Debian / Ubuntu or other Linux systems

Configure Repository

Install the AG Projects debian software signing key:

sudo apt-key add agp-debian-gpg.key

Add the appropriate repository to /etc/apt/sources.list, see:

Note for Ubuntu users

The "universe" repository needs to be enabled. See:

Update package list

Update the list of available packages:

sudo apt-get update

Install Blink

sudo apt-get install blink

Manual Installation

Retrieve and unpack the tar archive from:

Install the runtime dependencies:

 * python (2.7)
 * python-application (>= 2.0.0)
 * python-cjson
 * python-eventlib
 * python-qt5 (>= 5.0)
 * python-twisted-core
 * python-sipsimple (>= 3.0.0)
 * python-zope.interface

After installing the above dependencies, install Blink system wide using:

python build_ext
sudo python install

Creating Debian Packages

Install the building dependencies:

 * debhelper (>= 7)
 * python-all (>= 2.7, not 3)
 * python-qt5 (>= 5.0)
 * python-support
 * build-essential
 * python-all-dev
 * devscripts
 * libvncserver-dev (or libvncserver-devel)

Create a clean distribution file:

python sdist

Go to the ./dist directory and untar the file created at the step above.

Go to the newly created directory and type:


The .deb and related files are built in the upper directory.

Installation on Microsoft Windows

Step 1. Install dependencies

* Install PyQt4: pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-python2-pyqt5

NOTE: at the time of this writing binary packages weren't available due to some work
in progress, they can alternatively be built manually.

Step 1.1. Install libvncclient

The MSYS2 project does not provide a package for libvncclient, and since our
needs are pretty specific, we provide the source to build a package which just
install the client side VNC libraries.

* Install dependencies: patch
* Get the package code: darcs get
* Enter the directory and build+instal the package: cd mingw-w64-libvncclient && makepkg-mingw -cifL --nocheck --nosign
* In case the above command fails with an error run it again

Step 2. Build and run Blink

if [ -d blink-qt ]; then
        cd blink-qt
        darcs pull -a
        darcs get --set-scripts-executable
        cd blink-qt