview_photo)
is VideoAttachment -> context.getString(R.string.msg_preview_video)
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